After Yang Xian heard these words, he silently laughed and said: "I also have this plan, this place is too crowded, it's not convenient!"

After saying that, Yang Xian turned to Brother Huan and said: "You want to hit me? Why don't we go outside and do it! "

"Hehe, you stinking brat, this is my territory, you can't escape no matter where you go! "Let's go!"

Brother Huan laughed sinisterly, then led a large group of his subordinates and headed outside.

At this time, Zhen Ni's friends also heard the commotion and came out from the private box, reminding Yang Xian in good will: "If there's too many people, one of you will definitely be at a disadvantage, why don't you find a place to hide and call the police?"

"No need, this is just a child, I don't think much of it."

Yang Xian waved his hands, hinting to Bin and the others not to follow, and with his hands in his pockets, he walked out.

When they got outside, they saw that the parking space had been crowded to the point where not even a drop of water could trickle through. With Brother Huan at the head, there were over a hundred men standing behind him!

These people were all people that he had called over from nearby after sneaking out of the room. It was obvious that he hadn't been bragging. He was indeed very capable in this area.

"Surround him!"

The Brother Huan fighter waved and let out a roar, and the hundreds of men started to move, surrounding Yang Xian in a barrage of attacks.

"Brat, you have offended my Brother Huan. Tell me yourself, how do you want to die?" The Brother Huan laughed sinisterly.

"They haven't even started fighting yet, how do they know who's going to die and who's going to live?" Yang Xian said as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Hearing you say this, you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin!" Over a hundred of my men, even one mouthful of saliva can drown you! " Brother Huan said fiercely.

"Bro, with so many people beating him up, isn't it too much of a bully?"

At this time, someone shouted from the outside.

"This daddy likes to bully people with numbers. What, there's someone who is unconvinced and wants to stand up for him, right?" Come on, come on! " Hearing that, the Brother Huan became even angrier, thinking that someone was meddling in other people's business and wanted to teach Yang Xian a lesson, so he shouted a few words towards the outside.

"That's what you said! If you have too many people, you can bully him. If you don't want to accept it, you can help him out. Hur Hur!" "Little ones, come out!"

The person outside spoke to Brother Huan again, and when he reached the back, he unexpectedly let out a loud roar, and in the next moment, the entire scene changed!

One after another, groups after groups of people climbed out of the van and minivans, quickly approaching the encirclement. Only then did Brother Huan realize that there were actually more than ten van and minivans in the surrounding area, and these minivans were all filled with people.

When the Brother Huan saw this, he sucked in a breath of cold air. His subordinates who saw this scene were also frightened, and quickly retreated behind the Brother Huan.

Very quickly, all the people that the mysterious man had called over stood behind Yang Xian, looking around. There were at least two to three hundred people, making the Brother Huan seem extremely weak.

Just at this moment, Zhen Ni, Bin and a few others, as well as a middle-aged man, pushed through the crowd and walked towards Yang Xian's side.

"Senior Yang." When the middle-aged man arrived in front of Yang Xian, he called out respectfully. This man was none other than the Lei the Third.

Immediately after, the Lei the Third swept his gaze across his subordinates and stared, "What are you all standing there for? Call for help! "

"Senior Yang!" A few hundred people immediately responded to Lei the Third's order, and a deafening roar sounded out at the same time.

Yang Xian looked at Zhen Ni and Lei the Third, and understood why Zhen Ni wanted him to fight outside, it seemed that she was the one who called Lei the Third over.

Originally, Yang Xian had planned to take care of Brother Huan and the rest, but honestly speaking, if these hundred people were to be taken care of by himself, although it was not impossible, it would still be difficult.

Yang Xian raised his hand to signal his to stop, and said: "There's no need for formalities."

"You are... Lei the Third!? "

The Brother Huan was so shocked that he did not know how to react. He first recognized the person who spoke just now and the person who was leading these people as Lei the Third, then realised that the Lei the Third was extremely respectful to Yang Xian, and even called him Senior Yang. What did this mean, he simply did not dare to imagine.

"Kid, who do you think you are to dare call me by my name? "It seems like I have to take care of you today!" Lei the Third was courteous to Yang Xian, but he was not always so friendly to others, especially to people of the same side.

"Senior Yang, tell me, how do you want me to deal with these people? As long as you say it, I will do it. " Lei the Third turned and said to Yang Xian.

Yang Xian said indifferently: "Drive them away, don't let me see them again in the future."

"No problem!"

