When the gunshots sounded, the staff of the coffee shop had already scattered the birds and beasts. When Xiao Yuxin retreated to the kitchen, he found that the staff had left, and he threw down six remote control bombs without hesitation, and then looked like a streamer The same shot outside the store.

"Sherte!" When the rushing machine agent saw these remote-controlled bombs, his feet had stepped on the middle of the bombs, and he had no time to swear, and the fire had enveloped the coffee shop.


Xiao Yuxin ran down the lane, like a huge fireworks blooming in the back, the whole building was crumbling.

"Hurry up!"

When she rushed to the alley, the door of a van suddenly opened and Trinity shouted with a probe.

Xiao Yuxin stopped and looked around... The agents did not show up. They should have been almost blown up. She lowered her head into the compartment and Trinity closed the door with a slam, "Sever, drive." "

Xiao Yuxin noticed that it was Sephor... that Trinity's courage was really big enough, she was not afraid that Sephor would send this pedestrian under the eyes of the machine agent?

The van turned on the main road, and soon left the noisy scene behind, and there were police cars coming one after another, but did not pay much attention to this medium-speed van, and drove quietly from the side.

"Severus, the fork next to it stops."

Seeing that there were no more police cars whistling around, Trinitti's expression eased a little, and she ordered the car to turn into a street with few pedestrians beside it, where there were several cars parked, except for an old patrolling by the trash can Dogs, there seems to be no other creatures.

The van was parked between two CMBs. After Sephor stopped, Shen Ruolan got off and checked the surrounding cars. After returning to the car, he said to Trinity: "No one."

"Well, everyone except Neo and Van Lansi went out to guard, I have something to say." Trinity ordered.

Sephora was excluded and felt very unpleasant, but Vivienne, who was more senior than him, was also sent out, and he was embarrassed to stay. He had to follow the crowd out of the car unhappily, and what made him the most uncomfortable was. Shen Ruolan had already guarded the car door first, so he had to follow Vivian to monitor the back lane.

The conversation in the carriage did not say too long. Soon Trinity and others came out of the car and greeted everyone together.

"Severus, you go get another car. This van passed by near the crime scene. It is very likely that it has been noticed by the robot." Trinity ordered.

"Trinity. Would you like me to go?" Xiao Yuxin volunteered.

"No, Nirvana. You are not familiar with the situation here, and the characteristics of Asians are too obvious. Sephora is familiar with this. We must rush to 45 Champs Elysees before 12 o'clock. The Prophet will meet us there. Time is running out. "" Trinitti explained to Xiao Yuxin very seriously, afraid she would misunderstand.

Xiao Yuxin nodded. Did not insist.

Sephor checked the clothes and quickly left the street. Due to the earth-shattering explosion before, the pedestrians were frightened, and they had already returned home near their homes. Those who did not return home did not stay in the company honestly. It is to hide in a restaurant by the road to avoid being injured by possible terrorists. So the road is very cold, there are not many pedestrians.

The Han Buddha hurriedly walked on the street, gazing around from time to time. About ten minutes later, he saw a brand new CMB in a parking lot. After seeing that there was no one on the left and right, he quickly walked over, Under the cover of the car body, he took out his mobile phone and started dialing. After a while, the call was connected: "Mr. Smith, it's me. This can't blame me. It's because your people didn't grasp the opportunity. There wasn't even a police car behind. However, I have helped you find a better opportunity to catch the Prophet. Yes, 45 Champs Elysees. I hope you will really be able to publish this time. Well, goodbye."

He turned off his phone, and suddenly his body stiffened... A cold muzzle hit his back of the head.

"Who? Don't make such a joke." Sephor tried his best to keep calm.

"I also hope it's a joke." Trinity's calm, almost stiff voice rang behind.

"Trinity..." Sever just turned around, but felt that the top of the gun was tighter.

"Don't move too fast, don't try to activate skills, you can't be faster than my bullets. Well, slowly turn around." Trinity said coldly.

"Don't be excited, there may be misunderstandings here." Sever had no choice but to turn around slowly. The muzzle slid until his eyebrows stopped. He noticed that the muzzle was equipped with a silencer. Behind Trinity, Vivienne and others stood there without a gun, the gun in his hand was facing him.

