The scene had been washed clean by the rain, and there were no valuable clues left behind.

Several policemen searched the area, hoping to find valuable clues.

Ye Xiao was meditating with a cigarette in his mouth.

He had been standing here smoking after he had seen the corpses of the two dead men. He did not say a word.

Zhou Xinming walked over, raised her leg and kicked at Ye Xiao.

"What are you standing there for? If you have nothing to say, then hurry up and go back. You're not a police officer, so don't stand in the way. " Zhou Xinming did not want Ye Xiao to stay, she urged him to leave quickly.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

"Xinming, don't bother about this case." Ye Xiao suddenly threw down his words and walked away.

Zhou Xinming was confused by Ye Xiao's senseless words, she saw that Ye Xiao had walked away, and anxiously chased after him, blocking his path: "Wait, explain yourself first, what do you mean ignore it?"

"These two scavengers were not killed by ordinary people."

"Nonsense, can ordinary people kill people in the rain? If this is not a joke, then what is! " Zhou Xinming coldly snorted.

"I didn't mean that. I meant that these two scrap pickers might have seen people they shouldn't have. For example, murder."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"Let me be clear, these two scavengers were killed by a professional killer and they weren't ordinary killers. Their heads were twisted off." Ye Xiao said very seriously, "Those who can do this have received special training. To put it bluntly, they used to be soldiers or special forces."

"Like that crazy explosion?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"No." Ye Xiao said in a serious tone, "That person is not on the same level as that killer. According to me, even if I were to meet that killer, I might not even be able to win."

"Haha …" Zhou Xinming laughed out loud.

Zhou Xinming obviously did not believe Ye Xiao's words. Ye Xiao only needed to glance at the corpse to know the circumstances of the murderer.

Although Zhou Xinming admitted that she had some skills, she did not think Ye Xiao was that amazing.

Ye Xiao was just bragging!

"Alright, stop bullshitting here, hurry up and go back." Zhou Xinming said, "I do not need your help."

"I'm telling the truth." Ye Xiao said.

Ye Xiao was driven back to his car, but before he left, he warned Zhou Xinming again to be careful, this case was not simple.

He hoped that Zhou Xinming would not bother with this case at all, but how could Zhou Xinming be willing to listen to him?

Zhou Xinming would not listen to him. Zhou Xinming was a police officer after all, so this kind of case was left to Zhou Xinming to handle.

No matter what Ye Xiao said, it was useless, he could only drive away.

Entering the city, Ye Xiao received a call from Zhang Xueyao.

"You didn't come back last night?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"I was trapped outside. I had to stay in a hotel with my friends because of the rain." Ye Xiao said.

"Male or female?"

"Men, it must be men." Ye Xiao hurriedly said.

"Hmph, we'll talk about it when we get back." Zhang Xueyao said, "When you come back, remember to buy some mineral water and drinks. There are no drinks in the fridge at home, I don't even want to drink them."

"I got it, I'll be right back."

After Ye Xiao put down his mobile, he drove the car over to the side of the road.

Zhang Xueyao's words just now reminded Ye Xiao, who immediately checked his body to see if there was any trace of a woman's perfume on him. Last time, Zhang Xueyao was angry because of the woman's perfume.

He could not make similar mistakes again!

Fortunately, he didn't have the smell of perfume on him, so Ye Xiao was still worried. He decided to go to the market to buy a bottle of the faint perfume used by men.

Women have keen noses.

Last time, Ye Xiao had experienced the impressiveness of Zhang Xueyao, and could actually smell that the perfume on his body was Gu Feifei's. He was not truly afraid, but he felt that Zhang Xueyao was too powerful.

A mistake can only be made once. The first time could be said to be an oversight, but if you made a mistake the second time, the only thing that could be said was that you were an idiot.

Ye Xiao did not want to be a fool, he decisively parked his car in front of the shopping mall to buy man's perfume.

Ye Xiao bought a man's perfume from a shopping mall. It was the kind of light perfume that sprayed on his body!

