Ye Xiao threw the butcher on the ground!

He has been waiting for this opportunity. The reason why he opened his hands just now is that he saw Zhou Xinming wink at him.

The butcher just fired a shot on Zhou Xinming's bulletproof vest!

Zhou Xinming fell to the ground, making the butcher think that Zhou Xinming had lost his fighting power.

As a result, when the butcher was ready to shoot Ye Xiao, Zhou Xinming shot and injured the butcher.

Ye Xiao and the butcher roll together!


Ye Xiao punched the butcher in the face.

"You son of a bitch, you dare to provoke me and touch my woman. You are really looking for death." Ye Xiao hit the butcher's nose askew at that time.

The butcher has been shot!

Now his shoulder is still bleeding. If it's someone else, maybe the butcher can deal with it with one hand, but the butcher is facing Ye Xiao. Don't say the butcher is injured. Even if the butcher is not injured, he can't beat Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao swung his fist again and beat it hard!


The blow broke the butcher's jaw, and the butcher opened his mouth and spat out blood.

However, the butcher is an experienced old mercenary. Although he was seriously injured, he still struggled to roll, trying to get rid of Ye Xiao.

"You are not honest yet..." Ye Xiao's hand suddenly grasped the butcher's left hand, and his knee hit the butcher's left arm hard!

I heard a click!

The butcher's left arm was completely broken by Ye Xiao.

The butcher let out a scream. His right arm was injured and couldn't move. His left arm was broken by Ye Xiao. No matter how fierce the butcher is, he has no resistance.

Ye Xiao's hands swung away!

Bang, bang, Bang!

The butcher was beaten so hard by Ye Xiao that he couldn't recognize the human form! Before ye Xiao can get rid of his hatred, his right hand suddenly clasps the butcher's neck, and he plans to break the butcher's neck. But Zhou Xinming suddenly shouts, "stop..."

Zhou Xinming is a policeman. Seeing that the butcher has lost his fighting power, she doesn't want Ye Xiao to kill him.

But when she said this, it was too late. With a click, ye Xiao had broken the butcher's neck.

Ye Xiao let go, and the butcher's head drooped.

Ye Xiao stands up, goes to Zhang Xueyao and unties all the ropes on her.

"Xueyao, there's nothing more..." As soon as ye Xiao's words came out, Zhang Xueyao suddenly raised her feet and stepped on Ye Xiao's feet!

"Ouch, it hurts!" Ye Xiao said.

"Liar, we'll settle later!" Zhang Xueyao finished this sentence and ran to Zhou Xinming in a hurry, "Xinming, what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK, just a little hurt, not very serious." Zhou Xinming's hand accidentally touched her stomach and frowned. "I didn't expect that wearing a bulletproof jacket would still hurt like this. If I hadn't listened to Ye Xiao and worn a bulletproof jacket, I would be finished today!"

At this time, Zhang Xueyao didn't want to say anything. She suddenly hugged Zhou Xinming and began to cry.

In the hospital, Zhou Xinming is lying on the bed for transfusion!

Her right hand is injured and needs to be treated well in the hospital.

Zhang Xueyao is beside Zhou Xinming's bed, talking to Zhou Xinming.

Ye Xiao stood alone outside the ward with a cigarette in his hand. Ye Xiao looks at Zhou Xinming's ward from time to time, and his expression is particularly uneasy.

Seeing Zhang Xueyao's face, ye Xiao's heart clapped.

"It's over. Xueyao must know about me and Xinming. What should I do?" Ye Xiao is walking back and forth in the corridor. He hates the butcher! The butcher was so hateful that he told the story between him and Zhou Xinming.

Although he and Zhou Xinming did not have sex, the relationship between them is really ambiguous. Ye Xiao does not deny this.

Suddenly, Zhang Xueyao came out of the ward.

Ye Xiao quickly threw his cigarette on the ground, "wife..."

Zhang Xueyao stops. A layer of frost appears on her beautiful face. Her dark eyes have no feelings. She just looks up at Ye Xiao.

"Wife, it's all the butcher's bullshit. I...!"

Before ye Xiao's words were finished, Zhang Xueyao suddenly raised her hand and punched Ye Xiao hard in the eye.


Ye Xiao's eye was hit by Zhang Xueyao.

Zhang Xueyao clenched her lips. "Asshole, I'm very tired today. I'll settle with you tomorrow. I'll consider whether to break up with you or not."

Zhang Xueyao said this and turned to go!

"Xueyao...!" Ye Xiao's hand covers his eyes and shouts Zhang Xueyao.

But Zhang Xueyao doesn't pay attention to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao just watches Zhang Xueyao leave the hospital.

