"Goofy? Mr. Shen, your boyfriend's name is Gao Fei? "

Mu Tianya was stunned again, and her pretty eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Seeing that Gao Fei was replaced by Peng Yuanhang, Shen Yinbing was ashamed and angry when he thought that he wanted to introduce him to Mu Tianya. Mu Tianya also praised that he and Peng Yuanhang were made in heaven.

Shyly, she even guarded Mr. Mu and made a mistake about her boyfriend.

Angry is, angry fly quietly disappear, Peng Yuanhang is thick skinned silent, stand there to accept Mu Tianya blessing.

Ashamed and angry, Shen Yinbing didn't notice that Mu Tianya's expression changed when he heard the name of Gao Fei. He just nodded his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. mu, I made you laugh. My boyfriend's name is Gao Fei. This Mr. Peng Yuanhang is just an ordinary friend of mine. "

When Shen Yinbing said these words, Mu Tianya's face had returned to normal. He said with a shy smile: "Mr. Shen, I'm the one who should say sorry. I really don't know that Mr. Peng was just your friend. I'm a little confused. Ha ha, I'm sorry."

"No, it's just a misunderstanding."

Shen Yinbing shook his head awkwardly. He never looked at Peng Yuanhang again. He looked around for Gao Fei's shadow: where are you dead, rascal!?

After guarding Mu Tianya and being shamed by Shen Yinbing, Peng Yuanhang still has a look of shame in his eyes.

However, Mr. Peng is a gentleman with higher education after all. Even though he is a little dark behind his back, he always keeps a gentle demeanor in front of others: "ha ha, it's my fault to say that. It's me who stood in Xiaobing's boyfriend's position without authorization, which makes Mr. Mu misunderstand. Well, it's harmless. Mr. mu, Xiao Bing, are you interested in visiting hall 2? "

Seeing that Shen Yinbing was embarrassed, Mu Tianya changed the topic and asked with a smile, "Oh, Mr. Peng, is there still hall 2 here? Why didn't I see it?"

Peng Yuanhang explained: "hall 2 is the entertainment hall specially opened by Cinderella club. There are some pleasant games in it. If Mr. Mu is interested, I can show you around."

"Well, since Mr. Peng is cordially invited to Mr. Shen, how about going to visit him?"

Mu Tianya seems to invite Shen Yinbing casually to go to hall 2.

This stinky high flying, dead high flying, you dare not listen to my orders to slip away alone, put me in an embarrassing situation, see how I will deal with you, hum!

What Shen Yinbing wants to do now is to find Gao Fei and stomp the guy's feet with her high heels to cripple him!

However, since Mu Tianya invited him, Shen Yinbing just put down his resentment and said with a strong smile, "OK, Mr. mu, let's go and visit together."

Mu Tianya raised his hand and covered his mouth with a smile: "Mr. Peng, please lead the way."

Seeing that Mu Tianya's smile is so amorous, Peng Yuanhang said, "OK, OK, Mr. mu, please follow me."

Thanks for what you said to me this afternoon. I don't want to marry you, but when you see other beautiful women, they are just like those old and new smelly hooligans? There is no good man in the world!

Shen Yinbing coldly looks at Peng Yuanhang, who stoops to make a gesture of invitation. He is even more angry in his heart. He almost says "I'm not going any more." but in the end, he still keeps up his spirit and follows them to the northwest corner.

Although Mr. Shen is arrogant and looks down on Peng Yuanhang, he also has a girl's innate love for vanity. After seeing Peng Yuanhang's hospitality to Mu Tianya, he is still very uncomfortable.

Cinderella's Hall No.2 is just a wall away from the hall. If you go through a humble door, you can be in it.

Compared with the hall outside, the area of hall 2 is more than half smaller, but the number of people is no less than that outside, which is very busy.

In the hall of hundreds of square meters, there are about 20 tables. In front of each table, there are a circle of people. You can hear "bet, bet!" It's a cry.

It turns out that hall 2 is a "legal" casino.

In fact, in most clubs, there are bridge rooms for those rich people to spend money here.

However, as Peng Yuanhang said, these are just entertainment items.

This further demonstrates a truth: the same thing has different two sides.

Mud legs together to play cards to win money, even if only a few hundred dollars, it is also called gambling.

Successful people in high-level occasions, a can output tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, this is just leisure and entertainment.

This is society.

Shen Yinbing saw this kind of public occasion for the first time. She was a little curious and forgot to hate someone for the time being. She looked at a female lotus official who was rolling dice and was very interested.

This female lotus official, who is also in her twenties and twenties, is very beautiful. She wears a white shirt and black suspenders with her long hair dyed gold behind her head. She is flying around with a white porcelain cup in front of her chest. She is skillful and highly ornamental.

The people around the table began to bet.