Zhang Xueyao told him to buy some drinks and water to go home. Ye Xiao walked into the supermarket and started looking for some drinks.

This supermarket is big enough, Ye Xiao is walking around inside the supermarket!

When he turned to the front of a shelf, he unexpectedly discovered that Zhang Lishan was looking for coffee.

Ye Xiao did not expect to meet Zhang Lishan here.

Ye Xiao revealed an evil smile, and had the intention of teasing his. He slowly walked over and intentionally stood behind Zhang Lishan. At that time, Zhang Lishan was still looking for coffee while Ye Xiao bumped into her.

Boom! *


Zhang Lishan suddenly bumped into the shelves, luckily she held onto the shelves with both hands, if not, her face would have been stuck to the shelves.

At that time, Zhang Lishan was angry, she suddenly turned around, Zhang Lishan was planning to ruthlessly teach this blind guy a lesson.

However, when she saw that it was Ye Xiao, Zhang Lishan was suddenly startled and was quite surprised.

"Aiyo, I'm sorry, I did not expect it to be you, Vice President Zhang!" Ye Xiao had done it on purpose to begin with, but of course he wouldn't admit it. When she saw Zhang Lishan turn around, Ye Xiao intentionally apologized!

"Next time, be careful. This is a supermarket, don't walk around. Don't pay attention to your surroundings." Zhang Lishan was originally going to be angry, but now, she actually retracted her anger.

Ye Xiao had thought that Zhang Lishan would be furious when he bumped into her. At that time, Ye Xiao would purposely anger Zhang Lishan.

However, Zhang Lishan's reaction exceeded Ye Xiao's expectations, and she actually did not get angry.

"Vice President Zhang, aren't you angry? I just bumped into you. " Ye Xiao asked instead.

"It's not like you did it on purpose. Be careful next time." Zhang Lishan turned around, took down a can of coffee from the shelf and placed it into her car.

Ye Xiao felt that it was too strange, that Zhang Lishan would actually speak to him like this.

In fact, from the moment he had met Zhang Lishan, he had felt that Zhang Lishan's attitude towards him was a little strange. Even Ye Xiao himself didn't know what was going on, but he felt that Zhang Lishan's attitude towards him was off!

There must be something odd about this.

Ye Xiao thought to himself as he opened his mouth wide, "I want to tell you …"

Before Ye Xiao could finish his sentence, he heard the young and tender voice of a girl, "Mother …" Along with this tender voice, a cute girl about four or five years old, wearing a white dress, ran over with a toy in her hand.

This girl was holding a toy on the toy display stand in front of the shelves, Ye Xiao had only paid attention to Zhang Lishan and did not notice the cute little girl who was not too far away!

"Xue'er, slow down and don't fall!" When Zhang Lishan heard the little girl's voice, her face immediately filled with a gentle smile.

Ye Xiao had never seen this smile before, but when he saw the charming smile on Zhang Lishan's mother's face, he was stunned.

This little girl is Zhang Lishan's daughter, Xue'er!

Xue'er ran in front of Zhang Lishan and Zhang Lishan carried Xue'er.

"What is this uncle doing?" Xue'er saw that Ye Xiao was looking at them, so he extended his cute little hands and pointed at Ye Xiao, those big watery eyes looking at Ye Xiao.

Only then did Ye Xiao come back to his senses. Facing the cute Xue'er, Ye Xiao revealed a smile, "I'm looking at you, I've never seen such a cute little girl like you. What's your name?"

"Xue'er!" This little girl, Xue'er, spoke in a tender voice!

Her big watery eyes looked at Ye Xiao, her small and thin lips slightly pursed, "Uncle, you're also very pretty!"


Ye Xiao never thought that this cute little girl would say such things to him. At that moment, he started to laugh loudly, and subconsciously stretched out his hand. Ye Xiao never thought that the moment he extended his hand, Xue'er would actually extend her hand as well.

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