"You listen to me explain, Trinity, things are not what you think." Sever also tried to quibble.

"Sephor, tell me why?"

Trinity looked at him very sadly: "Mofis and I believe you very much. We made the vow of fighting together for human liberation. Why do you betray us?"


Sephor was silent for a moment, and suddenly roared like a volcanic eruption: "You betrayed us, you promised us to fight for freedom, but how did Morpheus do it? He is arbitrary and does not ask us for any decision. , He always asks us to obey, obey and then obey, our own freedom is lost, how can we seek freedom for others? He,"

Sephor pointed to Neo: "What is a savior who is a sour hairy kid, then what are we?" Can I call myself God? Trinity, wake up and stop pursuing that vague freedom. I don’t think it’s bad to spend a lifetime in this virtual world. Life and death are a reincarnation for people in the virtual world or the real world. I would rather live a life of drunken gold fans in this virtual world than I would pursue any freedom with you. Come, kill me, and let me be the cornerstone of your journey to freedom! "

Trinity shook her head gently: "Sever, you let me down, you let me... have no choice!"


The muzzle twitched slightly, and a stream of blood gurgled out of the bullet hole on Sephora's forehead. His eyes suddenly became dull, but there was a relief smile on his face, and his body fell to the ground.


Vivian opened her mouth and sighed softly, after all she said nothing.

"This is his own choice." Trinity put away the gun and stretched his foot to kick Sephor's body to the bottom of a car next to it.

A group of people got on the bus, this time it was driven by Trinity personally... At 11:20, the bus stopped in a public parking lot, and the group got off the car and confirmed that they were not followed by the police. Under the leadership of Qian, they came to an apartment, and Fan Lanxi pressed the doorbell. A moment later, the voice of an old woman rang: "Who is it?"

"Adult, it's me, Van Lansie."

"Please come in."

The old woman's voice seemed very happy, but Xiao Yuxin heard that she seemed to have some lack of confidence.

The anti-theft door opened with a click, and Van Lansie brought the crowd into the apartment, and came to a small suite on the sixth floor. An old woman in a wheelchair opened the anti-door.

"Come in, children."

The old lady's eyes blinked merrily, "I'm so happy to have so many faces. Even though you are my last guests, I am very happy."

"This is Lord Prophet." Fan Lanxi introduced.

"No, don't call me a prophet, I just know more than others."

The old woman made Zhenni, who was the last one, close the door. It seemed that some dizzy eyes suddenly shone when she saw Neo, like the sharp blade hidden in the sheath suddenly showing a sharp edge: "Young man, you Get closer."

"Me?" Neo pointed at himself suspiciously.

"Yes, don't get me wrong, if you are not a savior, I will not be interested in you alone."

The old woman turned her head and said to Van Lansi: "Van Lansi, you will entertain these children. And you, Mr. Savior, please come with me."

"Are you sure I am the savior?" Neo asked with some doubt. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

"Of course, you come with me."

The old woman couldn't help but drive the wheelchair towards the back room, and Neo could not help but push the wheelchair into the room.

"Close the door," the old woman ordered.

Neo closed the door in doubt and asked again: "Do you really think I am the savior?"

"What do you think the savior is?" the old woman asked back.

"The savior... is someone who can save the human world." Neo responded hesitantly.


The old woman nodded: "The savior is not God, nor any other god. The savior actually refers to a person who has a special mutation in the brain."

"Brain domain variation?" Neo asked puzzled.

"Yes, you don’t have to know too much, this involves genetic organisms, and you won’t be interested. However, because of the special mutations in the brain, your computing power is super strong. After mastering a special code, Your computing power can be compared with that of the mother, and you can quickly calculate the position of the mother. This is the only way we can overcome the mother." The Prophet said.

"Why aren't others?" Neo still didn't understand.

"Except for people like your brain domain mutation, other people can't accept this code, nor can they calculate the whereabouts of the mother." The Prophet replied helplessly.

"Okay, I accept." Neo nodded. "Where is this code?"


The Prophet pointed to his head: "This is the only place that is not easily discovered by the mother."

"So what should I do?" Neo asked.

The Prophet took a virtual helmet and put it on himself, then pointed to another virtual helmet beside him: "That's for you." To be continued)


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