"Yang Xian, have you encountered any difficulties recently?" Tang Henian said helplessly.

Yang Xian said: "There's no problem, my life is pretty good, why do you ask?"

Tang Henian smiled and said: "You don't have to be so polite with me, if there's anything you need, just say it. Actually, it's like this. That master of yours called me and said that you've asked him for quite a bit of money these past few days. Yang Xian, if you need any money in the future, you can just tell me. No matter how much you want, it won't be a problem as you are not only our Tang Family's future grandson-in-law, you will also be the future pillar of support. The Tang Family's money will be your money! "

Tang Feifei heard this from outside and could not help but frown. Grandfather was obviously opening a backdoor for Yang Xian. He did have a lot of money at home, but wasn't it inappropriate to let this guy spend it as he pleased? This guy started off with a car worth several tens of millions and didn't even bother to bid for the one billion yuan worth of shares. If the Tang Clan really allowed him to obtain this privilege, wouldn't the Tang Clan be completely defeated by him?

As Tang Feifei was thinking, she suddenly heard Yang Xian laugh twice, and then said: "Elder Tang, I appreciate your good intentions. Although in the future, we will be family, but, I, Yang Xian am also a man with principles. I asked the Old Man for money. It was all my own money, whatever it was. However, I can't do that if you want me to spend your family's money, especially the money Fei Fei painstakingly earns from doing business. "

Tang Feifei then heard her grandfather say again: "Aiya, Yang Xian, what you're saying is too foreign!"

Yang Xian said: "Elder Tang, I am not being unreasonable. You don't have to mention it again, and you don't have to worry that I won't have the money to spend it. On the other hand, if the Tang Clan has any difficulties, you can just say so. No matter how much it is, as long as I can take it out, I won't say a word. "

"Good!" Yang Xian, with your words, I am very pleased! It seems that entrusting Fei Fei to you is indeed the best choice! "Haha!" Tang Henian slapped his thigh and started laughing loudly.

Tang Feifei couldn't help but be surprised when she heard their conversation. She did not expect Yang Xian to have such a realization, and she could not help but feel warmth in her heart.

This guy was not bad, he had no intention of being a pretty boy, just like a man!

Hearing this, Tang Feifei no longer wanted to continue listening. She quietly went downstairs, and when she thought about what Yang Xian had just said to her grandfather, she could not help but smile.

Not long after, dinner was ready, and after accompanying Tang Henian and eating dinner, Yang Xian and Tang Feifei went back home.

After returning to the villa, just as Yang Xian was about to enter the room, Tang Feifei called out to him.

"Wife, what's the matter? Could it be that you want me to sleep in your room today?" Yang Xian grinned.

Tang Feifei rolled her eyes and put her hand into her bag. Seeing her actions, Yang Xian immediately jumped a few meters away and said: "My wife, don't be rash!"

"Take it." Tang Feifei extended her hand out. However, it was different from what Yang Xian was expecting, what he was holding was not a kitchen knife, but a bank card.

"What is this?" Yang Xian was puzzled.

Tang Feifei said indifferently: "There's ten million inside, take it and use."

Yang Xian looked at the card, and frowned: My wife, what is the meaning of this? Raise me? "

"Count your ass in!" Didn't you give a billion yuan of shares to the Tang clan? This is all for you! Furthermore, I have informed the company that I will give you 10% of the 1 billion shares' profits every month. No matter what, you have helped the company with a big business deal, and the money is yours. "Therefore, it's only right that we get some benefits."

Yang Xian blinked his eyes. He looked at the bank card and then at Tang Feifei.

Seeing him like this, Tang Feifei thought that he was being manly and did not want to take her money, so she said: "I already said, this is what you deserve, it was given to you by the company, not me personally. What other questions do you have? "

Yang Xian moved closer to Tang Feifei, looked at him, and said in a serious tone: "My wife, why are you suddenly so good to me?"

"How did I treat you well? On what basis am I being nice to you? Hearing that, Tang Feifei could not help but blush, and quickly covered it up.

In reality, the bank card that Tang Feifei had taken out was actually not like what she had said, it was something that came from her business, and it was something she had suddenly decided after hearing what Yang Xian and her grandfather had said. As for why she was so good to Yang Xian and took the initiative to give him money, even she did not understand.

"My wife, why can't you just admit that you're in love with me? "Sigh!" Yang Xian sighed.

"Scram!" Who's in love with you? I'm warning you, don't kick your nose and make a fool of yourself. Otherwise, what I'm going to take out will be a kitchen knife! Hurry and wash up and sleep! " Tang Feifei stomped her feet, and with that, she went back to her own room and closed the door, she actually felt her heart beating even faster, and her ears were flushed red.

"What's going on? "Why are you suddenly so nervous?!" Tang Feifei muttered as she touched her own cheeks.


In the blink of an eye, one night passed.

