Beliff never intended to hide his troops. In fact, even if he did not hide it, the Chinese army could not fully control his force deployment intelligence.

Over the past two weeks, beliff has launched a total of six large-scale attacks and dozens of small and medium-sized battles in various defense areas on the western line, constantly impacting the defense line of the front army on Leifeng island. At the same time, under the cover of this high-frequency attack. More than twenty, armored division. The movement has reached sunset hill and near the town of frenzo.

These troops are scattered among the offensive troops in each defense section. They either follow the blue arrows on the map to attack the fierce army line, or try to detour between defense sections, or stay in a town to rest, or move in a big way to a certain direction.

In order to cover up the main attack intention, beliff divided it into parts. Now, two weeks later, when his troops began to attack the town of frenzo, at least 20 divisions have gathered the sword of Damocles hanging over the western line of Phoenix.

If we look for evidence from this result with an attitude of hindsight, we quickly think of the strange whereabouts of the three NATO armored divisions in frenzo town.

It seems that the whole west line of Phoenix is like this.

However, all this was covered up by NATO's high-frequency attacks. The Leifeng Island front army, tired of defense, knew that NATO was desperately attacking. But I can't control the whereabouts of these troops. We all know that the opponent is replenishing troops, but we don't know how many NATO troops are on the west line of Phoenix.

All we know is that NATO has been launching high-frequency attacks, while China's defense line has always been firm and flexible and has not been broken through by the enemy. This phenomenon is regarded as abnormal in Fang Chutian's deduction.

After boiling the frog in warm water for two weeks, beliff added a fire in frenzo town.

The famous sus general has an extremely clear strategic thinking. He knew that his forces were now in the ascendant. Therefore, he has been dragging Huaxia to fight. In every previous game, he didn't rush to break through the defense line. He just pestered China, consumed its effective strength and made it difficult for China to ride a tiger in defense.

War is not only a conspiracy to win. When he hides his attempt, he also suppresses others with force and uses Yang conspiracy!

If the town of frenzo is opened and Huaxia sends more reinforcements here, beliff will concentrate the main force to attack other key points after putting a small part of troops into the town of frenzo to contain it.

If China ignores frenzo town. Beliff will attack Fernando directly. It goes deep into the defense line along the intercity highway, and then detours to the two wings.

This is the most conventional tactic, but. In the hands of a famous general like beliff, it has the power to turn corruption into magic.

Tactics are only minor details. His strength is that he has the overall situation of the war in his hands! He took advantage of this trend to the extreme.

All these are the conclusions drawn by Fang Chutian through the analysis of the war reports of dozens of early campaigns.

Through the analysis of the movement route of suss troops in the war report and the motivation behind the battle of frenzo Town, he came to another bold conclusion, that is, beliff's attack direction is sunset mountain.

Chen Fengxi wanted to make alarmist remarks about beliff's speculation about the concentration of 20 divisions, but he couldn't say it. He wanted to question the fact that the other party's main attack direction was sunset mountain, but there was no reason to refute it.

He had never seen a deduction done so carefully.

As long as we take a serious look at the NATO battle line outlined by Fang Chutian on the battle map, even idiots know that it is the sunset mountain that can gather in the shortest time, which is the most suitable for cluster assault, and can best echo the main battlefield of frenzo town!

Beliff chose there because he had enough troops to bully others. He wants to eat the ten divisions stationed in sunset mountain while breaking through. Whether it can break through or not, biting off ten divisions in one bite is a pain that China can't bear.

This is a handy trick!

Second, sunset mountain is also the only place within 300 kilometers of frenzo town that can carry out high mobility and have enough space to wield the combat effectiveness of 20 divisions. In this place, several NATO campaigns have taken advantage. Very familiar with the terrain and the layout of the defense line. and. This is also the place where the Chinese army seems to be the strongest.

This is a surprise victory.

At least, a few minutes ago. Neither Chen Fengxi nor Zhu Dabing expected beliff to operate here. If Fang Chutian hadn't stripped the cocoon and presented the ideas in his mind to everyone, beliff would have almost succeeded.

After silently smoking a cigarette, Chen Fengxi stood up.

He looked at Zhu Dabing and asked, "what do you think?"

Zhu Dabing's eyes took back from the deduction screen. For a long time, he took a long breath and said seriously, "he's right!"


With the issuance of an order, the troops with different numbers stationed in and around the city were like groups of ants disturbed by the nest and took crazy action.

Teams of soldiers rushed out of the barracks amid the assembly of electronic loudspeakers and the roar of grass-roots officers. Armored vehicles drove out of the tarmac and warehouse amid the roar of engines and the dust of ground vibration. Transport armored vehicles loaded with soldiers and military convoys loaded with all kinds of materials, weapons and ammunition rushed out of the base and bumped onto the road. The emergency fighter plane, with a huge roar, soared into the sky, roared over the boiling city and flew to the West.

The streets were filled with the roar of mecha and vehicles. The guard post at the intersection has long been removed. The sandbags and barbed wire blocking the road have been removed by groups of soldiers. Military off-road vehicles carrying officers or staff officers shuttle through the traffic flow of military trucks. They suddenly turn at the intersection and disappear into people's vision, leaving only a burst of wind and dust.

