"The front is the Eight Meaning Set. After this wood, there is no place to hide in front, and the sky is getting darker. The night is the world of mutant creatures. We can't move on." Zhu Kezhen pointed to the distance and said .


  Xiao Yuxin smiled faintly: "You really can't move on, but I can."

Although    eventually agreed with her proposal, in order not to delay the time, the camp sent a squad of soldiers, ten policemen and a small group of mercenaries, and four trucks. However, at a distance of five miles from the Bayi Ji, the convoy stopped, and Xiao Yuxin and Zhu Kezhen came here to explore the location here, which was less than a kilometer away from the Bayi Ji.

Hearing Xiao Yuxin’s words, Zhu Kezhen was not very surprised, but he was a little bit suspicious and didn’t know how she was going to enter. At the entrance to the Bayiji, a group of vehicles were parked. Between these vehicles, there were many zombies. Wandering, most of them were some survivors who wanted to come to Bayiji to search for materials. As a result, not only were the materials not found, but they also became zombies guards.

   "There are a lot of zombies here, and there are no hidden places around, so Nirvana, how are you going to dive in?" Zhu Kezhen was really curious.

   "You can watch."

  Xiao Yuxin smiled slightly, stood up and walked out of the woods, strode toward the Bayiji.

   "Hey" Zhu Kezhen just wanted to stop, Xiao Yuxin had already gone out, he was a little shocked at the speed of his shot, even the opponent's shirt was not touched, what speed is this

   "Boss, she's gone now" Zhang Kang felt from behind and asked in a low voice.

   "Isn't it? Artists are bold, and we can't compare this." Zhu Kezhen was a little bit pretentious. He often said that he belonged to Cheng Bingjin. After the three axes and three fireballs were sent out, he immediately lost his body like a dead dog.

   stopped for a moment, and he beckoned to bring Zhang Kang to the front, "You put up the gun behind that tree and support it depending on the situation."

   "Oh, hey, sir, what kind of gun do you think I am, but this one is a thousand meters away. You can beat me with an elephant." Zhang Kang said bitterly.


  Zhu Kezhen was so angry that he came to the back of his head: "Your kid waits for them to run closer before they play."

   "You didn't make it clear why those zombies moved." Zhang Kang pointed to the front and said.

  Although Xiao Yuxin did not deliberately perform light exercises, his physical qualities lay there. If the distance of 1000 meters is to let go of the legs and run, it is a matter of several breaths. When Zhu and Zhang discussed assistance, she had come to the front of the pile of cars.

   There are many types of these cars, even Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land Rover and the like. There are fewer sports cars, and there are more than a dozen agricultural three wheels. Some of these cars also opened the doors, and some of the driver's body was in the driver's seat. It seemed that they were preparing to drive away and were killed.

  She hadn't walked in yet, and the zombies found her, and they screamed deeply in their mouths and ran towards this side.


  Xiao Yuxin grumbled disdainfully. Opening bows and arrows, four feather arrows shot out, rushing the arrows in the forehead of the four zombies, the body suddenly fell, but the other zombies kept on. Screamed and rushed towards her.


  Xiao Yuxin simply stood there, and a branch feather arrow made a slight breaking sound. Dozens of zombies had fallen in front of the zombies that were shooting at the rush. -----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


   "According to this archery technique, it turned out to be a four-handed one, no wonder it was so fast." Two people in the woods were so startled that their eyes almost fell.

They knew that Xiao Yuxin’s archery was quick and accurate, but they had never seen how she shot. This time it was an insight. Zhang Kang’s admiration: "I used to know a Mongolian bow and arrow coach. He can shoot two at the same time. Arrow, but the arrow is weak and weak, and it takes half a day to shoot. Compared with Nihuang Huang, it is a scum."

"Yeah, as long as she keeps a certain distance and has a certain number of arrows, she can hold a large area by herself." Zhu Kezhen was also emotional but they couldn't understand it, because Xiao Yuxin seemed to think it was too unkillable. Stride forward to rush to the zombies.

  Xiao Yuxin's figure advanced at high speed, but his hand did not stop, a branch of arrows shot out, each arrow must overturn a zombie body, the zombie guarded at the mouth of the zombies had little left in the blink of an eye.

   "Dark Enchantment"

   Seeing that the sky was completely dark, Xiao Yuxin exhibited a dark enchantment, covering the entire section of pavement in darkness.

   "Eh, how could it be that there is nothing over there now," Zhang Kang whispered.

   "We have nothing to do for now."

   Zhu Kezhen also felt a little weird. He felt that the moonlight was still good today, but there seemed to be a darker distance in front of him. After thinking about it for a while, he ordered Zhang Kang to go back and stay on the spot.

