"Who are you?"

Hearing what the other party said, Yang Xian frowned.

"Humph!" You don't need to care who I am, you can do whatever I say! "

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want 50 million! No, I want 100 million! If you don't want Tang Feifei to die, give me one hundred million! "

Yang Xian squinted his eyes. Seems like Tang Feifei was kidnapped. He rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, I'll give you the money. You can pay me with one hand and you can get it with the other." Give me a time and place. "

"I'll give you an hour to prepare. After an hour, bring the money to the Su City's official dock to trade, don't play any tricks with me, otherwise we'll split the bet!" The man hung up.

"What's going on?" After all, Soong Ting was a professional police officer, so when she heard the contents of Yang Xian's conversation, she felt that something was amiss.

Yang Xian kept his phone, thought, then said to Soong Ting: "Ting, lend me a hundred million!"

After Soong Ting heard this, she immediately rolled his eyes. "Do you think I'm opening a bank!? Hurry up and tell me, what happened? "

"Tang Feifei, our company's boss has been kidnapped. She wants a hundred million as ransom. Yang Xian said.

Soong Ting slightly pondered, then said: "With such a short period of time, even if she had that much money, it would basically be impossible for him to have obtained that much cash all of a sudden, right?"

The corner of Yang Xian's mouth twitched, and said: "Do you think I'm stupid? If you want money, just give it to me. If you want to threaten me, that's fine! "

"What do you mean, you're not going to save your boss?" This is a kidnapping case, and the other party might be a crazy bandit! " As a police officer who met with such an incident, Soong Ting was even more anxious than Yang Xian.

Yang Xian chuckled, and said: "Of course I have to save him, but I can't blindly give him one either."

"Then what do you want? "How about I immediately get my comrades to support me?"

"Don't, if those people are in a hurry to tear the tickets, I won't even have a place to cry."


An hour had passed since Yang Xian received the call.

"Father, will that kid really come?"

Guo Hao stood at the edge of the dock, continuously looking around the dark dock, feeling uneasy and guilty.

Guo Yun sat on the bow of the ship. Even though he looked very nervous, he was much calmer than his son, Guo Hao. He said sinisterly: "If he doesn't come, then Tang Feifei is dead for sure!"

With a cold snort, Guo Yun said, "Both of us father and son were harmed by them to such a state. If we cannot get the money, then they will never be able to find Tang Feifei!"

"Dad, someone's coming!"

Guo Hao suddenly saw a car drive over from afar and immediately warned Guo Yun.

"You go in and get ready to leave. I'll handle this." Guo Yun stood up and said.

Guo Hao then went into the cabin, waiting for Guo Yun's order to start the boat and leave, while Guo Yun put on his mask and stood at the bow, waiting for the car to get closer.

The car got closer and closer, and when it stopped at the shore, Yang Xian jumped out from the driver's seat.

"Where's the money?" Guo Yun did not have the heart to waste words with Yang Xian and directly replied.

"Where is he?" Yang Xian asked.

"Give me the money and I'll tell you where she is! "Money is life, I only want the same. If you don't do as I say, then we will split the loot and forget about everyone else!" Guo Yun said fiercely.

"Wasn't it too unkind to agree to exchange the goods at the cost of one's own accord?"

Yang Xian muttered, he turned and got down from the front passenger seat with his two big bags, and indicated towards Guo Yun, and approached Guo Yun with the two bags.

"Stop!" Just throw it over! " Guo Yun immediately shouted.

"He's pretty careful!"

"Humph!" To deal with you, of course we have to be careful! " Guo Yun snorted. Although he was wearing a mask and he couldn't see his expression, it was clear that he was afraid of Yang Xian.

Yang Xian did not say anything, he just raised his hands and threw the two bags onto the boat, and said: "I have already given you the money, now can you tell me?" Why is there a lock on this backpack!? What do you mean!? " Guo Yun immediately rushed over to check the two bags, but discovered that they were locked by a lock, and immediately roared at Yang Xian.

"Tell me where Tang Feifei is, then turn around and slowly unlock it." Yang Xian said.

"Then how do I know if the one you're wearing is money?" Guo Yun said faintly.

Yang Xian snickered, and said: "Big brother, since it's already such a high level of danger, do I still dare to play tricks on you? Tang Feifei's life was definitely worth tens of billions! This one hundred million was nothing. Say it, hurry up and tell me if I go to save people, so that you can finish your work early. "

"You wouldn't dare to play any tricks on me. Alright, I'll tell you then, Tang Feifei is twenty kilometers away from here, on the North Mountain. However, whether you can find her or not will depend on your luck. "Let's go!"

Guo Yun said, he rushed to the cabin and shouted, the boat was already activated, the moment he said that, he quickly pulled away from Yang Xian.

