"Xiao San, Xiao Hu, lead your men away so they won't hurt you later." Yang Xian said leisurely.

When the Lei the Third and the Dwarf Tiger heard this, they understood what Yang Xian meant. They were all in a difficult situation and did not want Yang Xian to take action, because they knew very well just how terrifying and powerful the power behind Lee Huan was. Even if Yang Xian could fight again, if he could force all these people back, he might end up suffering!

However, with the current situation, there was nothing they could say. That Lee Huan basically did not listen to their advice, and Yang Xian was not someone who would show weakness to others, so they could only listen to Yang Xian's words and bring their people to withdraw.

"Hehe, you sure are loyal. Your death is near at hand and you're still worried about the safety of others? "Don't worry, my goal today is only you!" Lee Huan laughed.

Yang Xian also laughed, and said: "Xiao Li, before you come to look for me, you really should go and have a chat with Zhang Zhuo. Maybe you won't be so impulsive, but it's a pity that you won't get the chance, and furthermore, I don't plan on forgiving you."

"What did you say?" Forgive me? "Damn …"


Before Lee Huan could finish his sentence, everyone heard a crisp sound. Lee Huan's head tilted and fell to the side, while Yang Xian's hand was still raised up in the air. That slap just now, was as fast as lightning!

"Bastard, you dare hit me!" Lee Huan was confused, being supported so firmly on the ground, he roared out.

"Not only do I want to hit you, I want to hit you!" Yang Xian said, and rushed towards him!

"Go!" Charge! Kill him! " Lee Huan roared as if he had gone mad.

The dozens of people that he brought all started to move, one after another, they pounced towards Yang Xian and attacked him, Yang Xian grabbed two sticks from him and started to wave his two hands, in a moment, he was screaming miserably!

"Sigh!" Although the Senior Yang is unrivalled, but if he continues to fight like this, something will definitely happen! " Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger stood not too far away, watching the battle that had already erupted.

Dwarf Tiger asked: Ol 'Three, what do we do? That kid can't move! "

"I know. But that brat was like a mad dog that only wanted to bite Senior Yang, no one could persuade him. And Senior Yang was not a soft persimmon that they could pinch! "These two people really hit Earth with sparks."

"It's better not to lament. Let's hurry up and think of a way."

"There's nothing we can do, the fight has already started, this matter is definitely going to get out of hand. We should first look at the situation, then come up with a plan with the Senior Yang."

Lee Huan's men fell to the ground, each of them taking Yang Xian's stave. Lee Huan on the other hand, was still standing there, holding onto his Mountain Splitter Blade, but he was staring straight at Yang Xian, not daring to make a move again.

Yang Xian walked in front of Lee Huan with the rod in his hand, coldly laughed, and said word by word: "No one has ever dared to threaten me before. You're the first, but who are you? "Hmm?"


As Yang Xian said that, he raised his hand to slap him again, and without giving Lee Huan a chance to react, he knocked him down to the ground, following that, he viciously smashed a few more times, causing Lee Huan to scream miserably.

"Bastard!" "You're dead, you'll definitely die miserably!" Lee Huan clenched his teeth, and continued to stare at Yang Xian with incomparable hatred.

"You have guts, but you don't have much brains. If you want to scare someone off, you'll have to see who it is!"

Yang Xian raised his hand and smashed the rod down again, causing Lee Huan to faint.

When the Lei the Third and the Dwarf Tiger saw this, they immediately rushed over.

"Senior Yang, you should hurry up and leave!"

"Yeah, let's talk somewhere else!"

Yang Xian threw away the stick, clapped, and said calmly: "What's the hurry? It wasn't easy to meet someone even more arrogant than me, so let me play a little longer. "

When the Lei the Third and the Dwarf Tiger heard this, they were so anxious that they were about to cry.

"Senior Yang, he has already been knocked out by you, this matter is already not small, if you continue playing, the world will turn upside down! "Let's go!"

The two of them spoke, one pulling Yang Xian onto the carriage.

Yang Xian did not reject them anymore, and went along with their intentions. He got on the carriage and left with them.

Separated by the school gate, many students were watching the scene from the side. Bin and a few others were impressively in line, but right now their faces were filled with worry, as they were very worried for Yang Xian.

Liu Shengnan walked to their side and lightly asked: "That guy, just who did he offend?"

Bin sighed, and said: "Dragon Gang. However, even if I told you, you wouldn't know. "

Liu Shengnan squinted his eyes, with a glint in his eyes, it was unknown what he was thinking.

Not long after, the police arrived. They were the school security officers, bringing Lee Huan and the group of students with them.

However, half an hour later, Soong Ting arrived at the scene in a jeep. After showing her ID, he spoke to the school leader: "I want to take a look at the surveillance and get to know the situation."


Soong Ting was brought to the security department, and after the security guards activated their surveillance, Soong Ting started to look at the surveillance cameras. Not long later, her eyes widened and locked onto one of them, it was Yang Xian.

