Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 360 The Main House of the Qing Dynasty (Part 2)

Shen Ruolan and Mo Lou rushed out from the side and the back, and the two hammers were held together, smashing the other two skeleton warriors, and the skull was also slamming. Xiao Yuxin's figure was low, the warhammer swept, and the click of the skeleton warrior was two legs. The latest chapter that broke and fell to the ground.

"Qin Qi, yours." Xiao Yuxin's figure flashed open, revealing Qin Qi behind him.


Qin Qi gritted his teeth and rushed to lift the warhammer, which was a smashing blow. With the sound of a cracking bone, the bone **** splashed around, and most of the remaining skeletons were smashed.

"Okay, Qin Qi, you open your eyes and hit my feet again." Xiao Yuxin quickly stopped the girl who was obviously in a state of violent running. She really didn't expect that this seemingly quiet girl would also release such a violent side. If you dare Do it with your eyes open, it will be more perfect.

"I thought the skull was not bleeding, this blood skull was more terrible." Luo Haiqiong's voice was a little trembling, and his face was pale, but he performed better than Xiao Yuxin imagined. Qin Qi also performed well, but his face was pale and he held a warhammer 'S fingers were whitish with force, but the girl named He Qinqin had already spit out a mess by holding the corner.

These skeleton warriors in the city's palace are all transformed into undead. There are servants, soldiers and some poorly equipped mercenaries in the city's palace. Although their exposed soft tissues have peeled off, their skulls and internal organs have not been completely stripped. The heavy hit just now made these internal organs and blood squeeze out. The scene was so **** that even the big man Fang Liguo couldn't stand it, let alone a few girls.

"Good job"

Mo Lou patted Qin Qi on the shoulder. In fact, it’s one thing for people in the last days who haven’t seen the zombies, but it’s another thing to fight, especially this close contact is difficult even for a big man. Be calm.

As long as he had not walked out of the room, Xiao Yuxin had used his magical skills to search the entire city's main palace. The distribution of those undead is already clear. The strength of these undeads was not very high when they first transformed, but they can absorb the surrounding dead energy, the souls of living people and even fight each other to strengthen themselves, and according to the strength of each undead before life, after they are transformed into undead, their strength is also different of.

These four mercenary skeletons should have moved up from the first floor. According to the rules of the city’s main palace, even regular soldiers will not be allowed to board the second floor. Only a few of them posing as magicians will go straight to the third floor. qualifications.

"Mo Lou, take them to clean up the undead on the second floor, and Shen Ruolan and I go to the first floor." Xiao Yuxin has passed the distribution map of the undead in the city's main palace to Mo Lou and others through the soul chain. As long as you are more cautious, basically nothing will go wrong.

The two groups acted separately. Mo Lou took people to clean up the undead on the second floor, and Xiao Yuxin and Shen Ruolan went to clean up the undead on the first floor and the courtyard of the main palace. The two came down the stairs and looked down, only to see the figure of the skeleton warrior wandering in the hall on the first floor. Most of these skeleton warriors are transformed from warriors wearing armor and holding weapons. The fighting power is much stronger than ordinary mercenaries and those servants.

"How to do"

Shen Ruolan had a headache: "It's not difficult to kill them, but in case it is too alarming. It would be awful to attract all the dead outside."

Xiao Yuxin thought for a while and said

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

: "I'm going to do an experiment. The smell of these guys seems to be too dull."

She turned over and took out a porcelain bottle, then pulled the stopper of the bottle and swayed it, and quickly put away the porcelain bottle again.

"Ganludan" Shen Ruolan smelled that unique breath.

"Hey, breath of life. Those dull guys should feel it this time," Xiao Yuxin smiled.

The deceased's longing for life is endless. Because of this, they tried their best to drag the encounters into the abyss of the deceased. On the one hand, the desire for fresh soul, on the other hand, it is not distorted jealousy.

really. Although Ganludan's breath was only a flash in the pan, the skeleton warriors immediately dragged their heavy steps towards the stairs. After seeing Xiao Yuxin and Shen Ruolan, they waved their weapons and made a mute roar in their mouths, rushing up the stairs.

"Yin Thunder Boxing"

Xiao Yuxin gave a whisper, raising her hand without a punch, as if a light breeze was blowing, and then there was a bang, and more than a dozen skulls burst one after another, broken bones and scattered flesh and blood were scattered everywhere, immediately below the stairs A pile of bones and bloodied armor.

"Sister Xin, you don't have anything to do with these undeads as soon as you shoot." Shen Ruolan would have fought with his hands, but he didn't expect Xiao Yuxin to raise his hand to solve the first problem.

