Butcher wants to see Zhou Xinming!

At this time, neither ye Xiao nor Zhou Xinming has a choice, or even a bargaining chance.

Zhang Xueyao is in the butcher's hand. Ye Xiao can't watch the butcher abuse Zhang Xueyao!

So is Zhou Xinming.

And the butcher just valued this, Zhang Xueyao is Ye Xiao's weakness.

Zhou Xinming put down the phone, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao!

"Gone!" Zhou Xinming said.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Xiao said.

"What for?"

"Wear body armor!" Ye Xiao said, "you must wear bulletproof clothes!"

"Does it work?"

"At least for you!" Ye Xiao said, "if you don't wear bulletproof clothes, I won't let you in."

"And you?"

"The butcher won't hit me!" Ye Xiao said lightly, "he will kill me, but it's definitely not as simple as shooting. The bullet proof vest is useless to me!"

Zhou Xinming hesitated a little and nodded!

She wore a bulletproof jacket and a coat, and walked into the villa with Ye Xiao.

Villa is very quiet, the hall on the first floor, quiet!

When ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming came in, they heard the butcher's voice coming from the second floor, "I'm waiting for you, death. Your house is really good. The surveillance will see it clearly!"

Ye Xiao doesn't know who the butcher kidnapped. He worries that Yu Xiaoyu is also kidnapped by the butcher. Ye Xiao looked at Zhou Xinming and reminded him in a low voice, "you follow me. Don't go in rashly. Everything should be under my command!"

Zhou Xinming bit her lip slightly and nodded her head.

Ye Xiao approached the stairs very carefully.

The butcher is very cunning. Ye Xiao has to be careful. The butcher wants to kill Ye Xiao very much. Ye Xiao is not sure whether the butcher will take advantage of Ye Xiao when he goes upstairs. Ye Xiao must be very careful with a cunning opponent like the butcher!

He went up the stairs!

One step, two steps!

Ye Xiao has been to the second floor, just when he arrived at the second floor, the butcher's proud laughter has spread, "God of death, I didn't expect you to be so timid. Don't worry, I won't attack you. There's no need for that!"

"I don't trust you." Ye Xiao said.

The butcher was laughing again!

Zhou Xinming follows Ye Xiao, and they come to the living room on the second floor! Just as they got to the living room, they heard the butcher say with a smile, "Welcome

Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming see Zhang Xueyao tied to the chair by the butcher!

Zhang Xueyao's hands and feet were tied to a chair in the middle of the living room.

At the moment, Zhang Xueyao has tape on her mouth, which makes her speechless.

In addition to these, Zhang Xueyao did not show any signs of injury. However, at the moment, Zhang Xueyao's face is a little pale. Obviously, Zhang Xueyao is a little alarmed.

"Butcher, I'm here. Can you let her go?" Ye Xiao said.

The butcher stood behind Zhang Xueyao, holding a pistol in his hand.

The butcher laughed, "death, don't worry. We have plenty of time to chat this evening. Please sit down!"

When the butcher said this, a sneer appeared on Ye Xiao's face!

"Chat? I don't have the patience Ye Xiao said coldly, "butcher, what do you want to do?"

"Kill you!"

The butcher is direct, too.

"I'm here, of course you can kill me, but only if you let Xueyao and Xinming leave, otherwise, I won't give you the chance to kill me." Ye Xiao said.

"Ha ha... Death, you are so funny!" When the butcher heard Ye Xiao's words, his right hand suddenly raised the pistol and aimed at Zhang Xueyao's head. "Now she's in my hand. You can choose whether you want her life or your own..."

"What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very clear, I want to see, in your heart, is she important, or you important." The butcher sneered and said, "it's a very interesting game, isn't it? What a touching thing it is that the God of death, who once made people afraid, is willing to take risks for a woman. If you can sacrifice your life for your fiancee, it will be even more touching. You can choose... "

When the butcher said this, Zhang Xueyao's eyes widened.

When she heard the butcher's words, Zhang Xueyao shook her head. She wanted to Tell ye Xiao that she didn't want Ye Xiao to sacrifice for her!

Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xueyao and the butcher!

"If you let them go, I'll give you my life!"

When ye Xiao's words came out, Zhou Xinming had already said, "no, you can't do it. I won't agree."

"Oh, officer Zhou, I almost forgot you?" The butcher burst into laughter. "I forgot something more wonderful!"

