Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 199 Breaking Out of the Encirclement

Before the operation, Xiao Yuxin and others had already made plans, and when loading, they drove a bus to a predetermined location. When the cover personnel retreated to this location, they would take the car back to the shelter, but Fang Lin appeared Unexpected download of the big one.

After getting on the bus, the car did not directly return to the shelter, but rushed to the Sun Moon Lake Hotel.

Although the convoy has rushed out, the zombies around them are gathering more and more. The buses they ride are more advanced with air conditioning. There is no skylight. Xiao Yuxin simply opened a skylight with a dagger and erected it on the roof of the car. After heavy machine guns shot down the zombies in front of the car, because most of the zombies were concentrated on the road when the convoy retreated, Xiao Yuxin and others rushed out without much effort.

"Fang Lin, you will stay up and tell those people, come down immediately, you must not bring any luggage, you only have five minutes, otherwise you will not be out of date" Xiao Yuxin saw that the Sun Moon Lake Hotel had appeared in front, and emphasized to Fang Lin. The premise of her saving lives is that she wants to be safe and to deny herself. Whenever she was born, no matter when and where, there are too many people in this world who need help.

"Yes, I understand." Fang Lin really understood, and it was clear to look at the zombies who were catching up behind.

The survivors in the hotel have probably heard gunshots and explosions getting closer and closer. At this time, they also have no reason to hide their whereabouts, because Fang Lin said that he wanted to find a rescuer before going out. Judging from this, it seems to be here.

"Look, they come, and there is a person lying on the car who shoots backwards and of course shoots forward. Of course, when he escapes, he shoots towards the chasing soldiers. Fang Lin must have come to rescue us." One thirty The female teacher named Ruxia shouted in surprise.

"That's not necessarily, maybe it was chased by the zombies and fled, and took refuge here," said a young man in his twenties.

A middle-aged male teacher next to him gave him a disdainful look and said, "Deputy Director Lin. Do you think it is necessary to drive a car to the hotel to take refuge? Don't use your IQ to insult others' IQs. Don't go for a while"

"Ju Hong, if you say it again and try it a month ago, I can make you laid off immediately, believe it or not," the deputy director Lin was furious.

"Trust me, I’m so scared," Ju Hong sneered. "What’s the difference between your deputy director Lin now and being laid off? It’s not as good as I teach these students now."

It’s not the first time that the look of the two people has been in a verbal conflict. The deputy director Lin has to say it again, but was stopped by another middle-aged man: "Lin Tie, you are really good enough to fight with people. Mouth started"

Lin Tie immediately turned off. "White district chief, it's not that I want to be wrong with him." Seeing that white district chief's complexion gradually became difficult to look at. He wisely chose to admit his mistake.

At this time, the bus on the street was already approaching the Sun Moon Lake Hotel. Fang Lin leaned out and waved his hand in the direction of the hotel, while gesturing downwards with his hands.

"Fang Lin asked us to go downstairs, we will go downstairs and wait." Ru Xia shouted.

The five teachers immediately organized the students to move downstairs. Lin Tie stopped at the stairs and shouted, "Let the leader go first"

The Bai District grew up named Bai Jie, is the mayor of Xuanwu District. It was also separated from the brigade during the retreat. Most of the people around him were staff of the district government. At that time, they thought that it would not be wrong to follow the leader. Who knew that walking and coughing the leader took everyone to the ditch. Here comes.

"For the first time, I have heard of Jean

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The masses cover their retreating leaders." The teacher named Ju Hong pulled Lin Tie aside.

He is a physical education teacher, although he is also affected by hunger, but he is much stronger than Lin Tie, after making room for the stairs. He greeted the rest of the teachers and students downstairs.

Lin Tie was still going to the theory, but was shouted by the white-faced Bai Jie: "Xiao Lin, this teacher is right, don’t forget that we are the public servants of the people, your approach is wrong. A profound inspection" He couldn't help but glance at Ju Hong again, a flash of intoxication flashed in his eyes.

Lin Tie was taken aback. But seeing the smear of poison in Bai Jie's eyes, he immediately admits his mistakes with great understanding.

In fact, there are fewer than forty people. Even if there is no organization, there is no need to worry about clogging the stairs. The so-called contention and snatching are completely mediocre. When the bus stopped in front of the wine door, they all came to the lobby below.

Fang Lin and an **** rushed in and shouted: "Get on the bus, you only have five minutes"

Bai Jie took a step forward: "I'm Xuanwu District Mayor Bai Jie, may I ask where are your leaders?"

