Liu Qingyue was stiff and turned slowly. She saw a man standing up from the water with a carp in her hand. She looked at him with a smile. For some reason, his smile was very infectious. Slowly, she blushed and couldn't speak.

"Are you tourists?" Seeing Liu Qingyue's clothes, he didn't look like a native. Yang Ping asked curiously.

"Well, what about you?" Liu Qingyue replied, looking at Yang Ping, she found that he was very much like a local. Although he was very handsome, he looked much better than those fat and powdery CHILDES in the cloud world.

"Sort of."

Yang Ping went to the campfire, skillfully handled the carp and roasted them on the fire. Soon, the fragrance came out and filled the lake.

Liu Qingyue's forefinger moved.

"You're hungry, too."

Yang Ping handed Liu Qingyue a fish that had been roasted before and said with a smile, "you still have two companions. Call them together."

Liu Qingyue nodded, then was stunned and said in surprise, "can you feel the two of them?"

Yang Ping pointed to the back. Yunnan and Wang Xue were close at hand. They didn't need to be perceived. They could be seen with the naked eye. They blushed and said, "thank you."

Yunnan stared at Yang Ping, showing vigilance and wondering. Yang Ping's breath is very strange. It's not vitality, there's no original power, and more importantly, there's no strong breath.

"He's a native. By the way, what's your name?" Liu Qingyue introduced them and asked.

"Yang Ping."

"Yang Ping, are you familiar with this place?" Liu Qingyue asked.

Yunnan and Wang Xue look at Yang Ping with bright eyes.

Yang Ping nodded and said with a smile, "it's familiar. But this generation may not be familiar. Because Dayao Mountain is very big, it's impossible to go everywhere collecting herbs. Now in the dead of night, you three are not safe in the forest. Are you lost?"

"We're here to explore. We're lost. Why don't you take us?" Seeing that Liu Qingyue wanted to tell the truth, Yunnan stood up, stared at Lin Yuan and smiled.

After Mo Jun's incident, Yunnan didn't dare to underestimate the people who appeared in the red world Dayao Mountain. Maybe another explosion ban would kill herself. If Yunnan knew that the rune maker on Mo Jun came from Yang Ping in front of him, she would not have a smile on her face.

Wang Xue looks at Yang Ping. She has the strongest perception. She can perceive the breath that Yunnan and Liu Qingyue don't know. She feels that Yang Ping is clearly in front of her, but it's unpredictable. This feeling seems natural, close to her, everywhere, but she can't really feel it.

Yunnan wants to make a routine, but Yang Ping is watertight, calm and can't find any defects.

After chatting for half an hour, after eating, Yunnan winked at Wang Xueshi.

Yang Ping went to pick up firewood.


Yunnan suddenly broke out, picked up the thorn and stabbed Lin Yuan's back, flashing a cold light in the night. Yang Ping didn't feel it, and didn't seem to know that death was waving. A jade bow flashed, absorbed and picked up. Wang Xue appeared behind Yang Ping, shook his head and showed dissatisfaction.

Yunnan wants to kill her, but Wang Xue doesn't agree.

Fortunately, after Yunnan's test, he felt that Yang Ping could not do martial arts, because the sword Qi he shot could be fatal, and the Heavenly Master could not carry it. Yang Ping could not be aware of it. If Wang Xue hadn't stopped it, Yang Ping would certainly die and have no consciousness.

In terms of comprehensive performance, Yang Ping was ignorant, so he survived.

"We're leaving."

Although Yunnan wanted to kill Yang Ping, she had a gentle smile on her face and asked, "since you are familiar with the forest, why don't you come together. We can learn some martial arts and take care of you on the way."

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "do you want to walk in the middle of the night?"

Wang Xue knew Yunnan's murder. If Yang Ping didn't obey, he might really die. He advised: "yes, there are many wild animals in the forest. It's not peaceful recently. We met several groups before we came. Why don't we go together and have a care?"

Liu Qingyue was frightened and had a good sense of Yang Ping. She didn't want him to die in Yunnan's hand. She advised: "let's go and have a care."

Yang Ping thought for a while, but said, "OK."

Pack up and move on.

On her way in the middle of the night, Yang Ping wrestled several times. Yunnan was impatient. If it weren't for Yang Ping, a Mopper, who had been far ahead, now time is life. Maybe other team members have reached their destination.

Liu Qingyue protected Yang Ping and kept reminding him.

Yunnan and Wang Xue walked in the most forward, with a gloomy face and an unhappy way: "kill this waste. Just like mole ants, you are also sure that he has no strength. Not only does he have no help, he will drag us down."

Wang Xue sighed, "do you have hatred for the people in the lower world? Why do you have to kill each other?"

Yunnan said faintly, "will you regret stepping on an ant?"

Wang Xue knew that there was no result in chatting with Yunnan. The other party thought he was superior. Except for those people of the same level family, including himself, it is estimated that he didn't pay attention to it. He belongs to a very arrogant person.

"It might be useful. Go fast and die early." Wang Xue ignored Yunnan, walked to Yang Ping and asked, "are you okay?"

Yang Ping reluctantly smiled and said, "why don't you go first and I'll follow you. I feel like I'm holding you back."

Liu Qingyue hurriedly said, "it's all right. We're not in a hurry."

Yunnan looked at Liu Qingyue coldly and sneered in her heart. She didn't understand that the two women came to the world of mortals and became idiots. She was interested in the mole ants of the world of mortals, and didn't see Liu Qingyue winking at Yin Chuan and others.


Yunnan defines Liu Qingyue and Wang Xue and secretly thinks about the love story of Cowherd and weaver girl. Wait for you to die.

In the middle of the night, he walked for about 20 kilometers. During this period, Yunnan saw God killing God. Once any dangerous and non threatening creature appeared, he would kill it. His sword was very sharp and showed extremely strong strength. Strangely, there were more and more monsters running out of nowhere, and Tenglong was regarded as medium strength.

The most powerful is a hell dog. Although it is not as powerful as three hell dogs, it also has two heads. The strength difference is not much. It is split in half by Yunnan's sword.

Yang Ping deliberately showed shock and looked in awe at Yunnan's eyes.

Yunnan was proud and found that on the boring Road, she was particularly happy to get Yang Pingjing's divine eyes.

early morning.

It's finally dawn.

You can see ahead.

Yang Ping observed the three people silently. Yunnan was very angry and should have killed many people. They were all experts. The sword in her hand was a treasure of the same level as the fish intestines sword with the power of rules. Wang Xue was very silent. Although she looked injured, she had recovered early and pretended to be hurt. She belonged to a scheming woman. Liu Qingyue was the simplest, but she was under great pressure and didn't have much smile on her face, The closer you are to the depths of Dayao Mountain, the more nervous you are.

Yang Ping is in charge of everyone's breakfast.

Yunnan found that it was good to take Yang Ping. At least she could eat good wild fruits. Dayao Mountain was full of aura. There were a lot of wild fruits and food. After Yang Ping's simple treatment, it was a delicious meal.

Liu Qingyue's eyes are shining. She likes Yang Ping's cooking very much.

Wang Xue kept observing Yang Ping on the road, but she still didn't see the flaw.

Who the hell is he?

Wang Xue will not believe that Yang Ping is an ordinary person, because his breath is too strange.


Yunnan suddenly looked at the front, looked ecstatic and shouted.

When Wang Xue heard about her cousin, her face turned pale and her secret way was terrible.

The last thing I want to see finally happen.

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