Ye Xiao didn't expect Wu Qiandi to laugh!

At least in Ye Xiao's impression, Wu Qiandi always has a straight face, or an expression of disgust towards Ye Xiao. Anyway, he doesn't remember Wu Qiandi smiling at him!

But now, Wu Qiandi is smiling!

Wu Qiandi has a good smile. She grew up in a scholarly family. She was influenced by the good family atmosphere, which made her naturally have a scholarly atmosphere, elegant and extraordinary!

When Wu Qiandi laughs, she doesn't show all her teeth at once like other girls. She laughs heartily! Wu Qiandi is showing a little white teeth, this kind of smile is the most elegant smile!

At this time, Wu Qiandi even wanted to keep this elegant smile!

When Wu Qiandi said that, ye Xiao already said with a smile, "you look good when you smile. It's very different from the smile of the girls I know. Is this the so-called ancient ladies who don't show their teeth when they smile?"

Wu Qiandi heard Ye Xiao's words, she shook her head slightly, "no, I'm just not used to laughing!" Speaking of this, Wu Qiandi suddenly looked at Ye Xiao with her watery eyes, "don't think I have changed my attitude towards you. In my heart, you are still a very annoying man. I won't change my view of you!"

"Well, I didn't expect you to change your opinion of me, either!" Ye Xiao said lightly, "in fact, your attitude to me now, I feel very good, no burden!"

"Why?" Wu Qiandi heard Ye Xiao's words, she asked subconsciously!

However, as soon as her words came out, Wu Qiandi already felt that she should not say that in front of Ye Xiao, and changed her words, "I'm not interested in knowing why you think so. You'd better send me home...!"

"Good!" Ye Xiao promised, he drove!

The car is driving again. Ye Xiao drives the car and sweeps her eyes on Wu Qiandi's hand. Wu Qiandi wears a ring on her left ring finger. Ye Xiao casually asks, "what does your husband do?"

When ye Xiao asked, Wu Qiandi subconsciously touched the ring on her left ring finger. Her expression became colder and said, "this is my personal problem!"

"Personal questions?" Ye Xiao frowns slightly, he suddenly thought of what Gao Jie once said to him, Wu Qiandi seems to be single! But the hand is wearing a wedding ring, how to feel and Gaojie told him some difference!

However, as Wu Qiandi said, this is a personal question, and ye Xiao should not ask more! Wu Qiandi didn't like Ye Xiao before, and it's the same now. The reason why Wu Qiandi took Ye Xiao's car is that Wu Qiandi wanted to go home. After all, Wu Qiandi put a lot of cash in her bag. Wu Qiandi was worried about money insecurity!

Ye Xiao laughed, "this is really a personal question... Just think I didn't ask!"

With that, he drove on!

When ye Xiao drove to Wu Qiandi's address, Wu Qiandi's right hand pointed to an intersection in front of him, "turn left from there, then you can stop!"

"I see!" Ye Xiao said!

Ye Xiao drove to the gate of a courtyard. There was a high wall around the courtyard. The red painted gate was on the wooden pillars on both sides of the gate, with couplets!

You don't have to ask. If you look at the compound, you will know that it is old! There are not many old buildings like this left in Zhonghai city! What's more, the compound is still in the urban area, so the land is worth a lot of money!

"After making trouble for a long time, your family is the landlord!" After ye Xiao stopped the car, he looked at Wu Qiandi and said, "Why are you a rich woman? Why do you want to be a teacher and rent a house with Gao Jie

After ye Xiao finished his sentence, Wu Qiandi just looked at Ye Xiao and didn't want to answer him, "thank you!" Wu Qiandi untied her seat belt. After that, she decided to push the door open and get off. But her door had already been pushed open. Wu Qiandi stopped again, turned around, looked at Ye Xiao, and asked, "what's your size?"

Ye Xiao didn't expect that Wu Qiandi would suddenly ask this sentence. When he heard Wu Qiandi's sentence, he was a little stunned. He suspected that he had heard it wrong. He looked at Wu Qiandi and said, "what do you say?"

"What's your size?" Wu Qiandi asked again!

"Miss Wu, this is a personal problem. It's not convenient for me to tell you... I didn't expect you to be such an open-minded female teacher... However, I can understand, after all..."

