The two of them went to the cafeteria and ordered some food. Then, they sat together and ate while chatting.

Just as they ate a few mouthfuls, a few boys walked over and said to Lin Dong with a vile attitude, "Lin Dong, come out, I have something to tell you."

"I don't know you. What's the matter? " Lin Dong sized up those people, they were people that she did not know, of course she would not follow them.

"You came out when I called you, why are you blabbering so much!?" One of them arrogantly started shouting.

Yang Xian said lightly: "Student, could it be that there is something shameful? If there is nothing, we can talk about it here."

The leader looked at Yang Xian, and ignored him, then turned to Lin Dong and said: "Lin Dong, do you still remember Zhang Zhuo?"

"I know Zhang Zhuo, what's wrong with him?" Lin Dong frowned. Although he didn't know what had happened, the attitude of these people made him feel very disgusted.

"Hmph, stop pretending, Zhang Zhuo was hurt by you, even his father is about to be captured, it can be said that he is about to lose his family, and all because of you!"

Just as Lin Dong wanted to speak, Yang Xian waved his hand to stop him, and said to the man: "Student, who are you, to help Zhang Zhuo?"

"Lee Huan! Zhang Zhuo's brother! If something like that happens to him, of course I can't just stand by and do nothing! "

"Hehe, then you've found the wrong person, the one who destroyed Zhang Zhuo's family wasn't our Dong'er."

"From what I know, it was because Zhang Zhuo fancied her in the beginning, and she did not appreciate his kindness, that caused him to be fooled by a guy called Yang Xian. She was the main culprit! As long as that person is called Yang Xian, I will naturally seek justice from him! "

"Brother Xian, where are you? Eh, Lee Huan!? "

Just as Lee Huan finished speaking, the person who was buying breakfast at the window saw Yang Xian and Lin Dong, he greeted them and ran over, but upon seeing Lee Huan and the rest, his face changed.

"Boss, what did you just call him?" Lee Huan's face darkened as he squinted his eyes.

The big mouth opened and closed, as if it was afraid of Lee Huan, but it did not say anything, but a look of worry hung on its face.

Yang Xian leisurely said: "Student, I am Yang Xian, don't you want to settle accounts? "Why don't you put Dong'er's debt on my account as well? I'll do the same to you!"

"F * ck!" You are that Yang Xian guy! Well, it seemed like there was nowhere to be found today! "You're dead for sure!" Lee Huan immediately roared, with an extremely fierce look.

"Lee Huan! You, don't be rash! This is all a misunderstanding, Brother Xian and Dong'er are good people! " His face turned white, and he anxiously stood in front of Lee Huan to help him.

"Scram!" Who do you think you are to persuade me? Also, big boss, aren't you the follower of Zhang Zhuo? Why are you being so courteous to them now? Could it be that after Zhang Zhuo lost, you followed your new master? " Lee Huan said sinisterly.

These words caused everyone's faces to turn green, and they gritted their teeth, unable to utter a single word.

Yang Xian stood up, placed his hand on his shoulder and said: "This is my brother, what, you have an opinion?"

"Humph!" Yang Xian, right? You dare to be arrogant with me, looks like you do not know how to write the word death! "

Lee Huan viciously stared at Yang Xian, and laughed coldly: "Among the three of you, none of you will be able to escape today. I've just been released from the police station, so I'm not going to make a move on you. However, I've called enough men to wait for you at the school gates. I'm not afraid that you won't come out! "Let's go!"

With that said, Lee Huan led the few people and turned to leave.

"Boss, what is the background of this guy?" Yang Xian patted the big one, indicating it to sit, then asked.

He said in a muffled voice, "Brother Xian, this is big trouble. That Lee Huan is a ruthless person that isn't to be trifled with, he is even stronger than Zhang Zhuo by more than ten times. "

"Explain yourself." Yang Xian asked.

"That Lee Huan was originally also a student of our school, but he was fired a while ago because he heavily injured a student who accidentally poured breakfast on his shoes. However, not only was he vicious, he also had a backer. It's said that his father was some kind of amazing mafia lord, so even though he beat the crap out of people, he was only fired and lost some money. He also stayed in the detention center for a few days before coming out. "

"That Lee Huan was together with Zhang Zhuo and the others a lot in the past, and had a good relationship with him. When he came out this time, he probably heard about what happened between you and Zhang Zhuo, which was why he came to find trouble with you."

Speaking to this point, the big boss worriedly said: "Brother Xian, I know that you are a capable person, and that there are some people in the society that you know. However, it seems that even Lord Third and the others might not be able to outdo Lee Huan's father's power, so it's better for you to avoid him, try your best to not fight him head on, if not, he will be able to do anything."

