Zhao Jianfeng for the first time will "Qiao Fei" the name out of his mouth, when the next Yang Xiaotong heard, unexpectedly not from the heart of a shock.

She seemed to have heard the name everywhere, and it seemed that the name was so familiar. So Yang Xiaotong raised her eyes and looked at Zhao Jianfeng.

"You say I'm like Joan? When was Princess Qiao Looking at Zhao Jianfeng's expression, Yang Xiaotong certainly does not think that he is talking drunk.

"Xiaotong, since the moment I saw you, I've decided that you are princess Qiao. You look so much like her that I can't find any difference between you except that you live in different times." Zhao Jianfeng shook his head as if he didn't believe himself.

"You're confusing me. Which movie's character? Why can't I remember? " Although I think the name is familiar, Yang Xiaotong just can't remember in which costume play there was Princess Qiao.

"It's not a movie, I said, it's my real life. I believe the two of us used to live together. It's just, it's not this era. " As Zhao Jianfeng drives his car, he takes a look at Yang Xiaotong, who is full of tenderness. At this time, he feels more and more that Yang Xiaotong is Qiao Fei.

"Gege..." Yang Xiaotong half lay there laughing. Because Zhao Jianfeng said the same thing as the truth, and his expression was very serious.

For Yang Xiaotong's smile, Zhao Jianfeng does not feel disgusted, because he feels that it is not Yang Xiaotong laughing at him.

"We may have lived in the same era. You are the princess of that time." Then, while recalling, Zhao Jianfeng described the scene of that rainy day.

Zhao Jianfeng's description naturally evokes some pictures in Yang Xiaotong's mind. The picture is more and more clear, and finally it completely coincides with Zhao Jianfeng's description. More importantly, she increasingly feels that the woman who is carried on the shoulder by a young bodyguard in the picture is herself, and her name is Princess Qiao.

The young man carrying her is Zhao Jianfeng.

Looking at the angular Zhao Jianfeng, Yang Xiaotong suddenly remembered another familiar name: "Zhao Dongchen?"

Her voice is so small.

But the name suddenly hit his eardrum.

After a screeching brake, the car stopped less than five centimeters away from the car waiting for the red light.

"Yes, I am Zhao Dongchen." Zhao Jianfeng's voice is not big, but Yang Xiaotong can fully hear how excited Zhao Jianfeng is at this time“ I am Zhao Dongchen, the first bodyguard of the Song Dynasty

Zhao Jianfeng is very firm and confident.

"Did the two of us really live in those days?" At this time, Yang Xiaotong did not worry about the car accident.

"Yes, we really lived in those days!" Zhao Jianfeng said with great certainty.

After crossing the intersection, Zhao Jianfeng didn't rush to drive home. Instead, he slowly stopped his car at a safe place on the side of the road. They got out of the car together and came to the sidewalk. After smiling at each other, they got together. Yang Xiaotong hugged Zhao Jianfeng's waist, while Zhao Jianfeng hugged Yang Xiaotong's whole body, then bent down and kissed Yang Xiaotong's lips.

At this time, it's late at night. There are cars passing by from time to time on the road. The driver can't help but slow down to enjoy the couple. Even on the sidewalk, there are a couple hugging each other from time to time. However, Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong are kissing like no one else. It's a kind of sweet kiss.

Put the car there, two people walking home, all the way you hold me, I hold you, as if they were just in love.

So they went all the way to the door.

Zhao Jianfeng holds Yang Xiaotong from the front door to the bed in the bedroom.

That kind of excitement will add unimaginable power to him. You know, two men and women who once had a predestined relationship never thought that they would live together and become lovers after a thousand years. Now, not only Zhao Jianfeng, but also Yang Xiaotong believe that they were the walkers of a time.

"If you meet the boss again, will you recognize him as your husband?" The eldest brother by Zhao Jianfeng, of course, refers to Princess Qiao's former husband, the founding emperor.

"Then if he's here, dare you argue with him?" Yang Xiaotong did not answer the rhetorical question.

"No one can take you away from me. You can only be my concubine of Zhao Jianfeng! " Even if the emperor stood here, Zhao Jianfeng would not give up. And he also believed that the princess Qiao, who had been given a death, would never follow that man again.

"If I face the threat of death again, will you stand by and watch?" In fact, this has always been Zhao Jianfeng's pain, but today's concubine Qiao still mentioned it. Of course, this is also Zhao Jianfeng's memory of the past.

"I'll do my best to protect you at any time. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you any more. " Zhao Jianfeng kisses Yang Xiaotong's neck lovingly. Although he felt guilty, he could use this life to make up for it.

As the then concubine Qiao, Yang Xiaotong didn't hate Zhao Jianfeng for standing by, because under the circumstances at that time, there was nothing anyone could do. Zhao Dongchen was just a bodyguard, unable to compete with an emperor.

"And when did you come across it?" Yang Xiaotong thinks that things are very dramatic, but she doesn't understand how Zhao Jianfeng and herself came to this era.

"Remember the rainy day when we first met? I was thundered by thunder. After that thunder, I, Zhao Dongchen, suddenly became a little security guard, Zhao Jianfeng. "

"No wonder. But I still don't know how I got here. If you don't mention the rainy day when I was robbed, maybe I will never think of these things in the past. So, you really gave me a second life. "

Half a month later, Zhao Jianfeng officially resigned as chairman of Qingshan group and was replaced by Yang Mingyuan.

Zhao Jianfeng, on his own, began his journey around the world. Every time he went to a country, he would set up a camp according to the local laws or customs and began to treat people for free. Of course, his Qigong skills were used. And the patients he treated were all people who thought they were in despair.

And his time in any country will not be more than half a month, so he can travel through more countries in the shortest time. When he came from one country to another, many followers would come to ask him for medical advice or learn his magical medical skills.

What he wants to do is to tell those people that in China, there will be a school called China International Qigong school to accept these foreign friends.

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