"Zhao Jianfeng, how dare you hit me?" When did Wei Kefan suffer such a loss? Let a small security guard firmly grasp the wrist, don't say whether it hurts or not, just that embarrassed, let him feel embarrassed in front of Yang Xiaotong.

"Wei Kefan, you have made it clear. It seems that you moved your hand first." Yang Xiaotong immediately stood on Zhao Jianfeng's side.

"Mr. Yang, I see your face. I won't touch him today." Finish saying, Zhao Jianfeng Hand Yang, Wei Kefan was thrown out two meters far, almost did not stand firm.

After such a loss, Wei Kefan really has nothing to do with Zhao Jianfeng. He can't jump on him and bite him.

"Zhao Jianfeng, you are really good at Kung Fu, but can you be better than shot?"

Wei Kefan, who is not easy to stabilize himself, kneads his hands and wrists and looks at Zhao Jianfeng.

"The gun? What weapon? "

Zhao Jianfeng did not know why he turned to ask Yang Xiaotong. In his mind, he had never heard of such a thing. But look at Wei Kefan's air, it seems that it is a very bad thing.

Yang Xiaotong didn't answer Zhao Jianfeng's words, because she thought Zhao Jianfeng was joking, but she felt from Wei Kefan's words that this guy was going to be rude: "Wei Kefan, I can warn you, if you dare to mess with him, I'll make you lose it!"

Yang Xiaotong is really dignified in front of Wei Kefan. As soon as she says this, Wei Kefan can't help being awe inspiring. He didn't expect that Yang Xiaotong turned against him for the sake of a small security guard.

"Brother Zhao, please, if you don't install me again, my two arms will really be useless!"

Zhang Haowu is not stupid. When he sees that Wei Kefan and Zhao Jianfeng fall out completely, he has no intention of making peace. If he doesn't use some means, his life will be over! So, as he spoke, he plopped down on his knees.

Even if Zhao Jianfeng had a grudge against Zhang Haowu before, now let him kneel down to soften his heart.

"Get up, get up, it's no big deal, get down on your knees at any moment!"

Zhao Jianfeng frowned. Now he can't fight with Wei Kefan. Anyway, he is a shameless man. He can see clearly whether this good arm is reserved or not. It seems that it doesn't have much to do with Wei Kefan. Today, he rushes here just to give himself a breath.

Lei Jun has long been afraid to speak, at this moment, there is no part of him to intervene.

Yang Xiaotong doesn't want to see Zhang Haowu lose his arms. She can fully understand the young people's competitive spirit in the previous martial arts competition. Even if she uses fierce moves, it's reasonable. After all, they all want to be the bodyguard of her boss.

Blame it. The salary of 300000 is so attractive.

"Jianfeng, just for the sake of this little brother's bitter cry, let him have a look." Yang Xiaotong thinks it's time to come out and give Zhao Jianfeng a step.

"Since Mr. Yang has spoken, I'll try my best to see if I can settle down. It depends on your luck." Zhao Jianfeng walked out of the gate with a smile and came to Zhang Haowu. Zhang Haowu just stood up.

Zhao Jianfeng grabs Zhang Haowu's right wrist with one hand, pinches Zhang Haowu's shoulder with the other hand, and then suddenly starts to clap it.

With a click, Zhang Haowu tried to shake his arm a few times, but it moved!

"Brother Zhao, put it on!" Zhang Haowu looks excited.

Zhao Jianfeng didn't say anything. He came to the left side and used the same technique to install Zhang Haowu's left arm.

"Thank you, brother Zhao!"

After feeling that both arms could move freely, Zhang Haowu knelt down to Zhao Jianfeng again. This time, he half thanks Zhao Jianfeng for his help, and half admires Zhao Jianfeng for his means.

Even Wei Kefan, who has always been worried about Zhao Jianfeng, looks silly at this time. Although he has long known that Zhao Jianfeng can give Zhang a good arm to Wu'an, he did not expect that it was so simple!

Although Yang Xiaotong is calm on the surface, her heart is already turbulent. She never thought that such a small security guard she accidentally dug from the guard had such magic power!

According to the situation described by Wei Kefan, isn't Zhao Jianfeng's method superior to those famous old TCM doctors? Or because of her position as president, she really wants to give Zhao Jianfeng a solid kiss!

"Stick a few plasters, and you'll be fine in two days. It won't get in the way." After finishing, Zhao Jianfeng said that he didn't care. He didn't seem to show off his skill at all. Including a few shots against people, it is also a last resort.

Now Wei Kefan's intestines are blue. He doesn't see that this boy has such ability. But now it's clearly too late, let Yang Xiaotong caught such a baby, she obviously won't let go easily.

