The sky gradually darkened, and after the circle with the zombies, the car began to drive in the direction of the Green Mountain Park. When they got off the car, the park was busy with unloading. Other things can be said, similar to cement. Things can't see the water and can't stand the tide. Fortunately, there are many buildings in the park. After cleaning up, they are used as warehouses. Those engineering vehicles are also driven into the park. Read the full text of moving up cement and other building materials.

"Sister Xin, are you okay along the way?" Mo Lou and Wen Yuxiu, who first returned with the team, ran over.

"Fortunately, there is a little rumors. I'll go to have some food first. After 20 minutes, the meeting room will concentrate." Xiao Yuxin said, looking for someone in the crowd: "Hey, Mu Zisong, you take these people to Clean up, and then let them eat and sleep, what will be scheduled tomorrow."

"This comrade, what are you doing?" Bai Jie finally squeezed in front of Xiao Yuxin.

"I'm the captain of this refuge team, do you have anything?" Xiao Yuxin asked back.

"I'm Bai Jie, the mayor of Xuanwu District. May I ask you what level of captain is the latest chapter appointed by the government." Bai Jie asked.

Xiao Yuxin glanced at him: "You don't have to think about it, our refuge is formed spontaneously. Mayor Bai, here, everything must obey my orders, if you have any opinions, you can leave here. Mu Zi Song, you bring these people in. If there is something troublesome, you know how to deal with it. Fang Lin, you can hurry up and go to the meeting room after 20 minutes.”

"Yes, Sister Xin" Fang Lin agreed, and quickly followed Mu Zisong behind.

In the refuge.

Xiao Yuxin pushed away

"Yu Xin, come back, I will cook for you immediately." Yan Xingyun saw her daughter's face was tired, but also very distressed.

"What kind of meal to do. Soup noodles will do. I will take twenty minutes." Xiao Yuxin smiled. In fact, her storage space is more convenient, but it is far from the feeling of eating.

"Well, I have some eggs hidden here for you."

Yan Xingyun said, and began to work hard. While busy working, his mouth was not idle: "I heard that the animals outside have all mutated. Can the chicken eat eggs after the mutation?"

"It's inaccurate, it depends on their degree of variation." Xiao Yuxin was said by her mother, and she thought about it. She has seen mutant cattle and mutant dogs. Both of these animals were very friendly to humans before the mutation. After the mutation, the temper becomes very irritable and has a strong aggressiveness.

"The mutated things and Shanzizi must be careful after you go out. Not every mutated animal is like that cat." Xiao Hanshan just entered the house.

"Go out, where do you get this ashes?" Yan Xingyun is getting a face, seeing her husband come in ashes. Quickly pushed him out again.

"Don't push, don't push. This is not just going to carry some cement." Xiao Hanshan had to dust the soil outside.

Yan Xingyun returned to the house again: "Don't care about him, eat noodles quickly", and brought over the soaked noodles.

When Xiao Yuxin came to the conference room, everyone had arrived. Mo Lou first notified everyone that she had passed the topographic map of Green Mountain Park to Xia Xinwen, and she had promised to find someone to help build a fortification. . And pass the design drawings over as soon as possible.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

p; "That's fine."

Xiao Yuxin nodded and said to Li Jialie: "Li Jialie, you and Mu Zisong are responsible for concentrating manpower to unload all the building materials that should be unloaded. After February, it begins to rain. Cement, such as moisture and moisture, should be found suitable. Put it in place. Pay attention to rain. Now our focus is on those monsters outside the sky, Fang Lin. You will talk about what you found."


Fang Lin cleared his throat, looked at everyone nervously, and stared at the table with his head down: "Four days ago, because the food in the hotel was finished, I thought about the materials in the bomb shelter that hadn't had time to be withdrawn. So I wanted to get some food there, because I know that the nearest bomb shelter is only two or three miles from the Sun Moon Lake Hotel.

It was very dark that night, I brought a kitchen knife, and later thought that the thing was too light, I changed a thick steel bar. I found a bicycle and drove away. I killed all the individual zombies I met on the way, and I hid when I met the group and got there safely. The bomb shelters used to have lights, but later the entire city was blacked out, and even the hotel lights did not turn on, let alone the bomb shelters. "

"Say the key." Xiao Yuxin reminded.

"Oh, it's coming soon."

