The officers looked at each other with a jump in their hearts.

Yes, and the fierce army!

How can I ignore these guys?

You know, it's a gang of evil spirits that can't be inferred by common sense. Just dozens of hours ago, they just annihilated Auburn's Dragon fleet and achieved a miraculous victory! Because the time is too short, the news has not spread yet. However, everyone knows that it won't be long. The whole of China will be a sensation.

When the people celebrate, I'm afraid they will never dream that the most powerful Humvee is not their fleet, but their army armored division. Their goal is not Auburn encountered on the way, but the susbeth suss coalition that is storming the western line of Phoenix!

Auburn's fall was just because he was blocked in front of the fierce army and killed easily.

We don't know how many adjudicators NATO has. But as we all know, the fierce army has 500 newly released warriors, rangers who can easily defeat the 10th and 11th generation mecha of Zhang Cheng's 31st army, a large number of gods of war, and countless 9th and 10th level mecha soldiers.

If beliff wants to capture the west line of Phoenix, he must pass the fierce army first!

"This is the judgment jointly made by the headquarters of the fierce army and Leifeng front army." Feng Zhi smiled when answering Li Cunxin's question: "obviously, they have reached an agreement."

Hearing Feng Zhi's answer, the officers present were relieved.

Not everyone can accept the spearhead of the fierce army.

Their unique style and the origin of their identity make them always in a state of distrust. In particular, their commander who is out of tune, even in China, the free port, the free world, the longbow sea area and the northern Leifeng Island, has amazing meritorious achievements, and has been despised and ignored because of his personality.

Old Marshal Li Cunxin said that whoever can give Fang Chutian enough trust, Fang Chutian can give him ten times and one hundred times in return.

No one doubts the words of the old marshal who fought with Fang Chutian on Leifeng island in the north. In fact, in addition to the Chinese people who reported unconditional trust to Chu Tian, the first to put their trust into action were Marshal Li Cunxin and military God Huang Shengtian.

The trust of the two marshals of China was rewarded on the first day when the fierce army went south to Lei Feng sea area. A hearty victory. Let everyone, including Qin demon and the members of the supreme United parliament, shut up!

Now, Lei Feng's front army and the fierce army have reached an agreement!

This means that the internal constraints have disappeared. The fierce army, struggling step by step from the edge to the present monster. There's enough room to wave their paws!

"This is the battle plan put forward by the fierce army." Feng Zhi opened a document on the central computer console: "they took the first armored division of the Humvee army as the main force and attacked the enemy of frenzo head-on. The second armored division, the defense section, went forward. After defeating the bessus armored division, it detoured to the west of frenzo Town, cut off the enemy's retreat and formed a siege. "

Feng Zhi's whip gently clicked the two red arrows in front of and behind frenzo town. It fell on the third arrow from north to South: "these are the three divisions of the 13th army of China. They went south from the Sherlock mountains to join the battle of frenzo town. The goal is to cooperate with the two armored divisions of the Humvee army to wipe out the enemy of frenzo town. "

The generals present nodded. Based on their understanding of the combat effectiveness of the fierce army, this battle plan is almost like a lion fighting a rabbit.

Not to mention the three armored divisions of the 33rd army and other forces around frenzo, the combined strength of nearly two divisions. The two armored divisions of the Humvee alone are enough to tear apart only three NATO divisions in the town of frenzo!

From the perspective of military input, it is obvious that Fang Chutian has a greater purpose.

Sure enough, as Feng Zhi switched the screen, we found that several attack arrows originally gathered in frenzo town had been merged into one, and this one. Arrow, unexpectedly

"Roundabout, he wants to eat beliff's main force." One of the patios jumped up regardless of the image.

Immediately, there was an uproar in the hall. Everyone did not expect that the operational intention of the fierce army was to go out from frenzo town with six divisions and detour to the west of sunset mountain.

On the screen, the huge red arrow, like a steel knife, cuts across the front of the west line of Phoenix, from south to north, with a travel distance of nearly 300 kilometers. The fierce army has to pass through six defense sections in a fierce battle situation!

Along the way, they were almost against the whole beilif northern group army!

"It's too risky!"

"You can't do that!"

For a moment, the officers stood up excitedly.

All the people present are generals of the military region who have made friends with the fierce army. They have formed a new group with the fierce army and the Chinese military headquarters as the center and Huang Shengtian and Li Cunxin as the leaders.

In this new group, anyone can take risks, but the fierce army can't take risks.

Although from the operational diagram, the front army of Leifeng island has transferred all troops from Phoenix and the surrounding areas to sunset mountain. However, in terms of time, they have fallen behind their opponents.

No one knows how long the sunset mountain can last.

It is an obvious fact that the main force of Lei Feng Island front army needs at least 20 hours to invest in the sunset mountain battlefield.

NATO troops made adequate preparations early on. The troops hastily assembled by the Lei Feng Island front army can not be compared with their opponents in terms of morale, tactical planning and logistics.

Once sunset mountain falls before the main force arrives. Being rushed into the Phoenix plain by NATO troops, even if Chen Fengxi has great ability, he can't stop it, let alone surround the enemy with the fierce army.

At that time, the fierce army cut across to the west of sunset mountain, which not only made no sense. And fall into the heavy siege of the enemy. Beliff has always been famous for being steady, accurate and cruel. He will never let go of the meat sent to his mouth.

If he knows that the fierce army is to China as the arbiter is to NATO, he can even give up sunset mountain and return to the army at all costs to eat the fierce army!

