Li Ziyang is not in a hurry. He will slowly watch Fang Jiayi buried alive!

But at this moment, suddenly heard the sound of motorcycle!

Li Ziyang turned his head and looked around. He saw a motorcycle coming at a gallop!

On the motorcycle, it's Dragon five!

Dragon five didn't die!

When Li Ziyang saw the motorcycle, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but it was too late at this time, and Longwu rode the motorcycle and ran into it!


I heard the sound of motorcycle crash!

Li Ziyang's body flew out and landed far away.

At that time, Li Ziyang was knocked away.

Longwu's motorcycle didn't stop, but ran into the crowd!

In the middle of a scream, Long Wu jumped from the motorcycle. He waved the iron chain in his hand and said, "if you don't want to die, roll it all for me...!"

Dragon five roared!

Those people had been scared. They thought it would be easy, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

However, just as they were about to run, they suddenly heard the sound of a police car!

The police have come here. There was a gunfight here. After receiving the news, the police rushed here as soon as possible.

The men ran away when they saw the police coming!

Long Wu is in front of Fang Jiayi and others, and the three of them have been buried in the sand to the chest!

"How's it going?" Said Longwu.

"I can't die!" Fang Jiayi's eyes looked at Longwu, "you saved me this time, but you know..."

"You don't have to say much, I said, help you deal with things, I'll go!" Dragon five said, has begun to help Fang Jiayi out of the soil!

"What are you doing here? Hurry up!" Fang Jiayi said, "Zhou Xinming is looking for you. If you give her a chance, you will be locked in."

"I know." But I'm not afraid of her

"I won't let you touch her." Fang Jiayi said suddenly.

Long Wu's eyes looked at Fang Jiayi, "when did you make friends with the police?"

"I'm not her friend." "In fact, I don't like her either," Fang said

"Then I know." Long Wu lowered his head, did not look at Fang Jiayi, but forced Fang Jiayi out of the sand!


Fang Jiayi sat down on the sand.

Dragon five did not stop, continue to help Fang Tianyu and Fang Yuwen out of the sand.

"Dragon five, do you understand me?" Fang Jiayi asked.

"I said I know." Long Wu looked at the policemen who were running here. He said faintly, "because... Ye Xiao

"No!" Fang denied without hesitation.

But when Fang Jiayi denies it, she subconsciously turns her face to one side. She is worried about meeting Longwu's eyes. In that case, Fang Jiayi doesn't know how to hide her mind.

Ye Xiao accompanied Zhang Xueyao to the hospital!

After the inspection, Zhang Xueyao had nothing to do with it. In fact, Zhang Xueyao was not injured. Although Zhang Xueyao's car hit the guardrail, the air cushion of Zhang Xueyao's car protected Zhang Xueyao very well!

Ye Xiao is not at ease, just insist to take Zhang Xueyao to check. Now after confirming that Zhang Xueyao has nothing to do, ye Xiao is relieved!

"Xueyao, let's go back!" Ye Xiao said.

"Don't talk to me!" Zhang Xueyao is still angry. She deliberately walks in front of Ye Xiao and doesn't want to walk with him! Ye Xiao didn't expect that Zhang Xueyao was still angry. When he was at the door of the hospital just now, ye Xiao did have some disputes with Zhang Xueyao, but ye Xiao didn't care with Zhang Xueyao any more. He was no longer angry, but Zhang Xueyao was not like Ye Xiao!

Zhang Xueyao is still angry that ye Xiao has been kissed by Fang Jiayi. She deliberately ignores Ye Xiao and doesn't give him any good looks!

"Xueyao, how long has it been? Why are you still angry?" Ye Xiao said.

"Who said I was angry?" When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she hummed coldly, "I don't want to be angry with you. Is Zhang Xueyao such a woman? Who do you think you are? Hum...! "

Zhang Xueyao deliberately uses this sarcastic tone to talk with Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao also knows that Zhang Xueyao is angry. He doesn't have to worry about Zhang Xueyao!

At this time, Zhang Xueyao's phone suddenly rang.