Before ye Xiao finished his sentence, she saw Wu Qiandi's cheek suddenly turned red. Her eyes looked at Ye Xiao. "I knew you were not serious. Now it seems that you are...!" She originally wanted to scold Ye Xiao, but when it came to her mouth, Wu Qiandi felt that she shouldn't scold her life-saving benefactor like this. She took the words back and changed her mouth. "I just want to know what size of clothes you wear. I want to compensate you for one. Don't think it's crooked!"

When Wu Qiandi said this, ye Xiao already laughed, "it seems that I misunderstood. I thought... Ha ha, Miss Wu, no, I just casually said that I didn't expect you to buy clothes for me!"

"No, I want to pay for it!" Wu Qiandi said, "I don't want to owe you. In the future, I don't want to meet you!"

"If I say so, I'm not polite!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "you see, I'm one meter eighty-five. You can buy as many clothes as you want. Of course, you can ask me to buy clothes with you. I think I'd better try on the spot. In case you buy them, what should I do?"

"Don't dream!" When Wu Qiandi heard Ye Xiao's words, she looked at Ye Xiao, "I just want to give you a favor. Don't think too much. Don't think I'm good to you. I hate you very much. I don't want to see you any more...!" Wu Qiandi finished this sentence, opened the door and got off the car!

Wu Qiandi walked to her door. Ye Xiao turned his head and saw Wu Qiandi's wallet left on the seat! Just now when Wu Qiandi got off the bus, she accidentally dropped her wallet, but Wu Qiandi didn't find her wallet missing.

Ye Xiaoyi reaches for his hand and picks up his wallet. He sees the photo inside the interlayer of Wu Qiandi's wallet. It's a picture of a handsome looking man and Wu Qiandi. Judging from the intimacy between Wu Qiandi and the man, it should be Wu Qiandi's husband!

"I really want to hear Gao Jie mention Wu Qiandi...!" When ye Xiao just thought of it, Leng Buding saw Wu Qiandi stopped by a young student. That young student Ye Xiao had met. At that time, ye Xiao thought Wu Qiandi and this student were in a teacher-student relationship. This is not allowed, and it is to be despised! Later it turned out that it was just a misunderstanding of Ye Xiao. This male student didn't fall in love with Wu Qiandi. At least Wu Qiandi didn't admit it!

When ye Xiao saw that the boy student appeared again, ye Xiao's brow slightly wrinkled. He hesitated whether he wanted to get out of the car to help. Ye Xiao obviously saw that Wu Qiandi didn't want to be entangled by the boy student. Wu Qiandi shook the boy student's hand hard, trying to shake the boy student's hand away from her arm, but obviously, the boy student didn't want to give up!

"Why do these rotten things happen to me?" When ye Xiao saw the scene, he knew that he had to come forward. If he didn't show up, it would make things worse!

Ye Xiao opened the door and got out of the car with his wallet in his hand!

"Qiandi, your wallet fell into my car. It was like this last time!" Ye Xiao goes to Wu Qiandi with his wallet in his hand!

That male student is pulling Wu Qiandi's arm, Wu Qiandi's face is very blue, his face is very ugly, and some of them are angry! When ye Xiao appeared, the boy released his hand, and his eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "is it you again? Who are you? "

"Who am I?" When ye Xiao heard the boy's words, he had already chuckled, "I'll send her home. Who do you think I am...!" Ye Xiao said that he had put his wallet on Wu Qiandi's hand and followed closely. His right hand put his arm around Wu Qiandi's shoulder. The other hand pushed the boy on his shoulder and pushed him out of the way. "Let's go, don't get in the way!"

That male student was pushed aside by Ye Xiao. Obviously, this male student has not been able to react. The main reason is that in his opinion, Wu Qiandi has never had a man. Where did this man come from!

When this male student hesitates, ye Xiao already embraces Wu Qiandi's shoulder and goes to the gate!

Wu Qiandi obviously doesn't want to be held by Ye Xiao like this, so she wants to get rid of Ye Xiao. At this time, ye Xiao whispered in Wu Qiandi's ear, "if you don't want to be harassed by that boy all the time, you should be honest and come in with me... I don't have the leisure to help you, just because you have some pity, Help you this time...! "

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