The **** stunned: "You are the head of the White District"

"Yes, this is our head of the district, please inform your leaders soon," Lin Tie asked.

"Our captain is in the car, you can go to the roof to find her." The guards suddenly felt a little funny and pointed to the roof to organize the people to get on the car.

"Mayor Bai, deputy director Lin, please get in the car." The staff of a district government next to it can't help it. This is really what a zombie is a stand-in actor.

The two of them just woke up and rushed into the line to get on the bus.

"Good or not"

Xiao Yuxin asked while firing in the car, her heavy machine gun bullets were running out, and now not only the zombies behind were rushing up, but also a large number of zombies appeared in the direction of the car.

"All seated"

The guards who drove the car didn't wait for the door to be closed, so they slammed on the accelerator, and the bus roared forward.

"This, so many zombies, let's go back," Lin Tie suddenly looked pale as he saw the dense zombies in front of the car.


Ju Hong said disdainfully and turned to a guard who was shooting: "Can you give me a gun? I am a veteran."

"You hold this gun. If you are still alive after rushing out, don't forget to return it to us." The security guard glanced at him and took the gun next to the driver and stuffed it with him.

"Reassure this gun" Ju Hong only noticed that the opponent's hands were actually the kind of legendary rifle, and his mouth could be inserted into a fist.

"This gun is good, save bullets and use it." The guards smiled when they saw him.

The car was indeed panic-stricken, and there were only a few hundred zombies in front. There are still more than 100 meters running with the bus. Once the bus is caught in this zombie group, the consequences are very terrible, and it is not impossible to be overturned.

On the roof of the car, Xiao Yuxin has turned the direction of shooting, but in terms of the shooting accuracy of the heavy machine gun, how easy is it to think of a bullet headshot, not so much

There was no one else on this, Xiao Yuxin simply summoned the mutant king lizard in the bone ring. When the huge body of the mutant king suddenly appeared in front, the driver made a sudden brake. The few people standing at the front almost shattered the front windshield

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

On the servant street, the people behind did not go anywhere. For a time this chaos became a mess.

"Continue to drive" Xiao Yuxin said aloud on the roof.

The driver did not respond for a while, and did not know what she meant. At this time, someone beside him saw that Mingtang was coming, "Look, this monster is for the zombie."

Everyone looked up. Only the huge monster in front of it is moving at a speed not weaker than the car, and the monsters that are in front of it are not swallowed by it. It was photographed as a persimmon by its grasp. The most outstanding surface was its tail. After swinging left and right for three rounds, it became a white ground behind it, and all the zombies were swept away by it.

"Quick drive"

Seeing that the driver was still in a daze, an **** quickly threw a punch in the back of the driver's chair, which awakened him. "Immediately" he shouted and drove quickly behind the mutant lizard king.

Although the mutant dragon is a bit bulky, it is still very fast. Although there are many zombies, it is comparable to the super heavyweight monster. That is simply a group of scum, they can't even pull off the skin of the mutant dragon lizard.


Mutant monitor lizard king Yang Tianchang Xiao. With a wave of paws, dozens of zombies were immediately divided into a group of corpses with amputated limbs, and the huge figure disappeared suddenly.

"Hey, where did that monster go without attacking us?"

"Why do you miss that monster attacking you?"


A burst of suppressed laughter suddenly sounded in the carriage~www.readwn.com~ The zombies in the front have been rushed to death by monsters, the cars can already leave safely, and their lives are finally guaranteed. Make them cheer

"Lin Tie, the monster and the monster are really gone." Bai Jie's face was still pale. When he braked abruptly just now, he was pressed down by several people. He almost did not have a fracture.

Lin Tie said with excitement; "I left, not suddenly disappeared, and disappeared all at once."

"Then we rushed out of the zombie circle," Bai Jie asked.

"Rushed out, rushed out, there were few zombies in front, could not block the car at all." Lin Tie didn't even point.

Xiao Yuxin also breathed a sigh of relief on the roof of the car. Fortunately, this mutant lizard king had rough skin, which had tonnage and impact. Otherwise, this bus alone could not rush out.

The guards opened the window and shot at the zombies on the side or in front. The bus drove quickly on the street and threw the zombies behind him. Xiao Yuxin stood on the roof of the car and looked at the zombies behind the car. The zombies gradually gave up chasing, but she still found some of them sneaky zombies evolved.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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