Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 305 "Star Fleet": Mining Area

"Sister Xin, you want to mine in these four mining areas"

Wen Yuxiu looked at the map of the mining area and asked the latest chapter.

"It's not digging. According to Panrak's diary, they have already mined a lot of ore. We just need to get those ores back, and his diary also has a method of refining." Xiao Yuxin said.

"Isn't Mo Yunteng outside now, you can let it go, why do you take risks yourself" Wen Yuxiu asked.

"Not the same, I have to go out and meet him." Xiao Yuxin said.

Mo Yunteng is another kind of special plant World of Warcraft. Although its rank is higher in World of Warcraft, compared with the World Tree, it is like an adult that has evolved, while the other is still a great ape. Although Xiao Yuxin can give instructions and share a part of his vision because of the contractual relationship, it is not possible to send complex things such as mineral distribution maps through simple ideas. Only after the chain of the mind is cast can they be fully shared. .

"In fact, there is absolutely no way." Xiao Chunan said suddenly.

"What way" Xiao Yuxin's eyes flashed.

"Don't you all look at the battlefield recorder?" Xiao Chunan looked at everyone strangely.


Everyone looked at each other speechlessly, and didn't seem to say what they said.

"There is the latest war report published above. At present, the federal army is organizing the evacuation. It is just that our base does not know why there has been no news of retreat." Xiao Chunan said.

"Isn't it abandoned?" It was the guy who flinched in the fight.


Xiao Chunan glanced at him and shook his head: "I prefer to wait for someone."

"Who are you waiting for?" Wen Yuxiu asked.

"The original chapter of the person who was going to this fortress." Xiao Chunan said.

"Sixth Mobile Force" Wen Yuxiu reacted, and it seemed that this fortress was the intended target of the Sixth Mobile Force.

"How do you know" is that nasty guy again.

"To shut up"

Xiao Yuxin directly gave him a mental shock. The guy just felt dizzy and fell there.

"He, what's wrong with him" asked a pretty girl who was also one of the surviving newcomers. The soldiers' identities are all registered in the battlefield recorder. Her name is Zheng Xiuzhen.

"Asleep." Xiao Yuxin said lightly, "Xiao Chunan, continue."

"Don't you think it's too quiet?" Xiao Chunan suddenly said a question that seemed irrelevant.

"You mean that the Zerg is brewing a conspiracy again" Xiao Yuxin's response is still up to date.

Xiao Chunan nodded: "I'm afraid Gordon has already received some instructions, but he will not tell us unless we take the initiative to find him, and then look for opportunities."

"I know what to do." Xiao Yuxin got up and left the room, looking for Gordon.


She found the smoking Gordon on the city wall.

"Sergeant Xin, what's the matter?" Gordon didn't look back, his eyes fixed on the distance. Seems to see something in the dark.

"Lieutenant, don't you feel too safe now?

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Are you quieter," Xiao Yuxin asked.

"What do you want to say?" Gordon asked rhetorically.

"I think it's time to contact our superiors to meet our retreat. Isn't it already announced in the battle report? A lot of troops have begun to retreat." Xiao Yuxin said.

"Sergeant Xin, when was the retreat not arranged by me, nor by you?" Gordon turned sharply, his voice suddenly stern.

"Yes, lieutenant"

Xiao Yuxin greeted his gaze without shrinking: "The b52 area is quiet and unreasonable. Combined with what happened before, I have reason to think that this is part of a Zerg conspiracy. Please allow me to take someone out to scout"

Gordon looked at her for a while, and suddenly sighed:

"Sergeant Xin, the battle report is correct. There are some things you don't know. This landing operation has suffered heavy losses. Now it has begun to evacuate. But there are several important figures who are retreating to the b52 fortress. We must respond to them. Then we can retreat."

"Lieutenant, we don't even know their whereabouts now, how to respond to them," Xiao Yuxin asked back.

"Well, how many people are you going to take?" Gordon seemed determined.

Xiao Yuxin pondered for a while, "Scout eight people."

"Okay. Whether you find it or not, you have to come back by seven tomorrow morning," Gordon ordered.

"Yes. Lieutenant," Xiao Yuxin promised, and went back to gather people after saluting.

This time I can't bring new people out of the room, but Ya Min must bring it, because she has a large storage bag, and the other six are Wen Yuxiu, Mo Lou, Xia Xinwen, Wu Ziniu, Shen Ruolan, and Min Qingshan.

"Xiao Chunan, can you adjust the battlefield recorder?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Well, it's actually not very complicated. Some are similar to computer hibernation. Although it can be activated at any time, it does not work when it is hibernated." Xiao Chunan said as he started, several battlefield recorders were adjusted by her one by one. And also told the way to transfer back.

