Ye Xiao's hand is still around Liu Jing's shoulder. He hugs Liu Jing in front of Liang Jun and Zhang Lishan!

There are only four of them. If ye Xiao and Liu Jing are too unfamiliar just now, it makes people feel that ye Xiao has a ghost in his heart. What's his intention to Liu Jing! You know, Liu Jing pasted it on Ye Xiao's body. Even if ye Xiao and Liu Jing have nothing to do, what rumors will come out of them!

Ye Xiao is easy to let go. He is very natural and embraces Liu Jing's shoulder. He looks as casual as a friend!

When ye Xiao asked Liang Jun if he wanted to play together, Liang Jun opened his mouth and seemed to be hesitant!

"Where is that? It won't be...!"

Liang Jun did not say this, but hesitated here!

Ye Xiao thinks that Liang Jun is because there are too many women over there. He is worried that he is sorry for his wife. Ye Xiao says, "don't worry, there are many women over there, but they won't go back with you easily. Don't think too much about it. It's not everyone's business to have an affair like this!"

"No, I mean it's too expensive!" Liang Jun said.

Ye Xiao realized that he had misunderstood after making trouble for a long time.

Liang Jun didn't think that he might be sorry for his wife, but he thought that he would spend too much money. If he spent less, he would be happy to go!

Ye Xiao looked at Liang Jun, he laughed, "Minister Liang, you can rest assured that when you come to Britain, the expenses here are all my, I will be responsible for it!"

"That's not good...!" When Liang Jun heard Ye Xiao's words, he obviously wanted to be polite to Ye Xiao. Although he didn't say it very well, his eager eyes had already betrayed Liang Jun's heart. In Liang Jun's heart, he was already eager to spend the night!

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "as I said, it's all mine. You don't have to worry. How can I say that I'm a shareholder of the group? I can still afford this consumption!" Ye Xiao said, he turned his face to Liu Jing, "however, I can explain in advance, if you like which handsome guy, go out to play alone, what happened, I will not be responsible for anything!"

"No!" Liu Jing said quickly, "I'll follow Manager Ye. I'll go wherever you go...!" That Liu Jing see appearance will stick to Ye Xiao's body!

Zhang Lishan is by Ye Xiao's side. When she sees Liu Jing like this, Zhang Lishan smiles a little. She doesn't see it! Zhang Lishan had a ghost in her heart. As soon as she thought of what ye Xiao said to her on the plane, Zhang Lishan felt that she was already hot!

Four people went out, called a taxi and went directly to the Hilton Hotel!

Just after ye Xiao and others got on the bus, the black man who took the plane with Ye Xiao also came out. He stretched out his hand and stopped a taxi!

"Keep up with the car ahead!" The black man said to the taxi driver.

The taxi keeps up with Ye Xiao's car!

At the door of Hilton Hotel, ye Xiao got out of the car and went directly into the hotel! The black man also got out of the car. He didn't follow the hotel. Instead, he stood at the door of the hotel, took the phone, came out and dialed, "Mr. Brown, I saw a man who is very similar to the man you always said... If you are interested, I can tell you the place...!"

Ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan are very luxurious business rooms. Although Liang Jun and Liu Jing are not luxury rooms, even ordinary rooms are enough for them to show off to their domestic friends!

When ye Xiao arrived at the room, the first thing he did was to call Zhang Xueyao. This is also Zhang Xueyao's request to Ye Xiao. When ye Xiao arrives in London, he must call Zhang Xueyao!

It's more than 4 p.m. now, and it should be more than 11 p.m. in Zhonghai city. Normally, Zhang Xueyao has fallen asleep now, but because ye Xiao is going to London, Zhang Xueyao will be waiting for ye Xiao to call!

Ye Xiao dials Zhang Xueyao's mobile phone. Just as the phone rings, Zhang Xueyao has already answered the phone!

"Are you in London?" Zhang Xueyao asked!

"In the hotel!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "guess what I'm doing now?"

"I don't know!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Undress!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I'm going to take a bath. I've been flying for too long. I feel like I'm going to fall apart. I have to take a good bath... Now I'm taking off myself. Xueyao, do you want me to send you a picture?"

"Good!" Zhang Xueyao said, "live... Don't call, I want to see if you are taking a bath... Hum, if I find you playing outside, you will die!"

"Is this chagang?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile!

"It's just checking the post, isn't it?"

