"General manager Yang, since ancient times, men and women are not related to each other..."

"What's the age? What's the matter with holding a hand?" Seeing that Zhao Jianfeng hesitates, Yang Xiaotong is more energetic. She deliberately makes the timid bodyguard nervous, and even holds Zhao Jianfeng's hand directly.

"General manager Yang..." Zhao Jianfeng wanted to smoke, but he didn't dare to smoke back.

"In our country, shaking hands is the most normal etiquette. Don't you dare to touch a girl's hand?"

Looking at Zhao Jianfeng so nervous, Yang Xiaotong is more and more happy to laugh“ Don't worry, I won't be too hard for you. But you can also see that Wei Kefan every day a fiancee's cry, I let him sick to death! I want him to die! "

"Mr. Yang, are you engaged?" Zhao Jianfeng doubts.

"No, it's a long story. It's all because the last generation was talkative and engaged us to a baby. But what time is it? And that Wei Kefan is a dandy at all. He doesn't do his business. I hate him so much. I won't get engaged to that kind of dandy. However, it's not good for me to put the words of the older generation there. It's against their will. Our two families have always had a good relationship. Not only my parents won't let me go back, but Uncle Wei also really loves me. He really wants me to be his daughter-in-law, so that their Wei family's industry can be handed down forever. Oh, it's so hard! "

At this time, listening to Yang Xiaotong's story, another picture appeared in Zhao Jianfeng's mind——

In March of the ninth year of Kaibao in the great Song Dynasty, Taizu visited Luoyang in the West. On the way, he suddenly encountered heavy rain and muddy roads. The Escort's entourage only cares about the emperor, but he is trapped by the robbers and takes away the concubine Qiao who falls behind the team.

Taizu ordered to send people to pursue him. Zhao Dongchen, who was then Taizu's bodyguard, was one of the pursuers.

At that time, there was a heavy rain, and the road was too muddy to walk. However, the local robbers occupied the right time and place, and robbed Qiao Fei to the mountain. On the way, a robber wants to do something unconventional to Qiaofei, but Qiaofei pulls out the golden hairpin on her head, stabs her throat and keeps her innocent body. However, the other two robbers quickly catch up. At this time, Zhao Dongchen has caught up with them, killed the two robbers and saved Qiao Fei.

At that time, concubine Qiao said in tears: "although general Zhao saved my life at this time, it is difficult to save me in the future. I think I will die after I go back."

"Niang Niang, if you don't go back, then I Zhao Dongchen can't recover." So Zhao Dongchen picked up the dying concubine Qiao and returned to the emperor.

But the Emperor gave her a sword.

That meaning understand again however, nothing more than let Qiao Fei commit suicide. Because in the eyes of the emperor, since the robbers have robbed him, he must not be clean. In order to protect the emperor's name, he has to do so.

At this time, Zhao Dongchen, as a bodyguard, risked his life to remonstrate: "emperor, Princess Qiao stabbed the robber's throat with a gold hairpin to keep her name. She is really zhenlie. Can you reward her with a whole body?"

If it wasn't for the face of rescuing the emperor several times in danger, Zhao Dongchen would have been affected by it. Fortunately, the emperor really gave him a face, and gave concubine Qiao a white silk and a pot of hot wine instead.

In front of Zhao Dongchen's face, after drinking the pot of hot wine, concubine Qiao knelt down on the ground with a plop: "General Zhao, Qiao Qiao can only repay in the afterlife!"

Then Princess Qiao hung the branch.

Because this is a disgraceful page of song Taizu, it was not written in the history book.

"What are you thinking?" Yang Xiaotong, who has been holding Zhao Jianfeng's hand, finds that Zhao Jianfeng is obviously lost at this time.

"Ah, nothing..." Zhao Jianfeng was distracted at this time. He was embarrassed for a while, and his old face turned red.

"Jianfeng, you can't act as a bodyguard for me like a big girl. If I suddenly encounter danger in my bedroom, will you enter or not?"

Yang Xiaotong looks at Zhao Jianfeng's eyes. She is not waiting for his answer, but she wants to read something from his familiar eyes. However, the memory in her brain is so deep that she can't get it.

"Mr. Yang, it's Zhao Jianfeng's duty to protect you. Whenever Mr. Yang calls, I will go through fire and water and die!"

When it comes to his duties as a bodyguard, Zhao Jianfeng is a man!

