Ye Xiao didn't expect Wu Qiandi to treat him as a friend. In fact, ye Xiao only helped Wu Qiandi because of his noble character! He didn't expect Wu Qiandi to change his view on him, and ye Xiao didn't care what Wu Qiandi thought of him!

He walked over to Wu Qiandi. When Wu Qiandi saw Ye Xiao coming over, her face finally changed, and her lips, which she had been biting, also loosened!

Ye Xiao went to Wu Qiandi's front, now Wu Qiandi's hip has left the chair, that posture is to stand up! Obviously, Wu Qiandi thought that ye Xiao would talk to her, but to Wu Qiandi's surprise, ye Xiao didn't pay attention to Wu Qiandi. Instead, he passed by Wu Qiandi and went to the door of the Criminal Police Brigade!

Now Wu Qiandi has stood up, she is obviously not ready, did not think that ye Xiao did not pay attention to her! Seeing that ye Xiao had already left, Wu Qiandi hesitated a little. She quickly took her bag in her hand and ran after ye Xiao!

Just at the door of the Criminal Police Brigade, Wu Qiandi catches up with Ye Xiao!

"Please wait...!" Wu Qiandi's elegant voice came from behind Ye Xiao's back.

Ye Xiao has gone to the outside of the Criminal Police Brigade. Hearing Wu Qiandi's words, ye Xiao stops!

"Miss Wu, what can I do for you?" Ye Xiao looked at Wu Qiandi come over, he asked faintly!

Wu Qiandi's teeth nibbled her lips again, and then said, "thank you...!"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small thing!" With these words, ye Xiao walked to his car! After ye Xiao took a few steps, he stopped, turned around and saw Wu Qiandi standing still. Ye Xiao looked at Wu Qiandi and said, "if you don't drive here, I can give you a ride!"

"Thank you Wu Qiandi heard Ye Xiao's words, she obviously did not refuse, but came to Ye Xiao's side!

Ye Xiao thought Wu Qiandi would refuse, but to Ye Xiao's surprise, Wu Qiandi did not refuse! Ye Xiao feels that Wu Qiandi is not right. How can Wu Qiandi change her sex?

Ye Xiao stood in the same place and watched Wu Qiandi come to him. A refreshing aroma floated into Ye Xiao's nose! The fragrance is very faint. If it wasn't for Wu Qiandi coming to Ye Xiao, ye Xiao couldn't smell it! This fragrance is not the smell of perfume, but the natural fragrance. When ye Xiao hears Wu Qiandi's fragrance, he realizes that he is still standing. Ye Xiao reaches out his hand, takes out his car key and goes to his car!

Ye Xiao opened the car door, "please get on the bus!"

Wu Qiandi said thank you and got on the bus!

When she got on the bus, ye Xiao smelled Wu Qiandi's fragrance again! Ye Xiao did not know why, unexpectedly subconsciously slightly sniffed! In this society, women love perfume, and seldom meet women who don't wear perfume. Although the perfume made by artificial is smelling fragrant, it is not as natural as a woman's fragrance.

Ye Xiao just sniffed and didn't let Wu Qiandi see it!

He also felt that his action was a little too manly, and seemed a little dirty! Ye Xiao quickly closes the door, and then goes around to the other side. He also gets on the car!

"Miss Wu, where are you going?" Ye Xiao asked!

"I'll go home!"

"Home?" Ye Xiao looked at Wu Qiandi, "is that the place where you and Gao Jie live?"

"No!" Wu Qiandi shook her head slightly. "It's me... My parents!"

"Oh, I see!" When ye Xiao heard Wu Qiandi's words, he didn't ask any more! Wu Qiandi is a native of Zhonghai city. Her parents are all in Zhonghai city. Wu Qiandi only shares a house with Gao Jie outside. As for the reason, ye Xiao doesn't ask much. After all, it's Wu Qiandi's own business. Everyone has his own business to do!

Ye Xiao starts to drive!

Wu Qiandi told ye Xiao the specific address of her home, and then did not speak!

When driving through an intersection, Wu Qiandi's phone suddenly rings! Wu Qiandi takes out her mobile phone and looks at it. She subconsciously looks at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao has seen Wu Qiandi's reaction, "do you need to get off the car to answer the phone?" Ye Xiao asked!

"It doesn't matter. Even if I don't say it, you should know about my brother!" Wu Qiandi shakes her head slightly. In front of Ye Xiao, Wu Qiandi looks like she doesn't care. She answers the phone!

