Soong Ting agreed to work together with Yang Xian in becoming the instructor of Liu Shengnan's female martial arts team. After resting for a while more, she and Yang Xian went to find Lin Dong.

"Lad, you're here to collect trash again?" When the old woman saw Yang Xian, she said with a smile.

"Collecting trash? "What do you mean?" Soong Ting asked Yang Xian in bewilderment.

Yang Xian blushed, he did not have the nerve to explain, so he replied casually. However, Soong Ting, who was still a police officer, was extremely sharp and quickly guessed what happened.

"I didn't realize that you and Dong'er are rather familiar with each other. You even got familiar with the female dormitory!" Soong Ting squinted her eyes and said meaningfully.

"Normal familiar, normal familiar!"

Yang Xian laughed and knocked on the door to Lin Dong's room.

After entering, Soong Ting borrowed some clean clothes from Lin Dong and went to the bathroom to take a bath. When she came out, Lin Dong had to go to school as well, so she brought her to the cafeteria to eat.

"You're in a better mood, aren't you? Now about that? " Yang Xian said as he accompanied Soong Ting to eat.

"I have thought it through. Even if my position is suspended and I am in the public eye, I must catch the real culprit who killed Ol 'Six!" And that Tian Ruoxi, even though she is cunning, she cannot escape from kidnapping Fei Fei. I must also bring her to justice! " Soong Ting wiped her mouth and said resolutely.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Soong Ting looked at Yang Xian and said: "I want you to help me!"

The corner of Yang Xian's mouth moved slightly. In fact, when he found out that Soong Ting had been suspended from her job at the entrance of the company, he could roughly guess the reason why Soong Ting came to find him. This little girl clearly wanted to ask for help from him, the new boss of Su City, in a situation where she couldn't use her identity as a police officer to handle a case.

"It's no problem to help you!" What kind of relationship do we have!? But, after this is done, how will you repay me? " Yang Xian licked his lips and said.

Soong Ting rolled his eyes at him. She was already very familiar with Yang Xian's methods. Previously, it was because she needed his help that she was extorted by him to give her a hug and a kiss.

Soong Ting said: "We can talk about it after this matter is completed, this time we are dealing with a big tiger, who knows if we will succeed or not!"

"Is there anything else I can't do? Hehe, don't worry, it will definitely work out. However, we still have to agree on our conditions first! " Yang Xian said leisurely.

Soong Ting stomped her feet, clenched her teeth, and said: "If you can really settle this matter for me, I, I will repay you with my body!"

"It's a deal!" Yang Xian said without hesitation.

On one hand, she knew Yang Xian's capabilities. No matter if it was his individual strength, or the power that he had now, there was a possibility of success, on the other hand, she herself also hoped that she could catch the bad guy. Even if Yang Xian was not the deciding factor, she would think of all sorts of ways to do it. Therefore, it could be said that it was certain that he would succeed. If that was the case, it would not be worth it to give him the benefit that he deserved!

Humph! If I succeed, then we can talk. When the time comes … If you really dare to do something to me, I'll cut you apart!

Soong Ting thought to herself, for the moment she was not in the mood to argue with Yang Xian, and said: "Then tell me, what should we do now?"

Yang Xian slowly said: "Since we are now partners, there are some things that I have to let you know."

Finished, Yang Xian told Soong Ting about the findings of the investigation that the Lei the Third and the others had reported to him.

After Soong Ting heard this, she muttered to herself for a long time. After a long while, he finally said, "According to what you said, there is really someone controlling everything behind Tian Ruoxi!?"

"Obviously." Yang Xian said as he bit the cola straw.

"The person who took Ol 'Six and the others to the hospital must be the mastermind!" You said before, that the hospital is an industry owned by Ding's Group, it is managed by a person called Ding Junkai. Furthermore, that person has a very complicated relationship with Tian Ruoxi and Fei Fei.

Yang Xian shrugged and said, "It's possible, but we don't have enough evidence."

"I'll talk to him immediately!" Soong Ting stood up as she spoke, making a gesture to leave.

Stop." Now that you're suspended, what right do you have to look for him?

Hearing that, Soong Ting remembered that she did not even have a police ID, and was immediately aggrieved.

"Well, this is so complicated, it's impossible to get to the bottom of it right away. "Come with me, step by step." Yang Xian said.

"Where to?"

"Let's watch the show!"

Soong Ting said snappily: "What time is it now? I'm still in the mood to watch a show with you."

"Hehe, this is going to be a good show. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it."

"Humph!" This time, let's see what you are going to do! "

Soong Ting muttered behind him and quickened her pace to catch up.