Leave has been cancelled. Everyone must report back to the army immediately, regardless of his post or rank. Even the troops who had just withdrawn from the front line stopped entering Phoenix and were ready in place.

Tension is spreading.

The officers and men did not know what had happened on the front line. After the emergency assembly, they sat on the ground and waited for further orders. This gives them a little free time to observe the officers who walk around looking at their watches, or to whisper in private or make eye contact with their doubts.

Which section of the front line can't hold it?

A few hours ago, the legendary fall of the town of frenzo led to a large-scale rout?

Is the headquarters finally determined to end the two-month passive defense with a big counterattack?

The 14th armored division and the 17th armored division pulled out. The fighters, infantry divisions and armored divisions of the 23rd army have also been pulled out

One message after another, from the serious expression of the platoon leader or squad leader who can't see the wriggling mouth, passed to the soldiers.

My heart is racing.

This is not a drill.

No matter what happens on the front line, this time, the headquarters is not ready to devote division by division to the bottomless defense line to fight a war of attrition with the enemy.

The rolling iron flows westward.

Lei Feng Island front army, have a big fight!

Meanwhile, NATO.

The convoy of dozens of armored vehicles, wrapped in wind and dust, rushed into the valleys surrounded by mountains on both sides.

The guards who hurriedly removed the guard fence, the mountain of ammunition boxes, the dusty mecha, and the busy soldiers flashed past the window.

A moment later, the snake like motorcade had stopped in front of the temporary headquarters in the middle of the camp.

A major officer in a dark gray uniform ran forward and opened the heavy door of the bulletproof cross-country car.

As a long black and shiny riding boot stepped out of the door, field marshal beliff with gray hair and short stature appeared in front of the waiting NATO coalition general.

The generals stood at attention and saluted.

Although it was in front of the humble temporary camp composed of extended command aircraft armor, camouflage nets and sandbags and ammunition boxes, there was still a sense of awe when the straight uniforms and shining stars of the generals from the three empires of SUS, bethus and the United States gathered together.

The busy soldiers around were far separated by the sharp eyed guards, only sticking their heads in envy and awe.

This is the southwest mountain area belonging to the Socrates mountains.

The tall and majestic Socratic mountains, which are covered with snow all year round, meander from the northeast. After several stages of reduction, it is only a mixed area of mountains and hills with a radius of hundreds of square kilometers.

The surrounding mountains are seven or eight hundred meters high and tens of meters high.

The vegetation in the mountains is not dense. Because the northwest is close to the Gobi, there is little rain all year round, and the ground soil is Sandy. As soon as you step on it, you will raise fine dust.

Only to the southeast, the trees gradually flourish and lush. After the winding dolai River, the population of cities and towns is gradually increasing, stretching eastward to the east of Phoenix plain. There is fertile and beautiful land.

Despite the development of modern science and technology, mankind has not worried about food for a long time. Living by water is still the site selection factor of immigrant Island cities.

Phoenix has developed industry, numerous surrounding mining and agricultural areas and convenient transportation. It has always been a place for strategists on Leifeng island. Since ancient times, there has been the saying of Phoenix and Leifeng island.

The soldiers knew that with the arrival of beliff, the battle that had been brewing for a long time on the battlefield was about to begin. The 20 Armored Divisions gathered here are already two-thirds of the armored forces in the northern theater. More than 100000 armored vehicles are distributed in this vast mountainous area. From south to North and from east to west, NATO troops are everywhere in the mountainous jungle tens of kilometers away.

As soon as beliff gives the order, these steel masters will rush to China's positions like a tide, break through the defense line, rush into the Phoenix plain and gallop wantonly. Tear any Chinese who dare to stop in front of them to pieces.

In the excited and awed eyes of the soldiers. Wearing a marshal's uniform and a black cloak, beliff smiled and saluted the generals.

Beliff, who is 65 years old this year, has an unforgettable face.

His eyes were dark gray and sharp against the low, pale yellow eyebrows. The nose is big and thick, and the mouth is wide and thin. The upper lip is short and the lower lip is slightly prominent. If coupled with his slightly drooping cheeks, it looks like a fierce old fighting dog, which is very aggressive.

Beliff took off his gloves, shook hands with the generals and looked around. His eyes fell on a small hill in front of the left side of the valley. He turned his head and said gently, "let's go."

Although the war is imminent, every minute and every second is extremely precious. The generals present still had no impatience. They surrounded beliff and walked across the busy and messy camp to the opposite hillside.

Slowly, the vision gradually widened. Walking up the mountain, the generals stopped on a small earth slope at the top under the awe of several electronic class soldiers stationed on the mountain.

From a commanding position, I saw NATO troops all over the mountains and stretching eastward. Mountains, jungles, banners, thousands of horses and thousands of troops. It is a kind of heroic way to guide thousands of troops.

"Long live the Empire!" Beliff stared at the East and said slowly, "decades of long cherished wish and decades of preparation, the final result is in the sea area of Leifeng Island, Leifeng Island, in the hands of us!"

The mountain wind blew, and the black cloak rolled and trembled in the wind.

His hand gently patted the rough and hard bark of the old trees beside him, and his voice was firm and clear in the wind: "whether it is the SUS empire or the white sus Empire, when it comes to this national destiny, all we can do is unite sincerely, lead our army and win this war for our empire!"

Behind them, the generals from sus and pessus stood in awe.

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