He Guan, who was rolling dice at a high speed, saw that there was no more bet. When he snapped down the dice cup, the people around him began to shout: "666, full of popularity - small, one, two, three!"

Then, as he Guan raised his dice cup, some cheered and yelled, others were depressed and scolded.

Shen Yinbing watched it with relish, but mu Tianya looked as usual, and even introduced it to her: "shaker is the simplest way to play, you just need to bet the size. Mr. Shen, there's nothing left or right. Have a good time? "

Eyes staring at a man who won the money, Shen Yinbing looks with obvious eagerness: "I, I can't play."

Shen Yinbing doesn't mean that she envies that person for winning money. In fact, money is just a piece of cake for a rich woman like her.

She was interested because she wanted to taste the joy of winning.

"Ha ha, what's the point? It's very simple. Just bet on the size before the dice cup is buckled. Those who have played nine are big, and those less than or equal to nine are small. "

Peng Yuanhang came over at this time. Without waiting for Shen Yinbing to say anything, he pointed to a yellow haired young man not far behind him: "Mike, bring a set of chips to each of these two ladies."

After seeing Mr. Peng come to hall 2, Mike has been waiting behind him. When he heard the order, he immediately brought two sets of chips.

"Ha ha, please Mr. Peng. No matter win or lose, I'll settle the bill immediately after it's over."

Mu Tianya took over the set of chips, looked at the numbers above, but walked to the next table playing "Blackjack": "Mr. Shen, I prefer to play blackjack. I'll see you later to see who wins more."

Shen Yinbing hesitated: "I'll play alone - otherwise, I won't play."

"No, it's just a game. What's more, with Mr. Peng guiding you, you must have earned money or not. "

Mu Tianya takes a deep look at Peng Yuanhang and goes to the table over there.

Holding a pile of chips in his hand, Shen Yinbing glanced at Peng Yuanhang and said nothing. He got to the table and put all the chips in his hand on the big characters before he dropped the cup.

Shen Yinbing doesn't know at all. Although she has only 30 chips, if it is converted into RMB, it will be more than 100000 yuan.

Although many of them are big spenders on the scene, they are not professional casinos after all. Few of them have bet more than 10000 yuan at a time, let alone more than 100000 yuan?

Of course, there are also those who are bold and generous, but they don't bet on the size. Instead, they have a special box to play with flush and 21 o'clock.

So, after seeing Shen Yinbing bet more than 100000 yuan, he Guan's eyes flashed a look of surprise. When he was about to play before the dice cup fell off the table, he saw Peng Yuanhang shaking his head slightly.

PA of, die cup take away, the lotus official low drinks a: "11 o'clock, bet big win!"


Some people nearby screamed, looking at Shen Yinbing's eyes, with the envy of chiguoguo, plus jealousy: this beauty's luck is also too good, right?

Shen Yinbing is also very excited: I won so many chips in a small test

Inspired by this, Shen Yinbing has put all her chips on the big word again.

"Ten o'clock! The big bet wins

"At 13 o'clock, the big bet wins!"

With the official's murmur, general manager Shen, who always bet big, became more and more excited. With a flick of his hair, the king of gamblers was full of style. He had the momentum to win the whole club in a flash. For the fifth time, he pushed all the chips to the big words: "bet big!"

Shen Yinbing just finished, but Peng Yuanhang pulled her arm: "Xiaobing, are you too risky?"

Shen Yinbing turned his head and opened a pair of innocent big eyes: "how is the risk?"

Peng Yuanhang asked in a low voice, "I'll ask you first. Do you know how much the dice in your hand are converted into cash?"

Shen shrugged: "how many can there be?"

Peng Yuanhang roughly calculated: "about three million."


Shen Yinbing was bluffed and said: "you say these, there are about three million?"

Peng Yuanhang said: "yes, the total number of chips I gave you was 128000. After you won the first time, not counting the chips on the table, the club alone had to give you the same number, which was 300000. The second time you put all the three hundred thousand on the table, that's at least 600000. The third time, it's 1.2 million. Hehe, you have nearly three million chips in your hand now. I advise you to take it as soon as it's good. "

"Or take it --"

Although Shen Yinbing is a rich woman of hundreds of millions, the richer she is, the more calculating she is. When she heard that she had won three million yuan by accident, she was shocked and thought of putting the money in her pocket first.

But before she finished speaking, the dice cup on the other side of the lotus official fell down and drank: "one, two, three! The small one wins

After a crash, the Dutch official circled Shen Yinbing's pile of chips back.

Shit! Three hundred thousand in case, it's gone!?

Shen Yinbing looked at the chips with disbelief on her face. Her innocent eyes blinked, and she scolded a dirty word in her heart. Then she became arrogant: "Peng Yuanhang, go and get me the chips again, I don't believe it, so I lost!"

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