Ye Xiao is definitely the happiest man here tonight!

Zhang Xueyao and Zhou Xinming are both the most beautiful beauties in the restaurant, and many men's eyes fall on them. There is no man who doesn't like beautiful women, especially beautiful women like Zhang Xueyao and Zhou Xinming! If it wasn't for ye Xiao who was around them, many men would have come to chat up.

Because of this, ye Xiao can feel that there are many hostile eyes on him!

Of course, if you are not envied, what's the point of being a man!

What ye Xiao is not afraid of most is being envied and hated, which just shows that he is very happy!

Ye Xiao put her hand into Zhang Xueyao's lap. Zhang Xueyao just ordered the meal, as if she didn't notice that ye Xiao's big hand was sitting!

Ye Xiao feels that there is heat in his abdomen. Now he wants to move his hand to Zhang Xueyao's thigh. In that case, he will encounter Zhang Xueyao's taboo places. Usually, when ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao are intimate, Zhang Xueyao won't let Ye Xiao touch them.

But now, ye Xiao's hand is on the inside of Zhang Xueyao's thigh!

Ye Xiao's hand moved up, Zhang Xueyao did not have any reaction, but continued to look at the menu, as if Zhang Xueyao did not feel a hand is doing bad things!

Ye Xiao is not a fool. Of course, he knows that Zhang Xueyao did it on purpose.

"This is an opportunity..." Ye Xiao's heart had this sound, which encouraged Ye Xiao to move his hand to Zhang Xueyao's upper thigh again, "anyway, Zhang Xueyao won't have any idea, maybe Zhang Xueyao is waiting!"

But then there was another voice in Ye Xiao's heart, "you are a man. How can you do such dirty things? Zhang Xueyao trusts you, so she doesn't respond. It doesn't mean that she just likes you. If you don't do it well, she will hate you completely!"

There is a contradiction in Ye Xiao's heart!

Now Zhang Xueyao has ordered a meal. At this moment, ye Xiao's eyes suddenly fall on two men who are passing by him!

After the two young people came in, they did not pay attention to the waiters here, but went straight to the restaurant!

When they passed by Ye Xiao, ye Xiao's eyes fell on one of the young men.

I only saw the young man holding a pistol in his hand. The young man's hand was always in his arms.

If ye Xiao had not just passed by, he would not have seen the pistol in his hand!

"No..." Ye Xiaoxin is a move inside, he took back his hand!

These two young people pass by Ye Xiao, but they don't pay attention to Ye Xiao. Obviously, the target of these two young people is not ye Xiao or Zhang Xueyao.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xueyao saw Ye Xiao suddenly took back her hand. She was just relieved in her heart! You know, Zhang Xueyao was very nervous just now. She was really worried that ye Xiao would act recklessly. In that case, she didn't know whether to stop Ye Xiao.

Until ye Xiao took back her hand, Zhang Xueyao was relieved!

But as soon as she turned her face, she saw that ye Xiao's eyes were looking to the other side. Zhang Xueyao looked over and saw Fang Jiayi sitting in the restaurant! That's also because Fang Jiayi just stood up and let Zhang Xueyao see it.

Zhang Xueyao was angry about Fang Jiayi just now. As a result, when she saw Ye Xiao looking at Fang Jiayi, she thought Ye Xiao was looking at Fang Jiayi. At that time, she was already angry and asked angrily!

"Don't talk...!" Ye Xiao has also seen Fang Jiayi. Just now, he was still thinking about the target of the two young people. As a result, he saw Fang Jiayi standing up. At that moment, ye Xiao can be sure that the target of the two young people is Fang Jiayi!

He saw that the right hand of the young man had pulled out the gun. Ye Xiao knew that he had to do it now. If he stopped the two young men after they shot, it would be too late!

He had to do it before the two young men had taken out their guns completely!

"Xinming, protect Xueyao...!" When ye Xiao stands up, he shouts at Zhou Xinming!

As soon as Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, she instinctively pressed Zhang Xueyao's shoulder. This is Zhou Xinming's subconscious reaction. As a policeman, when in danger, Zhou Xinming would look for a hidden place!

