Ye Xiao didn't expect that the black man was still watching him!

He didn't pay attention to this guy before, but now it seems that the black man is a little strange!

Zhang Lishan also saw the black man. She pulled Ye Xiao's clothes with her hand and said, "maybe we've gone too far. After all, this is a plane. We should pay attention to the influence!"

"Sister Lishan, you think too much!" When ye Xiao heard Zhang Lishan's words, he shook his head slightly and said, "this guy's target is me. He has just paid attention to me and is still paying attention to me. I can't just let it go!"

Ye Xiao is about to ask, but Zhang Lishan holds Ye Xiao's hand and says, "have you forgotten that this is the plane? If you have a conflict with him, you may be taken off the plane and stay in Paris. We still have important things to do. You can't mess around! "

Zhang Lishan's hand is firmly holding Ye Xiao's hand, and she won't let Ye Xiao mess!

Zhang Lishan knows Ye Xiao's character. If it doesn't work well, ye Xiao will really start here. Now the key thing is the qualification of gem group's project bidding. She can't let Ye Xiao make trouble here!

After ye Xiao heard Zhang Lishan's words, he looked at the black man again! I found that the black man had turned his face to one side and didn't pay attention to him! Ye Xiao lips a curl, cold hum a way, "calculate this guy luck, I this time spared him!"

"That's right!" Zhang Lishan said.

When ye Xiao heard Zhang Lishan's words, he suddenly whispered, "sister Lishan, at least give me a reward... Come on, kiss one!"

Ye Xiao asked for a kiss openly!

Zhang Lishan was embarrassed to kiss Ye Xiao in the plane. She whispered, "this is not good...!"

"Just give me a kiss. I'm angry now. Only sister Lishan's kiss can calm me down!" Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Lishan was helpless when she heard Ye Xiao's words!

She glanced around her eyes and said in a low voice, "you're so angry. How can you be like a child, too willful...!" Zhang Lishan just expressed her dissatisfaction on her mouth, but her lips stuck to it and gave her a kiss on Ye Xiao's face!

"All right...!" Zhang Lishan said.

"Not satisfied!" Ye Xiao said, "you should kiss me, but I'll allow you to compensate me after you get off the plane. Sister Lishan, it's OK."

"Wayward little boy!" Zhang Lishan laughed softly.

When ye Xiao heard Zhang Lishan's words, he stretched out his hand again, squeezed it on Zhang Lishan's thigh, and whispered in Zhang Lishan's ear, "do you like my wayward little boy?"

"Yes!" Zhang Lishan said in a low voice!

When she said that, her face blushed!

Ye Xiao likes to see Zhang Lishan at the moment. This feeling is very good. When ye Xiao sees Zhang Lishan at the moment, he can't help but want to kiss Zhang Lishan on the lips. But when he wants to do so, ye Xiao thinks of the black man! He didn't know what this guy was and how he came up from Paris, so he focused on Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao has many enemies over the years. He is careful outside! Ye Xiao's eyes turned to the black man, but saw that the black man had turned his face to one side, holding a magazine in his hand, and no longer paid attention to Ye Xiao!

"It seems that I think too much..." Ye Xiaoxin thought to himself.

It took a lot of time for the plane to fly from Paris to London, England. It was enough time for ye Xiao to sleep on the plane! He needs jet lag. People who fly have experience in this field. If you go abroad, you need jet lag on the plane. Otherwise, you will feel better! There are many people who can't reverse the time difference even when they go abroad. They are not used to the time difference of reversing black and white, but some people have reversed the time difference on the plane!

Ye Xiao is the latter. He is used to jet lag on the plane!

As soon as he wakes up, ye Xiao finds Zhang Lishan sleeping by his side! Zhang Lishan looks good when she sleeps. Her ruddy lips are slightly closed and her eyelashes are drooping! No one can think of a mature woman like Zhang Lishan sleeping like a girl!

Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Lishan and saw that she was still sleeping. He carefully untied her seat belt to avoid waking her up! Ye Xiao gets up and goes to the bathroom!

Ye Xiao finished the toilet, just when he came out, he met the black man!

The black man just walked to the bathroom. As soon as ye Xiao pushed the door open, he saw the black man standing in front of him! Ye Xiao subconsciously stretched out his hand, he wanted to catch the black man, but ye Xiao's hand has been stretched out, he thought it was on the plane!