Yang Xian stood on the shore, the corner of his mouth slightly moved, and then he immediately got on the car, and drove towards the direction that Guo Yun had pointed out.

Guo Yun watched Yang Xian leave and heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately took off his mask, found a knife and roughly cut open the bag. When he opened the bag to take a look, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Inside, there were indeed hundreds of large bills, piled up in bundles. However, those were all underworld money!

"Bastard!" Yang Xian, you dare lie to me! " Guo Yun was enraged, he could not help but shout.

Just at this time, Guo Yun suddenly heard a noise from the cabin, it was like a battle. He was shocked, and immediately rushed to the cabin, only to see a figure running out from the cabin.

Guo Yun did not have the ability to even move, and in the next moment, he was kicked in the head. He flew a few metres and laid on the deck, unable to get up.

Soong Ting shook the water droplets on her hair, walked to the side and took a rope, binding Guo Yun and the unconscious Guo Hao together. Then, she turned to the side and took out her phone from one of the bags, calling: "Hey, I'm done."

Hehe, Ting, it's been hard on you! Yang Xian's voice sounded.

Soong Ting snorted: "It's not for you! I'm not going to talk to you anymore. I'm going to call for backup.

Finished, Soong Ting hung up the phone and called his comrades in Criminal Investigation Brigade. After communicating with them, she returned to the cockpit and drove the boat to the shore.

"Damn it, all of you actually joined hands to play with me!" Only then did Guo Yun realize that he had been tricked, and was struggling continuously, almost going crazy.

Soong Ting drove the boat back to the shore, and then stood in front of Guo Family father and son, staring at them. She said indifferently: "When people are doing things, the heavens are watching, and when people do things wrong, there will be no good ending. Furthermore, you father and son are not professional at all when it comes to being kidnappers. How can you fight with such a cunning fellow?

On the other side, Yang Xian was driving towards the North Mountain that Guo Yun had mentioned, and immediately called out for Tang Feifei when he reached the foot of the mountain.

Five minutes ago.

Tang Feifei got up and tied her up in the middle of the mountain in the middle of the forest. When she was being held hostage by the Guo Family father and son, she had been knocked unconscious. Only now did she wake up, and realised that she was inside the forest.

Tang Feifei instinctively shouted for help, and after a while, she heard footsteps. She immediately became overjoyed and shouted even more loudly, wanting to get the people who came to hear the news to quickly save her. However, when she saw the person who appeared, her heart immediately went cold.

"Woo woo!"

Tang Feifei's mouth was immediately covered by someone's hands. Her body was tied to the tree trunk and she was unable to move at all.

At this time, the two men that appeared next to Tang Feifei were two unkempt men, obviously homeless and homeless. It was hard for Tang Feifei to not be afraid of them.

"Hehe!" It's so late at night and such a handsome woman actually appeared here. I thought she was a fairy that had fallen from the sky! "

"Don't scream!" This is the territory of us two brothers. Since you're here as a guest, you should at least accompany us and play! "

"I haven't touched a woman in a long time. Beauty, you just have to obediently wait on me. When we're all relaxed, I'll let you go, okay?"

It was unknown how long it had been since the two of them touched a woman, but both of them were extremely excited.


In a moment of desperation, Tang Feifei bit into the man's hand, causing the man to instinctively shrink back. Tang Feifei seized the opportunity and immediately shouted: "Help!"

"Hehe!" Let you shout. In the middle of the night, if you scream your head off, no one will come to save you! "

"Beauty, the louder you shout, the more excited I get! "Haha!"

The two tramps did not stop Tang Feifei from shouting, and continued to size her up. The more they watched, the more excited they became, until they did not know where to start anymore.

"Don't come near me!" Help! Yang Xian, where did you die? My grandpa told you to protect me, where are you now! Hurry and come out! "

Tang Feifei was completely out of sorts, and at this time, she didn't know what she was thinking. The only thing that came to her mind was Yang Xian, as she continuously shouted out his name.

"Alright, my wife, haven't I arrived? "Be good, with me here, you don't have to be afraid!"

Right at this moment, a lazy voice entered Tang Feifei's ears, causing her to be stunned for a moment. However, she couldn't believe that it was really Yang Xian's voice, she only thought that it was her own imagination!

"Did someone just say something?"

"I think I heard it too. Did I see a ghost?"

The two vagabonds were also stunned. They looked at each other, bewildered. But when Tang Feifei heard this, she was ecstatic in her heart, even the two of them had heard it, which meant that what she heard was not an illusion, but a real person coming, and exactly that, was Yang Xian!

Only Yang Xian would call him his wife, and only she would call him that!

Tang Feifei's eyes widened as she looked forward. In the next second, she saw a figure walking out from the darkness, although it was extremely dim, Tang Feifei could recognize him at a glance. It was Yang Xian!

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