"How long have they been in?" Shen Ruolan asked softly.

"Is there an hour?" Xiao Yuxin looked at his watch.

"I am fortunate that there was a betrayal by Sever, otherwise it is really difficult to enjoy this quietly for more than an hour." Shen Ruolan laughed.

"Yes, but by this time, those machine agents may have reacted, and Sever's body may also be found." Trinity said.

At this moment, the door in the middle opened, and Neo walked out with a weary expression, a bit sad in his eyes.

"How is the Prophet?" Fan Lanxi had an unknown hunch.

"She... has passed away, very peacefully." Neo said in a low voice.


Everyone was very surprised. Van Lansie rushed in first, Trinity and Vivian followed, and Neo followed with a sad face, and in a few moments, Van Lansie repressed crying sound.

"Let's go in too."

Xiao Yuxin and Shen Ruolan walked in. The others were standing at the door. The room in the back room was not large. There were so many people standing. The prophet leaned on the backrest of the wheelchair and closed in front of his eyes, as if sleeping, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. .

"Van Lanxi, don't be too sad. The Prophet has been insisting. She has finally waited for Neo very hard, which is also a relief for her." Trinity comforted softly.

"Yes, I know, but I am a bit reluctant."

Fan Lanxi cried for a while, and almost shed her grief, and then wiped away her tears, "Trinity, you leave now, the machine agent is likely to notice the signal when the Prophet died, and leave the rest to I’ll do it."

"Well, let's leave now." Trinity knew. Only if they leave quickly will Van Lansie lose the Prophet's funeral without interruption.

Just as Trinitti and others left the apartment building where the Prophet lived, in a building on another street, three men in suits were standing or sitting in an office, their faces gloomy looking out the window... ...They are machine agent Smith and his two assistants.

"This operation failed." said an assistant.

"Our people found the human body in a parking lot, really there is none!"

"That is to say, 45 Champs Elysees is a trap?" Smith asked coldly.

"Yes, they should see the prophet at this time." Another assistant replied.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a machine agent wearing the same clothes as them walked in happily: "The Prophet is dead."


Smith suddenly stood up: "Are you sure?"

"Confirm." The person nodded with certainty.

"That's really great!"

Shi Guansi paced back and forth two steps. Suddenly stopped and said: "Order the police immediately...No, let the police patrol normally. Order all the troops to stand by, and all the agents will immediately gather and be ready to act."

"Yes." The machine agent who just entered the report promised to turn around immediately.

"Why prepare for action?" an assistant asked puzzled.

"Those humans must have gotten what they needed from the prophet. If they want to calculate the position of the mother. It takes many servers to adjust the operation and long-term calculations. The key point... they must be kept and virtual The world stays connected. We only need to monitor the operation of the network."

"I get it." The assistant nodded again and again, and quickly began to arrange the monitoring tasks as Smith said.

At the other end of the city, Trinity and others switched to another car and drove towards a street in the center of the city.

"Isn't it too busy here?" Xiao Yuxin frowned slightly and chose this place as the meeting place. It was really unusual guts, once discovered. Enemy reinforcements will come soon.

"Because it's too busy here, and it's surrounded by a large computer industry, it is more secure. Those machine agents will take a long time to screen." Trinity replied.

The car stopped in front of a dozen-story building, Trinity parked the car in the parking lot. With the crowd walking towards the building, several security guards with electric batons were just about to come forward to ask questions. But he was pulled by someone behind him and made a silent gesture to him.

After Xiao Yuxin and them got on the elevator, the security guards looked at the people who were pulling them in wonder, waiting for an explanation.

"These people are murderous. One more thing is worse than one less, and one less thing is worse than nothing." said the old security guard.

"So, what about we call the police?" a young security guard asked.

"Why do you call the police? Because they are murderous? Or because they are too many? These people are not wanted criminals. What are you doing to cause that trouble?" The old security guard glanced at a few young men and turned back to the guard room to take a nap. The young security guard had no way to get together, whispering together for a moment, and then wandered inside and outside the building again.

