After he finished appreciating the process of Wan Guoliang making a fool of himself, Yang Xian brought Soong Ting out of the place and into Lei the Third's nightclub.

"Big brother is here."

"Sister-in-law …" Oh, nice to meet you Officer Soong! "

Lei the Third, Dwarf Tiger and Baldy Lee were all present. When they saw Yang Xian and Soong Ting, they all greeted him.

Soong Ting was too lazy to bother about the way she was addressed, she stared: "Do you know that person is the Chief of the City Police? "You dare to do that to him, it's enough to shoot you!"

"Uh, Officer Soong, it was Big Brother's orders that made us do that …" The Lei the Third looked at Yang Xian carefully, his meaning was obvious. We are all following orders, the real mastermind is the one beside you!

"Bring it here." Soong Ting said as she reached out her hand.

Yang Xian nodded his head, the three people of Lei the Third understood and immediately took out Wan Guoliang's phone and wallet that were just delivered to them.

Soong Ting took his wallet and cell phone, and checked them one by one, especially his phone, and checked her phone records and text messages. Inside, there were records of Wan Guoliang and Tian Guohuai's conversations, but there was nothing that could explain anything. As for Wan Guoliang's wallet, there were quite a few bank cards, but it was a little tricky. After all, Wan Guoliang was the city police chief. If one wanted to find out if there was any kind of dirty deal between him and people like Tian Guohuai through his bank card, they would definitely leave behind traces. On the other hand, Wan Guoliang was an old cunning guy, even if he really had some shady business, he might not directly be connected to him.

Therefore, Soong Ting was at a loss as to why Yang Xian had not only ordered his men to teach Wan Guoliang a lesson, but also stole his things.

"What are you going to do with these things?" Soong Ting put down her phone and wallet, and asked Yang Xian.

The corner of Yang Xian's mouth moved slightly, revealing a rather strange smile. After that, he picked up Wan Guoliang's phone, scratched it a few times, and then showed it to Soong Ting.

Soong Ting took a closer look and saw that Yang Xian had written a message, which said: President Tian, I have helped you with the matter.

Seeing that, Soong Ting was puzzled, but before she could say anything, Yang Xian pressed the send key, and sent the message to Tian Guohuai.

"Hmm? You are... You want to fish? " Soong Ting started to understand what Yang Xian was trying to do.

"Hehe, just wait and see."

Yang Xian snickered, and suddenly his phone rang. There was a message that came in, he immediately opened it to see, and it was Tian Guohuai's message. It said: "Thank you so much.

Yang Xian laughed silently, and sent another message over. This time he wrote: President Tian looks out on others, with our relationship, saying thanks hurts both of us?

"Heh heh, I understand. Then let's just follow the old rules, cash? To your goddaughter? " Tian Guohuai replied back.

"Sure! Then I'll have to trouble the President Tian. I'm still at the station, taking care of things. The money will be sent to the place, and I can ask her to give me a letter. "

"Alright, I'll do it right away."

After collecting the message, Yang Xian threw his phone to the side with a carefree expression.

Soong Ting looked at the few pieces of information again, and asked doubtfully: "That goddaughter of Wan Guoliang's, who is he?"

Yang Xian chuckled: "Who else could it be, it must be the Xiaomi that Wan Guoliang is raising outside!"

"What are you trying to do?" Soong Ting was getting more and more confused. She couldn't figure out what Yang Xian was trying to do, but she had a feeling that he was carrying out an extremely sinister plan.

They waited in the private room for around half an hour before Wan Guoliang's phone rang. It was a number signed by China Mobile.

Yang Xian picked up his phone, turned on the speaker, lowered his voice and snorted, "Speak."

"Old Wan!" Just a moment ago, that President Tian driver came again. This time, it was not a small amount, he told me to tell you, I'm taking it! "

"Yes." Yang Xian answered vaguely yet again before hanging up the phone.

Immediately after, Yang Xian took out his own phone and called Wan Guoliang's foster daughter. After the call was connected, he used his normal voice to ask: "Hello, where's the delivery address? It's not clearly written on the package. "

"Oh, the address here is... Send it over, he's at home. " Wan Guoliang's goddaughter did not suspect anything and immediately told his the address.

"Got it."

Yang Xian cut off his phone, slapped his thigh and said to Lei the Third: "Brother, go, get me a few fake documents, they're for the disciplinary committee."

"No problem, I'll make a call. I can get my subordinate to make it for you in ten minutes!"

"What are you trying to do? You actually dare to lie to the Commission for Discipline Inspection!?" Soong Ting said with her eyes wide open.

"Ting, the scene just now was just the prelude, and it will be the climax soon. This time, how about you become the main character?" Yang Xian said as he raised his mouth.

Soong Ting frowned, after pondering for a moment, she finally understood what Yang Xian was trying to do.

