Ye Xiao stopped, his eyes looking at Zhang Xueyao!

"You stop..." Zhang Xueyao took Ye Xiao's hand and said it again!

Ye Xiao has stopped. When he hears Zhang Xueyao's words, ye Xiao looks at Zhang Xueyao's face and says, "I'm standing. If you have something to say, just say it!"

"What do you mean, why do you say goodbye?" Zhang Xueyao said angrily.

"Did I say goodbye?"

"You just said that!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Is there any evidence?" Ye Xiao looked into Zhang Xueyao's eyes, "what about the recording? You have to show the evidence of the recording! "


Zhang Xueyao opened her mouth. She did not expect that ye Xiao would not admit it! Just when Zhang Xueyao opened her mouth, ye Xiao's hand tugged hard and pulled Zhang Xueyao over. His hand put his arm around Zhang Xueyao's waist, and his lips had been pasted up!

On this street, ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao have a graceful kiss!

Zhang Xueyao's right foot was raised, her whole body was leaning forward, and the kissing posture with Ye Xiao on the roadside was very beautiful and romantic, just like the kissing scene specially designed in a TV play.

After ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao finished kissing, he laughed, "I'm just trying to see if you care about me. I didn't expect you to worry about me like this. Xueyao, I'm very happy!"

"You bastard, go to hell!" When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she realized that ye Xiao didn't really want to break up after a long time. She felt that she was fooled by Ye Xiao. When Zhang Xueyao was about to fight ye Xiao, ye Xiao held Zhang Xueyao up completely! Ye Xiao is holding Zhang Xueyao around the street!

"Let me go... Let me go..." Zhang Xueyao holds Ye Xiao tightly in both hands. Her legs have been thrown up. Zhang Xueyao worries that ye Xiao will suddenly let go and she will fly out.

Ye Xiao finally stops, holds Zhang Xueyao firmly in his arms, and gives Zhang Xueyao a kiss!

Zhang Xueyao almost subconsciously reaches out her hand, embraces Ye Xiao's neck, and kisses Ye Xiao on the roadside!


Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao are kissing when they hear someone pressing the shutter. They are photographed!

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao just separated and heard the sound of taking pictures again!

I saw several pedestrians passing by taking pictures.

"Asshole, don't get in the car...!" Zhang Xueyao didn't think much. She just pulled Ye Xiao. She and ye Xiao had already got on the bus.

"Drive..." Zhang Xueyao said.

Du Hanshuang drives!

Zhang Xueyao's eyes still looked back and said with a lingering fear, "what's the matter? They shoot us for everything. Are they journalists? Isn't that a coincidence? "

"It's not a reporter, it's just a pedestrian passing by." Ye Xiao said.

"If it wasn't for journalists, what would they do to photograph us?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Because you are so beautiful and I am so handsome!" Ye Xiao said faintly, "I guess they think we are making a movie!"


Zhang Xueyao laughs at Ye Xiao's words.

"Are you handsome?" Zhang Xueyao chuckled.

"I'm not handsome? Then why do you like me? " Ye Xiao asked.

Zhang Xueyao was still chuckling. When she heard Ye Xiao's words, Zhang Xueyao was at a loss. She looked at Ye Xiao with her eyes and said, "in fact, i... I don't know. At the beginning, I felt that you were particularly annoying, not likeable at all, but now...!" Zhang Xueyao said here, suddenly changed the topic, "ah, you said you want to pick up your sister, where are you going to take her?"

"Find a place to settle her!" Ye Xiao said, "I haven't thought about it yet. I want to find the beast to arrange a place for her. I guess there's a place over there..."

"The beast is a big man, didn't you just say that? Ye Qing is very young. How can she live with a man like a beast? What if something happens? " Zhang Xueyao felt that it was not good for her to say so, so she changed her words and said, "I mean, Ye Qing is a miserable little girl, and a girl like her should be taken care of. There are many people in our family, and we are very busy together. Besides, Xinming also wants to live with her. Just now, Xinming also mentioned that she would go to the hospital to pick her up, or so on, Let her live in our villa

Ye Xiao didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to say that. After hearing what Zhang Xueyao said, ye Xiao's eyes looked at Zhang Xueyao. "Xueyao, do you mean to let her move to live with us?"

"What's wrong with that?" Zhang Xueyao asked!