"I believe you." Looking at Zhao Jianfeng's eyes, Yang Xiaotong has no reason not to believe it“ I'll take a bath later. You're not allowed to leave duty? "

With a smile, Yang Xiaotong released Zhao Jianfeng's hand, got up from the sofa and went to the bathroom in the office.

Zhao Jianfeng said that the house where Yang Xiaotong works is really luxurious. If you look at the furnishings inside, I'm afraid the emperor in the past didn't have such nobility, did he?

He sat on the sofa and constantly looked at everything in the office. The clocks on the wall and the computers on the desk were all things he had never seen before. He got up and went over to check them one by one and felt them curiously.

He obviously realized that there were too many things in the world that made him feel strange. He had to grasp the familiarity. After that, he must apply to Yang Xiaotong for a toy on the table, and let Lao Luo teach him how to play.

Finally, he stood under the clock and carefully observed it for a while. After analysis, it should be something to calculate time, and the space where the short needle goes is half an hour in his mind.

While thinking about it, Yang Xiaotong has come out of the bathroom.

Yang Xiaotong was only wrapped in a bath towel, her slender legs, her slender waist, and her tall and straight mountains

Zhao Jianfeng's eyes involuntarily attracted by Yang Xiaotong's proud figure.

"What are you looking at? I don't know? " Yang Xiaotong's handsome face was ruddy.

"Mr. Yang is so beautiful!" After all, there were only two people in the room. Zhao Jianfeng walked boldly on Yang Xiaotong.

"Don't look at people like that!" Yang Xiaotong said angrily. But the man came to Zhao Jianfeng and asked, "what were you looking at just now?"

"It's supposed to be time calculating, isn't it?" Zhao Jianfeng asked, staring at the clock on the wall.

"What do you say? You don't have this on Mars, do you? " Yang Xiaotong has already stood beside Zhao Jianfeng. Her body exudes the refreshing fragrance of bath liquid, and her arm like jade lotus root has rubbed against Zhao Jianfeng. Of course, Yang Xiaotong had no intention at all.

"Mr. Yang, what's this? Can you give me one?" Relying on Yang Xiaotong's love and dependence on himself, Zhao Jianfeng began to be a bit wayward.

"Computer, I'll have someone get one for you in two days." She may think that a country child has not played with these things. Now that she has become her own bodyguard, how can she not understand these modern things? However, she only thought that he was a rookie, but she did not think that he had never seen this at all.

"Jianfeng, thank you, Mr. Yang!" Zhao Jianfeng is very happy to jump up.

While they were talking, Yang Xiaotong's mobile phone rang.

Take it up and see, it's uncle Tian.

"Xiaotong, Wei Shao and your uncle Wei come to our house for dinner at night. The master ordered you to come back for company. Do you want to put off other parties?"

Without waiting for Yang Xiaotong to say anything more, uncle Tian has already hung up.

Yang Xiaotong stood there.

"What's the matter, Mr. Yang?" Zhao Jianfeng can see from Yang Xiaotong's expression that she is unhappy again.

"Wei Kefan! It seems that you have to make some trouble for me Yang Xiaotong suddenly guessed that the play should be directed by Wei Kefan, "Wei Kefan will take Mr. Wei to my home for dinner in the evening. We haven't had dinner together some day. I don't know if Wilbur will ask me to come when I have dinner. "

Yang Xiaotong knows that Wei Kefan has set up a trap, but there is no other way to refuse. After all, the two families have always been friends, and they have a painful engagement. If you refuse, it is tantamount to refuting Mr. Wei's face.

"Is Mr. Wei just at the mercy of his son?" Zhao Jianfeng is very puzzled, because when he first met, he also felt that the Wei family should not be an unreasonable person.

"Of course, what Wei Kefan mentioned is good for the Wei family. After all, he also hopes that I can become the daughter-in-law of the Wei family." Yang Xiaotong's helpless way.

"Didn't the old man of the Wei family see that you didn't deal with Wei Kefan?"

"He's not deaf and he's not dazzled. Why can't he see it? However, maybe what Wei Bo expected is different from Wei Kefan. Even if Wei Kefan and I can't talk about it together, as long as I become the right daughter-in-law of the Wei family, I can not only prevent the Wei family from being ridiculed, but also get a leader who doesn't spend money in the past! "

After Yang Xiaotong finished, she gave Zhao Jianfeng a white look, as if to say, you don't understand what's in it!

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