"There is trash at all times, this guy's father is a bit of a contribution, but it is not a good bird, but the police in the camp are controlled by that person, so some things are closed for everyone... ·This is a fact. ╔╗"Zhu Kezhen seems to be explaining,

Xiao Yuxin is not a defender. She is not interested in preaching justice, but she is also unwilling to let others bully. She smiles lightly. She changes the subject and says: "Why is it so coincident that I met you here?"

"Unfortunately, I came to you specially." Zhu Kezhen smiled bitterly. "Our head and several gangsters in the camp wanted to find you."

"Well, what's the matter?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

Zhu Kezhen said while walking: "They should entrust you with some tasks. You know, there are not many awakening fighters in our small camps like this, especially awakening fighters who are proficient in combat equipment. Basically, there is no awakening like you. There are not many opportunities for fighters. They will give the right tasks and the right rewards. I suggest you think about it."

"If you pay with magic crystal, you might as well consider it." Xiao Yuxin said with a deep thought.

"Then... Nirvana, what is your grade?" Zhu Kezhen asked.

Since the advent of the catastrophe, people's knowledge of the world accumulated over thousands of years has been subverted, and people have to reexamine the world in front of them with horror and awe. ╔╗ While studying the origin and evolution of species in the human world for several years, earth-shaking changes have occurred in a short period of time. All living things...including human beings are undergoing some changes.

From the earliest awakening fighters, a force beyond human comprehension was discovered. These forces are called superpowers. As the disaster continues, more and more awakening fighters appear one after another, and various abilities Showed like a mushroom. Because of these abilities...it can be said to be the product of evolution, so some are very stable, but some are very unstable; some abilities will be very strong, but some abilities seem very weak... Even intermittently.

After a period of time, humans have summarized and categorized various abilities, and then went through a series of dialectics and various definitions. Finally, these abilities are grouped into four categories: spell-like, combat equipment, fighting and psionic.

Spell-like is the general term for various energy manipulation abilities. Combat equipment category refers to the ability to manipulate various cold and hot weapons; fighting category refers to the general term for apprentice fighting and moving ability; psionic category refers to all kinds of mental power Use, including all the ability to detect the known or unknown world and other ways of using mental power.

Of course, sometimes the distinction between various abilities is not so meticulous. After all, some abilities are new. Even though some abilities are not in the same category, they need several abilities to work together. ╔╗

At the same time, these abilities are also divided into SSSSSS, A, B, CD, and E levels according to their attack power. However, because many abilities are not easy to give division criteria, those mutant creatures have become targets for rating.

The rating standard is a bit rough, but it is also a method of measuring strength. Xiao Yuxin knows this, so after asking Zhu Kezhen, she thought for a moment and replied: "Class C. If according to the current classification standard, it should be This level."

...Actually, according to the current classification standards, her level should be B-level. After all, she has even bombarded B-level creatures, and C-level creatures are no longer a problem.

"Class C? Great!" Zhu Kezhen was very excited. In fact, after confirming the death of the dog king, he thought that Xiao Yuxin was a awakening soldier of class C strength, which was also reported during the report. Come.

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the difference between the awakening fighter and the god-selected person. Even most people have not heard of the name ‘God-selected person’. These are two occupational areas that are intersecting, but not exactly the same. To a certain extent, it is like the difference between secondary professional students and college students. The former is specialization; the latter is broad and profound. From the perspective of development, the gods are higher than the awakening fighters, but it does not mean The awakened warrior is totally inferior to the one chosen by God.

Without special disclosure or explanation, even the awakened soldiers can hardly discern the god-chosen, and Xiao Yuxin is not eager to explain. ╔╗

The two came to a building in front of the building where the base command was written. Two warriors in charge stopped them. They were released after Zhu Kezhen showed up and registered.

Zhu Kezhen led her into the building, turned into a room with the words ‘meeting room,’ and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" There was a loud voice inside.

Zhu Kezhen nodded to Xiao Yuxin, then pushed open the door: "Come in."

Xiao Yuxin walked into the conference room, where the clouds were covered by clouds, and a few men sat there, and there seemed to be no intention of getting up when she came in... Two soldiers, a policeman, and several men in casual clothes, Xiao Yuxin's gaze Landed on one of the strong middle-aged men, he was obviously an awakening warrior, and he had a savage breath on his body, which should be the head of the mercenary regiment.

"This is Nihuang Huang, a Class C combat equipment awakening warrior." Zhu Kezhen introduced.

