Dragon five is easy to say!

In fact, the situation of Longwu is not as easy as he said. When he called, the people Longwu was carrying had been knocked down by the young people with machetes in their hands!

There are nine young people with machetes in their hands. Their goal is dragon five!

Long Wu finished the call, he was still sitting in the car, watching the young people in front of him after chopping over his driver and coming to his side!

"A bunch of death seekers..." A cruel smile appeared in the corner of Longwu's mouth!

He didn't care about these young people at all!

He was dragon five, a terrible man who let all the people on the road smell the wind and scatter their courage.

He has many legends!

However, after he left Zhonghai City, those new people no longer felt the horror of Longwu, so that those young people do not know what fear is!

Long Wuyi stretched out his hand and took down the chain from his waist!

This chain is the weapon of dragon five!

This chain is only about one meter long. The chain is linked by rings with thick fingers. It looks like it's just a very common chain, but for Dragon five, it's a deadly weapon!

He pulled out the chain, pushed the door open and got out of the car!

At the moment, those young people have been close to the Dragon five!

"You young people really don't know life or death. Don't you know what terror is just because I left Zhonghai city?" Dragon five's mouth appeared cruel smile!

"Don't listen to his nonsense, chop him to death...!" Those young people who are willing to listen to dragon five, holding a machete cut to dragon five!

Tonight is destined to be a restless night!

For Fang Jiayi, too many things happened tonight!

After receiving the phone call from Long Wu, Fang Jiayi put down the phone and looked at Fang Tianyu, "Tianyu, let's change the road!"

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Long Wu said that Li Ziyang might attack us...!" Just as Fang Jiayi said this, she saw a truck in front of her. The truck was directly in front of her!

"Miss...!" As soon as the driver saw the road condition, he just yelled. As a result, he heard a "bang". The back of the car was also hit by a van!

When the front of the car was crooked, the car directly hit the guardrail next to it!

The driver was hit with blood all over his head!

"Sure enough, I did..." Fang Jiayi sneered. Her eyes had already seen several young people jumping down from the car with machetes in their hands.

Obviously, the goal of these people is their whole family!

"Li Ziyang is really cruel this time, very good... In this way, I don't have to be merciful!" Fang Jiayi said coldly, "Tianyu, take the gun...!"

"I see!" Fang Tianyu said, has taken out the pistol from the body!

Usually, they put their guns on the car! This is also a safety measure. Fang Jiayi has many enemies. She should always be on guard. Otherwise, she may lose her life!

Gun is a necessary weapon, but in general, it will not be used!

In China, guns are strictly prohibited. Any case involving guns is a big one, and the police will investigate it strictly! Fang Jiayi, of course, knew that they would not shoot unless they had to.

But now is the last resort. Li Ziyang obviously wants their lives, and sends so many people all at once. If Fang Jiayi wants to live, they must shoot!

Fang Jiayi also bent down and took out two guns from under the seat, one of which was thrown to Fang Yuwen! All the people in Fang's family should be ready to shoot and kill at all times to prevent being killed!

It can be said that no one in the Fang family is easy to bully, including Fang Yuwen!

Although Fang Yuwen is very young, as a member of the Fang family, she has long learned to shoot! For Yuwen, the gun is the weapon to protect her life. She just wants to protect her life!


Fang Tianyu got out of the car and fired first!

After a shot, a young man came rushing with a machete and fell to the ground. There was a blood hole in the young man's chest!


The gun rang, and several young people were knocked down.

The rest of them stopped, and they didn't dare to rush up again. This is not for fun, Fang Jiayi, they have guns, and these people just have machetes in their hands. They have been killed before you rush over!

Fang Jiayi got out of the car with a gun in her hand!

"Li Ziyang, come out...!" Fang Jiayi yelled at those people, "I know you're here. Come out!"

No one said a word!

