A year later, a brand-new school sprang up in the lush southern suburb of Nanjing. On a long but irregular granite outside the gate, the eight characters of "China International Qigong school" are clearly written. The characters are powerful and powerful. Few people know which great calligrapher wrote them. No matter which expert saw these eight characters, he would be surprised by the power they contain.

Due to the participation of Yang Mingyuan capital a year ago, the construction of the hospital attached to the school has made great progress. Today is the inauguration ceremony of the school. The specifications of this grand ceremony can be seen from the row of dozens of reception vehicles of the same brand and specification in the parking lot outside the campus.

At this time, just after seven o'clock in the morning, the reception vehicle had not started yet, but Zhao Jianfeng was busy with another thing.

"Brother Xiang, this task is very heavy. Didn't you scold me?" Zhao Jianfeng talks to the old Xiang, who arranges the inspection elsewhere, through the earphone.

"Dare I scold you? You're a big deal now. Damn it The former leader was laughing and scolding in the walkie talkie.

"What the hell am I? You have to protect those politicians. You know, if you can't, it will be an international dispute. Although those princes and princes don't seem to have any real power now, their influence in the world is not small. Brother Xiang, please don't let me be overwhelmed. " Zhao Jianfeng was talking and laughing on the walkie talkie, but he was not relaxed at all.

"Don't be careless. I'll tell you that according to the information we have, the target of their attack is more likely to be you."

"No? Compared with those politicians, I am a bird? "

"Yes, you are a bird, and you are a big bird. As long as you are killed, the whole activity, including the future, will be completely stopped. Do you think you're important? I'll tell you, we have limited energy. You'd better take care of yourself. " Old to very serious advice.

"Don't worry, I don't die that easily. Besides, if they wanted to kill me, they would have done it when I was giving lectures. Why wait until now? "

Zhao Jianfeng's words are easy, but his heart is still a little heavy, so today's day that should make him excited is a little depressing.

"It's the same effect to kill your boy in silence as it is now, you idiot!"

The purpose of Lao Xiang's reminding is to arouse Zhao Jianfeng's enough attention. It's not that he has no ability to protect Zhao Jianfeng's role, but that this time Zhao Jianfeng invited too many foreign friends, and they are all princes and nobles. They are one of the best people and things in their country. If anything goes wrong, it will make the country feel headache. And Zhao Jianfeng lectures everywhere to cure people. In a year, he has traveled to more than 20 countries, and is welcome everywhere he goes. Even after he arrived in another country, there would be many followers from the countries he passed.

Therefore, on the surface, this grand ceremony is a completion and wedding ceremony, but in fact it is a summit with a large scope. Therefore, not only Qu Yan participated in this grand ceremony as vice premier, but more importantly, the premier should also be present in person. Therefore, apart from the local police on the periphery, the security task this time is part of the bodyguards in Zhongnanhai. Of course, the core security personnel are always the national security personnel under the direct leadership.

"Brother Feng, are they all arranged over there? Our team is ready to go Shen Ruolan, as one of the founders of the school, is naturally the protagonist of today's event, but she is responsible for transporting these important guests.

"No problem." Zhao Jianfeng look at the time, it is close to 7:30, the team arrived at the hotel still need some time. Just now, he has directly contacted the criminal police captain on the road in charge of guarding to ensure that there will not be any problems on the road.

Zhao Jianfeng had complained about how this kind of vigilance disturbed the people before, but now he really realized that if there was a small mistake in the safety work of such a large-scale event, it would be a huge international impact.

Therefore, Zhao Jianfeng is in fact very headache at this time.

Fortunately, these people he used were all very capable characters. No matter which one he was, which position he put in, he could be one as ten.

Zhao Jianfeng himself suffered the most. He is not only the leading role of today, but also responsible for the task of warning, because if he can't find out the problem at any time, he will be unable to make up for the disaster in the future.

At 8:30, the motorcade drove back to the parking lot at the gate of the school from Jinling Hotel. For the sake of safety, the car didn't stop in the parking lot outside. Instead, it drove into the school, let the guests get off directly, and then the car went around the other exit.

The venue of this grand ceremony was set in front of the open-air building outside. Although it's open-air, it's covered by dense trees. Shen Ruolan and her colleagues learned this kind of scene from abroad, which is quite different from the same style of assembly hall in China. It gives people a fresh and free feeling.

Even those guests from all over the world who attended the meeting also sat on the white rattan chairs under the rostrum one after another, and these rattan chairs were not arranged in order. The so-called rostrum is just two microphones in the open space in front of the main teaching building.

However, none of the guests who come here will feel how shabby it is. On the contrary, it is another kind of simplicity and atmosphere. There is no embellishment on the rostrum except for the speaker and the host. This is quite different from the setting style of rows of important people in the general opening ceremony.

Even Qu Yan, vice premier, sat there in peace.

At this time, a high standard red flag car quickly drove in.

"Here comes the prime minister." Someone whispered.

Although compared with the princes and nobles of various countries sitting here, the prime minister is not a special heavyweight, but he has become a prominent role today.

When he got out of the car and walked quickly to this side, he apologized to everyone kindly that he was late, and everyone stood up from the chair with the same warm applause.

The security work of this grand ceremony is very thorough. No suspicious person is allowed to appear one kilometer away from the whole school. Inside the campus, however, it was even more well prepared, with plain clothes on guard everywhere at any time.

But Zhao Jianfeng is worried that the kind of crazy terrorists, in case they can't hunt a certain target, and shoot at a long distance towards the general location of the venue, what will happen? No matter which country's friends were attacked, Zhao Jianfeng could not bear the responsibility.

However, Lao Xiang and Zhao Jianfeng didn't count. A terrorist organization sent people to carry weapons into the campus a few days before the grand ceremony and dug a hole in the lawn hidden in the green trees.

Every part of this grand ceremony has been clearly written in the invitation. As a terrorist organization, it is not difficult to obtain this information in the invitation.

Just as Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong were standing there to hold their wedding ceremony, Zhao Jianfeng suddenly had a dangerous premonition that his forehead was tight.

Following his clear feeling, Zhao Jianfeng found the black muzzle among the trees in front of him.

"Lao Xiang, there is a sniper aiming at me 200 meters away from 12 o'clock." Zhao Jianfeng stood there, through the interphone hidden in the chest flower, and told Lao Xiang calmly.

"Got it." After receiving the situation report, Lao Xiang immediately instructed the snipers who were lying in ambush to look for the target and strike.

At this time, Zhao Jianfeng knew that if the other side's bullets came out, he could completely escape the attack of the other side with his own skills. However, on such an occasion, the emergence of such an event will make all the foreign guests present feel uneasy. This is also a damage to the national image. Therefore, what Zhao Jianfeng is worried about is not his own life safety, but the country's reputation.

So, even a little bit of agitation, he didn't want to happen. He hoped that Lao Xiang would be a reliable guy and would not let everyone present be shocked.

As a matter of fact, Lao Xiang's arrangement was quite thorough. Shortly after the terrorist emerged from the lawn, our snipers found him. The sniper even found out a few seconds earlier than Zhao Jianfeng. He is waiting for Lao Xiang's order, to live or to die. The old man gave orders to him, of course, to live.

Before the terrorist fired, he was shot twice in both arms almost at the same time, which made him lose combat effectiveness completely.

Zhao Jianfeng also saw the moment that the hidden opponent's body suddenly relaxed 200 meters away in front of him, and his hanging heart immediately relaxed.

Zhao Jianfeng's face finally bloomed a victory and calm smile.

(end of the book!)

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