Ye Xiao never thought that Zhang Xueyao's nose would be so sensitive that he could smell other women's perfume directly. Copy web address to http: / /% 77% 77% 77% 2E% 76% 6F% 64% 74% 77% 2E% 63% 6F% 6D

Ye Xiao is not sure that the perfume must be Wang Shuting's, of course, it may also be Fang Yuwen's.

You know, ye Xiao just met Fang Yuwen at the door of the restaurant. Fang Yu Wen and ye Xiao were very close. It was very likely that at that time, Fang Yu Wen touched the fragrance of perfume on Ye Xiao's body.

Of course, it's Wang Shuting's!

Ye Xiao and Wang Shuting also had body contact. Ye Xiao's heart was uneasy. He was thinking about what reason to put off. But he did not expect to hear Fang Jiayi's voice coming up at the moment. "That's my perfume!"

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao looked over and saw Fang Jiayi standing in front of them!

Zhang Xueyao doesn't like Fang Jiayi. When she heard Ye Xiao mention that Fang Jiayi also came to the restaurant, she already showed a disgusting expression, but Zhang Xueyao didn't see Fang Jiayi at that time. As long as she doesn't meet Fang Jiayi, it doesn't matter!

Zhang Xueyao's dislike of Fang Jiayi comes from ye Xiao. The last time she was in the hospital, Fang Jiayi mentioned that she fell in love with Ye Xiao. At that moment, Zhang Xueyao already hated Fang Jiayi!

It's an opponent. It's a rival!

Zhang Xueyao certainly won't admit that she hates Fang Jiayi because of Ye Xiao. How can we say that she is the vice president of Zhongtian Group, a high cold beauty!

She has self-esteem. All the time, Zhang Xueyao is the queen. In her eyes, men are all ordered by her!

But since she met Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao couldn't keep the momentum of the queen in front of Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao is a strange man. On the surface, ye Xiao is a very talkative man. He is also lustful. Especially for women, he likes to take advantage of others!

In Zhang Xueyao's eyes, men like Ye Xiao should not pay attention at all.

But Zhang Xueyao found that she did not know when she had fallen in love with this man!

Although she didn't admit it, she had already admitted it in her heart.

She will be inexplicably angry because of Ye Xiao, and often worried about ye Xiao, but Zhang Xueyao is not willing to admit it.

When Fang Jiayi appeared beside them, Zhang Xueyao could not help showing a disgusting expression at the corner of her mouth. Her face sank, and her dark eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao, "is what she said true?"

Ye Xiao's heart was full of bitterness. He never thought that Fang Jiayi would make trouble at this time!

"Wife, let me explain..." Before ye Xiao finished his sentence, she heard Fang Jiayi say with a smile, "Zhang Xueyao, are you too easy to cheat? I just say a word casually and you will believe it. I really don't understand how a simple minded woman like you can be the vice president of Zhongtian Group. It's hard to say that there is no one in your group?"

"Fang Jiayi, if you want to quarrel with me, please change the time and place. You don't care about reputation, but I still care about it!" Zhang Xueyao's eyes moved away from ye Xiao's face and turned to Fang Jiayi standing beside her. "I'm different from you. I don't have any bad reputation or gossip. As a woman, I always have to take these into consideration. Chairman Fang, do you think I'm right?"

"There's some truth in it!" When Fang Jiayi heard Zhang Xueyao's words, a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. "In fact, I'm not a very good person, but I don't care. Anyway, Fang Jiayi always does what she wants to do...!"

Fang Jiayi said to Ye Xiao suddenly, "I miss our wonderful time that day. If I can, I hope I can come with you again. I'm waiting for your call at any time..."

Fang Jiayi finished this sentence, turned around and left!

Ye Xiao was silly at that time. He didn't expect Fang Jiayi to say this. Isn't it to kill him?

His eyes looked at Zhang Xueyao, at this moment, ye Xiao saw Zhang Xueyao's face changed!

"Wife, you have to believe me. It's all fake. I really have nothing to do with her..." Ye Xiao saw Zhang Xueyao's face changed. He quickly explained, "she hurt me on purpose!"

"You give me a reason, why does she want to harm you?" Zhang Xueyao looks at Ye Xiao.

"Look at me... Look at me handsome, or... Hate because of love!" Ye Xiao said casually, "in a word, there are many reasons. Don't you women like caprice?"

