There are only three people left in the mysterious group of six who came down from the cloud world. Yunnan, Wang Xue and the girl who survived under the protection of Wang Xue. Her name is Liu Qingyue. The cloud world is attached to the talented disciple of the Liu family of the third rate family of the cloud family. She is more powerful than Yin Chuan, but she has a much lower profile. At this time, her face is pale and feels the terror of runes. If Wang Xue hadn't used his precious treasure to resist, The end is the same as Yin Chuan. He dies before he leaves the school.

Liu Qingyue doesn't want to die. She shoulders the important task of revitalizing the family and comes to the world of mortals. As the most gifted disciple of the Liu family, she gets the opportunity of the lower world by donating more than half of her family's property. If she dies in the lower world, the Liu family may be removed.

"Thank you." Liu Qingyue stared at the destruction scene and said in a dumb voice.

Wang Xue's face was dignified and said with a bitter smile, "why?"

Yunnan's face was ugly. He provoked Mo Jun and others because of his orders. If he went to the depths as soon as possible, he wouldn't encounter great difficulties, but who thought that an ordinary person, like mole ants, had the power to destroy them. It's too strange.

"Let's go."

Yunnan's face was livid and clenched her teeth. "After completing the task, come back to settle accounts with them."

Wang Xue's heart is a secret way. Now there are three of the six people left. They say whether they can complete the task or not. They also ask others for trouble. They have a hunch that there may be greater danger in the depths, so they don't contradict and remain silent.

The three dead people belong to Yunnan's lineage. Without help, Yunnan speaks politely to Wang Xue and discusses whether to find another companion, because there are another group of people in the cloud family, which is much safer after meeting.

"When we come down with a task, everyone must get one. If we can only get one after merging, how can we divide it?" Wang Xue asked.

Yunnan was speechless, but she was angry in her heart. Bitch, when I find my cousin, I'll kill you together and pretend to be noble for me. Then I'll let you kneel down and lick me. Of course, he couldn't show it. Instead, he looked at Liu Qingyue and asked kindly, "junior sister Qingyue, what do you think?"

Liu Qingyue never spoke and had little communication with Yunnan. Yunnan looked down on her in essence. At this time, she suddenly had a pleasant face, was startled, and reluctantly smiled and said, "elder martial Brother Yun, I think elder martial sister Wang is right."

Yunnan nodded and sighed, "yes, although the risk coefficient is high, the answer is much larger. You come with the hope of the Liu family. If you can't get something back, it may be very miserable."

Liu Qingyue bowed her head and said nothing.

The three continued to move forward, came to the pool waterfall and found the meteorite flower. Yunnan was surprised and said, "sure enough, there are things in the lower world of mortals that the cloud world does not have, meteorite flowers. I have only seen them in books."

Meteorite flower is a rare elixir in the cloud world. It can sell at a good price. Even the rich Yunnan feels precious. It can be seen that meteorite flower is precious.

"There is a spirit beast guarding the medicine. Be careful." Wang Xue warned.

Yunnan smiled and disdained: "the spirit beast in the lower world is at most a sub Saint realm. For me, it's just mole ants. Watch me pick medicine."

He fell on the stone, grabbed the meteorite flower, packed it with a utensil and put it in his pocket.

The spirit beast didn't appear.

Wang Xue said, "the spirit beast is psychic. If you feel that the breath is stronger than yourself, you won't come out and die. Let's go."

Yunnan glanced, smiled and said, "why so fast? If there is a spirit beast, you can catch it and do coolie."

Wang Xue's face changed slightly.

Yunnan is a little too much. Since she has just left the elixir and has to catch the spirit beast, it is equal to killing all the people. People who practice will not do anything that hurts Tianhe, but Yunnan is cruel and difficult to stop.


When Yunnan grabbed the pool, a mysterious force, similar to the original force, but not the original force. It belongs to the unique force of the cloud world. It turned into a crystal clear giant hand to probe into the pool and forcibly catch the Tenglong.

Tenglong is more than 20 meters long and its strength is not weak, but in the face of Yunnan's overwhelming strength, it can only surrender. Tenglong sent out the spirit of begging. Yunnan seemed to have not seen it and shouted, "evil animal, you have done countless harm in the jungle. I will do justice for heaven."

But Yunnan pulled out his sword and split the dragon in two.

Tenglong had no power to fight back. The body became two halves, and the blood dyed the pool red.

Yunnan picked up Tenglong's inner pill and said, "let's go."

Wang Xue despised him. He obviously wanted to Tenglong inner pill to refine medicine, but he acted on behalf of heaven. It's shameless enough.

Liu Qingyue's status is different from that of Wang Xue. Even when she sees Yunnan doing evil, she doesn't dare to say it casually.

The three of them continued to move forward and passed through a big mountain before night fell.

The three found a place to rest and happened to pass a lake.

The clear lake is quiet and beautiful under the night sky, full of mythological color. Yunnan art expert is brave and goes to the forest to hunt black bears and eat bear paws. Seeing Yunnan's cruel killing of wild animals, Wang Xue couldn't bear it. She refused to have a meal together and ate some wild fruits to satisfy her hunger.

"Elder martial sister Wang, what do you think that is?" Liu Qingyue pointed across the lake and whispered.

"Cooking smoke!"

Wang Xue's face changed slightly. She clenched the jade bow and looked opposite. There was a bonfire on the lake. There was roast fish on the bonfire. The smell of fish floated all the way across the lake. She felt hungry at once.

"Be careful."

Wang Xue reminded, "those who can go deep into the deep forest and dare to roast fish, if they are not local people, are terrible experts. They have confidence in themselves. They are not afraid of sneak attacks by others."

Liu Qingyue's delicate body trembled and worried, "what should I do?"

Compared with Yunnan, Liu Qingyue still likes to follow Wang Xue. At least Wang Xue won't sell people casually, but Yunnan is cruel and easy to kill. At the critical time, she may abandon you in order to survive.

Yunnan also saw the smoke, his eyes twinkled, looked to the extreme, and found no figure.

"Why don't you go and have a look? I haven't eaten fish for a long time."

Yunnan was overjoyed. Although she ate bear paws, she couldn't cook them. It's natural to have roast fish now. She said to Liu Qingyue, "go and test it first to see if the other party is the same person."

Liu Qing, the moon changes.

Sure enough, Yunnan didn't take him as a companion and asked him to go opposite. If the other party was an expert, wouldn't he be dead.

Liu Qingyue hesitated.

Yunnan's face sank and said faintly, "the Liu family is an affiliated family of the Yun family. Do you want to disobey my order?"

Liu Qingyue was angry in her heart, but she didn't dare to attack. As long as Yunnan said a word, the Liu family might be unlucky. She walked to the opposite side, hoping not to meet an expert.

In fact, with the strength of the three, there is no need to worry at all.

However, because of the special situation, many cloud experts need opportunities to come here through the channels opened regularly by the cloud, so they are more careful. After Mo Jun and others, Liu Qingyue instinctively feared the world of mortals.

She walked slowly to the campfire and asked, "is anyone there?"

No answer.

Liu Qingyue asked again, "I'm really sorry. We passed this lake without malice."

"Who are you?"

Liu Qingyue didn't get a reply for a long time. She thought there was no one. Suddenly, a voice sounded behind her, and she almost jumped up. Her face was stiff. She turned slowly and saw a beautiful young man who didn't have any power fluctuation and gave people a familiar feeling.

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