"Zhong Hao, the commander of the Second Company of the Garrison." Feng Qing, the instructor of the Second Company. "

"Police Chief He Baosen. ╔╗"

"Nianzhuang Town Party Secretary Yan Kai."

"Miao Gang, the mayor of Nianzhuang."

"Niu Tianbao, the head of the Buffalo Mercenary Corps."

Several other purely soy sauce deputy mayors, Xiao Yuxin directly ignored it, but that Niu Tianbao... This guy's mercenary group name is very familiar.

"Please sit down!" Zhong Hao pointed to an empty chair beside the table, and Xiao Yuxin went over to sit down without any politeness, looking at these people with different looks.

Except for the two soldiers and Niu Tianbao, there are other people who are not the riches of the country, or the mouths of the upstarts, and the horizontal meat of He Baosen's face is more like a bandit than a policeman.

"Xiao Yuxin, I heard that you are from Shanghai?" Zhong Hao asked.

"You can say that. Mr. Zhong, please tell me anything. I'm not used to probing in and out, and I don't have the time." Xiao Yuxin said bluntly.

The faces of the people next to him were all unsightly. He Baosen stared closely at Xiao Yuxin’s face. The look in his eyes.... No. No. The man can also see it. It’s true that a father must have a son, Xiao Yuxin. Not surprising. ╔╗

There was a somewhat admired look on Lian Zhong's face: "You're quick to speak, I'm embarrassed to be vague."

He gave a slight pause and said: "It's true, the biggest crisis in our camp is food danger. At present, some places close to the camp have been searched. The food has basically been searched empty. We can only go to some distant places. , Search for more dangerous places."

"You haven't planted crops to save yourself yet?" Xiao Yuxin asked in surprise.

"It's been planted, and it's not yet possible to harvest it, and because of various restrictions, we don't grow many crops, which is far from credible." The mayor next to him said.

"What do I need to do?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

Zhong Hao took a map and pointed to one of them: "Our camp is here now."

He pointed to another place, "This is the Bayi Ji. As far as we know, it has not been patronized by survivors... It should be said that all past survivors were either turned into zombies or were The mutants are eaten. So we are ready to form a team and enter the eight sense set."

"What is the danger?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Class C creature."

Zhong Hao said: "There may be more than one C-class creature, so we have been afraid to enter. If you can join today, we have a 50% certainty."


Xiao Yuxin shook his head.

When several people in the room saw her shaking her head, her face looked ugly.

"I can promise you to solve those C-class creatures, but I will act alone."

Xiao Yuxin said lightly: "In addition, I am curious what will be paid?"

Act alone?

A few people glanced at each other, He Baosen's eyes flashed with disdain, Niu Tianbao's eyes flashed with a glance. The eyes of Zhong Hao and others showed a hesitant look.

After a while, Zhong Hao said: "A person is too dangerous, Xiao Yuxin, we know you have the ability, but you are a long-range attack archer, and there is no warrior next to you, it is a loss, you can rest assured that we will not treat you your."

Xiao Yuxin shook his head: "I don't actually care much about remuneration, because in the process of completing the task, I will get paid. As for the danger... Mr. Zhong, I know you are well-intentioned, but I am alone from Shanghai. Wearing Jiangsu Province has accumulated enough experience to deal with danger."

She paused and smiled: "Long Company Chief Zhong, you are a soldier, knowing the importance of group cooperation. Although there are many people, but if there is not enough tacit understanding with each other, it will be more likely to lead to the failure of the mission. There is no time to cultivate understanding."

Zhong Hao nodded silently, first whispered a few words with Feng Qing, and then said to the town party secretary: "Secretary Yan, what she said makes sense."

"Do you have any ideas?" Yan Kai asked, looking at Xiao Yuxin.

"What you have to do can be summed up in two points, one is to solve the C-level creatures; the second is to move the useful materials in the eight sense set."

Xiao Yuxin paused and said, "I'll enter the Bayiji~www.readwn.com~ to destroy the C-level creatures there, and then search for food in it. However,"

She glanced at everyone: "You can send someone to wait at a safe distance, or stay in the camp and wait for my news."

Confident life, two hundred years mountain will hit the water, three thousand miles mountain, mountain ss

Introduction of "Yuxiang" (new book upload):

Author: former Aoyagi (not Fox)

Legend has it that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grass and flowers blooming,

Legend has it that the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died,

His name is Jumang...

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland!

A beautiful myth begins here...


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