Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 162 Breakthrough Divergence

As reported by Mo Lou, the Xianghai City Air Shelter did attract the attention of those monsters and zombies. In the 1950s and 1960s, Xianghai City and other cities built the same in order to prevent the attacks of nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons from abroad. A large number of air-raid shelters, and after continuous repairs, these air-raid shelters were linked together. Later, due to the stability of the international situation, although the air defense exercises were held every year, the air-raid shelters were not expanded and downloaded.

This is a sudden catastrophe. Although the state ordered all citizens to enter the air raid shelter, there are not many people who can accommodate the air raid shelter except for storing some materials. After the monsters attacked the city in a big way, some citizens wanted to enter the air raid shelter in desperation, but were blocked by the guards. On the one hand, they were strictly forbidden to let people in, but on the other hand, because there was really not much space in the air raid shelter.

But these reasons have no meaning for those who are eager to live. Between the disputes, some monsters have attracted attention. They began to attack these survivors, and the openings of some bomb shelters no longer became hidden. , Began to covet the latest chapters of those monsters and zombies.

At this time, in the temporary headquarters of the air raid shelter, the party and government teams in Xianghai City had already quarreled together. Since they had made preparations in advance, the two groups of the city government and the municipal committee had no losses, and all were withdrawn into the air raid shelter. . But the situation from outside was not very good at this time, and the two teams expressed their opinions,

"It's no way to be so noisy. Now that the monsters have found the entrance to our bomb shelter, as far as the existing weapons are concerned, they can't stop the attack of the monsters. We are waiting here, we can only wait and die." Mayor Wen Qingshan was flushed. Said.

"But the order we received was to defend in place and wait for rescue," said Luo Shengchang, secretary of the municipal party committee.

"At that moment. At this moment, the situation has changed now. If rescue cannot come in time, don't we have to stand still"

Wen Qingshan bitterly persuaded: "Secretary Luo, we can still contact the troops in the security zone. They have heavy weapons to resist those monsters. We can only lead the citizens by giving up the city and retreating to a place protected by the army. Rescue and rescue yourself, otherwise it will be eaten up"

Luo Zichang didn't know that he was sitting in the cave waiting to die, but he also had his own concerns, "Old Wen. I understand what you mean, but you also need to know. So many people want to withdraw is not an easy thing. Outside It is now a step-by-step killing. Once the personnel withdraw from the bomb shelter, I am afraid that there will be countless deaths and injuries, and how to solve the transportation and the most important thing for the supplies. The firearms of the armed police cannot attack those monsters at all."

Wen Qingshan heard that he was relieved and relieved. Tao: "We can only hope for the support of the garrison now. Now that the monsters have found four entrances and exits, we will use these four entrances as bait to attract the attention of the monsters as much as possible, and then contact the garrison in the suburbs. Hope They can provide a certain vehicle for us to transfer."

"We can't have so many vehicles." Luo Zichang reminded.

"The remaining people can only rely on walking or looking for vehicles in the city. In the face of this catastrophe, sacrifice is inevitable." Wen Qingshan's tone was somewhat painful.

Luo Zichang was silent for a while. The expression nodded painfully: "It's the only way, contact the military area immediately, determine the direction of evacuation, and walk as close as possible to the opening of the city."

"When I walked, I immediately ordered people to contact the military district, and the office staff contacted the leaders of the districts. Be ready to go," Wen Qingshan nodded.

Commands were issued from the headquarters, and the air raid shelter was suddenly filled with anxiety

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

"Don't make any noise."

Xiao Yuxin whispered softly. At this time the car was parked on a street not far from Yaolu, hundreds of zombies appeared in front, and some of them were similar to the giant scorpion that was killed before.

Although the children in the car were not as scared as they were just now, but so many zombies and monsters passed by, it was quite scary. After she told her, she quietly released the dark enchantment.

The inside and outside of the car suddenly fell into darkness. Although it was a bit depressing, it also blocked the outside things and sounds, and those children were much easier. But Xiao Yuxin didn’t dare to be so relaxed. Although the zombies were a little staggered, they were much more flexible than the ones they encountered. The most terrifying thing was the monsters that acted with them. These insects were huge in shape and varied in shape. Once they changed, Although she can calmly evacuate, those orphans are in danger.

In the dark enchantment, that's her ground, but in order to avoid exposing the target, she was still lying carefully on the roof of the car, not daring to move a little.


A slight cough suddenly sounded in the car. Although Xiao Yuxin had weakened the influence with the dark enchantment and could hide the zombies whose nerves were not very sensitive, it attracted the attention of a worm. Xiao Yuxin suddenly became nervous and the probe took out the desert Eagle.