"Ding" sounded softly, and the elevator stopped slightly on the thirty-fifth floor after a slight tremor. At the moment when the elevator door opened, Xiao Yuxin noticed that at least four or five guns were pointing outside.


Morpheus, who was more like a bodyguard than a waiter, stood there and smiled. When the people walked out of the elevator, the look on his face changed: "Where is the prophet? Why is Sever not seen?"

Trinity said lightly: "The Prophet has completed her mission. Sephora is a traitor, and we killed him."

"Machine agents know?" Morpheus asked silently.

"They knew that Neo would see the prophet, and now they should also know that the prophet is dead." Trinity introduced the situation as he walked.

"That is to say, they are now waiting for the net. As long as we act, will they be able to escape their killing?" Morpheus's face dignified.

"Can't we postpone the action?" Wu Ziniu asked.

"No way."

Vivienne explained: "This action has been inevitable since we touched the prophet jiē. We cannot calculate outside the virtual world, and if we quit the virtual world now or quit halfway, we would like to have another time. Opportunity."

"Since this is the case,"

Xiao Yuxin looked at Morpheus and Trinity, "You should have considered this happening, right?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. If the machine agents didn't know that we and the Prophet had met, they could hide and seek with them, but since they already know it, those can only look at luck."

Morpheus said, pushing open a door, "Please come in! This is our studio and our future battlefield."

"team leader!"

There were many people in it, including Wu Ziniu and others. When they saw Xiao Yuxin coming in, they all came over.

In addition to these people, there are many people, most of them working nervously next to a computer, and have no time to notice here.

"This is a blind eye method that we have prepared. The machine agents can find this place, and they only think that this is the terminal and will also buy time for us. In fact,"

Morpheus pointed inside and said: "The real studio is inside, bulletproof."

"What is the specific plan?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Nio came over and immediately began to calculate the coordinates of the mother body. I took a few people to protect it. Trinity, Nirvana, I will leave it to you outside. The longer you persist, the more beneficial it will be to us."

Morpheus looked at everyone: "This is a life-and-death battle. I don't want the strong family to have the same sacrificial spirit as us. Vivienne will send the exit code to everyone. If someone can't bear it, they can exit at any time. "

Vivienne immediately took the handheld computer, then opened the virtual space, and gave out an exit code for injection of medicine.

"Get started!" Morpheus looked at his watch: "We generally need five hours, and hope God is with humans!"

After Morpheus and others entered the secret room, all the people in the computer room outside also became busy.

Xiao Yuxin glanced around and made a "please" gesture to Trinitti: "Trinitti, the coffee in the outdoor cafe downstairs is good. Can I have a drink?"

"No problem." Trinity smiled slightly.

"Captain, can we still?" Shen Ruolan and others joked.


Xiao Yuxin simply called Shen Ruolan, Mo Hongxia and Chen Ke to go down together~www.readwn.com~ Just next to the building, Xiao Yuxin and others took their seats. Everyone asked for a cup of coffee and sat down and drank slowly. ... Sitting at their angle, you can just see the situation at various intersections. Wu Ziniu and others are also looking up. There should be no visual dead ends.

At the moment, at the agent's headquarters, Smith and others were also observing a huge computer screen. The data flow flashed like a rainstorm, and the agents' faces were very dignified.

"The report has screened out twenty-four targets, and these targets have a large number of computing items." A special agent Hui who sat in front of the computer reported.

"Continue screening, I want more accurate results." Smith said in a deep voice.

Half an hour later, the agent reported again: "The report has verified 22 targets, all of which are normal targets. Only two places cannot be verified, one is outside the city and the other is in the city center."

"No need to check anymore. The soldiers were divided into two groups immediately. One group went outside the city. I personally took a group to the monitoring points in the city center to inform the troops to act immediately. If there is resistance, don't talk about killing!" Smith was murderous.


The agents in the room all agreed, and the order was immediately communicated. In a blink of an eye, the truck full of soldiers drove towards the two surveillance targets, and the air in the streets of the city immediately became tense, just a little bit The lively streets suddenly began to desert again. (To be continued)

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