In the ward, Zhou Xinming, holding a mobile phone, is looking at the photo taken by her and Zhang Xueyao.

Ye Xiao came in with his eyes covered.

Zhou Xinming saw Ye Xiao's appearance, her brow slightly wrinkled, "is snow Yao hit?"

"Yes, Xueyao is so heavy. I think I'll be black eyed tomorrow." He sat by Zhou Xinming's bed, "what did you say to Xueyao?"

"It's all said." Zhou Xinming seemed to release all the pressure and let out a long breath, "I told Xueyao everything about you and my feelings for you!"

"It's over. Xueyao will kill me." Ye Xiao said.


Zhou Xinming burst out laughing.

"Xinming, at this time, you still laugh!" Ye Xiao covered his eyes, "do you think Xueyao has that abnormal psychology?"

"For example?"

"It's just... It's just... It's just... It's about men." Ye Xiao said, the other hand on the crotch!

"Castration? It's possible. Xueyao once told me that. " Zhou Xinming said.

"It's over!" Ye Xiao said in panic.


Zhou Xinming laughed, "you don't have to worry. Since Xueyao beat you, it proves that Xueyao will give you a chance, just like she forgives me."

"Forgive you?"

"Yes." Zhou Xinming showed a bright smile on her face. "I always had a burden in my heart. I feel sorry for Xueyao. Now it's much easier to say everything. There's no need to hide it from Xueyao. This kind of feeling is good. In a word, Xueyao and I are still good friends!"

"What about me?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Think of your own way..." Zhou Xinming looked at Ye Xiao, "in fact, I have a way to help you."

"Really?" Ye Xiao was excited when he heard Zhou Xinming's words. He put his face close to Zhou Xinming and asked, "what can I do?"

"It's just... It's just that you have to suffer. Don't you mind?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"Lose? It doesn't matter at all. As long as you can make up with Xueyao, no matter how much you suffer, it's OK. " Ye Xiao said, "tell me, what shall I do?"

"Then I'm relieved." Zhou Xinming said.


Zhou Xinming suddenly hit Ye Xiao's eye with a fist.

"What for?" Ye Xiao's hands covered his eyes and cried out.

"That's the way. If your two eyes are swollen, it must be miserable. I believe Xueyao will forgive you after seeing it." Zhou Xinming said, "Xueyao has always been a soft hearted girl."


The next morning, Fang Jiayi and Fang Tianyu came to Ye Xiao's ward.

They came to see ye Xiao.

Last night, if it wasn't for ye Xiao, Fang Jiayi and Fang Tianyu would not have left the International Hotel safely. In a sense, ye Xiao saved them! Fang Jiayi is a woman who doesn't want to owe others kindness. She came to pay Ye Xiao this time.

"Brother, my sister came to see you specially." Fang Tianyu went into the ward first. He saw Ye Xiao lying on his side with his back to the door of the room. Fang Tianyu put the things he was holding on the table, "these fruits are my elder sister's own choice, brother. There are few people who can enjoy this kind of treatment!"

"Thank you Ye Xiao just said this.

He didn't mean to turn around.

Fang Jiayi came in, "Tianyu, give him something!"

"Good!" Fang Tianyu took out a card from his body. "Brother, there are five million in this bank card. It's my elder sister. Thank you for helping us yesterday. Oh, there is also a VIP card of our Fang family. You have this card..."

Fang Tianyu has not finished, ye Xiao has interrupted him, "Tianyu, you put things down, and then go with your elder sister, I don't have time to chat with you today, another day!"

Before Fang Tianyu could speak, Fang Jiayi had already said, "Ye Xiao, I know you don't like me very much, but how to say, we are all friends. Today I just came to express my thanks. You don't have to do this to me. Do you hate Fang Jiayi so much that you don't even want to talk to each other“

"Fang Jiayi, you misunderstood!"

"Then why do you keep your face sideways?" Fang Jiayi said.

"It's hard to say Ye Xiao said.

"What do you mean?" Fang Jiayi said.

"Well, it's a long story. If you want to see me, you have to promise me a request!" Ye Xiao said.

"What requirements?"

"Don't laugh when you see me!" Ye Xiao said.

"Good!" Fang Jiayi agreed.

Ye Xiao finally turned around. When Fang Jiayi and Fang Tianyu saw Ye Xiao's face, they all widened their eyes and saw that ye Xiao's eyes were like panda's eyes!


Fang Jiayi couldn't hold back and started laughing.

"I knew it would be!" Ye Xiao says helplessly!

"Who are you beaten by?" Fang Jiayi forced herself to smile and asked.

"My wife!" Ye Xiao said.

"Oh, it's domestic violence!" Fang Jiayi said seriously.

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