"Xiaotong, thank you!"

Wei Kefan admired in his heart, but refused to say a word of thanks to Zhao Jianfeng. He just gave Yang Xiaotong a fist.

"Why do you thank me? I didn't cure people! " Yang Xiaotong complacent way.

Zhao Jianfeng just smiles. It seems that he doesn't intend to argue with Wei Kefan. He knows a lot about these bullying childe brothers. In his eyes, these childe brothers are just dirt.

"Brother Zhao, can I treat you to dinner tonight?"

Although he is a little afraid of Wei Kefan, Zhang Haowu, a martial arts practitioner, admires Zhao Jianfeng's skill even more. If he can make friends like Zhao Jianfeng, it will be a bad thing to talk about in front of people in the future.

Zhao Jianfeng waved his hand, "I have no time, I want 12 hours to protect the safety of General Yang." Zhao Jianfeng said seriously, which made Yang Xiaotong laugh.

Zhang Haowu saw that the invitation was hopeless, but he had to follow Lei Jun on the bus. The two cars went out of the way.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Haowu kept looking back at Zhao Jianfeng, and his eyes were filled with admiration.

"Jianfeng, come to my office."

With that, Yang Xiaotong turned and walked towards the office building.

Lao Luo tilted his thumb toward Zhao Jianfeng, and said in a small voice: "you've got a lot of luck!"

Entering the office, Yang Xiaotong did not sit in the boss's chair behind her desk, but directly sat on the sofa to entertain guests.

"Sit down." Yang Xiaotong patted the place beside him and raised his head to say to Zhao Jianfeng who followed in.

"No, Mr. Yang. I'll just stand." Although Zhao Jianfeng doesn't quite understand some rules of this era, he has been very clear about the relationship between master and servant since then. How can he be equal?

Although standing in this position, you can overlook the scenery inside Yang Xiaotong's neckline, but it's definitely not because of this that he insists on standing.

"I don't feel comfortable standing so high!" Yang Xiaotong looked up at him. Zhao Jianfeng carefully left a section and sat at one end of the sofa, keeping a distance of one meter from Yang Xiaotong.

Yang Xiaotong smiles, no more difficult for him.

"Can you tell me the truth, where did you learn your craft from?"

The question is the same content, but Yang Xiaotong's tone and expression are incomparable with Uncle Tian's way of asking at that time. Yang Xiaotong makes Zhao Jianfeng feel tender and amiable, and does not have that kind of insidious feeling. Especially when two people's eyes are opposite, Yang Xiaotong's familiar eyes will remind Zhao Jianfeng of a person.

"It's hard to say. Mr. Yang, let's not talk about it. " Zhao Jianfeng knew that no one would believe him even if he told the truth word for word. Why does he have to do such thankless things?

However, Yang Xiaotong also thought about it. If Zhao Jianfeng really wanted to plot against Mingyuan group or her Yang Xiaotong as Uncle Tian guessed, Zhao Jianfeng would not expose these means in front of her. He should hide them.

What's more, Zhao Jianfeng is Luo Jincai's hometown. It's easy to find out about his family.

But Yang Xiaotong believes that there must be an unusual experience in Zhao Jianfeng, otherwise, he would never have such a magical craft.

"Jianfeng, I have a question for you."

"Say it, Mr. Yang."

"In the future, if someone poaches you at a high price, will you leave?"

Zhao Jianfeng doesn't quite understand the meaning of digging. He looks at Yang Xiaotong blankly.

"Well, if someone gave you more money, would you leave me?" Yang Xiaotong has turned her body over, and at the same time, a white hand stretched out and put it on Zhao Jianfeng's hand.

The soft hand made Zhao Jianfeng tremble, but he didn't dare to take it away.

At that moment, it seemed that Zhao Jianfeng was about to fly away, which filled her eyes with worry.

"As long as Mr. Yang doesn't chase me out, I'll follow you all the time!" Zhao Jianfeng looks at Yang Xiaotong's eyes sincerely and says.

"Jianfeng, can I hold you?"

Zhao Jianfeng was so scared that he pulled out: "general manager Yang..."

"You look so scared, as if I'm going to eat you!" Seeing Zhao Jianfeng's embarrassment, Yang Xiaotong smiles“ It's not hard for you. You have to promise me a request. " Yang Xiaotong stood up from the sofa, hands back to the back, the hill will stand tall, some hook people.

"What requirements?" Zhao Jianfeng looked up at her blankly.

"No matter what occasion in the future, as long as I hold your hand, you are not allowed to hide!"

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