After the city police chief, Wan Guoliang, came out from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, he rejected Tian Guohuai's invitation to eat lunch and drove back to the city police station alone. Yesterday, the Tian Family Market was smashed, following that, Tang Feifei was kidnapped, and then the suspect, Ol 'Six, was killed. These few things were all related, it couldn't be considered big nor small.

In order to get rid of the Tian father and daughter pair, Wan Guoliang had to buy time to operate. Thus, he didn't return to the city because he was diligent in work, but to help the Tian Family take care of the aftermath.

Just as the car was halfway through, and reached a traffic light, Wan Guoliang was about to stop the car when a car suddenly turned and sped past him before the red light could reach its target. Wan Guoliang was so shocked that he subconsciously avoided the steering wheel for a moment, but in the next second, a man riding a bicycle bumped into the front of his car.

Wan Guoliang anxiously got off the car, and saw that the man was lying on the ground hugging his legs, wailing non-stop.

"How are you?" Wan Guoliang asked.

"My leg broke! How do you drive!? " The man glared at Wan Guoliang.

"It was all an accident. Do you want me to send you to the hospital? " Wan Guoliang

"No need, pay up. I'll go see a doctor myself." The man stretched out his hand.

Wan Guoliang's face sank. From the looks of it, it was more like he was touching porcelain! He didn't want to give the money, but when he thought about how he did change directions in order to avoid the other cars and how the car accidentally drove onto the zebra crossing, he realized that he had made a mistake and decided to just settle the matter by paying some money.

"Alright then, I'll give you a thousand. It won't be a problem, right?"

"Bring it here!" The man stood up and said.

"Wait a moment."

Wan Guoliang said as he turned his head to open the car door to take out his wallet, but what he never thought of was that right after he took out his wallet, a person suddenly rushed out from the side and snatched his wallet away, then ran away quickly.

"Ah!? Robbery! "

Wan Guoliang was instantly startled and furious, immediately shouting and chasing after him. Behind Wan Guoliang, another man appeared out of nowhere and directly got into the car that Wan Guoliang didn't have time to close before he started up the car, turned around, and drove away.

Wan Guoliang subconsciously looked back and was immediately dumbfounded, not knowing who to chase. After hesitating for a moment, he quickly took out his phone from his pocket, but before he could make a call, a motorcycle quickly flew past him, and then he realised that his hands were empty. His phone was also stolen!

"This, this... "Bastard!" Wan Guoliang was about to go crazy, his wallet had been stolen, his car had been shot, and now even his phone was gone. I'm the Chief of Police of Su City, when did the security in this city become so bad!?

"Hey, where's my money?" The cycling man came over and said.

"Scram!" Didn't you see my things being robbed!? " Wan Guoliang did not have the mood to care about this man who was suspected of being a pengci anymore, and shouted at him.

"Damn it!" You're blaming me for getting robbed? "

"What did you say!? Do you know who I am? " Wan Guoliang glared at the man and spoke coldly.

"I don't care who you are, you have no money to pay me back, right?" Even if you don't have the money to compensate laozi, you still have to take some interest, or else I'll give it to you for free! "

"What are you doing? "Ahhh!"

Before Wan Guoliang could react, the man's fist had already arrived in front of him, and landed solidly on his nose. Then, a punch came over, completely stunning Wan Guoliang.

"Pui!" "Now that you're old, you should be more careful in the future. Just treat it as your father teaching you a lesson." The rider withdrew his hand and spat at Wan Guoliang. Then, he boarded his bicycle and left at a moderate pace.

"Bastard!" There was no king's law!? I, I'm the Chief of Public Security, how dare you treat me like this!? " Wan Guoliang laid on the ground with his nose and face swollen, he was so angry that he was about to go crazy.

There were already a lot of people surrounding him, many of them holding their phones and taking pictures and recording videos towards him. They even thought of the title when they replied to the social networking platform on Weibo.

At the same time, on a side of the road not far from Wan Guoliang, a conspicuous Lamborghini's Poison was parked, and in the car sat Yang Xian and Soong Ting.

Soong Ting looked at Wan Guoliang who was lying on the ground and roaring, and was completely dumbfounded.

She swallowed hard and turned to Yang Xian: "Did your men do this?"

Yang Xian leisurely said: "Ting, you forgot, it was you who told me to hit him!"

"You, you …"

Yang Xian laughed, without waiting for Soong Ting to say anything, he took the lead and said: "I was thinking that beating him up was letting him off too easily, so I added something else to him.

Soong Ting was completely speechless, she really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had thought that Yang Xian was brave enough to make trouble, but now, she thought that she had underestimated him!

This wicked link, how the hell did this guy come up with that!?

Soong Ting then looked at the current Wan Guoliang, who was in an incomparably sorry state, and felt a little sympathetic towards him. However at the same time, she actually felt a little relieved in her heart.

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