When everything around was hidden in the dark, Xiao Yuxin put away his longbow and took out the Thunder Tomahawk. These zombies at the intersection were ordinary zombies. After the perception was suddenly cut off, each one seemed helpless and anxious. Get up, rammed around cluelessly.


  The cold light flashed, and the sharp axe ripped open the zombie's shrivelled body, splitting it into two pieces. The axe edge was gently picked, and a magic crystal with black bloodstains flew up, and Xiao Yuxin put it away.

   A zombie not far away seemed to feel slightly, rushed towards here, axe edged up suddenly, with a loud noise, blood splattered, the head flew several feet.

   "Mo Yunteng, empty the zombies here, and clear the pavement."

  Chopping several zombies in a row, Xiao Yuxin released Mo Yunteng, and with its power, even if there were more than a dozen heavy tanks stacked on the road, it could tip it, but it was just dozens of cars.

  After finishing the confession, she quickly moved towards Jili, just about to turn into a street, and the spirit of the demon suddenly turned to a thought: "Across the street about two hundred meters, there is a c-shaped zombie."

   Then a virtual image appeared in front of her: Just on the street she was about to step into, a tall zombie was walking towards this side.

   "The spirit of the devil, when are you going to become a radar again?" Xiao Yuxin asked in surprise.

   "In the information society, this function is increasing day by day."

   The answer of the demon spirit made people bitter and itchy.

"Say it"

"That's it. Actually, this function is already available, but the satellites launched by the earth are too junk. It was not connected until now, and the signal is not stable. You can rest assured that this virtual image is converted, and only you can see."

   "Is it true that all the demon spirits chosen by God have this function" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Theoretically yes. However, this function is also limited. The first is the range limitation, which can only be within a certain range around you; if the target is hidden well, it cannot be found, and the trajectory of the satellite will always change. Not within this range. The received signal is useless."

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

   "In other words, the actual use is not great, right?"

   "This is the truth. But our demon spirit can also be upgraded if"

"talk about it later."

  Xiao Yuxin hurriedly interrupted this guy's chatter, and listened to it, the C-class zombies were touching her nose.

   It was obviously attracted by the sound and **** smell made during the battle just now, but after Xiao Yuxin released the dark enchantment. All sounds and breath are blocked by the enchantment, so it is a bit blind. The speed also slowed down.


C-class zombies let out a roar, and the murderous crimson eyes glanced around. From the perspective of body size, this is a powerful C-class zombies, the body is up to three meters, its body is not like the lower-level zombies Shrivelled, but full of muscles, raised muscles are like rocks. Even Uncle Arnold in the heyday was far behind, but its muscles were gray and white, some like limestone, and there was a rag covering its front and back crotch around his waist, as if he knew shame. .

   Suddenly. It let out a low, seemingly excited roar, and strode forward. Like a gust of wind, heavy steps trampled the ground and made a drum-like sound.

   "Eh, it actually found me." Xiao Yuxin was a little surprised. Although she didn't let her listen to the absolute shield, the mask she brought actually had the effect of astringent breath. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to find it at close range.

  Strength evolution zombies, features: Juli; comprehensive evaluation level c4.

   A transparent dialog box appeared in front of you.


  The huge soles hit the ground, and the Juli zombies had begun to launch the final charge, as if they were transformed into high-speed trains, and rushed towards Xiao Yuxin.

   "I must be stupid to bump into you"

  Xiao Yuxin smiled gently~www.readwn.com~ The body flashed suddenly, just like a fluttering butterfly hiding aside.


The Juli zombies couldn't make ends meet and hit the wall behind her directly. The seemingly solid wall was slammed into a personal hole by it, and it rushed in, and the sound of the inside was screaming. One piece, I don’t know what it broke.

   In the flashing moment, Xiao Yuxin returned to the wind like a wind, chasing the giant zombie: "Ugly guy, die"

   With a low roar, the whole person shot at the Juli zombie like a lightning bolt. The thunder axe in his hands instantly marked a cold light and split towards the neck of the Juli zombie.

  Feng Lin's introduction to another world

   "Rudang knows that magic is a power and the highest manifestation of human wisdom. The good one uses it for good and the evil one uses it for evil. The mage has it on behalf of the entire human race and defends its inheritance and majesty with life"

"Rudang knows that magic is discovery, exploration, creation, human civilization, and the fruit of truth. You should believe in yourself, but don't be too confident. You should always be passionate, but you can't be too crazy. You can be brave and try, but you can't be unscrupulous. , You must be in awe"

"Rudang knows that the road of magic is covered with thorns, you will be hit hard, traverse setbacks, you will be injured, bleed, and even lose your life. But you must be firm in your beliefs. Since today, you will have the highest freedom. You Your faith is your dignity. You don’t need to bow down to anyone, because from today, you have stood at the forefront of the entire humanity. You don’t need to bow down to anything, because from today, you have understood that you only believe in the truth. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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