Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 359 The Main House of the Qing Dynasty (Part 1)

"I believe Sister Xin is not reluctant. It's just that when we just met, some things were open and honest, it seems that we can establish a relationship of mutual trust." Qin Qi said softly.

Xiao Yuxin smiled: "You speak very well."

She turned to others: "The magic arrows just made a temporary stop just now, which is very unstable. If you put it in a natural environment, it is easy to cause energy loss. However, since you really want to keep it yourself, then let these arrows be released. It's better in its own storage space."

There were more than two thousand burst arrows in total. She gave two hundred arrows to each of the other three groups. It was up to them to decide exactly how to divide them. If they could have some disputes, she would be happy to see them.

"Hey, you all have guns, this arrow should give us more points." Wei Ziqiang really started to fight reasonably.

"Ordinary firearms are probably useless in this plot." Mo Lou reminded beside him.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fangyuan asked, beard Jian and three policemen looked at her.

"Don't you ever see those evolutionary zombies and mutant creatures, Warcraft in the real world, they may produce energy protection, or increase physical strength, and in this trial mission, the firearms in your hand can have little effect It’s negligible, it’s not as reliable as those cold weapons, otherwise why would Xinxin work hard to refine those magical vectors?”

Everyone was suspicious, but the three policemen no matter how Wei Ziqiang grinded, and they would not give him more arrows, Wei Ziqiang thought of Qin Qi rubbing a few in their hands, and finally beard Jian persuaded. : "Mayor Wei, you can first try to open the bow, you can't hold the arrow and poke it on the skull"

Wei Ziqiang glared at him, went to try the bow test, and the results were shocking. His strength was not as good as those of the four girls. The bow didn't even open half. The arrow was going to be shot. It was already a **** arrow without exploding on the foot. Everyone gave out a slight laughter. Wei Ziqiang was so angry that he was bloody, but he couldn't attack.

Not all humans in the city have become undead. Occasional running and shouting from outside indicate that there are survivors fleeing or persevering in fighting, but this does not have any substantial comfort for the newly selected gods in the room. effect. Xiao Yuxin The four of them are very nerve-hard, and they meditated or slept in bed until they rested at five in the morning. At this time, the outside was quiet, looking out through the window. I only saw a lot of skeletons and walking corpses moving on the street, and occasionally some quite strong bats flew through the air.

Everyone looks different in the room. Beard Jian and Lin Fangyuan are dignified, they are very clear, although it is calm now. But once the **** smell in the air was not enough, they wanted to hide so safely. It is not so easy. It is said that the hearing and smell of the undead are extremely terrible. They all have experience in dealing with zombies.

Qin Qi and their four girls looked calmer. They all looked at Xiao Yuxin and others with some envy. In this environment, they can still fall asleep or fall asleep. That can no longer be explained by calmness.

On the contrary, it was the three policemen who suffered the most. The torture of more than five hours seemed to consume a lot of their energy. Even the fat mayor is stronger than them. Moreover, Qu Fangqin has the least guts. By this night, it is estimated that he has signs of neurasthenia.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

It has been seven hours since they entered this plot, and the mental tension of this half of the night is huge for the consumption of physical strength and energy. Everyone was a little hungry, and the grunting stomach and stomach movements were already one after another.

"Arwen. Distribute food to everyone." Xiao Yuxin said softly.

This decision is undoubtedly the most popular. Wei Ziqiang rushed over first, but Mo Lou reached out and pulled him aside. "Go to the back line, don't you know that lady has priority"

Wei Ziqiang was not as strong as her, and could only stand back angrily, muttering in his mouth: "I don't know if I respect the elders and love the young, but I am the oldest one."

But his broken thoughts were obviously ignored. After a few girls had received the food, it was finally the Mayor of Fatty. Looking at the big piece of bread and a few hams in his hand, the Fatty Mayor was in tears." Well, can't we have more slices of ham?"

"Give up, I ate all of the meal, and I will do it next time." Mo Lou glared at him and pushed him aside with impoliteness: "Don't stop me from working."

Food is obviously the best medicine to suppress phobias. After eating, everyone's spirit is finally up.

Xiao Yuxin glanced at them: "One person from each group will follow me to clean up the undead in the main palace."

"Why haven't they found us now, maybe we can stay here until the end of the mission." Fang Liguo said.

