Seeing that Xiao Yuxin couldn't help shouting, Mo Lou had to change his direction and looked at Li Jialie: "I heard that you have a good start, but also quite capable"

"This is generally read in full text." Li Jialie didn't expect this young girl who seemed to be young to say such a sentence. For a while, I don't know how to answer it. It is more reasonable.

Mo Lou waved his hand: "I believe in Sister Xin's vision, you should understand what she said just now, and entrust you with this matter. Well, Cheng Ruosong, you and Li Jialie and Luo Qingxue are responsible for this matter. Self-provisioning. From now on, all supplies will be subject to a supply system, and everyone must be ready to fight monsters."

Li Jialie was about to speak, but Cheng Ruosong asked: "How can we fight monsters without weapons?"

"Weapons are available, there is a warehouse below. But you have to organize the organization first, take the rest slowly, everything should focus on order and security, focus on troubled times, and punishment measures may be more stringent." Mo Lou said .

"Miss Mo, what did Xiao Yuxin do?" Li Jialie asked.

Mo Lou glanced at him: "Did you not hear it just now? She went to rest."

"Miss Mo, how is Wang Qiang?" Uncle Chen asked.

"Wang Qiang, you mean the bodyguard, right?"

Mo Lou thought for a moment: "He was quarantined because of his injury. The other two people are observing his condition. If there is no change in 48 hours, it means that he has not been infected with the virus. You can rest assured that you are living alone and not ill-treating him. ."

"Thank you, Miss Mo, did you just say that you can communicate with the outside world through the Internet?" Chen Lirong asked.

"Yes, you can send a safe email to relatives and friends."

Mo Lou nodded and said to Luo Qingxue again: "Now turn off the lights, it's almost time."

Luo Qingxue does not know when it is time. But it was obedient to turn off the lights, and Mo Lou turned to Li Jialie and others: "We go to the following to discuss, it is enough to leave a vigil sentry on it."

"Okay." Li Jialie is not opposed to the tasks she arranged. In her view, it is really difficult for these girls to bear these things, and she should help.

In a secret room in the refuge, Xiao Yuxin is practicing, and I don't know why, when she just started the Qing Emperor's Feng Tian Jue. A large amount of cosmic energy surged, and her posture greatly propelled her body. Xiao Yuxin didn't know what was going on in this world. Only with the desperate operation of the Qing Emperor's Feng Tian Jue and her efforts to refine those cosmic energies, she could feel that the first layer of her Qing Emperor's Feng Tian Ju had hidden signs. . I just wanted to practice normally, and it turned into a small retreat.

Because of her retreat. Most of the refuge operations were suspended, and some things inevitably happened

"Secretary Luo, the military area has returned the call. They will cooperate with us to break through, and the breakout is selected at the No. 9, 10, and 11 bomb shelters in Xicheng District, but they can only provide 400 cars. I am afraid that we have to raise our own. "Said Wen Qingshan.

"That's no way."

Luo Zichang pondered for a while: "Withdrawal must be carried out in an organized manner. First, the party and government organs and elite personnel at all levels must be withdrawn.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Go, and then organize the masses to break through, after all, we have to leave the fire of human regeneration. "

"That's it." Wen Qingshan said rather angrily: "Immediately let the office inform the leaders of various departments to prepare to break through"

Four hours ago, the instruction to prepare for the breakout was issued. A group of armed police officers were instructed to strictly guard the exposed bomb shelters and cover the transfer of others. Xianghai City has a permanent population of 9 million people, and about half of them enter the bomb shelter. The rest are either far away from the city or become monster food, and some survivors are hiding in the city’s buildings, hoping to have a chance Escape from birth.

The plan is not as fast as the changes. The armed police soldiers after the break have more than half of the casualties. The bomb shelter may fall at any time. After consulting with the military district, the city government decided to break through at five in the morning. As a result, a riot broke out.

"Old and young, the army should protect those who are officials and those who have money to leave first, regardless of our life or death."

"We don't have a car to do, but they are ready early"

"Those who are officials are too dark. If it were not for them, we would have left Xianghai long ago. The suburbs are much safer than here."

The masses were blindly obedient, and at first the orderly ranks started to be confused.

To some extent, those with more aggressive personality are not wrong. Among the first to board the car, in addition to the main leaders of the municipal party committee and government, they are the so-called rich and powerful people. .

The chaos brought a huge disaster. Several cars were even pushed down by the angry crowd. The troops that were preventing the monsters from chasing immediately sent people to maintain order, and did not restore order until an hour later. However, the delay of this hour was enough to make the monsters realize that their prey was escaping, and a large number of monsters and zombies began to rush to the retreating people, so the road to the suburbs began an extremely tragic escape, millions of Citizens were left in the city forever, a considerable part of them became wandering zombies, and some became food for those monsters.

