Du Xiaoyi is nothing to look for!

Originally Ye Xiao didn't go to his trouble, but the goods were sent to the door by himself.

When he drives past the gate of the hospital, he sees Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao. Du Xiaoyi gets angry at the thought that his father almost let Ye Xiao get into the detention center. He deliberately gets off the car and comes to ask Ye Xiao for trouble.

Du Xiaoyi's words were clearly provocative. Who heard them all knew that Du Xiaoyi was targeting Ye Xiao. Zhang Xueyao is worried about ye Xiao's coming. She persuades Ye Xiao to ignore Du Xiaoyi!

Ye Xiao is not going to pay attention, but at this moment, Ye Qing's face sank down!

Ye Qing goes to Du Xiaoyi!

Du Xiaoyi saw a 17-8-year-old girl with a very sexy figure coming. His eyes swept Ye Qing's body. At that time, he felt that the figure of the beautiful girl in front of her was really wonderful!

It's not that Du Xiaoyi has never met a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, but none of the girls of the same age he has met has such a good figure as the beautiful girl in front of him. In particular, the temperament of the beautiful girl makes Du Xiaoyi have a strong desire to conquer! He felt that if he could push this beautiful girl down, it would be the best thing!

Du Xiaoyi saw Ye Qing walking towards him with a smile on her face. In Du Xiaoyi's opinion, this is the best time to chat up. He just thought about how to talk to Ye Qing. As a result, Ye Qing has come over.

"Beauty, what do you call it?" After Du Xiaoyi saw Ye Qing, he said hello with a smile!

Ye Qing calm face, did not say a word, she went to Du Xiaoyi in front, see Du Xiaoyi smile at her greeting, Ye Qing suddenly raised her knee, suddenly hit Du Xiaoyi's crotch!

At that moment, Du Xiaoyi felt that his whole life was coming to an end. The pain was unspeakable, and it devastated his heart, making Du Xiaoyi feel that he was going to collapse in a moment! He never thought that Ye Qing would do this. The crotch is the most vulnerable part of a man. Don't mention Du Xiaoyi. Even those men who have been trained can't bear to attack the crotch again!

Men no matter how you practice, crotch is always the most vulnerable place, of course, in addition to some men who are not men, because without that thing, even if you are hit, there will be nothing wrong!

But there are few normal men can stand, even ye Xiao is very afraid of being attacked crotch! As a result, Du Xiaoyi is hit in the crotch by Ye Qing. Ye Qing will beat Du Xiaoyi to collapse!

Du Xiaoyi yelled. His legs were between his crotch. His waist had bent down! But it's not over. After attacking Du Xiaoyi's most vulnerable crotch, Ye Qing doesn't stop. In fact, this is just the beginning of her attack!

Ye Qing suddenly caught Du Xiaoyi's hair in both hands, followed closely, her knees lifted up, facing Du Xiaoyi's face!


Ye Qing this past, that Du Xiaoyi's nose was hit askew at that time!


Du Xiaoyi has fallen to the ground!

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao are standing beside the car. Although Ye Xiao knows that Ye Qing is a very unusual girl, he doesn't expect that Ye Qing will start suddenly. Ye Qing's action is so sudden that even ye Xiao can't react. As for Zhang Xueyao, she was totally stupid. When Zhang Xueyao first saw Ye Qing, she just thought Ye Qing was a beautiful girl with a good figure.

But after seeing ye Qing start, Zhang Xueyao realizes that Ye Qing is a terrible girl. With that skill, ordinary men are not Ye Qing's opponents! Ye Qing is also a little too terrible. She doesn't look like a girl at all.

"If it's broken, I know she'll make trouble for me. She's coming!" Ye Xiaoyi saw Ye Qing beat Du Xiaoyi. He muttered, "she really doesn't know anything!"

"What are you still doing? Stop her quickly Zhang Xueyao said.

"Stop her for what? Let her fight for a while. Anyway, Du Xiaoyi should be beaten. Who makes him mean? That's what he deserves! " Ye Xiao obviously thinks that Du Xiaoyi deserves to be beaten. Who let Du Xiaoyi have nothing to do? If Du Xiaoyi does not take the initiative to provoke, Ye Qing will not fight Du Xiaoyi. In fact, if Du Xiaoyi continued to provoke Ye Xiao just now, ye Xiao would start beating himself. Ye Qing just took the place of Ye Xiao.

