Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 304 "Star Fleet": Maltese Crystal

The gate of the fortress was a cover-up. When Xiao Yuxin approached, he had already performed a divine inspection on the inside and outside of the fortress. There were no figures or insects in the fortress, a warehouse for weapons and ammunition, and some armored assault vehicles. All are well preserved, the heavy machine guns and rapid fire guns on the fortress wall are well preserved, this is basically a fully equipped idle fortress, but there are some caves under a few places, it seems that the Zerg drilled out, she speculated that they were stationed in these before The people in the fortress have been killed and read the full text.

"Arwen, check the ammunition depot."

Xiao Yuxin told her to secretly tell Yamin to take out half of the ammunition in the ammunition depot, and also send out the truth to shield the latest chapter of Yamin's battlefield recorder.

"Wu Ziniu, you took Xiao Chunan to check in the yard. Others followed me to check it in the room." Although there is already an answer, Xiao Yuxin is not in a hurry to report to the team. The safety work is completed, and the surface work must always look like Look.

Although the caves under the fortress made Xiao Yuxin uneasy, the overall fortress was still very good. The entire fortress wall was not only strong, but also the whole building was connected into one body. Underground is not easy, because part of the underground structure is rock, even if the Zerg's claws are sharp, it is not easy to dig, so the positions of the few okay holes are all easy to dig, and the floor of the central building is also Metal, no wonder there are no holes in the floor, but after entering the house, I saw the surrounding walls and the floor with splattered blood, there were scattered shells on the ground, but weirdly, no body was found.

"Strange, where are the dead bodies?" Min Qingshan said.

"Of course, people are eaten. As for the worm's body, they may have been eaten by themselves, or they may have been buried." Xiao Yuxin said smoothly. But as far as the Zerg would bury similar bodies, this was something she didn't believe.

"Huh, it seems that I found something interesting." Xiao Yuxin has been scanning every room in the spiritual building. In the room, he found a thing similar to an ordinary suitcase with some green crystals.

"Sister Xin, I just thought about a flaw." Xiao Chunan's voice passed through the chain of the soul.

Xiao Yuxin said: "What flaws"

"Have you noticed that the normal Mark III assault rifle does not immediately break the armor when attacking the Zerg, especially the Fire Spitfire, and is our shooting effect too good?"

Xiao Yuxin pondered, she really ignored this question, the battlefield recorder would not remember it so clearly. But if the surrounding soldiers are careful, they may find out what is wrong. However, it seems a bit overdone for this matter. But if you don’t use jokes, would she let her drink blood to chop insects?

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Xiao Yuxin asked back, this guy shouldn't give the answer without answering it.

"If you want to kill the group, you must disagree, and I haven't reached that point in cold blood."

Xiao Chunan pondered for a while: "You must have a way to temporarily hide the battlefield recorder, wait a while, you should pay attention to collecting some used guns in the storage space during the battle, and return it to the team members when the battlefield recorder is closed. Just do it."

This also seems to be a feasible solution.

At this time. Ya Min returned, she blinked to Xiao Yuxin: "Behind

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Part of the warehouse has been inspected. However, some records seem to be damaged, the warehouse is also messy, and the ammunition reserves are almost half. "

This is what Xiao Yuxin taught her to do. Taking into account that the ammunition depot will be accounted for, so some intelligent facilities on the computer are destroyed.

"Tell me, absolutely block."

Came to the room with strange crystals. Xiao Yuxin ordered Di listen to shield the battlefield recorder, and then opened the box.

The box is filled with green crystals like jade. Each piece is about 50x20x10 in size, and there are about 500 pieces. Xiao Yuxin reached out and picked up one piece. Suddenly surprised she originally thought that the weight of this crystal was at least equal to that of a stone of the same volume, but it was light and fluttering in her hand. Like a sponge, if the temperature and hardness from her hands made her confirm that it was a certain crystal, she would definitely think it was a treated sponge.

"What is this?" Xiao Yuxin summoned the demon badge and pointed it at this crystal.

"Maltese crystals, s-class materials, strong and malleable, can be used to make defense equipment."

s grade material

Based on this level, I know how strong it is. Xiao Yuxin quickly put these materials into the storage space.

"You can now signal to the brigade"

Xiao Yuxin instructed him to listen to lift the shield, came outside and instructed the people to dig the underground pits, and then put some explosives in the pits.