When the butcher said this, he suddenly tore the seal off Zhang Xueyao's mouth!

At the moment when the butcher tore it off, Zhang Xueyao had yelled at Ye Xiao, "I don't need you to save me, you go quickly, he wants to kill you!"

"It's moving..."

The butcher burst out laughing!

Just as he was laughing, Zhang Xueyao suddenly spat on the butcher!

"Kill me if you can..." Cried Zhang Xueyao.

Zhang Xueyao's words frighten Ye Xiao to death. Ye Xiao knows that the butcher is a murderer. Once the butcher is enraged, he will shoot Zhang Xueyao.

Ye Xiao opened his mouth. When he was about to speak, he did not expect that the butcher would laugh. "Why did I kill you? I have a very interesting thing to tell you!"

Zhang Xueyao looked directly at the butcher, "what do you want to do?"

"Just something interesting to tell you...!" The butcher said and looked at Ye Xiao, "God of death, didn't you tell your fiancee about you and officer Zhou?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xueyao asked in a hurry.

"You don't seem to know." The butcher said with a smile, "it's more interesting. I'll tell you that your future husband and officer Zhou are lovers. They've had sex!"

"Butcher, you talk nonsense!" Ye Xiao roared at that time.

As soon as Zhou Xinming frowned, he was about to rush over, but the butcher had raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed at Zhou Xinming's head!

"Officer Zhou, don't force me to shoot you. I don't want to kill you now. If you force me to shoot you, I don't mind killing you first!" The butcher's eyes looked at Zhou Xinming, "please throw away the gun in your hand. I don't want someone to shake the gun in front of me!"

Zhou Xinming glared at the butcher. She threw the gun out!

"Ye Xiao, what's the matter?" Zhang Xueyao looks at Ye Xiao!

"It's the butcher's bullshit." Ye Xiao said, "I have no such relationship with Xinming."

"At this time, I still deny it!" The butcher laughed. "Originally, I wanted to play a game with you, but now, you let me down!" The butcher suddenly raised his hand and shot Zhou Xinming in the stomach!


The gun went off!

Zhou Xinming fell to the ground!

"Xinming...!" Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao called out at the same time.

Ye Xiao is about to pounce on Zhou Xinming, but the butcher's muzzle is immediately on Zhang Xueyao's head, "death, you now make a choice, they two, which one do you want to live? I'll get rid of the other one for you! "

"You bastard..."

"Death, isn't it interesting?" Butcher's muzzle to Zhang Xueyao's forehead, "I let you choose, I count three, if by then, you have no choice, then I'll shoot her first!"

"One, two...!"

Zhang Xueyao's eyes closed tightly!

Ye Xiao's lips clenched, his eyes swept Zhou Xinming, and looked at Zhang Xueyao!

This time, he had no choice.

Ye Xiao bit his lips, and suddenly he said, "butcher, I'll change them..."

With these words, ye Xiao took two steps in front of the butcher and opened his hands.

In such a close distance, ye Xiao will surely die.

There is a smile on the butcher's face!

In the butcher's opinion, ye Xiao is finally dead this time.

His goal is not Zhang Xueyao, but to use Zhang Xueyao to kill Ye Xiao. In fact, the butcher had never thought of killing Zhang Xueyao. He also wants to use Zhang Xueyao to leave here.

The reason why he played these games was to let Ye Xiao die.

Now, he has finally achieved his goal!

When ye Xiao opens both hands, the butcher's muzzle leaves Zhang Xueyao's head. He raises his muzzle to kill Ye Xiao.

"Don't... Husband, don't..." Zhang Xueyao yelled hard.

Her tears came out.


The gunfire broke out.

At the moment of the gunshot, Zhang Xueyao screamed.

She thought the butcher shot.

But I didn't expect that the gun in the butcher's hand fell to the ground.


Another shot!

The shooter was Zhou Xinming. She only saw Zhou Xinming lying on the ground with a gun in her right hand. It was Zhou Xinming who fired the two shots just now. One shot hit the butcher in the shoulder and the other shot was empty.

Butcher a low body, left hand already flew out a dagger!

Zhou Xinming didn't have time to react. The dagger was on the back of her hand.

Zhou Xinming's gun fell to the ground.

The butcher is about to take his gun, but ye Xiao has come over and put the butcher on the ground.

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