Ye Xiao froze and he looked at Zhang Lishan.

He saw that Zhang Lishan's face was always wearing the smile of a loving mother, and when he saw Xue'er extend her hand towards him, Zhang Lishan actually smiled.

This was Ye Xiao's first time seeing Zhang Lishan smile at him. Previously in the group, Zhang Lishan always had a stern face, as if how much money Ye Xiao owed her.

But now, it was as if Zhang Lishan was a different person, Ye Xiao almost did not recognize him.

Ye Xiao reached out and hugged Xue'er from Zhang Lishan's hands.

"Xue'er, thank you!" Ye Xiao said.

"Uncle, welcome to my house!" Xue'er said.

Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Lishan and saw him smiling and nodding her head again.

"Alright, uncle promises you."

Ye Xiao was completely confused as to why Xue'er was being so intimate with him. Zhang Lishan's reaction was also weird. He hugged Xue'er and looked at Zhang Lishan, "Vice President Zhang, your daughter seems to like me a lot."

"Yes sir!" Zhang Lishan nodded, "Xue'er likes to be born. She doesn't like strangers, but you are an exception."

When Zhang Lishan said this, Ye Xiao subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Originally, Zhang Lishan was still wearing a smile on her face, but when she heard Ye Xiao's words, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared as she said, "No … "It's nothing!"

Zhang Lishan looked at Xue'er, "Xue'er, let's go home!"

Only then did Xue'er unwillingly leave Ye Xiao's embrace. Obviously, Xue'er liked Ye Xiao a lot.

When Ye Xiao saw that Zhang Lishan wasn't willing to tell him the reason, he obviously wouldn't keep asking questions like a fool.

Zhang Lishan walked out of the supermarket with Xue'er in her arms and followed behind Zhang Lishan. As he was thinking about what happened just now, he kept having the feeling that Zhang Lishan and Xue'er's reactions were a little strange.

If Xue'er had been happy to be carried by Ye Xiao just because she saw that Ye Xiao was very handsome, then it was reasonable even though Ye Xiao had thought that he had a decent appearance. Although he wasn't an exceptional handsome guy, he could at least be considered a man with a masculine spirit.

It was just that Ye Xiao's reaction made Ye Xiao a little confused.

Not only was Zhang Lishan's reaction this time, the reactions he had in the group earlier also made Ye Xiao feel that Zhang Lishan had other intentions towards him.

"Could it be that he has fallen for me?" When Ye Xiao thought about this, he felt that it was somewhat funny.

How could Zhang Lishan fall for him?

In the group, there were rumors of Zhang Lishan.

It was said that after Zhang Lishan's husband died, many men were chasing after Zhang Lishan, but Zhang Lishan had rejected them all.

Zhang Lishan was too infatuated, after her husband died, Zhang Lishan didn't like men.

In fact, within the group, Zhang Lishan's requirements towards her male subordinates were especially strict.

But Ye Xiao felt that Zhang Lishan's attitude towards him was not ordinary.

Ye Xiao thought as he walked out of the supermarket with a plastic bag in his hands, filled with mineral water and drinks that he had bought.

Zhang Lishan had already put Xue'er down, and let Xue'er walk by herself. She was following beside Xue'er, and in her hands was something she had bought from a supermarket.

When they reached the central hall of the first floor of the shopping mall, they suddenly heard someone shout, "Hurry and get out of the way …" Get out of the way! "

When Zhang Lishan heard someone shouting, she raised her head. It didn't matter if she looked, but the moment she saw Zhang Lishan, her face became pale white, and lost all color in an instant.

For some reason, the billboard hanging on the third floor of the mall actually fell off.

The billboard weighed several dozens of pounds. If such a large billboard were to land on someone's head, that person would be doomed. He would undoubtedly die!

Right now, the billboard was falling down, and the place where it fell was exactly where Xue'er was.

When Zhang Lishan saw it, it was already too late!

Although she could not rush it, Zhang Lishan still tried her best to pounce over. This was a mother's instinctual reaction, although she knew it was useless, Zhang Lishan still did her best to pounce over.

She hoped that she could create miracles. Even if she had to protect her daughter with her body, she was willing to do it.

But all of these were in vain. Just as the signboard fell, Zhang Lishan no longer had the ability to save her daughter.


The billboard smashed towards Xue'er!

"Xue'er …" Zhang Lishan let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Xue'er was her everything, her life.

After her husband passed away, Zhang Lishan and Xue'er relied on each other for survival. The reason she was able to hold on was also because of Xue'er. She placed all her attention on Xue'er. It was precisely because of her existence that Zhang Lishan was able to persevere after her husband died.

Otherwise, Zhang Lishan might have already gone with her husband.