This guy again? Is he itchy or something?

Seeing Yang Xian's figure, Soong Ting no longer wanted to continue watching. She asked her subordinates to bring the surveillance tape back to the group and then drove out of the school by herself.

While driving, she called Yang Xian: "Where are you?"

"He's at the teahouse. He's having tea with Xiao San and Xiao Hu!" Yang Xian's voice sounded.

"Wait for me!"

Soong Ting hung up the phone and quickly headed towards the teahouse.

Not long later, Soong Ting arrived at the teahouse, and went upstairs to take a look. Yang Xian, Lei the Third and the others were drinking tea, as if nothing had happened.

"Yang Xian!"

Soong Ting walked over with a sullen face, patted the car keys on the table, and sat down next to Yang Xian, glaring at him.

"Ting is here? Do you want to eat something? " Yang Xian said with a smile.

"Um, Officer, you two have a chat. We'll be leaving first." Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger glanced at each other, then stood up as if they were about to leave.

"You two, sit down!" Soong Ting glared at them, and the two of them anxiously sat down.

Soong Ting turned and said to Yang Xian: "Yang Xian, speak honestly, what happened just now!? Why was there a fight at the university gate!? Even after injuring so many people, he still managed to escape!? Don't deny it, I've seen the surveillance cameras before! "

Yang Xian said: "Ting, you can't say that, you have watched the surveillance, then you must have seen it too, I was acting in self-defense, you can't possibly have so many people attacking me and not retaliating right? I was able to beat them and escape, that is my ability! "

"That's right, that's right!" We can help Senior Yang testify to this, he is indeed acting in self-defense. " Lei the Third said.

Soong Ting rolled her eyes at him, and said: "Don't think that I didn't see it. The three of you are in one group."

"Speak!" Who are those people, and why is this happening? "

Yang Xian sipped on his tea and spoke neither hurriedly nor slowly: "Ting, I don't even know them. They wanted to beat me up, so I had no choice."

Lei the Third hesitated for a moment, then said: "Senior Yang, how about we explain everything to Officer Soong? Seeing that Officer Soong has such a good relationship with you, if she was able to help you, he might be able to resolve this matter! "

"Who has a good relationship with him?"

Soong Ting glared at Lei the Third snappily and said, "Seems like you know what's going on. Just tell me. "Speak!"

Lei the Third looked at Yang Xian, but Yang Xian did not comment. He simply said: "Officer Soong, those are actually all Dragon Gang's people, and the one leading them is Lee Huan, the son of our Dragon Gang's famous Baldy Lee. He came to Senior Yang to seek revenge for the person called Zhang Zhuo. "

Soong Ting and Zhang Zhuo knew about their conflicts. Last time, it was because Zhang Zhuo had called upon the wolf dog to help him deal with Yang Xian, which triggered the confrontation between the Lei the Third and the wolf dog people. It was a very spectacular scene. It was she who had rushed to the scene to stop the conflict.

Hearing that, Soong Ting frowned: "I know about Dragon Gang, but, the boss of Dragon Gang doesn't seem to be called Baldy Lee right?"

"Yes, the Helmsman that is here is called Yan Long, and is known as One-eyed Dragon. That Baldy Lee is One-eyed Dragon's trusted aide, and has a lot of power."

Lei the Third paused for a moment, then said: "Officer Soong, since you know about Dragon Gang, then you definitely know about their situation, they are people that cannot be offended, and now that Senior Yang has injured Baldy Lee's son, what do you think we should do?"

Soong Ting snorted: "I am a police officer, if you want to follow my plan, you have to arrest them all!"

"Hmm, Senior Yang, how about we do as Officer Soong says and have her take you inside to hide?" Dwarf Tiger said.

Soong Ting and Yang Xian rolled their eyes at her words.

"Dwarf Tiger, do you think that my family owns the police station? That's where you bad people are locked up. How come it became a safe haven for you? " Soong Ting said with her eyes wide open.

"Hehe, I was just casually saying it. I can't think of a better way!" Dwarf Tiger scratched his head and laughed.

Soong Ting muttered to herself, feeling that the situation in front of him had become very troublesome to deal with.

She now knew that the fight just now was not caused by Yang Xian, so she didn't plan to pursue the matter further. But at the same time, she found out that those people who were beaten by him were from Dragon Gang, and there was also the son of an important figure in Dragon Gang, which made her feel very troubled.

Soong Ting knew that Dragon Gang was a underworld organization and it had a lot of power. However, this organization was also very mysterious. Although they definitely could not avoid illegal and criminal matters, it was very rare to hear of them getting caught, it was unlike the Lei the Third and the others.

To put it simply, this was an organization that not even the police could deal with. As for the person in front of them, he was even more difficult to deal with.

Soong Ting looked at Yang Xian and saw that Yang Xian was chewing on his chicken claws again. This guy, he had gotten himself into big trouble, and he was acting like nothing had happened!

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