"Also, Little Huan, right? "In the future, don't hang around with that brat in the box, or else you'll be in trouble." Yang Xian spoke leisurely to the Brother Huan.

Little Huan!?

Brother Huan and his hundred over subordinates were all frozen in place. No matter what, Brother Huan was the bandit leader of this area, and had more than a hundred subordinates under his command. Everywhere he went, he would be imposing, either calling him big bro or grandpa, but now, he was actually called Xiao Huan by a little brat in his early twenties!?

The corner of Brother Huan's mouth twitched, and he secretly clenched his teeth, but he did not dare to vent it out.

"Fuck, what kind of background does this guy have to actually be related to the Lei the Third, and even get called grandpa by him!? Could it be that this kid has some sort of background? "

Brother Huan was alarmed and uncertain what to do, but at this moment, he heard the sound of a siren coming from behind him.

"Police, retreat!"

"The police have arrived. Dismissed!"

Lei the Third and Brother Huan were no exception, one yard to one yard, and immediately waved his hand to signal his subordinates to leave first.

The several hundred men came and left as fast as they could. In ten seconds, they either got into the car or ran into the alleys. Soon, besides the crowd of onlookers, the entire place became spacious again.

A police car arrived, or rather a jeep with a siren on its roof.

When the car reached Yang Xian's group, the car door opened and a girl jumped out. It was Soong Ting.

"Huanhuan, what are you doing!? Rebellion!? "

Once Soong Ting got off the carriage, she immediately glared at Brother Huan and called out his nickname.

"Ah, Officer Soong is you! What has alarmed you? "Hahaha!" When the Brother Huan saw Soong Ting, he was actually very afraid and kept on apologizing and smiling.

"I just happened to pass by and saw everything. You better tell me honestly, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Officer Soong, I drank too much to get some fresh air. There's nothing going on!" Brother Huan said very carefully.


Soong Ting let out a cold snort, turned her head, and looked at Yang Xian and the others. When she saw Yang Xian, she was stunned for a moment. When he had such a hot figure and stunning looks, his expression changed.

"Yang Xian, it's you again!?" Soong Ting squinted her eyes, staring at Yang Xian angrily, although she did not know why she was suddenly so angry.

"Ting, what a coincidence!" Yang Xian laughed.

Ting? This fellow actually dared to call the vice-captain of Criminal Investigation Brigade, the female police officer Soong Ting that even men would be afraid of, Ting. Could it be that the two of them also have a relationship? It seemed like this kid was really not simple!

The Brother Huan guessed in secret and was shocked once again.

"Get in the car with me!"

Soong Ting was very displeased with Yang Xian's sloppy look, but what made Soong Ting even more displeased was that when she saw Zhen Ni holding onto his arm, she sullenly ordered him to get on the car, then she herself returned to the driver's seat.

"Alright, alright. You guys go in first. We need to chat for a bit." Yang Xian waved for everyone to enter the pub and then got onto Soong Ting's car with a relaxed expression.

There was no one around so Soong Ting immediately said: "Yang Xian, you should be honest with us. What are you doing here? Are we going to have a brawl? "

"We didn't do anything, we just gathered together and chatted! Besides, where did this crowd come from? It's just the few of us here, and you know all of us. " Yang Xian said innocently.

Soong Ting's eyes revealed some hesitation, she stared at him for a while, then said: "The girl beside you earlier looked unfamiliar, who is he?"

"You're talking about Zhen Ni, I'm just a friend. "What's wrong?" Yang Xian said casually.

"Humph!" Zhen Ni, you're calling me rather cordially! Is it an ordinary friend? " Soong Ting laughed sinisterly.

Yang Xian was puzzled: "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!"

After Soong Ting heard this, her face revealed killing intent, and said: "Are you sure this has nothing to do with me? Then why did I hear from my colleagues in the squad that when someone came to find me today, he claimed to be my boyfriend!? Then, as a girlfriend, shouldn't I ask who the woman beside my boyfriend is? "

"Uh, this … Hahahaha! Who dares to be your boyfriend? I don't think I can find another man in this world! "Haha!" Yang Xian's mouth twitched, and laughed.

Soong Ting clenched her teeth, just as she was about to settle the score with Yang Xian, the phone that Yang Xian had placed in her pocket rang.

"Answer a phone call. Wait a moment!"

Yang Xian took out his mobile phone, requested for Soong Ting to temporarily call a truce, and picked it up: Who is it?

"Yang Xian, if you don't want Tang Feifei to die, you better do as I say!" From the other end of the line came a voice that had undergone some sort of treatment.

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