But now, the pillar that was supporting her, was about to fall. Zhang Lishan's life seemed to be leaving with Xue'er.

She could only let out this heart-wrenching sound!

At that moment, a figure flashed past!

That figure arrived in front of Xue'er and carried her away at an astonishing speed before the signboard could hit her!


The billboard crashed to the ground, producing a deafening sound.

On the ground at the side, was hugging Xue'er tightly. Xue'er's eyes were tightly closed, and when she opened them again, she saw Ye Xiao hugging her tightly!

Xue'er didn't know what happened just now, but she reached out her hands and hugged onto Ye Xiao's arms.


Zhang Lishan rushed over and carried Xue'er in her arms. Her tears were like beads with cut strings, flowing out from the depths of her eyes!

In that moment, she felt that she had lost Xue'er, her most precious daughter.

Now, she was going to hug Xue'er tightly without separating for even a moment, just like that.

Xue'er blinked her big watery eyes, looking at her mother in confusion. She didn't know why her mother was crying.

"Thank you!" After Zhang Lishan cried, she looked at Ye Xiao with gratitude.

"No need, take Xue Er to the hospital to check first. I don't know if she was injured just now." Ye Xiao said, "As for this matter, let's not bother about it for now."

"I'll take Xue'er to the hospital now."

Right now, she only wanted to send Xue'er to the hospital for inspection as soon as possible. Although it seemed that Xue'er was fine now, it was inevitable that she had made some mistakes, so she was worried that Xue'er might be injured.

Only after Ye Xiao's reminder, did Zhang Lishan react. She anxiously carried Xue'er and walked out.

Ye Xiao looked at the signboard, if the signboard had smashed onto him earlier, he would be finished.

"F * ck, I was too desperate just now. I almost threw myself in." After Ye Xiao finished reading, he also felt a burst of lingering fear. He had only wanted to save Xue'er, but didn't think too much about it.

The shopping mall was already in chaos as the security guards rushed over to clean up the mess.

Ye Xiao did not plan to ask for compensation in the first place, as long as no one injured him, it would be fine. He decided to first bring the thing Zhang Xueyao wanted home, that was the most important thing, and did not need to care about other things.

As Ye Xiao got on the car, he thought about what happened just now, "This Zhang Lishan, really makes people feel weird!" When Ye Xiao thought about the way Zhang Lishan looked at him, he felt that there was something else behind it. It was just that Zhang Lishan was not willing to bring it up, so Ye Xiao did not plan to ask.

He had saved Xue'er, and did not want to benefit from Zhang Lishan's hands.

Ye Xiao drove the car back to the villa!

When he entered the villa with a bottle of mineral water in his hand, Zhang Xueyao was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a phone in her hand.

"Tonight?" "Alright, I'll prepare a bit!" Zhang Xueyao said, "I understand, I will come over tonight. Why did I bring him … "Alright, Dad, I will let him dress up and go over there …"

"Wife, I've bought all the water and drinks you asked for." Ye Xiao put down everything he was carrying and sat down next to Zhang Xueyao. His right hand naturally reached out and wrapped around Zhang Xueyao's small waist.

"What time is it now? It's still early to set up the KISS. No!" Zhang Lishan's lips slightly pouted. She looked at Ye Xiao's face and suddenly stuck his face in.

"Wife, what are you doing?" Ye Xiao asked curiously.

Zhang Xueyao did not utter a word, but instead twitched her nose, "Why does a man's perfume smell like this? Since when did you use perfume?"

"I've always been using it. You just didn't smell it." Ye Xiao said.

"Don't you think it's bad for a man to use perfume? "Don't use it tomorrow, I hate men's perfume!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Alright, I'll definitely listen to my wife. There's no need for perfume." Ye Xiao was secretly happy. He had done the right thing this time, using a man's perfume to cover up the fragrance of a woman's perfume on his body. Even with Zhang Xueyao's sensitive nose, she still could not smell it.

Ye Xiao was extremely pleased with himself. The greatest danger had finally been overcome, how could Ye Xiao not be happy?

"Where did you go last night?"

Just when Ye Xiao thought that the crisis had passed, Zhang Xueyao suddenly said this.

"I... I was out with my friend, didn't I already say that? " Ye Xiao said.

"Lies!" Suddenly, Zhang Xueyao's eyes looked straight at Ye Xiao, "You don't have to lie, I already know, you were in the same room as the woman last night!"

Just at this moment, Ye Xiao's heart skipped a beat. After hearing Zhang Xueyao's words, he had already thought about how he and Gu Feifei had spent the night in the Green Park Hotel.

From Zhang Xueyao's words, Ye Xiao felt that Zhang Xueyao already knew about it!

"What should we do?" Ye Xiao shouted in his heart.

This was really bad!

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