"It's OK, I've got those photos back, I'm going back now... Brother, I helped you this time, but I won't help you next time!" Wu Qiandi said, "I just don't want my grandfather to be angry. Think about it more..."

Wu Qiandi finished this sentence, she put down the mobile phone! Ye Xiao is driving, as if he didn't hear what Wu Qiandi said just now! Wu Qiandi looked at Ye Xiao, her lips pursed, slowly said, "it's my brother's phone, he asked me about those photos!"

"Oh Ye Xiao answered!

In front is the crossroads, ye Xiao's car just passed by. Just as Wu Qiandi said this, a car suddenly rushed in front of Ye Xiao's car! Ye Xiao suddenly braked and stopped the car!

As a result, Wu Qiandi was shaken by the car!

"Ouch...!" Wu Qiandi called out!

Ye Xiao stopped the car. His hand reached over and touched Wu Qiandi's hair. "How's it going? Did you hit anything just now? "

"No!" Wu Qiandi said!

Ye Xiao's hand is on her head, Wu Qiandi looked at Ye Xiao's hand, she did not speak! Ye Xiao has realized that he shouldn't touch Wu Qiandi's head, so he takes his hand back!

According to Wu Qiandi's past practice, Wu Qiandi will certainly scold Ye Xiao, but to Ye Xiao's surprise, even if ye Xiao's hand is on Wu Qiandi's head, Wu Qiandi is not angry with him, which makes Ye Xiao feel strange!

"That guy really wants to die...!" Ye Xiao scolded and drove again!

Wu Qiandi bit her lip and said, "in fact, you should have known that it was my brother and other women who did things like that in the hotel and were photographed. The man asked for money, but my brother was worried that people would see him. Then he would be finished, so he asked me to do it and take the photos back!"

"This is different from your usual way of doing things. You don't hate men most...!" Ye Xiao originally wanted to make a dig at Wu Qiandi, but when this came to his mouth, ye Xiao suddenly felt that it was too unkind to make a dig at Wu Qiandi. He took back what he had to say, looked at Wu Qiandi's face and said, "I'm very strange, how can you promise?"

"For my grandfather!" Wu Qiandi clenched her lips again. "In fact, I feel very sick. How could I do such things? How could my brother do such shameful things? But I have no way. If I don't help my brother, people outside will know that my brother and other women are like that. At that time, my sister-in-law will be sad and my parents will be angry, My grandfather may... Die, I have no choice, I can only do this, I really feel disgusting, how can I do such a thing...! "

Tears rolled over Wu Qiandi's pretty face and her eyes were red! In fact, from the beginning, Wu Qiandi was deliberately suppressing her feelings and didn't want to show them. Until now, Wu Qiandi can't help talking. The tears rolled down her eyes and onto her skirt!

Ye Xiao didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly. He saw Wu Qiandi crying and pulled the car to the side of the road! That Wu Qiandi is still talking, ye Xiao's right hand opened, his eyes looked at Wu Qiandi, "I lend you a shoulder, you can cry here, I promise what happened now in addition to me, there will be no second person to know...!"

Wu Qiandi's eyes are red. Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Wu Qiandi's head leans on Ye Xiao's shoulder. She sobs! Ye Xiao's hand was meant to be on Wu Qiandi's shoulder and hold Wu Qiandi tightly in his arms, but his hand stopped and kept a distance from Wu Qiandi's shoulder!

Wu Qiandi cried for a long time and finally stopped!

Her eyes were red and she sat up straight!

Ye Xiao took a tissue and handed it to Wu Qiandi, "wipe your tears!"

"Thank you

"Don't always say thank you. In fact, I still like the way you used to scold me!" Ye Xiao said!

"I'm not very good at swearing." Wu Qiandi wiped her tears and said, "you are the only man I scold!"

"In this way, I'm still very lucky to be able to make an exception for me by Mr. Wu who is a scholar. OK, for this luck, I decided not to accept your money today!" Ye Xiao said!

"Take my money? What money? " Wu Qiandi heard Ye Xiao's words, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, and she was very surprised!

"Of course, it's the money for clothes. You see, my clothes make you cry wet. Although I lent you my shoulder, I didn't say I lent you my clothes too!" Ye Xiao said!


Wu Qiandi was amused by Ye Xiao all of a sudden, "stingy man!"

PS: because of marriage, the update has been slow recently. Now it's back to update. The movie of the same name in this book has been filmed. If you are interested, you can follow it on Weibo. Official Sina Weibo: Ace of female president, please look forward to the movie!

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