"Of course Ye Xiao said, "then I'll live it!" He hung up his mobile phone, went online, and directly broadcast it to Zhang Xueyao!

Ye Xiao is holding the phone in his hand. He points the camera at himself. "Wife, how about my figure?"

At the moment, ye Xiao is in the bathroom. He is standing in front of the bathtub. The bathtub is full of water. Ye Xiao is naked, holding a mobile phone in his hand and broadcasting it to Zhang Xueyao!

Where did Zhang Xueyao think that ye Xiaozhen had done this? When she saw that ye Xiaozhen was naked, Zhang Xueyao said, "sex wolf!"

"What's your figure like?"

"Not pretty!" Zhang Xueyao said, "can you be more shameless? It's too shameful to be naked

"It's not like you haven't seen it!" Ye Xiao said.

"You...!" Zhang Xueyao didn't expect Ye Xiaohui to say that. It's too direct. Zhang Xueyao doesn't deny that she has seen Ye Xiao without clothes before, but it's all an accident. It's not what Zhang Xueyao wants to see. How can she say that she is a girl and can't look at a man's body openly! But Zhang Xueyao wants to see it again. Before, Zhang Xueyao was just embarrassed to admit it.

When ye Xiao said this, Zhang Xueyao denied at that time, "I didn't see it!"

"It doesn't matter!" Ye Xiao pointed his mobile phone at his body, "wife, look carefully...!" With these words, ye Xiao has gone to the bathtub. As soon as his right leg stepped into the bathtub, ye Xiao specially used his mobile phone to give a close-up!

"Shameless!" When ye Xiao came to close-up like this, Zhang Xueyao had already said!

"Shameless? Wife, have you been watching all the time? " Ye Xiao asked!

"No... I didn't see it!" Zhang Xueyao said, "I'm... I'm lying in bed with my eyes closed. I won't look!"

"You see, anyway, I don't know if you did!" Ye Xiao said!

"I... I didn't look!" Zhang Xueyao said, "I'm going to sleep!"

"So I went to sleep?" When ye Xiao heard that Zhang Xueyao was going to sleep, he grinned, "Xueyao, let's talk for a while!"

"No!" Zhang Xueyao said, "I... I'm going to sleep!"

"You really don't want to see me take a bath? This is a live broadcast. You know, the current live broadcast does not have such a large scale as bathing. I'll make an exception today and give you a live broadcast of bathing! "

"Sex wolf!" Zhang Xueyao said here, she has hung up live!

"Hang up?" When ye Xiao saw Zhang Xueyao hang up the live broadcast because she was embarrassed, he laughed and muttered, "this girl is really shy... Very interesting!" Ye Xiao has been lying in the bathtub, he sent a message to Zhang Lishan, "I'm taking a bath!"

Soon, Zhang Lishan wrote back, "I'm here, too!"

Zhang Lishan's answer was very direct. When ye Xiao saw Zhang Lishan's news, he felt that the whole person was getting hot. There was an impulse in his heart. Ye Xiao directly replied with a message, "together?"

When ye Xiao came back, Zhang Lishan didn't reply immediately!

"No? Are you angry? " Ye Xiao held the phone in his hand and waited for a while. Seeing that Zhang Lishan didn't reply, he checked it in his heart!

This woman's mind is hard to guess. Even ye Xiao can't understand Zhang Lishan's mind!

He was worried that Zhang Lishan would be angry because of the news. When ye Xiao was about to explain to Zhang Lishan that he was joking, he didn't expect that Zhang Lishan's news had come back, "OK!"

Zhang Lishan just replied to the word "good". When Zhang Lishan replied to the word, ye Xiao got up from the bathtub! He just asked casually, but he didn't expect Zhang Lishan to have such an idea. Zhang Lishan's answer has already told ye Xiao what she thinks in her heart. If ye Xiao doesn't take the initiative at this time, ye Xiao will not be a man!

"I'll be right there!" Ye Xiao hand holding a mobile phone, immediately back to this sentence!

There is no reply from Zhang Lishan. Silence means affirmation. That is to say, Zhang Lishan has agreed. Ye Xiao thought of this, he stood up and simply wiped the water off his body, and then put on his clothes!

"If I don't get there, I'll be a fool!" Ye Xiao murmured, "at least five times tonight!"

Ye Xiao opens the door of the room. After seeing that there is no one in the corridor, ye Xiao goes to Zhang Lishan's room.

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