The full-fledged monster continued to attack the nearby cities, and countless cities and towns collapsed and fell under the monster's claws. This scene not only happened in China, but other countries and regions in the world except Antarctica have not yet heard of the news. A similar incident occurred, and the inheritance of human civilization is at stake.


This silent yard did not attract too much attention from the monsters. They passed by this yard many times, but did not realize that there were a few hidden cameras mounted on them. Pay attention to their every move, all of them were passed by those cameras. On the computer screen of the underground shelter.

And deep in this deep underground, Xiao Yuxin is practicing in a secret room. This non-narrow space is filled with faint energy fluctuations. Countless energies converge in this room, washing her body over and over again. Fortunately, this The surroundings of the secret room were filled with concrete, otherwise they would have been collapsed by the powerful cosmic energy.

At this time, the Changchun True Qi in Xiao Yuxin's body began to change. This is a variation, a variation in energy quality. Changchun True Qi is no longer Changchun True Qi, but after absorbing a large amount of cosmic energy, it becomes Another completely different energy.

Xiao Yuxin felt a fierce tremor on her soul. The cells in her body were like tearing pain. Fortunately, her body had been strengthened several times. It was no longer comparable to ordinary people. This level of pain only made her feel uncomfortable.

However, this feeling only appeared for a moment, as the cells quickly

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Healing, she feels that her spiritual power has also become stronger than ever before, and a lot of cosmic energy has poured into the body frantically from outside the body, and there is no need for refining.

When she practiced the Qing Emperor Feng Tian Jue before, she also needed to absorb these cosmic energy into her body a little bit of refining, but at this time, Xiao Yuxin felt that Changchun in her body was really angry, and she could no longer be called Changchun. True Qi, but an energy with the same properties as the cosmic energy, when the cosmic energy outside the body enters the body, the two sides are immediately joined together and the water and milk blend together.

The skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, all organs, all cells of her body have undergone subtle changes under the impact of this energy, just like being soaked in a hot spring, so that her body has produced A very comfortable feeling.

This energy disintegration has brought about earth-shaking changes to her body. It is not only the incredible change in her physical strength, but also her mental strength has greatly increased.

The cosmic energy outside the body is still flowing into her body endlessly, with some unstoppable feelings. Xiao Yuxin feels like a dam full of water, and has a feeling of wanting to discharge.


An uncontrollable force passed her throat uncontrollably, Xiao Yuxin opened her mouth spontaneously and let out a long roar like a dragon

In the refuge, Mo Lou, Wen Yuxiu, Shen Ruolan, Wu Ziniu, Mo Hongxia, Chen Ke, Li Jialie, Chen Lirong, Luo Qingxue, Cheng Ruosong, and Xiao Hanshan all met in a room that was set up as a meeting room to discuss Where the refuge is.

At this time, three days have passed since the collective breakout of Xianghai In a short time, Xianghai City has become a **** on earth, a large number of zombies, monsters, and mutant creatures have appeared, Fortunately, the refuge has not yet been discovered, and an emergency mechanism has been established in the refuge. Under strict control, there has not been a chaotic situation.

"Let's always do something, don't we just look at it like this?" Chen Lirong asked dissatisfiedly.

"What to do without watching"

Shen Ruolan was somewhat uncomfortable with this wealthy man: "Now there are monsters everywhere. Once our refuge is exposed, I am afraid that it will cause the disaster of extinction. We can’t have people from the military area come to protect us."

Chen Lirong is dumb. Although her family does have power, even if the forces of Chen and Li are added together, it is not enough to make the local garrison run into the urban area to save people at the risk of annihilation by the whole army, but she then lacks confidence. Murmured: "Don't people save us and stay here"

In the past two days, Chen Lirong has not been too busy. Although she was born in a wealthy society, after all, her knowledge is there, so most people still have a good impression of this family girl, but she always shows a sense of superiority unconsciously. It makes people feel uncomfortable.

Seeing her embarrassment, Wen Yuxiu smiled and said: "Miss Chen, if we are going to leave here, there will be no difficulty at all. The refuge was originally built to contain the survivors as much as possible, but we can't do it well until we know the situation outside. To make a decision, there are no government workers here, nor a charity, so before deciding things, you must first consider the safety of the shelter itself."

She paused a little: "Human, you can't help but wait."

Chen Lirong just asked again, his mouth just opened, and a sudden roar suddenly sounded unfinished to be collected and sorted, the copyright belongs to the author or publishing house.

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