In the morning, after sending Tang Feifei to work, Yang Xian headed for the Su City University.

Originally, Tang Feifei had requested for her to follow him around her body, to be his driver and bodyguard. However, in the past few days, Yang Xian's performance had made her rather satisfied, so she had thought things through and understood. It was impossible to tie Yang Xian up in the office, because this guy was someone who couldn't stay idle.

Therefore, on the way, Tang Feifei took the initiative to ask Yang Xian. As long as she was in the company, he could freely move about.

Thus, at this moment, he left the company with a confident and confident look. He did not need to worry about being criticized by Tang Feifei when he went back.

Yesterday, he had already made an appointment with Bin and the others, and would be helping their female martial arts team carry out special training. Thus, after Yang Xian entered the school, he directly went to the fitness room.

However, when they arrived at the place, they discovered that only Liu Shengnan and a few girls were there. After asking, they found out that the other girls, including Lin Dong, were all still lying in the dorm after running 10,000 meters yesterday.

Just then, Bin and a few other people came over. Yang Xian gave them some missions so that they could help Liu Shengnan and the others with their strength training. As for himself, he took advantage of some time to head towards the female dorms.

"Student, this is a female dormitory, boys are not allowed inside!" Just as she was about to enter the girl's dormitory, an old lady walked out from her room and stared at Yang Xian vigilantly.

Yang Xian was depressed, but he had no choice, he walked to the side and wanted to call Lin Dong.

"Yi, aren't you Yang Xian? Dong'er's boyfriend? "

Just as he took out his cell phone, a few girls walked out from the dormitory. When they saw Yang Xian, they all walked over.

"Yo!" Everyone, good morning! " Yang Xian smiled and greeted his. He had met these girls before as they were all Lin Dong's roommates.

"Yang Xian, you came looking for Dong'er so early?" a girl asked.

"Of course. Dong'er is in the dorm, right?"

"He's here! I heard that she ran ten thousand meters yesterday and fainted. After returning from the infirmary, I couldn't even get out of bed, and am still sleeping! "

"Is that so? Can I go up and see her?"

"Hee hee!" For a boyfriend to see his girlfriend, what's wrong with that? However, without our help, I'm afraid you won't be able to get in! " A girl blinked and smiled.

Yang Xian understood tacitly, and immediately took out a few bills from his pocket and said: "Ladies! "I've been meaning to treat you guys to a meal for the past few days, but it's all my fault, I was too busy. How about this, since we coincidentally met today, I'll treat you guys to breakfast. When I call Dong'er over, I'll definitely treat you guys to a meal, okay?

"Hee hee!" "No wonder Dong'er likes you. You're such a good person!"

"Enough!" We'll take this gift. As for the auntie, we'll help you lure her away, and you can take the chance to slip in. But when we come out, we won't care about it! "

"Then I'll have to thank all of you beauties!" Yang Xian cupped his hands together in thanks.

As a result, the few girls walked into the room and surrounded the door to stop the woman from chattering. Yang Xian took the opportunity to go upstairs and smoothly go to the floor of Lin Dong's dormitory.

Once he walked to the corridor, Yang Xian felt his eyes brightening up. It was a scene filled with spring, where girls' clothes were hung all over the corridor, it was as if there were ten thousand flags everywhere, it was really pleasing to the eye. Some of the door to the dorm were still open, so Yang Xian peeked inside. He could even see some girls wearing pajamas walking around inside, which made him very happy.

After a while, he walked to the door of Lin Dong's room, and Yang Xian knocked on the door.

"Who is it? The door isn't locked. Come in by yourself. " Lin Dong's voice came out from inside.

Thus, Yang Xian pushed open the door and entered. First, he smelt the fragrant scent of a girl, then he scanned the environment of the dorm.

At this time, Lin Dong was lying on the innermost bed, facing the side of the wall, looking like she didn't have any spirit at all.

Yang Xian walked to her side and sat down beside her bed. Then, he held onto her calf and gently rubbed it.

"Mm …" "Hehe, Nana, didn't you go to eat breakfast? Why are you back so soon, and you even know that my legs are sore, giving me a massage?" Lin Dong squinted her eyes and laughed. The Nana she spoke of was one of her roommates.

"Comfortable?" Yang Xian asked.

"Comfortable, your cooking skills are quite good. Where did you learn it from? "Mm!?"

Lin Dong agreed, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, it was clearly Yang Xian's voice!

Lin Dong suddenly turned around and saw Yang Xian sitting at the head of his bed, smiling at him. had even grabbed his calf and placed it on's thigh.

"Yang Xian, why is it you?" Lin Dong was stunned.

"I heard you haven't recovered yet, so of course I came to see you! Don't move, I'll help you massage it. Yang Xian continued to speak as he moved his hands.