As soon as Zhang Xueyao saw the phone number she called, a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "It's a handsome guy, ye Xiao. Don't think that I don't have a man to chase Zhang Xueyao. I tell you that there are men everywhere who want to ask me to have dinner. I just don't want to give them a chance, but it doesn't mean that I won't be attracted to handsome guys. It's just that some men are too bad, But this handsome guy is different...! "

"Who is it?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Song Haoyu!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Song Haoyu?" When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, he burst out laughing, "I said Xueyao, if you want to be angry with me, please name a normal person, what's song Haoyu... How does this name sound like a woman's name, it can't be a woman?"

"Guess!" When Zhang Xueyao finished saying this, she didn't bother to talk to Ye Xiao. Instead, she answered the phone, "brother Haoyu, what's the matter... I'm outside, and I didn't go home...!"

Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to Zhang Xueyao, anyway, ye Xiao recognized Zhang Xueyao is deliberately angry with him! There are many such scenes in TV dramas. Many times, when a woman is angry, once a phone call comes in, she will deliberately say something to stimulate the man! Such scenes have been seen in many TV dramas. Ye Xiaocai doesn't believe it!

He lit a cigarette, saw Zhang Xueyao on the phone, ye Xiao also took the phone out, he also called!

Zhang Xueyao took the phone in her hand and said, "brother Haoyu, when you come back, we'll eat alone... OK, we'll travel alone, just the two of us..." When Zhang Xueyao said this sentence, her voice was very loud, and her posture was clearly for ye Xiao to hear!

Ye Xiao here with a mobile phone, is to call Zhou Xinming.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhou Xinming's voice came, "what's the matter?"

"Xinming, Xueyao is still angry!" Ye Xiao said, "she deliberately pretended to answer a man's phone, is angry with me!"

"Oh Zhou Xinming answered, "you two are really, so stop it. What's so angry...!"

"I don't want to. It's Xueyao who is still angry. What does it have to do with me?" Ye Xiao appears very helpless appearance, "you didn't see snow Yao now appearance, in short, now snow Yao is a face of displeasure, I guess she now especially want to hit me!"

"That's what you did wrong yourself!" Zhou Xinming said, "I have something else to do. I won't talk to you. If you don't have something, I...!"

When Zhou Xinming said this, ye Xiao suddenly said, "by the way, Xueyao just made up a name, song Haoyu, and said that she wanted to eat and travel with that guy alone..."

"Who?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

"Song Haoyu!"

"Song Haoyu? How did he come back? " Zhou Xinming asked.

When ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, he was a bit silly. He thought that the so-called song Haoyu was made up by Zhang Xueyao to annoy him, but he didn't pay attention to it. Now when ye Xiao heard Zhou Xinming's words, he felt something bad. He quickly asked, "is there really song Haoyu?"

"Yes, of course!" Zhou Xinming said, "it should be someone who is familiar with Xueyao. Later, the whole family immigrated. However, Xueyao and song Haoyu have always been connected. It seems that song Haoyu is interested in Xueyao..."

"Damn it Ye Xiao didn't expect that there was song Haoyu. In this way, what Zhang Xueyao said is not a lie!

Ye Xiao hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Xueyao just hung up the phone. She walked to the door of the hospital!

"Stop..." Ye Xiao called.

"What for?" When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she stopped and looked at Ye Xiao, "what's the matter?"

"Who did you call just now?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Didn't I tell you? My brother Haoyu

"Damn, can't you stop yelling so disgusting!" When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, he said angrily, "Zhang Xueyao, are you a little disgusted?"

"I'm sick? Why am I sick? " Zhang Xueyao's eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao, her ruddy lips curled, deliberately sneered, "I'm not like some people, kissing other women in the restaurant, it's shameless at all!"

"I was forced to kiss!" Ye Xiao also looks at Zhang Xueyao, his eyes and Zhang Xueyao's eyes touch together, "but you just let me feel that you are looking forward to, but you want to travel alone with others, don't you feel ashamed, a woman with a fiance, but also travel alone with other men!"

"Who said you were my fiance?" Zhang Xueyao hummed coldly, "I didn't admit it. I just said that we could have a relationship, but now, I tell you, I want to break up with you!"

"Break up? Break up, break up, who's afraid! " Ye Xiao said.

"You... You go to die!" Zhang Xueyao suddenly pushed Ye Xiao hard and ran out of the hospital with her!

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