"General." Huang Xiaolei looked at the time and said, "I'm serious."

Chen Fengxi sighed and waved his hand. Led Huang Xiaolei and Lin Han to the console and whispered to the engineer of the maintenance team. Engineer Xi, with a big forehead and an upturned chin, stared at Chen Fengxi strangely. It was like seeing a madman he didn't know.

Finally, he succumbed to the order of the officer and asked an unknown engineer to give up his seat.

"We are expanding Skynet's intelligence collection system." Engineer Xi pointed to the console screen and said, "at present, we have activated about 200 anti detection jammers that were actively turned off by us in the previous electronic attack. If it goes well, we can spread the haptic network throughout our troops and re-establish a simple Skynet intelligence system within 20 hours. But now... "

Engineer Xi snorted angrily and glanced at Lin Han without speaking. The implication can't be clearer.

"Twenty hours, the cauliflower is cold." Lin Han, who never knew what humility was, jumped into the chair, extended the keyboard to his snow-white thigh, and hummed, "look!"

Lin Han's fingers pounded quickly on the keyboard, and his two tender hands could only see a few illusions. The engineers around looked back and opened their mouths in surprise.

A moment later, with an exclamation from the engineer. The Skynet system indicator lights on the screen in front of me are like a community with electricity, one by one. First, the Skynet connection of various forces within Phoenix, then the periphery of Phoenix, the farther rear cities, major bases, and even air flying fighters and transport aircraft

At this moment, Skynet seemed to wake up from sleep and opened its amazing tentacles.

With the extension of its tentacles, the subsystems throughout Leifeng island are warmly responding. Countless data streams came like a flood. All Skynet screens in the command hall were flashing rapidly, rows of data words, rows of password codes, and pictures were constantly rolling on the screen.

"My God!" Engineer Xi almost rushed to his console and quickly called out Skynet maintenance program.

The circuit diagram of maintenance program is changing from red to green at a crazy speed. At this moment, the front army's own Skynet was fully integrated into the main Skynet in Leifeng sea area, which had withered. The two Skynet systems are complementing each other, just like grafted dead trees, crazy axis of new buds, vibrant!

In the headquarters, the staff have stopped their work.

The phone rang wildly in my ears, but no one answered it.

The original communication has no meaning at this moment. The paint applied desperately becomes extremely simple and simple under the flash of the digital camera.

The fast flowing data and text on the screen, the sound of Skynet central computer re running out, the automatically generated war report and the automatically arranged pending instructions spread to frenzo's intelligence collection and monitoring system

Everything is so wonderful.

In the silence, Huang Xiaolei looked at the time and smiled at the stunned Chen Fengxi. "General, I have to tell you something now..."

On the arched dome of the command hall, the most famous large mural "Carnival of liberation" from China decades ago is painted. Many characters celebrate the victory in the painting, with vivid expressions.

The mural is still, and the hall at the moment is still.

Time seems to have stopped flowing, and it seems to go back decades ago. The Chinese soldiers on the mural and the Chinese soldiers in reality form a new picture.

Only the rows of data and text on Skynet's screen are still scrolling tirelessly. Reflected on the wall, people are like light fish swimming in rows.

Chen Fengxi looked at Huang Xiaolei, who was talking to herself, and suddenly felt a little confused.

Maybe there were too many surprises. He was a little confused for a moment. It's like drinking a bowl of delicious soup. If you drink a whole pot of soup, you obviously won't feel anything other than bloating.

When a woman who looked a little artificial revived the whole Skynet between backhands, there were only two words left in the mind of the commander-in-chief of Leifeng Island front army.

Everyone of the fierce army is a group of fucking demons!

This strange idea suddenly came to mind, so that this Xuan looked at Huang Xiaolei and Chen Fengxi couldn't return to God. It was like seeing a banshee talking to herself.

There's something you have to tell me?

Such a tone is a very important thing. However, what else is more important than a fucking woman named Lin Han's nearly 50% function of Tianwang in seconds?

"We need a victory." Huang Xiaolei looked at Chen Fengxi seriously.

Chen Fengxi nodded. If he had doubts about the annihilation of three NATO armored divisions in the town of frenzo before, he has no worries at all now. Although the other side still has a referee armored company, the Humvee is not vegetarian. Their twelve generation mecha, their legendary god of war, have not exchanged fire with their opponents!

"Not frenzo." Huang Xiaolei shook her head. Facing Chen Fengxi's confused eyes, she pointed to the map: "I'm talking about beliff's main force!"

"Main force?" Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing were startled.

"Yes, main force!" Huang Xiaolei's words directly broke the illusion of verbal errors in the minds of the two generals. She said word by word: "the task of the fierce army here is to stay here for a whole month, maybe longer. Until our reinforcements arrive. Therefore. Just eating the enemy's three armored divisions in the town of frenzo is not enough for the whole war. "

Her finger fell on the sunset mountain satellite city on the map: "we need a real victory. The purpose of battlefield victory is not only to boost the morale of our front-line soldiers, but also to give a heavy blow to the enemy. It's so heavy that they can't organize a further offensive for at least half a month! "

"Sunset mountain satellite city!" Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing looked at each other in confusion and were surprised.