Ye Xiao went to see Lucy this time. In order to help Zhongtian Group clean up its reputation of plagiarism, ye Xiao must be careful this time. If he starts on the plane, it will make a big deal!

Airplanes are special means of transportation. Fighting is forbidden! No matter what the reason, once the two sides hit, it will be controlled! This is also for the sake of aircraft safety. After all, there are hundreds of lives in it. No one dares to take this risk!

Ye Xiao's hand was taken back, and his eyes looked directly at the black man in front of him, "do we know each other?"

"I don't know!" The black man said, "I just want to make a friend with you..."

"No need!" Ye Xiao said, "I'm not interested in making friends with you, and I warn you, don't let me feel suspicious again. I'm very suspicious. Once I feel that you are paying attention to me, don't blame me for being impolite!"

After listening to Ye Xiao's words, the black man laughed, "I've caused you a misunderstanding. I'd like to apologize... I'll be careful!"

"That would be the best“ With these words, ye Xiao walked away!

"Wait a minute...!" Just as ye Xiao was about to leave, the black man's hand was raised. It seemed that he was going to touch Ye Xiao's body. But at this moment, ye Xiao had turned his face and looked directly at the black man, "I warned you not to touch me, otherwise, I would think you were going to attack me!"

"Misunderstanding, this is misunderstanding!" Said the black man!

"That's the best!" With these words, ye Xiao stepped forward!

The black man went into the bathroom and closed the door.

"It's really a tough character!" The black man muttered in the bathroom, "I don't know how much money he would give me if I told him the news?"

The plane landed at the airport!

Ye Xiao, Zhang Lishan and others walk out of the airport with their luggage!

Their hotel is the Hilton hotel near Green Park. According to the plan, when they arrive in London, they will have a day off at the hotel first! Ye Xiao did not tell Lucy his specific itinerary, but told Lucy that he would go to London, England!

"Let's go to the hotel first...!" Ye Xiao takes the luggage in Zhang Lishan's hand and says to Zhang Lishan, Liang Jun and Liu Jing, "you three will wait for my news in the hotel first. I'll go to communicate with gem group first. This time, it's totally based on my personal friendship!"

"Manager Ye, you can promise me to take me out to play!" That Liu Jing pushed the luggage to Ye Xiao's front, her body all leaned over, the girl's fragrance floated into Ye Xiao's nose, "Manager Ye, you must not cheat!"

Liu Jing doesn't have much to worry about. She is an employee of the archives department. She usually has close contact with Ye Xiao's marketing department. Liu Jing and ye Xiao already know each other. This time abroad, Liu Jing recognizes that she must follow Ye Xiao! Although Liang Jun is a man, he is also the director of the production department. In Liu Jing's eyes, Liang Jun has no meaning at all. A married man is usually mean and mean. Liu Jing is not willing to deal with such a man! What she likes is a man like Ye Xiao. Liu Jing doesn't carry Zhang Lishan and Liang Jun behind her back. She sticks her body to Ye Xiao, and her posture almost sticks to Ye Xiao!

"Xiaojing, how can I remember that if you have a boyfriend, I don't worry about your boyfriend seeing you jealous?" Ye Xiao smelled the fragrance of Liu Jing and asked with a smile!

"He won't be jealous!" Liu Jing said, "before I went on a business trip, I had already told him that he supported me to come to England and have a good time. He also suggested that I take more photos and put them in my circle of friends."

"Is your boyfriend really your boyfriend?" Ye Xiao asked suddenly!

"Manager Ye, I don't understand. It's my boyfriend!" Liu Jing talks, her chest has touched Ye Xiao's arm, Zhang Lishan saw Liu Jing like this, her mouth appeared a shallow smile, deliberately looked at Ye Xiao, ye Xiao has seen Zhang Lishan's eyes, ye Xiao suddenly reached out and hugged Liu Jing's shoulder, "since your boyfriend doesn't mind, Then I can rest assured. OK, I have to take you to play today. I'm familiar with London. I know all nightclubs and bars like the back of my hand. As long as you're not afraid that I'll sell you... "

"Good!" Liu Jing was happy at that time.

"Minister Liang, do you want to play with him?" Ye Xiao's eyes look at Liang Jun.

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