"Frenzo, we've broken through. With the help of the adjudicator's troops, no one can stop their progress. " Beliff's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes were shining: "now, the five divisions of the first army of the northern group army have gone out less than 40 kilometers away from sunset mountain, and the four divisions of the Third Army have also entered the attack position less than 20 kilometers west of frenzo town. Our opponent, however, fell into a dilemma on the long defense line. They have a reserve force of less than twenty divisions. But I have to defend such a long front... "

"They have no power to stop us. I did everything I could, and now. " Beliff turned around with a smile, looked around at the generals behind him and said, "it's time for you. eastward! Break through sunset mountain and occupy Phoenix! Lead our soldiers all the way to occupy the whole Leifeng island and the whole Leifeng sea area until the whole of China! "

"I'll just watch here and wait. Waiting for your good news! " A frenzied and morbid flush rushed up beliff's pale cheeks.

The short and strong old man with a ferocious face stood at attention and saluted: "I wish you a prosperous and invincible martial arts!"

The solemnly saluting generals marched down the mountain with boiling blood surging from their chests.

They looked up at the mountain when they went to their troops in off-road vehicles or mecha. The figure in a black cloak, surrounded by dozens of staff officers, stood quietly under the tree.

A bugle sounded in my ear.

They don't need to know that NATO armored forces all over the mountains are surging out of the mountains, jungles and canyons towards the East.

When the door was closed, all the generals had only one thought in mind.

No one can stop this torrent of steel.

Absolutely not!

The air battle over frenzo continued.

The NATO northern group army and the Chinese Leifeng Island front army have invested a large number of fighters in this region. After the first wave of competition, a second wave and a third wave of fighters arrived from other cities to join the crazy strangulation.

Warplanes fluttered like swallows, and the darkening sky was shrouded in the smoke of crisscross shells and missiles. The flying decoy missiles formed dark clouds in the sky. From time to time, a fighter plane was hit, or turned into a fireball throwing debris in the sky, or disintegrated in the flame band, or thick smoke rolled up into the mountains in the distance.

The fighting of fighters took the lead in opening the prelude to the decisive battle.

Both sides with plans put their air forces over the town of frenzo. Seems determined to finish the duel here.

The fighting pilots did not know that when they fought a decisive battle over the town of frenzo, a treacherous army battle would break out on sunset mountain 220 kilometers away.

And under the fighter they flew over. A top-level mecha battle aimed at controlling the battlefield and shielding intelligence has begun.

Ten adjudicators, in a loose formation, walked through the jungle full of towering ancient trees, twigs and vines.

These mecha have a black matte shell. The head shape is a Spartan warrior helmet. The metal hair crown on the top of the helmet is like an arc axe, extending from the back of the brain to the forehead.

The whole cheek is wrapped in thick metal, and even the bridge of the nose has an arrow shaped nose guard. Only the Y-shaped gap between the eyes and mouth is left.

This unique helmet, together with leafy shoulder armor, chest armor and armor joints of arm and knee protection, makes the ten judges look like ten ancient Spartan soldiers who came out of the space-time gap of the old fifth century and lost in the jungle of Leifeng island in the new ad. That tough and slender body contains a kind of leopard like explosive power in every walk.

Leaping over a fallen dead tree, a mecha walking in front suddenly squatted down in the thick fallen leaves, raised the mechanical arm and clenched its five fingers into a fist.

The team behind him stopped quickly. The adjudicators who extend to the two wings and the tail of the team face their own warning areas and instinctively make defensive posture in the state of facing the war.

Suddenly rotating the shell mouth extending out of the shell of the mecha, the rapidly bouncing missile cabin suspension frame, as well as the energy shield and ion light knife emitting cold light, make these mecha look like a group of wolves who find the enemy invading the territory at this moment.

They angrily opened their upper lips, exposed their sharp fangs, and growled in a low voice, which was extremely ferocious.

Captain wood put down his fist and listened carefully.

After confirming that there was no danger around, the 35 year old US Army Lieutenant Colonel made a gesture to signal the team members to remain on guard. Immediately, he controlled the mecha to spring up and jumped forward silently.

The black mecha bounced left and right through the trees. The movement is flexible and fast. It seemed as if what was running in the jungle was not a machine made of a metal ladle, but a panther foraging. More than 20 seconds later, wood stopped behind a small hillside at the edge of the jungle.

The sun shines from the slope of the hillside, and the dark primitive forest area is shrouded in a shallow bright golden light. Therefore, the line of sight extends from tens of meters to hundreds of meters away. In the distance, there were only shadowy trees, revealing their mottled bark and tangled vines in the sun.

The yellow leaves on the ground, like a thick carpet, have been paved to the depths of the jungle.

Fine birch trees grow on the steep slope. Several huge raised rocks emerged from the dead leaves on the slope, covered with wet moss. A broken dead branch lay on the ground beside the rock, shaking in the wind. It had withered but had not fallen leaves. Looking over the broken cobwebs on the dead branches, wood could clearly see nearly a kilometer below the hillside.

Here is a small farm in bargosa, a suburb of frenzo town.