Fang Lin swallowed nervously and said, "It's very dark in the air raid shelter. I thought I would encounter zombies. I was nervous. But after a while, I didn't encounter any zombies, but I just slid on the ground. And it’s sticky. I still have a flashlight on my body. I took a picture on the ground and found that there was a large layer of slime on the ground. It may be that the light of the flashlight attracted the attention of the monster. I heard a rusty in front. The sound, looked up and shone along the sound with a flashlight, and I saw a big spider that was several times larger than the round table, as high as a small cottage, and I was still wondering if I could destroy it. There were many screams and crawling sounds, and a green eye, which scared me to run back. The big spider called for a while, but did not chase out the bomb shelter, which scared me to death. In the last sentence, he wiped the sweat from his head, it seemed that he was really scared.

"Is that all?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"That's all, I haven't been there again," Fang Lin replied.

"Fang Lin, are you willing to join our refuge?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Don't I join now?" Fang Lin asked, wondering.


Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly: "You guys come to the refuge for help, and we are also helping you. When you formally join the refuge, you have to do your part under the premise of enjoying certain benefits."

"What is the responsibility?" Fang Lin is a high school student. Now the children are precocious. After listening to Xiao Yuxin's words, she felt a little alert.

"In the past, it should be said that it is social responsibility. Today, it is the responsibility of being a human being."

Xiao Yuxin tapped the table gently. She spoke very slowly, also to facilitate Fang Lin’s digestion and understanding: "This refuge was not a government action. It was made by a few friends and I avoided some constraints. Everyone understands it. It is not a violent institution, our purpose is to preserve the vitality for human beings as much as possible under the premise of preserving ourselves. You may be wondering what is happening to you, I can tell you. It was produced after being invaded by a different energy The result of evolution is not a monster. The route you take should be power evolution."

"Then did you recruit me because of my special ability?" Fang Lin was relieved when he heard that he was not a monster. At the beginning, his strength suddenly increased, not only the students around him were afraid of him, but even he himself once worried that he was not a human.

"of course not."

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


Xiao Yuxin smiled: "You also see our guards, they have no special abilities. They are still doing what we want, but your ability makes us pay more attention to you. But one thing must be explained. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It does not mean that you have a different ability, you can have different rights. If it is just for these, I dare not invite you to join."

"I think" Fang Lin's face hesitated.

"Don't answer in a hurry."

Xiao Yuxin waved her hand: "Fang Lin, you go back to rest. Think about it, but living in a refuge, you must observe the rules here. You are not the only awakening soldier in the refuge."

Fang Lin wanted to ask some questions, but in the end he still didn't speak. Nodded and got up to leave.

"Sister Xin, not so scary. You look scared of this child." Mo Lou smiled.

"Children are older than you," Wen Yuxiu teased.

At the other end of the conference table, Li Jialie, Chen Lirong, and Mu Zifeng thought about each other. Awakening fighters is a term that appears quite frequently on the Internet. It is said that even the government has not mastered too much, and these people have their fighting power. Very tyrannical. If they were trained by the special forces, they would be fewer than one, and they did not expect that there were as many as seven or eight in this small refuge.

"Oh, what about Jinbo?" Xiao Yuxin asked suddenly.

"It's the girl you rescued from the bathing center. I'm learning Sanda with Wen Qiang these two days. Wen Qiang said she is very wants to accept her as a successor." Wu Ziniu said.

"Oh, I didn't expect it." Xiao Yuxin smiled.

She took a slight pause, and then said: "Everyone who has just said Fang Lin has heard that the giant spider he said is probably one of those alien creatures, and they are now nesting and breeding in the bomb shelter. This is It’s terrible. When this creature reaches adulthood, the physical strength is terrible. If we don’t solve these creatures, whether it is our refuge or the refugee camp in Xianghai City, we will face a devastating crisis, and this It’s still the corner of the bomb shelter that Fang Lin saw, and at other locations, I don’t know how many unknown creatures are hiding.”

"Can we solve it with the ability of our refuge?" Mu Zifeng asked.

Xiao Yuxin shook his head: "I don't know, but if I sit here, it must be impossible to solve. At this moment, nothing can be solved by the country."

"We can contact the government through Meimei, it is a reminder." Mo Lou said.

"Sister Xin, maybe there is a way to give it a try." Wen Yuxiu said suddenly.

"What way" Xiao Yuxin asked in surprise.

Wen Yuxiu said: "Tonight we will recruit special talents in the refuge. If you have a skill, you can join the operation after review."

End this recommendation

New product repair

It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the body of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistake, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, to be continued to be collected and sorted, and the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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