"Now we haven't found that we are because the air quality is so bad now, the perception of them is a limitation, and most of the undead are just converted. They have not yet fully adapted in terms of perception. Once adapted, they can Quickly perceive the breath of the living, and notify the companions." Xiao Yuxin said.

"You mean to take advantage of the present opportunity to wipe out the undead of the city's main palace first, so as not to let them feel that there are strangers living here." Fang Liguo did the same thing.

"Yes, there is at least one person in each group. You decide soon, and set off in ten minutes." Xiao Yuxin leaned against the bed with her eyes closed, as if she was sleeping.

"You are forcing us" Wei Ziqiang said dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, even this can be seen"

Xiao Yuxin laughed and said, "Everyone is for me, I am for everyone. What is the basic spirit of a team? I found that you don't understand it at all, or refuse to pay. If this kind of thing has to be pushed back and forth, I It's hard to believe that you will really be integrated into this group."

"Sister Xin, I'll go with you."

A girl who sounded like a hot temper said that when Xiao Yuxin's eyes turned to herself, the girl straightened her chest: "My name is Luo Haiqiong and I am Qi Qi's friend."

The girl is about one-seven meters tall, with good facial features and a boyish tough face. The eye-catching eyes are still those eyes, which are very determined. People with such eyesight will not easily make a decision. change.

"Very good." Xiao Yuxin jumped out of bed after striking the girl most, and found a one-handed warhammer from the weapon in the corner of the room. This thing is the best weapon against the skeleton. She weighed the weight of the things in her hand. , Hand it to her, and then casually look at others: "Who else wants to go"

"I'm going" Fang Liguo stood up without hesitation.

"Of course, we both are indispensable." Both Hu Jianjian and Lin Fangyuan are not afraid, and the two stood up without hesitation.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


Wei Ziqiang's eyes looked at Xiao Yuxin and others. Suddenly, she had to sign up, but Xiao Yuxin rejected her. She didn't need people, but worried that the fat mayor might not be successful enough. Afterwards, she ordered Qin Qi and another girl named He Qinqin. They were also equipped with one-handed warhammers. Fortunately, there were several small warhammers in the weapons they bought before. The people are still a bit heavy, but they are much stronger than sword weapons. After all, they are not martial arts masters.

Xiao Yuxin did not take all the old players away. She left Ya Min, and then the squad of the Qing squad started from the team was Shen Ruolan. She held the door handle and slowly opened the door. After observing it, she stepped into the corridor and looked towards Searching around, he reported in a low voice: "Two skeletons have seen me and are rushing over."

There was a great tacit understanding between the old team members. When the two skeleton soldiers rushed over, Shen Ruolan suddenly exerted force, and his body rushed forward like lightning. When the two skeleton soldiers had just raised their arms, Shen Ruolan 'S figure had hit them, one of them was flew out by her, and the other stopped her footsteps, just to close the gun and stab it, it was already hit by a warhammer.

With a click, the skull of the skull was smashed to pieces, and the body was like a sack full of things, and it fell to the ground in an instant. The other one was knocked to the ground, Shen Ruolan rushed forward with an arrow, his hand fell and smashed the skull's head to pieces.

"Why are these two guys without magic crystals?" Shen Ruolan asked in surprise.

"It's normal~www.readwn.com~The evolution of these Warcraft is not the same, and they don't all have magic crystals in their bodies." Xiao Yuxin said.

A group of people continued to move forward. Shen Ruolan made a gesture and whispered: "Try to keep quiet, there is no need to stop talking, move slower, it is rare that there are not many undead on the third floor, and it is not very troublesome."

Xiao Yuxin nodded, then came to the front: "From now on, I will take the lead, Shen Ruolan, Mo Lou, Hu Jianjian and you have no problem"

Having finished speaking, she took the lead down the stairs, and others quickly followed.

Lin Fangyuan was very jealous, and he burst into a fire ready to break out. He really wanted to hope that a dozen or so skeleton soldiers would jump out of this moment, and then be killed one by one.

When turning to the second floor, just in a blink of an eye, four mercenaries in leather armguards flew up, and the open arms seemed to hug the entire stairwell.

Xiao Yuxin's right foot suddenly withdrew a step to the right rear side, then waved the warhammer and smashed it on the head of the skull nearest to her. The skull soldier's head was smashed and shattered immediately, and the dark red blood immediately splashed out. A fan-shaped **** was given on the wall.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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