The only small highway winds from the foot of the mountain in the distance, and turns due east along the river leading to the central urban area of frenzo town at a distance of about 400 meters from the hillside. A small stone bridge connects the roads on both sides of the river. Along a muddy slope in the east of xiaoshiqiao, there is a small forest, several houses and a large area of farmland.

At the moment, the farm was quiet. Large areas of bullet holes, overgrown farmland, dilapidated fences, half collapsed warehouses and broken and rusty agricultural machinery are telling people passing by that the owners here have long been uprooted because of the war.

The new owner is a Chinese armored company.

One of the platoons is close to wood's hillside. There are twelve armored vehicles guarding the stone bridge, and two classes and the stone bridge are in the shape of inverted goods. They are stationed in the farmhouse with gray wall and blue roof on the right side of the slope opposite the river and the open space beside the farmland irrigation canal 200 meters away on the left.

The remaining two platoons of the armored company were concentrated in the northeast of the farmhouse near a small forest, guarding both sides of the road leading to the central urban area of frenzo town in the east of the farmhouse.

At the sight of the armored company, wood's pupils contracted rapidly.

Cyan mecha, a small number of ugly heavy and medium mecha, mixed electronic mecha.

There is no doubt that this is the ultimate goal of the first battalion of the adjudicator - the Humvee Armored Division!

How did they appear here and when did they enter the battle? The forward force attacking banyunling collapsed so quickly. Was it the main force of China or the emergence of this force

Wood frowned, and for a moment questions poured into his mind.

It has been two weeks since he arrived at Leifeng with US Army General Rosenberg. In the past two weeks, the 300 reform fighters of the third brigade of wood's adjudicators have been living in the northern bridge city, 600 kilometers west of Phoenix. They have never appeared, let alone put into battle.

For the officers and men of the SUS white sus coalition, this force is extremely mysterious. It is said that their confidentiality level has reached 3S level, which is higher than that of the night army. Apart from cherda and the American emperor, even the crown prince has no right to mobilize this force.

Although most enemies have never even seen this army, their strength, their achievements, their mecha and everything have become the legends that inspire NATO soldiers in this battle.

At first, on the Ivy League island of Catalonia, the NATO coalition forces defeated the overwhelming Chinese army with only one adjudicator's mecha class as the forward, forcing the commander to lose all the advantages they had gained since the war.

Now, cherda has given a whole brigade and nearly a battalion in the southeast theater, 30 times the strength of the adjudicator of the Catalan campaign!

What does that mean?

This unexpected joy made the susbeth sus royal family ecstatic. The officials who asked for help were still on their way back. They had been promoted to the rank and became the hottest super red man in the two empires.

But that's just the idea of the SUS and the white SUS.

Wood knew that the third brigade was stationed here. There is only one real purpose, that is to fight the fierce army!

It was the fierce army that broke the legend of invincibility and zero casualties!

Although I don't want to admit it, every adjudicator knows the two defeats. If Ammon, who was sent to Freeport, was only an early experiment, then the two transformation soldiers of Humphrey fleet who were beaten up by ten fierce fighter pilots, like wood, were masterpieces after the transformation technology was fully mature.

This is absolutely intolerable for the judges who have survived the death barrier and have the power of God.

They are the strategic forces of the United States.

Their mecha control can reach the standard of manual control of 60 or even 70 movements per second. In this era of war, they are the kings at the top of the food chain pyramid. When the lion's dignity is challenged, their only choice is to jump at the enemy!

The Humvee is the first enemy of the adjudicator Corps.

Wood watched quietly.

The battle of frenzo was the first battle after the third group of adjudicators arrived at Leifeng island. The 100 adjudicators of his fifth squadron broke through the defense of the Chinese armored division in just ten minutes.

After the breakthrough, the fifth squadron returned to the back to rest. For them, the battle plan of field marshal suss Bailey had nothing to do with them.

No matter how precise the plan is and how great the results can be achieved, it is not worth caring about. They just help each other when they ask.

If the forward troops had not suddenly collapsed, I'm afraid the fifth squadron would still be idle in the central city of frenzo.

At the request of the commander of the USSR bessus coalition, the fifth Squadron, which had been put back into the battlefield, had been dispersed into ten teams.

Under the leadership of the squadron leader, five of the squadrons headed east along the intercity highway, ready to cooperate with the successor troops of the three armored divisions of the SUS white sus coalition to fight back against the Chinese Army on the front, so as to prevent the advance of its main force. The other five teams were ordered to intersperse into the war zone, explore intelligence, attack the Chinese troops and guard the strategic areas discussed.

Wood's task is to take the farm in front of him. For the main force to counterattack along the central intercity highway and hold the flank. Close the passage for the Chinese troops to detour from the side to form a pincer attack.

This was originally a simple task, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

If a regiment of ordinary Chinese armored forces was stationed here, wood would order his vice captain and eight soldiers to follow him and charge. But in the face of an armored company of the Humvee army, he needs careful consideration.

After recording the defensive situation of the Humvee armored company, wood went back to the waiting place in stealth mode. In my mind, I already have a complete set of operational plans.

He decided

We still have to compete with our opponents.

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