Since receiving the order to enter the theater, a row after row has been responsible for the battlefield shelter in this theater. Before that, they had killed two NATO reconnaissance teams silently in the jungle, limiting the battlefield intelligence of NATO forces in this theater to an extremely narrow area.

Originally, Baz wanted to lead the team to feel deeply to see if he could cut the connection between the two Susi armored battalions five kilometers away and their rear forces. Who knew that as soon as he entered the jungle, he found the adjudicator team.

Trying to compete with the adjudicator, Baz almost gave the order to attack without hesitation.

At the beginning, the Ranger and the adjudicator fought against each other, and five mecha could kill one. Now he drives twelve generations, with a force of 30 to 10. This is a duel between Cheng Heng and the adjudicator. He is determined to keep the adjudicator team!

However, to tell the truth, the strength of the adjudicator was still beyond Baz's expectation.

Even if he was driving a 12 generation mecha and had a magnetometer, even if he could reach the action frequency of 65 hands per second when he was exercising mecha martial arts, Baz was still in a cold sweat at the beginning of the fight. The speed of the other party's stormy attack even exceeded the standard of 70 moves per second.

Looking around, the fierce military aircraft Sergeants are desperately encircling here, and the three mecha towed by the opponent have been dragged by five. A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road. In this battle, to bully the few with more is to fight hard. Keep them anyway!

Although his opponent suddenly said "metal head", which surprised wood and angered him, he still didn't lose his cool. He knew that the opponent wanted to hold himself and wait for the siege of other devil mecha.

"Go!" Wood ignored buzz. He roared wildly. The mecha lightning attacked five fists and seven legs, forced a devil mecha that entangled his companions horizontally, and then quickly threw himself back and kicked another devil mecha.

With the outbreak of wood, the fierce fighter sergeant, who was already at a disadvantage in quantity, immediately stalled the offensive and let several other judges. There is a gap to get out.

Boom! With a loud explosion, the five adjudicators and the two adjudicators whose wings quickly approached this side, like a rocket, shot out of the dust diffused like a shock wave on the ground and rushed into the depths of the jungle.

At the moment of starting, they had seen the broken No. 4 mecha behind them. In a tragic exchange of killing moves, his legs were destroyed, and the devil mecha he attacked only hurt his arm under the cover of his companion.

No. 5 and No. 6 next to No. 4 are not optimistic. Although they are still fighting hard. However, more and more devil mecha around them have almost drowned them.

Each of these devil mecha has a combat effectiveness no less than that of the adjudicator. Their mecha is extremely fast, and their defense and attack power are very strong, as if they have a heart like lava in their body. Adjudicators not only have little advantage in performance, but often make mistakes at critical moments.

What's more shocking is the opponent's combat skills. The smooth and strange footwork and moves can't be covered by ordinary mecha control patterns at all. They are around No. 5 and No. 6. Although they all move at the same frequency, they make them dance like a startling dragon. All kinds of techniques are dazzling.

One on one, No. 5 and No. 6 may not fall behind, but under the tacit group attack and kill, it is dangerous.

The judges who rose from the air restrained their minds and increased the speed of the mecha to the highest. On both sides, the crazy devil mecha is no more than 100 meters away. If you can't rush out, I'm afraid the whole team will be left here.

Rush out. You must tell your senior general and your companions what has happened here.

"Sir, shall we chase?" A fierce fighter sergeant asked buzz.

He fired several shots at the place where the seven judges fled, and Baz waved his hand: "it's enough to eat three. Our task is to clean up the surrounding shielding battlefield for the main counter attack, and... "Baz sneered at the seven adjudicator mecha hurried away:" there are still people waiting for them in front. "

"Fan Li, this way!"

A dark green Chinese "little antelope" reconnaissance aircraft quickly jumped from the slope under the highway to the subgrade. After running 50 meters along the highway, it jumped up the hillside on the other side of the highway.

At the moment when the "little antelope" disappeared, another "scavenger" omnipotent support mecha also jumped onto the road. After a few big strides, it went into the woods where the little antelope was located.

These two types of aircraft armor are the standard reconnaissance aircraft armor of the armored battalion of the Chinese infantry division.

The little antelope, no more than three meters tall, is an eight generation special reconnaissance aircraft armour with agile action and strong concealment. It can be close to the target area within one kilometer to implement accurate scanning and long-range attack guidance. The "scavenger" omnipotent aircraft armour, only four meters and 20 meters tall, is a support aircraft armour integrating fire attack and electronic attack.

Among the armored forces with strong mobility, the reconnaissance team composed of individual soldiers, electronics, heavy and medium-sized machine armor not only has strong long-distance reconnaissance ability, but also has strong combat ability.

Therefore, these two kinds of mecha are specially made for infantry engineers with weak movement and intelligence collection ability.

When conducting long-distance reconnaissance far away from the station, these two types of aircraft armor with not strong combat capability but strong stealth capability can often collect important intelligence for the infantry division. Therefore, in the aircraft infantry division, those who can get the driving qualification of these two kinds of aircraft armor and pair up with two people to carry out long-distance reconnaissance missions are the best aircraft armor soldiers in the aircraft infantry division.