"Sergeant Xin, how is the situation of the fortress?" Gordon rushed in as soon as he received the signal.

Xiao Yuxin immediately reported on the conditions of the warehouses and fortress facilities, and pointed out that the big pits might have been left during the Zerg attack.

Gordon touched his chin and said: "It is very likely that all the people in the fortress were killed. Why didn't these pits be filled?"

"If the Zerg returns, it will still be dug."

Xiao Yuxin pointed to the explosive at the bottom of the pit: "We left some Zerg gifts."

"Oh, well, they will like this gift"

Gordon was very satisfied. After appointing two soldiers to take care of the wormholes, he began to arm, and the first batch of Xiao Yuxin and her class entered the right to have priority rest. I don’t know why, the Zerg did not attack. No traces of insects were found even within sight.

Xiao Yuxin didn't have a rest. First, she didn't need to rest at all. This level of exhaustion would soon become a practice, and the world tree avatar in her body was actually cultivating, but it wasn't as scary as it was at the top of the TV tower last time. And the vortex in Dantian is also slowly absorbing cosmic energy. Although it is not as fast as when actively practicing, it is no problem to gradually replenish the consumed energy.

On the other hand, at the place where the Maltese crystals were stored, she found a note and a map. The note was left by an engineer named Panlack. He was not a military person but a member of the Star Mining Company. Engineers, even this fortress is actually owned by StarCraft.

According to the contents contained in the diary, an exploration spacecraft of the Star Mining Company accidentally discovered that the planet has many rare metals, so the joint military vigorously developed these mines.

At the beginning, the mining operation was proceeding smoothly, and a batch of Maltese crystals were extracted and sent back to Earth. However, just when they were ready to go

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

When the mining operation surface was suddenly attacked by a large number of Zergs, the mining personnel were not only quickly eaten by the insects, but the insects also violently attacked the fortresses, and the defending soldiers were killed by various insects.

The diary finally wrote: "I heard the sound of bugs screaming outside the window, knowing that this time I can't escape anyway, but the Maltese crystals here I don't want to fall into the hands of the Zerg because I feel they seem to be right This crystal is also very important, so lock this room, I hope they will not find it. As for where I died, there is no difference."

That map is the most primitive map. It is the mineral vein found on the Zerg planet by the Interstellar Mining Company. It contains not only malt crystals, but also mineral veins of some other materials, such as Mithril and Wufeng Copper. Yes, but Wufeng Copper and some other metals are not clear to her. It seems that she has to find some related materials to learn.

"Xiao Chunan, you come to look at these." Xiao Yuxin greeted Xiao Chunan, she found that this person's brain is very easy to use, and she still hates the map or something.

Xiao Chunan came to fetch the diary and the map and looked at it by himself. Xiao Yuxin meditated beside him and practiced. In a moment, the room fell into a strange silence.

The sky was getting dark, Xiao Chunan straightened up and turned on the light, then made some annotations on the map, turned his head, and found that Xiao Yuxin was looking at her.

"Do you want to get these things?" Xiao Chunan asked ~www.readwn.com~ Yes, these are very rare materials. If you can get them, we can refine a batch of equipment after going back. "Xiao Yuxin bluntly said.

"I carefully calculated the map and compared it with the map on the battlefield recorder. Only these four mining areas are the closest to the b52 fortress. The four mining areas are the Malta crystal mining area, the mysterious silver mining area, the Wufeng steel mining area, and the Tianxuan gold. The mining area is just an excuse for you to go out," Xiao Chunan asked.

"You calculate their respective accurate positions, and the rest I slowly figure out a way." Xiao Yuxin said.


After playing with the battlefield recorder for a while, Xiao Chunan gave Xiao Yuxin the orientation of the four mining areas.

"Xiao Chunan, how could you manipulate this thing?" Xiao Yuxin was curious.

"The essence of the battlefield recorder is a light brain with a fixed function. This is what the story world calls a new computer. It not only has any release orders, records military functions, satellite communication functions, but also has a map search function. There is a picture in it. A very complete map of the Zerg planet, as long as it matches the map of the mine area." Xiao Chunan replied disapprovingly.

"Then you will teach us how to use the battlefield recorder for a while," Xiao Yuxin said.

"No problem, very simple." Xiao Chunan replied.

End this recommendation

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It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the flesh of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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