"Fang Chutian is too brave." Li Cunxin smiled and said to Huang Shengtian: "what do you think?"

"This is a good opportunity. If beliff can't understand the combat effectiveness of the fierce army in time, he can't see the secret of Fang Chutian's hook." Huang Shengtian said faintly, "he will suffer."

The command mecha swayed along the road full of craters. Lei Chuang stood on the command platform of the mecha, holding the railing tightly with both hands, and his body swayed back and forth with the ups and downs of the mecha.

From the high command platform, the broad highway and the flat land on both sides of the highway are full of mighty troops.

The huge and majestic heavy machine armor like a moving castle, the insect medium machine armor like a scorpion, the dusty human individual machine armor running forward, the transportation machine armor of the logistics force, the heavy Yuegao truck, and the soldiers marching on foot with guns and portable shells form dozens of winding dragons parallel to each other from east to west.

The tail of the long dragon is still beyond the horizon, and the front end of the long dragon has entered the urban area of frenzo. Under several towering sea cities and hundreds of meters high buildings, this long team is like ants under a big tree.

A damaged cyan mecha stopped by the side of the road.

The sweating medics are wrapping the wounds of the surviving fighter. Young Humvee mecha warrior. Calmly looking at the focused medical soldiers and passing Chinese soldiers, the eyes of the fierce military aircraft Sergeant are undisguised admiration.

Around, there are countless debris of different sizes. Pieces of ragged steel parts were quietly scattered in the crater. Many large pieces of debris are still burning. Black smoke billowed.

The logistics soldiers who cleaned the battlefield drove engineering mecha back and forth on the battlefield. Carefully lift the remains of your own soldiers onto the transport armour and treat the bodies of enemy soldiers. They were not so polite and threw it directly into the truck. On the heavy truck, the mountains of corpses make people feel numb.

After all, there are some enemy bodies and mecha wreckage, which are under special care.

That's the wreckage of the adjudicator's armor.

A few hours ago, a full 50 adjudicators suffered a bloody massacre on this battlefield.

Yes, even now. Lei Chuang still couldn't accept the fact, but he had to admit that it was a real, out and out massacre.

At that time, he stood on the hillside of Big Bear Mountain and watched the hemispherical light clusters in the distant urban area protrude from the ground and sweep across the earth. Looking at the mid air, the catapult shells crisscross. Also looked at the dense mecha, the figure of soldiers, surging constantly.

The NATO armored forces that launched a counter attack along the central intercity highway were fierce and crazy.

With 50 adjudicators as the vanguard, they put on the posture of forced assault. Nonstop electronic attacks, overwhelming artillery coverage, and accelerating armor clusters.

It seems unstoppable.

Lei Chuang saw the battle of the adjudicator for the first time.

He could not imagine that if the thirty-three army was against the fifty adjudicators. What a nightmare he will experience.

In front of these terrible mecha soldiers, ordinary mecha is like a child with bare hands in front of professional killers. That overwhelming advantage can not be made up by any tactics.

At that moment, Lei Chuang's heart was frozen. He never knew that since the war broke out two years ago, his familiar mecha battle had evolved to a height that made him feel afraid.

He had no doubt that as long as these damn Spartan soldiers were given enough space, they could tear up the whole 33rd army!

At that time, Lei Chuang watched 300 devilish horizontal mecha rush down the mountain and rush to the forefront of NATO's counterattack.

It was a thrilling battle that Lei Chuang remembered so far.

He can't describe it in words. He just firmly remembers every picture he sees, and constantly recalls and aftertastes it.

The light chain of the shell cuts through the night sky; The missile suddenly flashed from mid air and shot into the ground; The light of the explosion lit up the distant horizon. Hundreds of steel machines run, jump and change direction in the wilderness with unimaginable speed and incredible flexibility.

Countless steel mechanical legs vibrate the earth, the suspension system eliminates the violent vibration during running with gentle ups and downs, and the external transmission rod is expanding and contracting rapidly. The missile launcher extends out of the concealment cabin during running, and the ion light knife becomes brighter and brighter with the approach of distance.

The fast-moving mecha of both sides finally collided with each other.

In an instant, people turned upside down!

Like ghosts, they are moving and changing positions alternately. An ion light knife or ion dagger splits the rich night and pulls out countless desolate and dazzling arcs.

That beautiful but deadly, cruel move that makes people cold all over, the dazzling white light that suddenly shines in the scuffle mecha group, and the fragments that burn like meteors.

Lei Chuang believes that in the past few decades, until this night, thousands of officers and soldiers standing here are too old to walk, and no one will forget this picture.

Everyone just stared at the two sides fighting together, staring at two different black mecha, showing the irresistible combat effectiveness in front of their eyes.

The process of fighting has been shocking enough, and what is more shocking is the result!

The arbiter is strong. But what they met was the mecha God of war of the special battalion directly under the fierce army, who was as powerful as them but much more than them!

The fierce army marched wildly, and made every effort at the moment of the outbreak of the battle. In just ten minutes, 50 adjudicators were chopped over like melons and vegetables under the siege of 300 fierce troops.

As a result, the soldiers present could not believe their eyes.

That's not a herd of pigs! That's the adjudicator who can keep the army generals of most military regions in China silent by name alone!

Their names come from their strong power to make arbitrary decisions on anyone!

But now they have been executed before they come and make a ruling.

Three hundred fierce army rampant mecha, in a barbaric way, directly blew them up.

At the moment, seeing the wreckage of the referee's mecha, Lei Chuang finally determined that this

Not a dream.

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