Sunset mountain satellite city is 220 kilometers away from frenzo Town, close to Socrates mountains in the northwest and Sherlock mountains in the southeast.

Two winding mountains surround it into an olive shaped basin. Because it is the main traffic road from the western mountainous area to the Phoenix plain.

The sixth and eighth resource highway of Leifeng Island passes through the satellite city of sunset mountain. Therefore, the geographical location is very important.

Since the war, the sunset mountain satellite city has been the focus of competition between the two sides. Around the eight agricultural towns around the satellite city of sunset mountain, the Chinese army has fought more than ten fierce battles with beilifu's northern group army.

In these large and small battles, the Chinese front army has invested a total of nearly 20 divisions, with a casualty rate of 65%. Ten divisions were completely lost on the position of sunset mountain. And NATO's losses are roughly the same. As a defender, Huaxia actually suffered a loss here.

However, due to spare no effort in investment and the relatively smooth logistics channel between sunset mountain and Phoenix, more reinforcements and supplementary materials can be sent in time. Therefore, the defense line of sunset mountain is still strong.

Now, the Chinese Leifeng Island front army. In the sunset mountain defense line, four infantry divisions and six armored divisions are stationed, and the overall situation is relatively stable.

When Huang Xiaolei suddenly mentioned sunset mountain, Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing realized an unusual and dangerous feeling at the same time.

"You mean that the main force of NATO will launch an attack on sunset mountain?" Chen Fengxi asked.

"Judging from the current situation, there are three places in our prediction of the direction of NATO attack." Huang Xiaolei's fingers pointed south along the sunset mountain: "fangduan in the north of frenzo Town, frenzo Town, longxumen bridge in the south."

Every time Huang Xiaolei moved her finger, the staff around nodded.

"Among these three areas, the town of frenzo itself will not be mentioned. The other two areas are the weakest link of our defense line and the easiest to cooperate with the attack of the town of frenzo. To be honest, internally, we do not have a unified view on these three attack directions. " Huang Xiaolei looks at Xiong Hui and other fierce army officers. When Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing cast their eyes, the officers nodded.

"However, general Fang's opinion is different from ours. He insists that the enemy will invest no less than 20 armored divisions in sunset mountain. Launch an offensive and completely open up the west line of Phoenix. " Huang Xiaolei gently stroked the hair in her ear and said, "I didn't agree with him before. But now I think he is right. "

"Wait." Zhu Dabing waved his hand. It seems difficult to digest. He looked at Huang Xiaolei in disbelief: "let's not say whether your judgment is accurate and what the basis is. I just want to ask, if the enemy really attacks sunset mountain, according to what you just said, are you going to eat beliff's main force?"

"You're right." Huang Xiaolei nodded, and Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing were cold with a light smile on the pretty face of the inverted beings.

"It's impossible!" Zhu Dabing tried to lower his voice to make himself more calm: "Huang Xiaolei, I hope you are more rational. You know, even Marshal Huang Shengtian could not make such a decision at such a time. We need to win, but we can't take too much risk. "

"No." Huang Xiaolei shook slightly and said firmly, "we have no choice."

She went to the Skynet main screen in the middle of the hall and nodded to Lin Han.

Although he thought it silly to use the keyboard to disguise the appearance of a talented girl who could communicate directly with the central computer, Lin Han's fingers beat on the keyboard quickly. In this way, she must not only control the computer, but also control the Skynet engineers, so that the whole system can be under control.

A deduction assignment appears on the home screen.

"General Fang's deduction." Huang Xiaolei copied it on her chest for two years and said faintly, "you can have a look."

The stunning female officer was wearing a blue uniform that fitted her waist. The hard and smooth lines of the military uniform, set off by the girl's gentle posture, have a beauty of combining hardness and softness. The light golden long tie a neat ponytail. Under the wide brimmed military cap, there is a face that interprets the word beauty to the extreme, which is fascinating.

During the presentation of the deduction assignment. The girl's expression is very indifferent. However, anyone can hear the pride of Fang Chutian in the tone of the proud woman.

The staff looked at the screen. Soon. They were attracted by the deduction work on the screen.

The deduction is divided into three parts: information analysis, explanation and deduction results. Each part is very detailed. It's too detailed to believe that this was done by one person in just a few hours.

Everyone even suspected that Fang Chutian had obtained more comprehensive intelligence than the headquarters long before entering Leifeng island.

As time went by, the command room fell into a suffocating silence as people interpreted the deduction operation more and more deeply.

Chen Fengxi lit a cigarette, sat down in his chair, stared at the screen and said nothing.

The present deduction work seems to be an exaggeration and alarmist thing.

In this exercise, Fang Chutian first made an analysis of dozens of large and small battles in the previous stage of the west line of Phoenix. He thought beliff had dug a trap two weeks ago or earlier.

This is a trap with conspiracy and conspiracy.

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