A bug pushed a bug in front of it dissatisfiedly. The bug hesitated and continued to move forward. Fortunately, there was no abnormal noise in the car, and Xiao Yuxin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yuxin lifted the dark enchantment, but instead of letting Li Jialie start the car, she took the children to the car quietly and walked towards the pharmacy.

There was a burst of sometimes intense, sometimes sparse gunshots from the side. Xiao Yuxin knew that there was an air raid shelter. There were probably portals found by those monsters. The image from Wen Yuxiu showed that the air raid shelter was still able to defend, and she is now I can't worry about it either.

As soon as a group of people approached Yaolu, the corner door opened quietly, and Mo Lou leaned out his head: "Come in"


"Don't make any noise"

Ten girls came out of the yard, helping to take the orphans into the yard, and the door was quietly closed. When everyone entered the building, Xiao Yuxin exhibited the dark enchantment, and the medicine house was dozens of meters away. Being shrouded in darkness.

"You can turn on the light."

After entering the house, Xiao Yuxin turned on the lights. It looked like the children were sitting on the ground paralyzed, and they all looked exhausted. Zhou Ruizhi was breathing **** the sofa. Age, this way down the panic. Taking care of the children in the sauna is also difficult for her.

The girls would have come, and took out some snacks and drinks from the cabinet and handed them to the children. The children immediately began to eat and drink, and the fear on their faces was relieved.

"Miss Mo, will this light lead the monsters over?" A beautiful girl came over and asked softly.

"No, after the treatment, there will be no lights to reveal." Mo Lou signaled her to be at ease, and then said to Xiao Yuxin: "Her name is Luo Qingxue, she is still your sister. It is also from Xianghai Medical College."

"I know Sister Xue, it's just that Sister Xue may not know me." Luo Qingxue smiled.

"Oh. How many people are here at Xianghai Medical College?" Xiao Yuxin was really surprised.

"Less than one hundred people, Professor Qian Xuelin and Professor Tan Jingping are with us." Luo Qingxue replied.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

; "Oh, these two professors are really good here."

Xiao Yuxin was overjoyed, and the two professors are very famous in the medical field, both inside and outside. There are no problems with them, at least in terms of medical treatment.

"Mo Lou. How is the situation now?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Mobile phone signals and telephone signals are completely broken, but I can use a wireless network card to access the Internet through satellites. At present, network communication has not been completely cut off. Water and electricity are not cut off yet, but now we dare not drink tap water." Mo Lou briefly introduced Road.

The tap water was introduced into thousands of households from the tap water plant. To be honest, these waters were not seen with your own eyes, if you go to their source to see them. The person who can calmly drink is definitely the kind of person whose nerves are stronger than the rails. However, among the shelters, there is an engine well that can draw groundwater, and before that Xiao Yuxin also purchased a large amount of barreled water. There is no hindrance.

"In terms of materials, we can take the time to search outside, first arrange the things here. How to arrange personnel. How to allocate materials."

Xiao Yuxin said thoughtfully, "Mo Lou, it seems that those people are not in a hurry to break through. I am going to let Wen Yuxiu come back. When they break through, we will pass by again to see if we can help."

"OK." Mo Lou had no opinion.

Xiao Yuxin immediately informed Wen Yuxiu and Wu Ziniu through the chain of hearts, and then asked again: "How many people are in the shelter now"

"About three hundred people. Half of them are students, there are medical schools and art schools." Mo Lou replied.

"Notify me immediately, if you want to stay in this shelter, you must unconditionally obey the management~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, you will immediately clear it out and start the population registration one hour later.

Groups over 50 and under 10 are grouped separately, and groups over 10 and 15 are organized into children's groups. Groups over 15 and under 50 are separated into groups. These groups must be selected by themselves. If not, the group leader will be appointed.

It must be emphasized that continuation and obedience to the leadership of the refuge must not be deceived or concealed. Reporting of prizes and penalties for punishment will be punished; the law before the chaos is still valid in this refuge, robbing, cheating, prostitution, drug, gambling, Stealing, ranging from expulsion from the refuge, from killing without amnesty;

As far as the current scale is concerned, one kilogram of grain per day, the amount of vegetables to be weighed; one kilogram of water; "

"How the leadership is formed and who will do the specific organizational work," Mo Lou asked.

"I come to be the director of this refuge. You, Wen Yuxiu, Wu Ziniu, Mo Hongxia, Chen Ke, and Shen Ruolan are deputy directors. You are responsible for the specific matters. I will take a break." Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly and got up slip.

"Hey, Xin Xin, you can't be irresponsible." Mo Lou jumped in the back, and Xiao Yuxin had already been left in the refuge.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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