"Who said that you have nothing to do, those outside must be resolved by you." Xiao Yuxin pointed outside the hall, there are a lot of skeleton warriors in the hall, the second batch is already approaching the stairs, but the outside is obviously No changes have been found in the building. Occasionally, several skeletons carrying bows and arrows can be seen. Those guys are more dangerous than the skeletons in front of them.

"I see." Shen Ruolan quickly understood the meaning of Xiao Yuxin's words. She knocked her head and immediately summoned the black knight suit.

The black knight suit includes a full body armor, a lance, a knight sword, a bow and arrow, and a group of skull war horses. Guns and horses are inconvenient to use in this narrow space, but when she armored her full armor Immediately after getting up, his body was filled with the breath of the undead, and the black knight was also the existence of the superior among the undead. Those skeletons swarming toward the stairs immediately became one of these. Although these undead were just transformed, their brains were not very good. It's easy to use, but it's still familiar with the breath of the superior. Shen Ruolan, it is the breath of the black knight that her black knight suit exudes. Their simple brain suddenly turns into a high-level undead for a living human being. Obviously, it was a bit uncomfortable. On that stunned moment, Shen Ruolan had already drawn out the knight's sword and rushed into the skeletons, smashing them one by one.

Xiao Yuxin was so happy that she sat on the stairs and watched Shen Ruolan show his might. After observing for a while, she suddenly found an interesting discovery that each of the skeletons destroyed by Shen Ruolan will have a hint of black air floating into her armor every time he dies, and the set of black knight armor seems to be absorbing Kind of energy.

In the room on the third floor, a group of newcomers were watching with wide eyes, and the roar of the undead sounded from time to time in the building, except for Yawen's composure, others' faces became a little abnormal.

After a while, Wei Ziqiang suddenly said, "You said, will that sister Xin leave us and escape?"

"No, she doesn't look like that kind of person." HD Hua looked at Yawen timidly. She was very interested in this long-haired beauty, but she didn't know why she used her hair to block almost both sides of her face, which seemed to have a more mysterious feeling.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

"You little girl who hasn't been involved in the world has seen several other people," Wei Ziqiang said disdainfully. "I think they must have found another place to hide."

HD Hua also disdain the fat mayor: "It's impossible, even if others hide it, Qi Qi won't, we are good sisters"

"Sisters are useless even if you are relatives and sisters. When is the moment of life and death now?" Wei Ziqiang continued to speak erotically. His only fearful Amin was silent, which made his guts bold.

In fact, he did not think that Xiao Yuxin and others would find another place to hide, but being able to take advantage of this opportunity to hurt Xiao Yuxin is obviously very good for him to further control this team.

"Mayor Wei, you better keep quiet, even if that sister Xin is the kind of person, Fang will not leave us behind." A policeman glared at him impatiently, got up and came to the window by the gap Looking out at the room, "Huh," he suddenly whispered, as if he had discovered something strange.

"what happened"

Although the mayor of the fat man was timid, his curiosity was comparable to a girl. The first one rushed to the window and opened the curtain to look out. I saw in the yard I don’t know when a whole body was wrapped in a black armor She came to the back of a skeleton warrior and took out the knight's sword to cut it while he was not paying attention. There were already more than twenty piles of broken wreckage on the ground. Obviously all are the masterpieces of this black armor monster~www. readwn.com~ What a monster is that?"

Seeing the black armor monsters beheading each skull like a sap, the people who watched in secret above were a little uncomfortable in their hearts. In their eyes, the black armor monster seemed more like a monster than a skeleton.

"I don't think it's difficult. Are we going to get some points and experience?" The mayor of Fatty looked at it for a while, and felt that although the skeletons were a bit ugly, they were no more difficult to accept than zombies.

"Don't worry, it's just a temporary cleanup of the surrounding undead. It is estimated that a large number of undead will appear in the near future. You have time to do it." Ya Min said.

Knowing more about the demon trials, she can also infer the general development of the mission. Now that the undead have just converted, there are no high-level undead. When the following undead begin to evolve, it is Xiao Yuxin and others who are the most troublesome. At that time, the perception of the high-level undead on the living was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary undead. At that time, the city’s main palace was no longer a safe stronghold, but now it seems that there are not so many. As for the black armor, she is of course Shen Ruolan, the members of the White Horse team knew that she had accepted a set of black knight heritage, and it was appropriate to deal with those undead.

While everyone upstairs was thinking carefully, Xiao Yuxin was in the first trouble

End this recommendation

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It is said that mortals often ignorant, and the gods will make mistakes.

An error by Lei Tianjun destroyed the flesh of the girl Shen Yueying. In order to make up for the mistakes, several irresponsible gods coaxed her to a place called Amadeus mainland with sweet words.

Recommend Qingliu's two other books: The Legend of Chuang Shen, Wandering in the World of Other Worlds, Feng Lin and the Unfinished World to be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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