She glared at Yang Xian snappily. "No wonder you're able to become the new Helmsman, you're so bad!"

"Hehe!" Men are not bad, women do not love! Ting, do you love such a bad person like me? "

"Scram!" Soong Ting replied him with a simple yet powerful word.

After a while, the people of the Lei the Third brought over a few fake documents. Soong Ting took them and looked at them, and they looked very real.

"Ai, I've really reached the end of my job as a police officer." Soong Ting sighed helplessly.

"Second brother, follow me and Officer Soong." Yang Xian did not speak anymore, and stood up as he spoke.

"Wait! Becoming a disciplinary committee was not so simple. In addition to the documents, the clothes were also very important! All of you should change into suits first! " Soong Ting said.

"No problem!" I have a lot here. However, Officer Soong, I have to let you down. Lei the Third said.

Soong Ting rolled his eyes at him, but there was nothing she could do. Soon enough, Luo, Yang Xian and Lei the Third all changed into suits, looking like public officials, she left the nightclub and headed towards Wan Guoliang's location.

Very quickly they arrived at a very high-end residential area, and Xiaomi lived in a small villa that was unique to itself.

Soong Ting led the way because she was the one with the most righteousness, while Yang Xian and Lei the Third stood behind her and rang the doorbell.

"Who are you looking for?" A beautiful woman wearing a nightgown opened the door and looked at Soong Ting and the other two.

Soong Ting said coldly: "We are from the Commission for Discipline Inspection! We are here to find you to learn more about Wan Guoliang's situation! " As she said that, Soong Ting took out his documents and waved it in front of Xiaomi.

"Ah!?" What happened to Old Wan!? " Hearing that, Xiaomi's face immediately changed.

"Humph!" If we can find this place, do we need to ask? Wan Guoliang is already under our control! " Soong Ting said again.

"Impossible!" "Old Wang just called me, how could he …"

"It was only after you had spoken to him that we had your criminal evidence! As for the reason why, you should be clear in your heart. Now that we have something to ask you, you better cooperate with us. Otherwise, we won't be so easy to talk about. " Soong Ting said as she walked into the house confidently.

Yang Xian and Lei the Third also followed him in and closed the door. Then, they asked Xiaomi to sit inside and accept their questions.

After a moment of confusion, she sat down with a pale face. Soong Ting then took out the recording pen and started to interrogate him as if she was an interrogator, familiarly and easily. Yang Xian sat at the side with a serious expression, while Lei the Third took his mobile and started to wander around.

"Group Leader Song! I found a lot of cash under the bed! " After a while, Lei the Third walked over with a few large bags, and placed them on the table to open. Inside the bags were large bundles of cash. When Xiaomi saw this, he was so scared that he started to tremble.

"Hurry up and tell me honestly, where did all this money come from!?" Soong Ting slammed the table and bellowed.

"I, I will say, I will say anything, I will do everything I can!" Xiaomi immediately nodded her head, she was completely at a loss of what to do. Very quickly, she told her about her relationship with Wan Guoliang, as well as her helping Wan Guoliang receive benefits.

After interrogating for an hour, Yang Xian's cell phone rang. He picked it up calmly and quickly hung up, then turned to Soong Ting and said: "Team leader, there's a new situation with Wan Guoliang. Team leader has requested for us to go back and take care of it."

"Hmm?" Soong Ting was startled, but immediately guessed what it was.

She put away her recording pen and stood up, saying, "Since you can still be considered to be cooperating, you can turn yourself in. We can ask the police to turn you into a tainted witness. You better behave yourself!"

"Yes!" Leader, I, I'll be there right away! " Xiaomi quickly replied.

So Soong Ting and Yang Xian immediately left the house, Lei the Third followed behind with a few bags of money, the three of them got into the car and drove off.

Just as the three of them drove the car out of the district, a middle-aged man with gauze wrapped around his nose got off the taxi and walked into the district's entrance. He was Wan Guoliang.

He wanted to call the police, did he, as the dignified bureau chief of the city's police department, to embarrass himself to the point of not having the face to call the police? He had no choice but to find a private clinic nearby, mortgage his gold watch to treat his broken nose, then turned towards Xiaomi.

He walked to the door, and when she saw that the door was open, she could not help but be confused. When she walked in to look, he saw that Xiaomi was seated like a wooden chicken, with her face pale white.

"What are you daydreaming for? The doors are not closed in broad daylight either. " Wan Guoliang said rather irritably.

Xiaomi raised her head and looked at Wan Guoliang, she was immediately stunned and her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost, and said: "You, didn't you get controlled by the two laws?"

"What bullsh * t are you talking about? Is it bad luck or not?" "How could laozi be under the duet?" Wan Guoliang shouted in anger.

"But just now, the people from the disciplinary committee just arrived …" Xiaomi was immediately at a loss.

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