"Sister Xin, please bring me one." Guo Ziyuan leaned over and said.

"Although it is said that the Zerg may not attack at this time, it is still prepared. The three of you are here to protect these newcomers. We will rush back as soon as possible." Xiao Yuxin told him that he took seven players out of the fortress.

According to the map, the four mining areas are distributed in different directions. They are divided into two groups. Xiao Yuxin, Wu Ziniu, and Min Qingshan three of them go to the Malta Crystal Mine and the Mithril Mine, and the other five go to the Wufeng Copper and Tianxuan Gold Mine.

Considering that there may be surveillance satellite surveillance in outer space, they all put on elf cloaks. In fact, they are worried about it. Although the Federation does have a monitoring system in outer space, but because of a special worm in the Zerg, the signal was carried out. Interference, so these systems can no longer work properly, and only signals emitted within a certain distance can be received.

Mo Lou and several of them had riding beasts. After greeting them, they quickly moved towards the target mining area. Xiao Yuxin summoned a nightmare, and then summoned three scarab beetles, Wu Ziniu, and Min Qingshan.

"Huh. Sister Xin, when will we get a rider for us?" Wu Ziniu asked enviously.

"That depends on luck." Xiao Yuxin said.

She is now more and more regretful, if the story world of Amadeus Wars has always existed, she has a World of Warcraft that can provide magic for the increasingly large team at any time, and now can only hope to have this in the future Opportunity.

The mining area is in the mountains not far from the fortress. Xiao Yuxin quickly moved forward while calling for Moyun vines wandering outside. Almost as soon as they reached the Malta crystal mining area, Moyun vines rushed to the mining area.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

sp;"Good job"

Xiao Yuxin took over the storage bracelet and found that the remains of thirty-four fire-breathing insects, their magic crystals and liquid sacs had been collected. And there are dozens of Maltese crystals the size of human heads, but the purity of these crystals is far less than what she got in the fortress.

"Mo Yunteng. Where did you get this?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Bug belly." Mo Yunteng sent back an idea.

It turned out that this was what Xiao Yuxin understood. Obviously, the reason why those Zerg crusts contained maltese crystals was obtained by this method of swallowing. But their phagocytosis and fusion process is relatively slow, if such a crystal is completely fused by them. Even if it is only half of the fusion, I am afraid that their bullets will not penetrate the worm shell.

The mining area is not very large. There are tools and equipment scattered all over the place. Xiao Yuxin and others stopped and there was a huge pile of ore in front of them. The ores were shining with fluorescent green light.

Xiao Yuxin stepped forward to pick up a piece of ore at random: "The purity is very high, these ores are about two hundred tons. If refined, at least 500 kilograms of Maltese crystals can be refined."

"So little," Wu Ziniu shouted silently.

"You don't want to think about how many Maltese crystals there are. This is a lot." Xiao Yuxin glanced at him contemptuously, and then began to collect these ores quickly.

"Well, beware of bugs and three fire-breathing insects in front of you. You must pay attention to more than fifty soldiers and insects. Don't let the acid flame of the fire-breathing insects spray." Xiao Yuxin found a group of bugs from half when the ore was collected half The direction of the mine rushed out.

"Hey, don't worry, I will make them unable to eat and walk around," Wu Zini said gritted his teeth.

He took a weapon like a recoilless gun from the storage space~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Yuxin recognized that it was a shoulder-mounted missile, which looked like a powerful one, ten in a launcher The size of the missile is not much larger than a grenade, and the power is indeed quite different.

The fire-breathing insects are slower, and those soldiers and insects arrived first. Wu Ziniu did not use missiles, but fired with Minqingshan with a rifle. In the fierce shooting, the soldiers and insects collapsed, their limbs , The shell has left a lot of bullet marks.

"Wu Ziniu, Min Qingshan, leave the valley immediately" Xiao Yuxin suddenly looked all over.


Wu Ziniu grabbed some stunned Min Qingshan and jumped on the back of the scarab beetle. The three scarab bees immediately ran out of the mining area.

Da da da

Xiao Yuxin lifted the assault rifle, while firing violently at the three fire-breathing insects, while accelerating the collection of ore.


The ground in front suddenly collapsed, and the three hills rose from the ground wrong, not the mountain, but the three larger fire-breathing insects.

"Fire-breathing insects, advanced mutant zergs, equivalent to C-level peak strength, good at acid fire attack, sneak, defense, kill a point of 50000, experience 10000 insect brain with magic crystals, liquid sacs, and insect shells. Refining high-concentration Maltese crystals is an important material for making armor or shields."

End this recommendation

New product repair

It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the body of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistake, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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