Yang Xian drove Tang Feifei to work as per usual. On the way, he requested for a leave of absence from Tang Feifei for half a day.

Tang Feifei was suspicious that this guy had some serious business, so she asked. The answer she got was that he had to help him think of a way to deal with Huang Zhaoxian.

Tang Feifei hesitated for a moment and agreed. However, she still warned Yang Xian repeatedly to not implicate the Tang Clan.

At the company, Tang Feifei went upstairs alone while Yang Xian drove to a teahouse to drink morning tea.

Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger had also come. They were sitting together with Yang Xian, eating breakfast while chatting. To be exact, they were listening to Yang Xian give them missions.

After he finished giving Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger their missions, Yang Xian let the two of them go first as he ate leisurely.

He took out his phone and called Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, are you at the restaurant yet?"

"It's in the restaurant!" 11: 00 PM is the time for the restaurant to reopen. Lin Yu said.

"I'm in a nearby teahouse right now. How about I go over and bring you something to eat?"

"Hehe, I've already eaten. But if you want to come over now, I'll definitely welcome you! " Lin Yu said.

"Alright, I'll be there in a moment."

Today was the day the restaurant would reopen, so of course Yang Xian had to support them, but it was still early, so there was nothing much to do, so he was not in a hurry to leave.

While he was leisurely eating, he suddenly felt a murderous intent behind him. He squinted his eyes and used the chopsticks in his hand to stab outwards.

The man behind him raised his hand and slapped Yang Xian on the wrist, but he himself retreated a few steps, his face becoming gloomy.

Yang Xian turned to look at that person. That person was actually the person who had pestered Liu Shengnan at Su City University yesterday.

"It's you, man. What can I do for you?" Yang Xian said calmly.

Liu Xinwu looked deeply at Yang Xian, then walked to the opposite side of him and sat down, and said.

"Waiter, add a bowl and chopsticks!" Yang Xian shouted.

"No need, I'll leave after I finish speaking."

Liu Xinwu said indifferently: "Let me ask you, are you very familiar with Liu Shengnan?"

Yang Xian laughed and said: "You say he is a male, then we must be familiar with each other! "What's wrong?"

"As far as I know, ShengNan doesn't have a boyfriend, so you're not a boyfriend, right?"

"Not now, but in the future! "As you saw yesterday, she is very close to me, so it is only a matter of time!" Yang Xian said casually. It was just that he didn't know how Liu Shengnan would react if he heard him talking to his brother here.

Liu Xinwu did not express his opinion, but asked instead: "Your skills are not bad, where did you learn it from?"

"Without a teacher, you know what to do." Yang Xian said casually.

"Well, that's not important. The important thing is that you have the ability to do so, and you have a good relationship with ShengNan. Then, let me ask you another question. Listen, do you want to be ShengNan's boyfriend? "

"What!?" Hearing that, Yang Xian could not help but stare blankly. Listening to his meaning, can't I agree to be her boyfriend just because I want to?

"Do you want to?" Liu Xinwu asked again.

"Yes!" Yang Xian reacted and nodded his head again and again without hesitation.

"Well, I can help you become her boyfriend. However, I have conditions. "

"Wait a minute, what right do you have to make such a decision?" Yang Xian said.

The corner of Liu Xinwu's mouth moved slightly, revealing a profound smile, and said: "Based on the fact that I'm her big brother, blood brother!"

"Ah!?" Uncle, why didn't you say so earlier? Uncle, come, come, let me pour some tea for you! "

Yang Xian's eyes shone, extremely surprised. He originally thought that Liu Xinwu was here to cause trouble, and when he saw Liu Shengnan pestering him yesterday, he thought that Liu Xinwu was only here to plead for help. He didn't expect that it was actually Liu Shengnan's brother!

After hearing this, Yang Xian looked again at Liu Xinwu and discovered that he indeed looked quite similar to Liu Shengnan.

Liu Xinwu rolled his eyes, this brat, things had not worked out yet, but he changed his mind quickly!

He coughed dryly and said, "No one knows my sister better than me. So, if I help you, sooner or later you'll get her heart. "

"Hehe, since brother-in-law has already said so, how could I not believe it!?" Yang Xian nodded happily.

"However, don't forget what I said just now. I have conditions." Liu Xinwu said.

"Go ahead." Yang Xian drank his tea and replied casually.

"I want you to find a chance to bring her home!"

Liu Xinwu paused for a moment, before continuing, "Because of some matters, she has already left her family and stayed outside for a very long time. Right now, our family is in some kind of trouble. If she continues to live outside, my father and I won't be able to rest at ease. So, I need someone to protect her, and at the same time, I need someone to bring her home. You, should be a suitable candidate. "Well, can you do it?"

So it was this condition. It didn't seem like there was any difficulty! Since it was his own home, why couldn't he go back?

Yang Xian smiled, "Deal, brother-in-law!" As he said that, he held up his teacup and indicated to Liu Xinwu.

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