Lin Dong anxiously looked around the room, seeing that there was no one else, she heaved a sigh of relief, but immediately became anxious: "Yang Xian, how did you come in? We girls' dormitories don't allow boys to enter! "

"Hehe, thank your good sisters for this!" Yang Xian said.

Hearing this, Lin Dong laughed helplessly: "You guys are really messing around. If I let the auntie in charge of management find out that you were here, she would definitely beat you out with a broom."

However, even though she said that, she did not have any intention of chasing Yang Xian away. When she saw Yang Xian carefully and patiently helping her massage her calves, alleviating the soreness and pain, her heart felt a little bashful and anxious, but mostly happy.

After rubbing it for a while, Lin Dong felt much better, and since she was embarrassed to let Yang Xian continue rubbing it, she got off the bed and poured some water for Yang Xian.

Yang Xian sat on the side of the bed honestly, but he didn't forget to look around. Suddenly, he saw a strip like thing exposed from under Lin Dong's blanket, and he couldn't help but be curious and pulled it out.

"Ugh …" Yang Xian pulled out the thing and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, he felt like blood was coming out of his nose, because he discovered that he was holding onto a pink undergarment.

Wait a minute, shouldn't underwear be worn on your body? Why is it under the blanket? Could it be …

Yang Xian blinked, and then looked at Lin Dong. He quickly discovered that there seemed to be something missing in the upper half of Lin Dong's body.

"Yang Xian, drink some water … "Ahhh!"

Just as Lin Dong finished pouring herself a cup of water, she turned around and saw Yang Xian holding onto his undergarment, instantly exclaiming out loud, and his face flushed red.

She anxiously ran over, snatched the undergarment from Yang Xian's hands and stuffed it into the blanket, stuttering: "Yang Xian, why are you touching my things!?"

"This, I stumbled upon by chance." Yang Xian swallowed his saliva and casually replied Lin Dong, but his gaze was fixated on Lin Dong's chest.

Lin Dong noticed his gaze, lowered her head and looked at herself, and then thought of something, she anxiously held onto her chest, and wanted to cry but had no tears.

Seriously, how could he even forget about this matter?! He wasn't even wearing anything underneath! This was too embarrassing!

"Um, Yang Xian, sit down first, I, I'm going to change!"

As Lin Dong said this, she grabbed that piece of underwear in her hands and dashed into the washroom.

After a long while, Lin Dong came out again, and had already donned the clothes she normally wore when she went out everyday.

Yang Xian curled his lips and said somewhat gloomily: "Dong'er, I think that the clothes you wore just now were pretty good."

"This, ah, isn't this getting up? Of course I have to change! Yang Xian, how about we go out? I'll buy you breakfast. " Lin Dong said with a blushing face.


Yang Xian shrugged his shoulders and promised as he walked out of the dorm with Lin Dong.

The two of them had just reached the end of the stairs when Lin Dong's face changed. She anxiously pushed Yang Xian back in, and said anxiously: "The housekeeper is here! What should he do? Yang Xian, we cannot let her find you! "

Yang Xian scratched his head, casually picked up the trash bag that was placed at the corner of the room, and then knocked on the door of the dormitory.

"Student, you've collected the trash!" Those with trash, take them out! " Yang Xian said.

A girl opened the door, took a glance at Yang Xian, and muttered: "Did you exchange the trash for someone else? Take it. " The girl said as she handed the trash bag over to Yang Xian.

"Collecting trash!" "Everyone, take out the trash!" Yang Xian knocked on the door one by one while carrying the trash bag.

Very quickly, many of the girls in the dorm heard the commotion and placed their trash in front of the door. Some of the girls even asked Yang Xian out of curiosity, "Student, do you study diligently and thriftily? It's been hard on you! "

"Buddy, I still have some paper and plastic jars here. Do you want some? I'll give them to you for free."

"This …"

Lin Dong stood at the top of the stairs, stunned as she watched Yang Xian become a trash worker in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the old lady in charge came up. Seeing the pile of trash in front of Yang Xian, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Hey, student, what are you doing?"

"Auntie, I'm collecting trash!"

"Oh!" Are you new? No wonder he was so shy when he was walking around downstairs. Work hard! " The old lady in charge warned Yang Xian repeatedly, but she did not question him at all. She probably treated him as a diligent and thrifty student, so she turned around and went back upstairs.

"Safe passage. Let's go!" Yang Xian said smilingly to Lin Dong as he held a bunch of plastic bags in his hands.

Lin Dong pursed her lips, she could no longer hold back and laughed out loud, from the dorm room to the cafeteria.

"Yang Xian, no one will stop you when you enter the girl's dormitory in the future." Lin Dong did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Hehe, then won't I be able to come find you at your dorm any time?" Yang Xian threw the rubbish away, patted his hands, and said while winking.

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