Zeng Xu and Fan Li could hardly suppress their shock. Could it be that the fierce army defeated these adjudicators and killed them and fled?

The continuous trees, like a large green blanket, spread far away with the undulating mountains. A moment later, the adjudicator team had disappeared into the continuous jungle.

"Go." Zeng Xu got up and the cat waved to Fan Li.

Fan Li nodded, followed the antelope, slid down the mountain silently, and ran in the direction of the disappearance of the adjudicator team.

Two partners with the same heart know each other's thoughts. Their reconnaissance mission requires them to ensure the safety of their flanks. More importantly, they want to know what happened to the adjudicator team.

Walking through the jungle for more than ten minutes, Zeng Xu and Fan Li suddenly heard the fierce gunfire and explosion from the front. The two quickly passed through a dense Bush and climbed up a mountain with hands and feet.

I saw that the hillside of another mountain, seven or eight hundred meters below, had become a hell full of shells and explosive light.

Several tall and straight trees broke in an exploding round ball of light and fell sideways to the ground. The flying soil splashed high like water. The whole mountain trembled in the violent explosion. The continuous canopy is like a duckweed covered with a group of competing fish, swaying rapidly in the ripples of the waves.

Zeng Xu hurriedly opened the mecha telephoto and aimed the lens at the hillside. Through the gap between the leaves and the trunk, dozens of black devil mecha are jumping like ghosts, punching and kicking. The target of their attack was the adjudicator team that had just run past in front of them.

For a moment, Zeng Xu and Fan Li almost stopped breathing.

One side is the famous adjudicator, while the other side's devil mecha is the 12 generations of Chinese mecha that have been spread throughout the army.

Although this was the first time they saw the rampant, it did not prevent them from connecting this kind of machine armor with the 12th generation machine armor in the mouth of the fierce Army soldiers fighting side by side for the first time.

The black body, like the shape of the devil, is the most elite ares force in the mouth of the fierce Army soldiers!

Now, they are fighting against the adjudicator. Two level seven soldiers, whose hand speed is no more than 30, climb the hillside, stare and hold their breath. With an increasingly rapid heartbeat in their chest, they look at the battle in front of them.

"Attack with all your strength!" Wood roared and frantically jumped on a demon mecha in front of him.

Driven by the engine, the ion light knife in the adjudicator's right hand has soared nearly two meters long. It cleaved down with wood's roar. The other six adjudicators also launched the strongest attack at the same time. Every move is a life for life fight.

This team, which just paid the price of three adjudicators to escape from the pursuit, never dreamed that it was intercepted by the same devil mecha team before it ran 20 kilometers.

The same machine armor, the same strong fighting skills, these damn devil machine armor, like demons in the jungle, haunt.

Wood didn't choose to run away, because this time he bumped into each other's encirclement and didn't even have a chance to get rid of it.

Only death!


At the critical moment, the ion light knife was dodged by the devil armor that pulled out two phantoms. Before wood could close his knife and change his moves, he saw the devil mecha appear on his right side like a ghost and punch his waist and abdomen.

"Die!" Wood bent his knees and kicked his legs. The machine armor hit the devil's machine armor like a loaded shell. The bent iron knee, with an invincible rage, went straight to the opponent's face.

There was no imagined violent impact.

The devil's machine armor turned the fist into a palm, and the palm was pasted on the judge's knee like a gauze.

This extremely gentle paste is like a big net, which catches the shell out of the chamber. The adjudicator's knee bump had just started, and it became the end of a powerful crossbow. With the gentle skill of the devil's mecha, the adjudicator's knee was forcibly pressed down and almost fell to the ground.

Sooner or later, the devil's mecha suddenly took advantage of its strength to lift up a whip leg, and in the blink of an eye it reached the judge's head.

"Boom!" Then there was a deafening noise. The whip leg of the devil's mecha was firmly pivoted on the arm of the judge who raised his head.

Come on, too fast.

Zeng Xu and Fan Li, who climbed on the top of the mountain, just felt that their breathing had to stop!

The shock brought to them by the demon mecha is difficult to describe in words. That kind of mecha fighting action is unimaginable. Mecha, a combat weapon composed of engine and machinery, rampaged and took speed and strength as the standard of combat effectiveness. It was completely rejected by the light stick and press of the devil mecha.

And the adjudicator of the United States is worthy of its legendary name. Under the amazing attack of the devil mecha, it can even block the almost inevitable kill in the end. Its speed has reached the extreme.

Two level-7 mecha soldiers felt that their eyes were almost out of sight. Only the telephoto they opened still faithfully recorded the unexpected outbreak, but it was destined to be recorded in the battle between the fierce army and the adjudicator.

Perhaps they know the strength of their opponents. By this time, the soldiers of both sides have come up with all their skills.

This is no longer an ordinary battle. When the twelve generation mecha of both sides collide with each other with different control modes, different skills and different formations, and fight for the honor of their respective groups and their own lives, this is a dead fight.