Zeng Xu drove the antelope and waited for his companion Fan Li to follow him in the woods. Immediately, in stealth mode, he touched silently in the direction of the sound of artillery and explosion.

Half an hour ago, the second regiment of the mechanized infantry division, where Zeng Xu was located, followed behind the fierce army and took over the defense area of Marbury Cathedral in the southeast of frenzo town. The two battalions of the Humvee army were just there. Through a rapid interlude, they cut off the retreat of the second regiment of the SUS armored division, completely annihilated the regiment, and forced the two regiments of sus to retreat to the flensu center.

The second regiment has been running in front of all the Chinese troops since the fierce army launched a counterattack for more than 20 kilometers from banyunling. Therefore, we can see the counterattack of the first armored division of the Hummer army most clearly.

It can be said that the battle was fought under the eyes of the second regiment.

They looked at the blue individual mecha and penetrated the three armored regiments of Susi with two battalions. Watching them detour, cut, annihilate and pursue the enemy like a steel knife cutting tofu.

After a battle, the Chinese soldiers were dazzled.

Ordinary infantry may only be excited about the powerful attack power of the Humvee army, but for Zeng Xu's mecha soldiers, the Humvee fighter's powerful close-up killing technique is the most admired by them.

In the past, an armored division had a level 9 mecha soldier, who was already a superstar. But now, almost all of the guys driving cyan mecha in the fierce army show the strength of level 9 or even higher in the battle. As long as they are close, ordinary NATO mecha soldiers are like a group of local chickens and dogs.

Zeng Xu has heard the legend of the pilots from the free port free world. Before, he always thought it was just an absurd rumor, but now he has become the strongest supporter and disseminator of the legend.

Marbury Cathedral block is now in ruins. The second regiment was stationed there to assist the Humvee in cleaning and defense. Behind the left side of the line of defense is a farm in bargosa guarded by the Humvee armored company. On the right and in front are the battle areas between the Humvee and the enemy's peripheral forces.

In order to find out the battle situation around Marbury Cathedral, so as to better complete the task of guarding the back road for the fierce army, head Deng Changqing sent out all the reconnaissance soldiers and the only three reconnaissance aircraft groups in the regiment.

Now, Zeng Xu and his companion Fan Li's task is to go around the south of the war zone along these areas composed of farms, woods and small settlements outside frenzo town to find out the current situation.

Originally, Zeng Xu thought that the whole battlefield was now compressed by the Humvee army to the West and northwest of bargosa, and there would be no NATO troops to the south of his position and the farm where the Humvee armored company was stationed. But who knows, when he and Fan Li left the position and walked less than five kilometers to the southwest, they heard the sound of fighting from the front.

Zeng Xuchong made a gesture to Fan Li. One by one, they carefully trotted down the forest clearing on the ridge.

A few minutes later, they stopped on the hillside and looked down.

This is a mountain depression like a sofa. The hills on both sides and in the distance are half bright and half dark in the afternoon sun.

Tall and slender trees, red or yellow or green, layer by layer, high or low. Not far from the cliff, there is also a snow-white waterfall. The splashing water flowed down from the green cliffs and into the dense jungle. It was beautiful.

However, Zeng Xu and Fan Li are not at all interested in enjoying the scenery. On the contrary, with the appearance of several black mecha, their vests climbed up a layer of cold sweat.


The heart beat violently with the emergence of these three words.

Whether Zeng Xu was tall or Fan Li was thin, his scalp was numb and his hands and feet were cold at this moment.

One two three four five six seven!

The whole seven adjudicators were running fast in the jungle. The undulating mountains and dense trees can't slow their pace at all.

This kind of almost legendary terrorist fighters once directly pierced the defense line of the Chinese army with ten machine armours, led the NATO armored forces behind them, and swarmed in from a breach, which could not be stopped.

Later, it was said that a staff officer who read the battle records at that time admitted that if he wanted to block these mecha soldiers, he must arrange an armored division on the defense line per kilometer. In the past, the battle method of using one armored division to build a front defense line of more than 10 kilometers and stationed one or two armored divisions behind the defense area of two or three divisions was completely invalid in front of the adjudicator. This statement may be exaggerated, but the defeat convinced many people.

Zeng Xu clung to the ground, turned off the engine and started the electric device. Fan Li next to him also turned on all the electronic shielding and camouflage functions of the scavenger.

The two Chinese soldiers knew that once they were discovered by the enemy, they would immediately end up with plane destruction and human death. Not to mention the seven adjudicators, even if it is only one, it is not what ordinary soldiers with a hand speed of 35 and driving eight generations of reconnaissance aircraft can compete with.

In terms of control strength and mecha performance, compared with each other, they are like two rabbits next to a lion. They have no chance of winning in front of absolute power.

However, they soon found something wrong. The adjudicator team appeared in the direction of the sound of gunfire and ran southwest.

They did not go in the direction of Marbury Cathedral, but ran against the farm where the Humvee armored company was stationed.

The scarred mecha shell, the formation of two mecha towed behind, and the action of looking back from time to time seem so frightened. It's better to say that it's in


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