As soon as ye Xiao said this, he felt a pain in his feet. Zhang Xueyao had already stepped on Ye Xiao's feet in high heels!

"Again, what do we women like to do?" Zhang Xueyao's dark eyes look at Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao said hastily, "nothing... Nothing!"

"Remember, don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Xueyao released her feet.

Ye Xiao quickly stretched out his hand and rubbed his feet. Just now Zhang Xueyao was a killer and used a lot of strength! As soon as ye Xiaogang raises his head, he sees Zhou Xinming coming this way in the skirt he sent.

Ye Xiao's eyes fall on Zhou Xinming. When he sees Wang Shuting wearing this skirt, the scene of Zhou Xinming wearing this skirt has already emerged in his mind!

Zhou Xinming has a hot figure. If she matches this skirt, Zhou Xinming will surely become the goddess of attention! Facts have proved that ye Xiao's eyes are right. When Zhou Xinming appears in this skirt, many men in the restaurant look at Zhou Xinming, which makes Zhou Xinming a little shy. Her cheeks are blushing. She goes to the seat in a hurry and sits down!

After Zhou Xinming sat down, without saying a word, she took the glass of water in front of her and drank it!

"Xinming, that's my cup!" Ye Xiao points to the cup in Zhou Xinming's hand, which is Ye Xiao's cup for drinking water. Although Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming are very familiar with each other, they still value their utensils when they eat out!

Ye Xiao doesn't matter, but Zhou Xinming is a girl. She uses Ye Xiao's Cup in front of Zhang Xueyao. This is abnormal!

"Ah... I didn't notice!" Zhou Xinming quickly put down the cup, her face blushed more!

Obviously, Zhou Xinming was embarrassed because she wore this skirt!

"How beautiful After Zhang Xueyao saw the skirt that Zhou Xinming was wearing, she repeatedly praised it!

After hearing Zhang Xueyao's praise, Zhou Xinming blushed and said in a low voice, "OK, Xueyao, don't satirize me!"

"Satirize you? No, I really feel good! " Zhang Xueyao said, "Xinming, you are the most beautiful woman here tonight. Look at how many men around you are looking at you... Even this guy is looking at you!"

Zhang Xueyao looks at Ye Xiao beside her and sees that ye Xiao's eyes are falling on Zhou Xinming. Zhou Xinming doesn't care what other men think of Zhou Xinming. However, when she sees Ye Xiao looking at her like this, Zhou Xinming feels even more shy. She shows the girl's shyness and says, "forget it, forget it, I'll change it back, It's uncomfortable to wear like this! "

"No, Xinming, your dress is so beautiful!" Ye Xiao said, "I'm fascinated. Tonight, you and Xueyao are the most beautiful women here, and I'm the happiest man here. Come on, I'll take a photo with you two beauties..."

Ye Xiao said, will sit in the middle of Zhang Xueyao and Zhou Xinming, but Zhang Xueyao is still angry, see ye Xiao to sit in the middle of her, Zhang Xueyao glared at Ye Xiao, not angry to say, "who let you sit here, honestly give me sit in their own position!"

"Xueyao, I...!" Before ye Xiao's words were finished, Zhang Xueyao had interrupted Ye Xiao's words, "what I said is very clear, you just sit in your seat!"

"All right!" Ye Xiao didn't dare to offend Zhang Xueyao, so he had to sit on the original seat honestly!

However, ye Xiao's hand is not honest. When Zhang Xueyao orders, ye Xiao's hand secretly stretches out from under the table and puts it on Zhang Xueyao's thigh!

That Xueyao is wearing a skirt. Ye Xiao's hand directly touches Zhang Xueyao's skin. Zhang Xueyao is still ordering food here. She's sorry to turn her face on the spot, but she doesn't want to stare at Ye Xiao!

That means to let Ye Xiao move his hand, but ye Xiao didn't move his hand, instead, he slipped to the inside of Zhang Xueyao's thigh!

At that moment, Zhang Xueyao's heart felt electrified!

She wants Ye Xiao to take her hand away, but she doesn't want to take it away so quickly. She has to pretend that she doesn't feel Ye Xiao's hand on her lap and continue to order!

Just as ye Xiao was ordering, four young people came into the dining room!

The two young people went to the restaurant and scanned their eyes. They seemed to be looking for seats, but their eyes fell on Fang Jiayi who was eating in the restaurant!

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