"How to say...!" Ye Xiao opened his mouth, "after all, she is unidentified. If you let her live in our house rashly, I will worry about something. Xueyao, you don't have to let Ye Qing live in our villa in order to apologize to me!"

"Who apologized to you!" When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she looked at Ye Xiao with her eyes and turned her lips, "didn't I just say that? I just love her and want her to live with us. Can't I? "

"Of course In fact, ye Xiao is eager to do so. He also has some worries about Ye Qing, the little girl! Just want to let Ye Qing go where to live, but ye Xiao didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to take the initiative to let Ye Qing live in their home, ye Xiao just can't get it!

Ye Xiao stretched out his hands and put his arms around Zhang Xueyao's neck!

His lips have been pasted up, Zhang Xueyao's lips in a hard kiss, "wife, I know you are the most kind-hearted, OK, so decided, I let Ye Qing move to our house!"

At the gate of the Central Hospital, ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao get out of the car, and Du Hanshuang stays in the car. Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao come to Ye Qing's ward, and they see Ye Qing sitting on the edge of the bed, her two snow-white legs swinging in a small range. When ye Qing sees Ye Xiao coming in, Ye Qing jumps out of the bed!

"Brother, here you are!" Ye Qing has rushed to Ye Xiao's arms!

Ye Xiao picked Ye Qing up!

He was worried that Zhang Xueyao would have other ideas. When he picked up Ye Qing, ye Xiao explained to Zhang Xueyao, "she is like this. Maybe she thinks I'm her brother. Xueyao, don't think about it!"

Zhang Xueyao didn't say a word, just stood beside Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's hand patted Ye Qing's back and said, "Ye Qing, come down, I'll introduce you to someone!"

Ye Qing took a look at Zhang Xueyao and said, "I know her!"

"You know her? When did you meet "Ye Xiao is slightly stunned, he does not remember that he introduced Zhang Xueyao to Ye Qing, how Ye Qing met Zhang Xueyao!

"You have a picture of her in your cell phone!" Ye Qing said.

When ye Qing's words came out, Zhang Xueyao looked at Ye Xiao with a sweet smile on her face! Zhang Xueyao of course hopes that ye Xiao will always think about her. How can Zhang Xueyao not be happy to hear Ye Qing say so.

Ye Xiao winks at Ye Qing. He is very satisfied with Ye Qing's words.

"Then I'll go through the discharge procedures!" Ye Xiao said, "Ye Qing, you live with me, Xueyao, you stay to take care of Ye Qing, I'll go through the formalities!"

"Good!" Zhang Xueyao agreed.

In fact, the discharge procedures are not cumbersome, the main thing is to pay, that is to clear the relevant money! This amount of money is nothing to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao soon went through the discharge procedures.

When he came back, he saw Zhang Xueyao and Ye Qing chatting very well! Ye Qing is a very beautiful girl, very smart! Her performance in front of Zhang Xueyao is very likable, which makes Zhang Xueyao have a good view of Ye Qing.

Ye Xiao leaves the hospital with Ye Qing and Zhang Xueyao. Zhang Xueyao's car stops at the gate of the hospital!

Ye Xiao came to the car, just opened the door, saw a car from the side of the street suddenly stopped, followed by the door opened, from the car down a man and a woman two people!

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here. What's the matter with you? Is the body not working? Don't worry, if you die early, I will send you a wreath for sure Du Xiaoyi's voice came with sarcasm!

The man who got out of the car was Du Xiaoyi!

Du Xiaoyi put his arms around the tall woman with long legs and came to Ye Xiao. He made it clear that he was looking for trouble! The tone of this speech sounds very uncomfortable. It's just a satire on Ye Xiao.

As soon as Zhang Xueyao saw that it was Du Xiaoyi, she knew that it was bad! Zhang Xueyao knows Ye Xiao's personality. If anyone dares to bully Ye Xiao, ye Xiao will not let that guy go.

Ye Xiaogang just returned to Zhonghai city. Zhang Xueyao didn't want Ye Xiao to get into trouble as soon as he came back. She said to Ye Xiao, "don't worry about him. Let's get on the bus!"

When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, he also planned to get on the bus, but at this moment, he heard Du Xiaoyi continue to say, "Ye Xiao, what's the matter? Are you afraid of me? "

At this moment, but see originally want to get on the car Ye Qing's face has been completely sink down.

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