Lin Dong interrupted, and said: "So he is Lee Huan! Yang Xian, I heard that when he was informed about his expulsion by the school, he brought a lot of people to beat up the school leaders. This person is too scary, you must be careful! "

"Got it."

Yang Xian nodded and did not say anything else. He indicated for the two to eat breakfast and did not bring up the matter anymore.

After finishing their breakfast, the three of them walked towards the fitness room. However, they discovered that someone was watching them from afar, and that it was the person who was with Lee Huan just now.

The sophomore and Lin Dong were very uneasy, but Yang Xian pretended not to see it. After arriving at the fitness room, he continued to chat happily with the rest of the students, guiding the female martial arts team in their training.

After a while, Yang Xian looked at the time, then told everyone that he needed to return back to the company and leave the fitness room, but just as he came out, Bin, Da Gang and the rest rushed over.

"Brother Xian, I heard that you fought with that mad dog called Lee Huan?"

"That guy will be waiting for you at the school gate with his men in a few minutes. Are you still going out?"

Bin frowned, and said: "Brother Xian, it's not that I don't have confidence in you, but it's just that Lee Huan is indeed not a fierce person that's easy to mess with.

"Too late." Yang Xian shrugged his shoulders, and revealed a meaningful smile.

A few of them had already reached the school gates. Outside the school, a group of people got out from their cars and rushed to the school gates, eyeing Yang Xian fiercely, and the one leading them, was Lee Huan.

"This guy, he actually called so many people over!?"

"Brother Xian, this guy is completely unreasonable. He clearly wants you to take action, but they don't dare to enter the school. How about you …"

"Alright, all of you go back. Don't get sucked in. I can do it myself. " Yang Xian waved his hands, telling Bin and the others not to say anymore. Both of his hands were in his pockets as he walked out of the school gate alone.

"Brat, you have guts to come out! "Since you still have some guts, I'll leave you with an intact corpse!" Lee Huan pointed at Yang Xian and roared, arrogant to the extreme, and completely disregarding the fact that there were still many security guards watching from outside the school gate.

Yang Xian calmly walked out of the school gate and with a wave of his hand, he was surrounded by a group of people.

"Hehe, looks like you're really not afraid of death!" Good! "Very good!" Lee Huan laughed out loud, holding the Mountain Splitter in his hand, he smirked.

Just then, a few cars drove over, and when they stopped nearby, Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger ran out, followed by a dozen of his subordinates.


Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger anxiously rushed to the front, and pushed those people who were surrounding Yang Xian to stand in the middle.

"Why are you two here?" Yang Xian was puzzled, he did not inform the two of them.

Lei the Third went close to Yang Xian's ear and whispered, "Bin called me half an hour ago to tell me the situation here. Dwarf Tiger and I were afraid that something would happen and so we came over immediately. Senior Yang, this was called Lee Huan's fault. You should let me handle this. "

Yang Xian frowned, even the Lei the Third had said that, looks like this Lee Huan really had some background.

Dwarf Tiger laughed and said to Lee Huan: "Young Master Li, do you still recognize me? I went to wish your father a birthday last month! "

"I don't know him." Lee Huan replied immediately. This made Dwarf Tiger very embarrassed.

Lei the Third said: Young Master Li, I am Lei the Third. Your father and I can be considered to have some relationship, and this is a good brother of Brother Hu and I. I think the two of you are a little misunderstood.

Lee Huan coldly snorted, and said, "Lei the Third, Dwarf Tiger, I remember you. But, don't expect me to give you face, I don't need to give you face either! Today, I just want to avenge my brother. Even if the god comes to plead for mercy, it will be useless! "

The Lei the Third frowned, and said: "Young Master Li, at least we have something to say in the underworld, why are you not giving us face? If your father knew, he would probably be unhappy, right?"

"Stop fucking using my dad to pressure me! Today, I will not give any of you face! What can you do to me!? Let me tell you two, if you know what's good for you, scram. I'll just pretend I didn't see you two, otherwise, I'll beat you up too! "

Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger revealed a sullen look, they were extremely displeased with this Lee Huan, but when they thought about his background, they did not dare to go head to head with him.

Yang Xian pulled Lei the Third and said, "Which road does this guy come from? He's so arrogant that he's about to go to the heavens."

Lei the Third said: "Senior Yang, I'll tell you the truth. He is the son of a little boss in Su City, even though his father is only a little leader. You had better listen to me on this matter, give in and let the matter rest! Otherwise, if he were to bring out the Dragon Gang, you wouldn't even have a single moment of peace. "

Dragon Gang?

Upon hearing the name, Yang Xian's heart moved, and then, his mouth revealed a smile.

"Xiao San, I appreciate your kindness, but, in my, Yang Xian's dictionary, I have never said the word 'surrender' before." Yang Xian squinted his eyes.

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