"ShengNan, why don't we go eat?" Yang Xian said to Liu Shengnan with a smile.

Liu Shengnan hesitated for a moment, then said: "Okay, bring me along."

"Get in!"

As Yang Xian said that, he grabbed Liu Shengnan's hand and brought her to his car.

The man's expression changed as he shouted in a low voice, "Let her go!"

Before he finished his sentence, the man had already sent a fist towards Yang Xian.

Yang Xian did not even look as he grabbed onto the man's fist. With a flick of his wrist, the man's arm looked like it had been electrocuted, and he could not help but snort. Yang Xian pushed, and he staggered backwards.

His face changed greatly as he stared at Yang Xian, his expression uncertain, and before he could stop him, Yang Xian had already brought Liu Shengnan to the side of his Lamborghini's Poison and opened the carriage door.

Liu Shengnan pursed his lips, looked at the man, and then got into Yang Xian's car. Yang Xian hummed a song as he walked to the driver's seat, started the car, and quickly drove past the man.

The two of them quickly left the school. Liu Shengnan's expression was extremely ugly as he looked out the window without saying a word.

Yang Xian glanced at her and said: "ShengNan, where are you going to eat?"

"Turn left at the intersection ahead." Liu Shengnan said.

"Okay!" Yang Xian promised.

"Stop the car." When the car turned a corner, Liu Shengnan suddenly said.

Yang Xian stopped the car, but was puzzled. There was a tavern with no place to eat.

Liu Shengnan pushed the door open and got off, then looked at Yang Xian: "I'm home, thank you."

Finished, without waiting for Yang Xian to speak, Liu Shengnan turned and walked into the inn.

"Hey!?" Yang Xian was dumbstruck, he just left like that? There's no need to be so cool, you said you were going to eat!?

Seeing Liu Shengnan enter the apartment, Yang Xian became depressed, but he had no choice, he could only start the car and continue on the road, returning to Tang's Group.

At the school entrance, the man got into his car and took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Dad, little sister is still not willing to go home … "Alright, I understand. I will try to persuade her again." the man said quietly to the man on the other end of the line.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xinwu remembered the process of his fight with Yang Xian.

"Who is that guy, he actually has such skills?" What relationship did she have with her sister? It seemed like they were very close … And, you're driving a top grade sports car, when did Su City have such a person? "

Liu Xinwu muttered to himself, he muttered to himself for a bit, then picked up his phone to make a call. After connecting the call, he spoke to the person on the other side of the phone: "Check who is in the Su City, driving a Lamborghini's Poison, as soon as possible."

After separating with Liu Shengnan, Yang Xian returned to the Tang's Group, and arrived at the entrance of the CEO's office.

"Xiu, is President Tang inside?" Yang Xian walked to the front of Hee Xiu's desk and asked softly. It was very sneaky.

Hee Xiu said: "Yes, President Tang is quite busy today and has been working here the entire time."

"Oh, she didn't mention me?"

"Not really. What's wrong, you seem to be very worried, did you make President Tang angry again? "

Yang Xian said: "How can that be? President Tang is still very happy to see me! "

Just as he was saying that, the office door opened. Tang Feifei walked out: "Secretary He, help me talk to the driver. "Mm!?"

Tang Feifei had not finished speaking, when she raised her head to look at Yang Xian, she squinted her eyes, a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"Yo!" President Tang, you're off work, right? The driver has been waiting for a long time! " Yang Xian immediately said with a smile.

Tang Feifei rolled her eyes at him, and said coldly: "Then why are you still standing? Still not leaving? "

"Alright!" Xiu, she's gone! See you tomorrow! "

After greeting Hee Xiu, Yang Xian followed him into the elevator.

Yang Xian secretly sized up Tang Feifei, he was a little puzzled, thinking that Tang Feifei would settle the score with him, but he did not expect Tang Feifei to not say a word, could it be that there was something on his mind?

"Wifey, why are you so depressed? Who bullied you? Tell me and I'll help you beat him up!" Yang Xian probed.

Tang Feifei cast a glance at him, and faintly said: "Alright, the Deputy Chief of the City's Business Bureau is bullying me, go and beat him up!"

"What?" "Deputy Director of the Commercial Bureau, who is that?" Yang Xian was puzzled.

Tang Feifei said: "Huang Zhaoxian, at the same time, you are also the father of the Huang Ang who was beaten into the hospital."

"What!? "So it's that group again. They really don't give up their evil intentions. My wife, just you wait. I'll let you decide what to do with them!" After Yang Xian heard this, he was immediately enraged.

Tang Feifei was annoyed: "He's an official, what can you do with him?"

"So what if you're a government official? I can't bully you!" "But my wife, what's going on? How did he bully you?" Yang Xian said.

Tang Feifei rubbed her eyebrows and said, "The Business Bureau, along with the Inland Revenue Department, are going to investigate the accounts and taxes of a few of our projects. Right now, in order to deal with them, they have no choice but to stop working for the time being. I've asked around, it's all because of Huang Zhaoxian. "

After saying that, she looked at Yang Xian and said: "This is because he wants to stand up for his son, and he is causing trouble for me because of you, the main culprit."