Although Zhou Xinming didn't know what happened, she knew that something had happened as soon as she heard Ye Xiao's words!

At the moment, ye Xiao had stood up, reached out, picked up the cup on the table, and hit the young man's head!


Ye Xiao hit the young man's head at once!

This young man has not been able to react, his goal is Fang Jiayi's whole family! Seeing the three people of Fang family in front of him, he wanted to take out the pistol and shoot. But he didn't expect that when he just took out the pistol, the back of his head had been smashed!

With a clank, the pistol in his hand fell to the ground.

Fang Jiayi is not an ordinary person. When she heard Ye Xiao yelling, she knew something was wrong. As a result, she saw two young people rushing towards them! From the gesture of the two young men's hands, it is obvious that they are already drawing guns!

"Tianyu, there are enemies..." Fang Jiayi shouts. She has reached for the dish in front of her and smashed it at another young man!

Ye Xiao knocked the gun out of one of the young men's hands on the ground, and the other young man had pulled out the gun at the moment. However, before the young man had fired, the dish Fang Jiayi threw had already flew over and hit the young man's hand!

Although Fang Jiayi's injury is not completely good, but it does not affect Fang Jiayi shot! Her skill is very good, even Fang Tianyu is not necessarily Fang Jiayi's opponent!

Fang Jiayi hit the gun in the young man's hand on the ground at that time!

In the crackling sound, Fang Tianyu has also jumped out. His target is the young man who was knocked down by Fang Jiayi.


Fang Tianyu rushed up and kicked the young man down!

As a result, when the young man fell to the ground, he knocked down the chair behind him, and the dishes and cups on the table hit the ground, crackling!

Ye Xiao has come. The young man who was hit in the head by Ye Xiao just now feels bad. He is about to get up and run away, but ye Xiao blocks the young man's way. With a smile on his face, ye Xiao says faintly, "what's the matter? Do you want to leave and have a good chat with me? "

Ye Xiao's mouth says like this, he has already made a move!

A kick in the past, has been kicked to the young man's crotch!

Ye Xiao's foot was full of strength. He kicked the young man in the crotch, and at that time he kicked the young man to death!

"What rubbish...!" Ye Xiao was obviously very dissatisfied. He didn't expect that the young man would be so useless. He just kicked the young man to the ground!

At the moment, Fang Tianyu has subdued another young man. Fang Tianyu's hand is also very heavy. He directly hit the boy on the ground and didn't move. Then Fang Tianyu stood up. His eyes looked at Ye Xiao and said, "thank you, brother!"

"Little things!" Ye Xiao said lightly.

His eyes looked at Fang Jiayi, the corners of his mouth slightly turned, "as long as your sister doesn't cause me any trouble!" With these words, ye Xiao turned to leave, but at this moment, he heard Fang Jiayi say, "stop!"

"What for?" Ye Xiao is stunned. He turns around and sees Fang Jiayi coming.

Ye Xiao doesn't know what Fang Jiayi is going to do. He just sees Fang Jiayi come over. Ye Xiao's eyes are looking at Fang Jiayi. He just opens his mouth and wants to know what Fang Jiayi is going to do. However, he sees Fang Jiayi come in front of Ye Xiao, suddenly reaches out her hand, embraces Ye Xiao's neck, and kisses Ye Xiao in public!

All of a sudden, this can make the people present dumbfounded!

Especially Zhang Xueyao, she saw Fang Jiayi kiss Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao's face became particularly ugly, she clenched her lips, if not for Zhou Xinming to persuade Zhang Xueyao, Zhang Xueyao would be angry!

"This asshole, don't want to go home tonight...!" Zhang Xueyao was so angry that she stamped her foot and went to the door of the restaurant!

As for Fang Yuwen, she clenched her lips when she saw her sister kissing Ye Xiao like this. Fang Yuwen didn't say a word, just looked at Ye Xiao and Fang Jiayi! At the moment, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart!

After a kiss, Fang Jiayi's lips whispered in Ye Xiao's ear, "I think this evening will be a long night for you. If you are driven out of your house and have no place to go, you can come to my house... I will wait for you, the conditions remain unchanged, and... Me!"

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