"Do you want to kill someone... This is Zhonghai city. If something happens, your sister will be arrested again. You don't think that it's OK for her to hit people!" Zhang Xueyao said.

Zhang Xueyao's words remind Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao said, "Xueyao, you're right. I can't let Ye Qing fight again." Ye Xiao finished saying this sentence, he has already run to the past, to Ye Qing who is beating people, he says, "well, stop it for me, don't fight again!"

Du Xiaoyi has already been knocked down by Ye Qing. When ye Xiao comes, Ye Qing is still kicking Du Xiaoyi. She doesn't mean to stop! Ye Xiao came over and picked up Ye Qing. He said, "stop it, don't fight!"

"I'll kill him!" Ye Qing said, "he just provoked you!"

"Tell you not to fight...!" Ye Xiao saw that Ye Qing didn't mean to stop. He suddenly carried Ye Qing up. Ye Qing's head was facing down and was carried on his shoulder by Ye Xiao.

"Be honest with me and stop beating people!" Ye Xiao talks and raises his hand. He slaps Ye Qing hard behind her!


A clear sound came from behind Ye Qing.

"Little girl, you don't even listen to me. Don't fight, you still fight!" As ye Xiao talks, he carries Ye Qing to the car. He opens the back door and throws Ye Qing on the back seat. Ye Xiao also gets on the car!

Zhang Xueyao has already got on the bus. As soon as ye Xiao gets on the bus, Zhang Xueyao asks Du Hanshuang to drive quickly!

The car left the hospital!

And at the door of the hospital, the long legged female model with Du Xiaoyi is beside Du Xiaoyi. She seems to be at a loss. She beats 120 in a hurry!

"120... Beaten... Come on... Help!" The female model said in a panic.

"Please tell us the specific place!"

"The place is... In... Let me see... In front of the central hospital!" The female model said, "send an ambulance quickly. If you don't, you will die!"

"Miss, please repeat the location again!"

"At the gate of the central hospital!" Said the model.


Ye Qing is pressed on the back seat of the car by Ye Xiao. Until now, Ye Qing is still very angry!

"Brother, who is that man and what's his name?" Ye Qing asked.

"What for?"

"I'll get rid of him!" Ye Qing said.

As soon as Ye Qing's words came out, ye Xiao's eyes looked at Ye Qing and said coldly, "lie down for me!"


"Lie down...!"

Ye Qing's eyes look at Ye Xiao. She doesn't dare to speak any more. She lies on Ye Xiao's thigh obediently. Ye Xiao raises her hand and slaps Ye Qing in the back!


Ye Xiao's hand is behind Ye Qing!

"Do you know why I hit you?" Ye Xiao asked!

"I don't know!"


As soon as Ye Qing said this, ye Xiao slapped him again.

"Let me ask you one more question, do you know?" Ye Xiao asked.

"I know!" Ye Qing said.

"Ye Qing, how many times have I told you that this is Zhonghai City, not a foreign country. You should put away all the things you have abroad. Don't kill people all the time. If you kill people, you can't run away. This is a legal society. Do you remember what I said?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Remember!" Ye Qing whispered.


Ye Xiao slapped it again.

"Speak louder for me!" Ye Xiao said.

"Brother, I remember." Ye Qing said.

"Well, sit down!" Ye Xiao said.

Ye Qing just sat down honestly.

"Ye Qing, I'm doing it for you. You can't mess with me any more!" Ye Xiao said, "if you really get into trouble, you don't want to stay with me, let alone stay here!"

"I'm wrong!" Ye Qing said.

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and put it on Ye Qing's shoulder. His hand caressed Ye Qing's hair and said, "that's right. You should learn from the elder sister who can't laugh all day in front of you. People's temper is worse than you, but they know how to control and what can be done and what can't be done... Du Hanshuang, Do you think I'm right? "

"Hum!" Du Hanshuang hummed coldly, but she didn't pay attention to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao turns his eyes to Zhang Xueyao again, "Ye Qing, actually, Xueyao's temper...!" As soon as ye Xiaogang said this, Zhang Xueyao, sitting in the front seat, suddenly glared at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao was going to take Zhang Xueyao as an example, but when he saw Zhang Xueyao staring at him, ye Xiao changed his mouth and said, "Xueyao's temper has always been very good, which is the best one I have ever seen. In the future, you should learn more from Xueyao!"

Zhang Xueyao smiles when she hears Ye Xiao say so.

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