Both sides know that the other side is their most powerful opponent, and both know that if they meet on a narrow road, they will never die. Therefore, at the moment when the battle broke out in the jungle, it became white hot. There was no way out for the adjudicator. Every move was a life for life move. Their speed has been improved to the extreme, and the mecha action has already exceeded the standard of 70 movements per second. From the side, these black steel Spartan soldiers gathered together like bulls surrounded by wolves.

However, the ferocity of the adjudicator did not scare off the fierce military aircraft sergeant.

Although judging from the action frequency of mecha, the adjudicator still has the upper hand, the adjudicator's speed advantage has been weakened a lot in terms of the number and technical advantages of the fierce army.

More importantly, the fierce fighter fighter fought hard, even harder than these adjudicators.

When the soil splashed, a judge dodged the attack of another devil mecha beside him, and fiercely chopped at the front opponent. This knife is extremely fierce. Once it is split, it will end in half.

Facing the attack of the adjudicator, the fierce fighter sergeant in front did not retreat. He knew that as long as he retreated, the pace that the adjudicator had just been forced to slow down would accelerate. Facing the other party's ion light knife, he took a bold step. While avoiding the key, the ion dagger in his hand stabbed the other party's heart.

Zeng Xu and Fan Li couldn't help closing their eyes. However, before they close their eyes, the outcome is divided.

The devil's mecha was hit on the shoulder by a knife. The whole shoulder was split into a huge crack, and the mecha arm was almost completely removed.

And his ion dagger also hit the adjudicator's chest.

The adjudicator also turned quickly to avoid being pierced in the chest. However, with the tacit cross attack of the other two devil mecha around him, he finally failed to escape the siege. In a moment, his body was cut in half, with a sky high fire shining in the jungle.

This is the first judge killed.

Perhaps stimulated by the death of his companions, the remaining six adjudicators attacked madly.

The two sides twisted together. The harsh sound of gold and iron and the roar of engines made the battlefield more bloody and tragic. Black mecha, desperately attacking each other. The exploding light mass, the soaring flame, the flying ion knife light and the moving and flashing figure form a blood blurred picture.


Another earth shaking explosion.

This is the second arbiter to be destroyed.

Zeng Xu saw with his own eyes that the adjudicator once shook with a horizontal fast attack. In tens of seconds, the two mecha entered and retreated, shot hundreds of meters in a straight line, and each attacked hundreds of moves. The sound of the fist and foot collision can be heard like a fire breathing machine gun.

Although the adjudicator finally succeeded in seriously injuring the transverse vehicle, it was also punctured by another transverse vehicle obliquely inserted from the side because of the heavy damage and failure of the driving system.

Then came the third arbiter.

The arbiter who hit down in the air was still in the air, and was kicked on his lower leg by a rapidly started vehicle. When the mecha was like an out of control helicopter, the propeller rotated and carried to the ground, the other one soared into the sky, bent its knees and crashed into the back of the mecha. The whole mecha fell to the ground like a broken puppet. The fourth vehicle, in the high-speed chase, was strangled by one vehicle, and was pierced by another vehicle with an ion dagger.

The fifth, the sixth

Ten minutes later, in front of Zeng Xu and Fan Li, there was only a judge in distress.

By this time, their minds are only blank.

Six adjudicators were killed, and the price paid by the fierce army was only two serious injuries and six minor injuries.

Even if they had the advantage of quantity, they finally broke the terrorist legend of the adjudicator and stepped on this seemingly invincible monster!

The two stared blankly at their telephoto screen.

They couldn't help thinking how much shock and encouragement they would bring to their comrades in arms if they took back this thrilling battle record.

Wood gasped, the thick nutrient liquid bubbling one after another.

At the moment, he has a splitting headache. Excessive mental loss made him unable to maintain high-intensity combat.

Beside him, the remains of six black mecha were burning. Those demonic enemies still revolve around themselves calmly. How can they defeat themselves if they don't bully others?

A feeling of heroic doom attacked wood in an instant.

Dodging the attack of a devil's mecha, he frantically forced the other two devil mecha with two knives in a row. Wood suddenly threw himself sideways and made a breakthrough.

A demon mecha that stood up to block the way was fooled.

Wood laughed wildly. Regardless of the enemies who suddenly surrounded behind him, he used all his strength to stab the ion light knife into the chest of the devil's mecha.

At least, kill one!

Two ion daggers stabbed wood's cockpit at the same time.

In the thick green nutrient solution, a blood red bloomed like a flower and flowed out along the gap of the engine room. A trace, a wisp, flirtatious and desperate.

Wood laughed wildly and fell down.

Suddenly, a stream of blood rushed up his throat, blocked his trachea and blocked his laughter. With blood bubbles in his mouth and eyes protruding like dead fish, he looked at the world gradually tilting.

In front of me, a mini mecha was ejected from the back of the devil mecha. Through the transparent cockpit of the micro mecha, he could even see the mocking corners of the fighter's mouth.

The ion light knife inserted into the empty shell of the devil's mecha gradually extinguished its light after losing the support of the engine.

Wood struggled, the blood bubbles in his mouth gushing out like a spring. His throat made a clucking sound, but he couldn't speak any more.

The earth finally came.

The whole world, after flicking twice, is dark.

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