Yang Xian thought for a while, then said: "My wife, what right does Huang Zhaoxian have to investigate our company?"

"Because he is the leader, he has the power. "Even if the company has no problems, if he wants to investigate, we have to cooperate with him. What else can we do?"

"That won't do, why should he check our company whenever he wants to?" That business bureau was not owned by his family! "No, my wife, you don't need to worry about that. Leave it to me, I'll settle it for you!"

Tang Feifei glared and said: You better not be reckless! He is different from those few who do business. She is a big shot with real power in the city, and she happens to be in charge of setting up companies like us! "If you piss him off, he'll do even more damage and bring trouble to our Tang clan!"

"Got it." Yang Xian replied casually, while in his heart, he was already thinking of how to deal with Huang Zhaoxian.

The two of them spoke until they reached the car park. After they got in the car, Yang Xian was about to start the car, but Tang Feifei glanced at the car window, squinted her eyes, and said: "Wait, did you forget about something?"

"What?" Yang Xian asked blankly.

Tang Feifei sneered, stared at him and said: "Just now, I wasn't in the mood to settle the score with you, but that doesn't mean that I'm forgetful. I forgot that you snuck out today for an entire day. Shouldn't you explain to me now what happened today? "

Yang Xian immediately became serious: "My wife, I haven't done anything. I've been in the car all day thinking about the future!"

"Are you lying to a ghost? "If I remember correctly, your car must have run at least a hundred kilometers today. Are you thinking about life or are you looking at the girls?"

"This …" The corner of Yang Xian's mouth twitched, he never thought that Tang Feifei would actually be so attentive!

He scratched his head, he really did not dare explain anything to Tang Feifei. If he were to tell him that he saw Lin Yu today and even picked up a new acquaintance Liu Shengnan, would Tang Feifei directly take the kitchen knife out of her Herm's bag?

Just then, Tang Feifei's phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Tang Henian who called. Yang Xian secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the call came at just the right time!

"Grandfather." Tang Feifei said into the phone.

"Fei Fei, are you with my grandson-in-law?" Tang Henian asked leisurely.

Tang Feifei subconsciously glanced at Yang Xian, and said: "Grandfather, there's only one annoying guy beside me, he doesn't have a grandson-in-law. I don't even know where he is!"

"You little girl!" How can you say that about Yang Xian? Alright, since you guys are together, then come back and accompany my old man for a meal. "

"Got it. I'll be there in a moment." Tang Feifei replied with a low voice.

After putting down the phone, Tang Feifei said: "Grandfather wants me to go back to the old mansion to eat. Let's go."

"Sigh!" Yang Xian's spirit was lifted, with Tang Henian supporting him, he was not afraid of Tang Feifei settling debts! Hurry up and set off.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at the Tang Mansion.

Tang Henian was still the same as before, the moment he saw Yang Xian, he became incomparably warm and benevolent, and pulled his hand into the room. However, towards Tang Feifei, his biological granddaughter, he merely nodded, which made Tang Feifei very depressed.

"Fei Fei, go rest for a while. Yang Xian and I will go to the study room to talk." Tang Henian said, and indicated for Yang Xian to follow him upstairs.

Tang Feifei was puzzled. Why is she still hiding things from me? Watching the two of them go upstairs, she hesitated for a moment before quietly following them. She stuck close to the door of the study to listen in.

"Yang Xian, sit down and talk." Tang Henian invited Yang Xian to sit down.

"Elder Tang, is there something you want to say?" Yang Xian asked.

Tang Henian smiled slightly, and said: "Yang Xian, I heard that you have become Fei Fei's bodyguard and driver?"

Yang Xian nodded, "That's right, Fei Fei took the initiative to suggest it. She said that since it's like this, the two of us can be a bit closer, and increase the time we spend together as well as the opportunity to get to know each other."

"So that's how it is. Very good, very good, haha!"

At the door, when Tang Feifei heard this, she almost broke into the room. This damnable fellow, how dare she speak such nonsense behind my back? Who wants to be intimate with you, who wants to understand you!? I was watching you!

She gritted her teeth and continued to listen.

Tang Henian laughed and said, "Seeing you and Fei Fei develop so well, I am very pleased. Then, Yang Xian, do you have any thoughts on the two of you getting married? "

When Tang Feifei heard this, he immediately became nervous.

Yang Xian blinked his eyes, and said: "I can get married anytime, mainly because of Fei Fei."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to care so much about her thoughts. It seems that you truly love our Fei Fei. This proves that I have not misjudged her!" Tang Henian laughed.

Tang Feifei couldn't help but roll her eyes. True love? The devil was that guy's true love! Hmph, just you wait, grandpa. Wait until I find out who that guy is, then I'll definitely expose him!

Just as Tang Feifei was in a rage, she suddenly heard Tang Henian say: "Yang Xian, is there something troubling you recently?"

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