Fang Yuwen also got out of the car, she stood beside Fang Jiayi, "Li Ziyang, you roll out for me, you have the courage to kill us, do not have the courage to come out?" Fang Yuwen is obviously more angry!

All along, she and Li Ziyang are close, but I didn't expect Li Ziyang to kill them!

Finally, Li Ziyang's voice came from behind the crowd!

However, Li Ziyang still did not show up. He was not stupid. Fang Jiayi had a gun in her hand. If he showed up, he would probably die here!

"Fang Jiayi, if you want to blame me, it's because you don't trust me..." Li Ziyang said coldly, "you forced me to do this. I didn't want to kill you. I just want to be the person you trust most, but you called Longwu back. You made it clear that you want me to die!"

"I want you to die? A joke Fang Jiayi said coldly, "if I want you to die, you won't talk to me now. Don't think I don't know what you did at the beginning. I'll kill you by taking medicine on Yuwen."

"Put the medicine on me?" Fang Yuwen a Zheng, she looked at Fang Jiayi, "elder sister, how to return a responsibility?"

"Fang Yuwen, you still don't know!" Li Ziyang's cold laughter came over, "then I'll tell you that I did it the last time you were drugged. I just want to have a relationship with you and gain a firm foothold in your family. Who would have thought that ye Xiao's bastard broke my plan, but it doesn't matter. Ye Xiao's fool will die tonight...!"

"Li Ziyang, you bastard!" Fang Yuwen roared.

"Fang Yuwen, it's a pity that I killed you, but I have no way back now. If I let you live, you will not spare me!" Li Ziyang said coldly, "before the police come, I'll kill you first...!"


With Li Ziyang this sentence rang up!

Someone's already shot in the middle of the crowd.

It turns out that there are still shooters in the crowd. Li Ziyang is not stupid. He also knows that Fang Jiayi is not so easy to be killed. Fang Jiayi must have a gun! If you can chop Fang Jiayi to death at the beginning, you don't need to use a gun, but if you can't, you can use a gun!

You know, once the gun is used, it will quickly lead the police. As far as possible, he won't use the gun, but now it's obviously not. Fang Jiayi has used the gun. If Li Ziyang doesn't solve Fang Jiayi quickly, the police will come here!

As soon as the gunfire started, Fang Tianyu and Fang Jiayi were hiding on one side of the car. The truck behind hit Fang Jiayi's car on the guardrail. Fang Jiayi couldn't run away. Now, they just used the car body as a cover!

Anyway, those people dare not rush up!

Fang Jiayi's consideration is too simple. Although they have guns, Li Ziyang is not unprepared. He thought that this would happen long ago. Just as Fang Jiayi was hiding in the back of the car, a heavy truck came with a full load of sand!


The truck hit Fang Jiayi and their car!

Then the truck emptied all the sand out of the car.

Li Ziyang is to bury Fang Jiayi and others!

There are more than ten tons of sand on that truck. Even if Fang Jiayi and Fang Tianyu want to escape, it is not easy!

This is what Fang Jiayi didn't expect. She didn't expect Li Ziyang to play such a mean game. Even if Fang Jiayi had a gun in their hand, it was useless. The sand fell down and buried Fang Jiayi in an instant! The speed was amazing. There was no time for them to react at all. Their feet had been trapped by sand, and a lot of sand had been buried on them.

Behind the crowd, a sneer appeared on Li Ziyang's lips!

This is what Fang Jiayi asked for. In Li Ziyang's opinion, if Fang Jiayi was kind to him, he would not have done this. If it was strange, it would be Fang Jiayi's fault!

"Go to hell...!" Li Ziyang sneered.

The sand of that car fell down, even if Fang Jiayi and them tried their best to escape, they couldn't escape. Next to them was the guardrail. Fang Jiayi and them had no place to escape. Li Ziyang lit a cigarette and took a leisurely puff. He was not in a hurry. He wanted to enjoy the scene of Fang Jiayi being buried alive.

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