In terms of combat effectiveness, the adjudicator is absolutely no inferior to the fierce army. However, in terms of cooperation, close combat skills and mecha performance, the fierce army is unmatched by the judges who win by controlling speed.

More importantly, the Humvee seems to have a magical ability to summon the goddess of luck. This ability can often enable them to avoid killing themselves or obtain excellent opportunities in the mistakes of their opponents.

It is not surprising that the adjudicator who always makes mistakes at the critical moment meets more enemies than himself in a wrong place and is slaughtered.

The mecha roared in my ears. The roar of grass-roots officers and the noise of soldiers seemed to be full of fighting spirit at night.

Lei Chuang looked at the iron and steel torrent rolling towards the city with the sound of gunfire. In his heart, he thought over the battle plan given to him by the simple and honest lieutenant general named Fang Chutian.

Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing agreed to this crazy battle plan.

When fifty legendary adjudicators made their first appearance in front of their eyes. At the end of such a miserable way, what reason do you have to refuse.

What we can look forward to is just a big war in the next dozens of hours!

Success or failure, at least shocking!

The assembly alarm suddenly sounded.

A group of soldiers who had already assembled ran out of the camp and gathered in line. One by one, the armored vehicles in combat mode stood up in the constant "Zizi" sound and drove out of the apron.

The huge playground and roads were dusty. In just 20 minutes, nearly 6000 individual mecha and hundreds of heavy, medium and electronic mecha have been assembled. With the command of the officers, they drive out of the base row by row, turn onto the resource highway through the urban highway, and head for the northwest.

As bright as the daytime base searchlight, the figure of two major generals and dozens of school level officers was pulled long. These officers with firm eyes saluted Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing. Turn around and run to their respective command mecha. Heavy metal pedals shrink. The hatch is closed. The heavy mecha picked up a burst of dust and merged into the rolling traffic.

"Let's go!" After standing still for a long time, Chen Fengxi first walked to the motorcade waiting on the side.

The motorcade sped along the urban highway. Outside the window, the city, which was originally bustling, has become empty and deserted.

Without the bustling troops and transport convoys; There are no officers who drive military cars to turn left and right in the traffic flow; There were no patrols with guns on their backs and walking in a row on the sidewalk outside the store; There are no barbed wire and sandbag isolation belts at the intersection, and there are no vacation soldiers chatting up with female soldiers under the bus stop.

The dim street lights make the city look less real. The open streets and silent ruins look like the empty chip box in front of all gamblers.

With the departure of the Last Armored Division, all mobile reserve forces of the Leifeng Island front army have been put into the direction of sunset mountain. The remaining reserve forces in Phoenix, except for the guard regiment directly under the front army, are just two mechanized infantry regiments and some scattered soldiers who have just retired from the front line and have no time to rectify.

Everyone knows that Leifeng Island front army has pressed the last strength to fight with beliff's main northern group army.

After winning, the front army in Leifeng sea area can break the current passive situation and regain the initiative of the war situation in its own hands. If it loses, it will be doomed.

It was a difficult decision.

However, since it has been made, there is no room for repentance.

More careful planning. It is also full of unpredictable variables. No one knows at which moment the goddess of victory will smile at herself, and at which moment she will suddenly turn away.

It's just that everyone doesn't want to be that frog in warm water.

"Will we reap a miracle or a fiasco?" The convoy drove into the base where the headquarters was located. Zhu Dabing sighed with a long sigh as he watched the lines of the security regiment directly under the front army passing through the window of the car.

"We have done everything we can." Chen Fengxi looked at his partner and smiled: "I don't regret whether I win or lose."

The car stopped in front of the building where the headquarters was located, and a guard opened the door.

Before getting off the car, Chen Fengxi stopped his steps, looked back at Zhu Dabing and said, "do you know what my biggest harvest was before the battle began?"

"Fierce army?" Zhu Dabing guessed.

"No, my biggest gain is." Chen Fengxi got out of the car with a smile: "I met a Zhu Dabing who surprised me."

Looking at the straight figure walking towards the stairs of the small building, Zhu Dabing smiled.

He shook his head and strode out of the car.

Everything in my mind about gain and loss disappeared without a trace.

As a soldier, it is lucky to be able to coincide with this magnificent era and participate in such a key battle. Even if this battle is the last performance of my life, I will end up in the enemy's and my own blood with the most tenacious attitude!

What else is more proud than this!

Battle Hall of the headquarters. Because of Skynet's recovery, there are many more people. The staff officers who returned to work were in a hurry. They even met Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing in the corridor, and there was no time to stand at attention and salute.

Skynet's central computer runs in the whine of the cooler. The data transmitted from every corner of the battlefield is collected, analyzed and sorted here, and finally becomes a cursor, a string of numbers, a paragraph of text or an image on the screen.

These data may come from the scouts on the front line, the troops who stick to the defense line, the radar system of a night vision instrument, a mecha, and an automatic detector in the depths of the jungle. The highly developed modern electronic technology makes it possible for people to control everything through this ubiquitous data exchange.

The resurrected Skynet is still expanding its vision.

On the simulated topographic map on the central main screen of Skynet, the originally empty mountains, rivers, roads and bridges have been filled with all kinds of intelligence labels. Among them, there are the number of troops on both sides, the route and designation, as well as the time, combat intensity and results of the troops.

Although under the strong electronic interference of the enemy, Skynet can grasp only a small part of the whole battlefield of Leifeng island. However, compared with the previous situation of almost two eyes and one smear, it is much better.

Moreover, under the leadership of that magical genius woman, the energetic electronic engineers are constantly expanding the coverage of intelligence and constantly activating the intelligence terminals that could not be activated.

Hundreds of staff officers with different tasks are working nervously. Everyone put all their heart into it.

As the core center of this war, with the recovery of Skynet, they have not only far more combat troops on the front line, but also more command centers than the enemy.

They cherish what they have now.

Know yourself and the enemy and win every battle. This military norm, even now thousands of years later, is not outdated. Mastering the whereabouts of the enemy and the situation of the whole battlefield can make the most accurate judgment and the most timely response!

For the war that is already pressing on Meijie, this is so precious.

Now, twenty NATO armored divisions have poured into the sunset mountain basin. Beliff's northern group army pushed the front to the foot of sunset mountain.

All strategic areas to the west of sunset mountain have basically fallen into the hands of NATO forces. Only Qixing Town and Xiushuihe Town, two isolated islands besieged by the enemy, are still insisting on resistance.

Behind the sunset mountain is the sunset mountain satellite city located in the basin plain.

The pressure on the front line is great. The theater commander called for help several times. But the reports of help were suppressed.

The troops were sent up, but in order to hide their strategic intentions, it is not time to fight with beliff.

Except for a small number of senior generals such as general LAN Rushan, other soldiers on the front line did not know. As early as NATO attacked sunset mountain, the headquarters had made a judgment in advance and moved the two nearest armored divisions to the sunset mountain theater.

While the enemy gradually pushed eastward along the sixth resource highway. Six more divisions moved up. Behind the sunset mountain defense line, a forward base that can reinforce the front line at any time was built.

The remaining troops farther away. Now I'm going to sunset mountain all the way. At dawn, the front army will be able to gather the troops of 20 divisions at sunset mountain!

There is no denying that beliff successfully directed a lightning raid.

Twenty NATO Armored Divisions rushed into the sunset mountain basin, occupying all towns, highlands and traffic arteries in the mountainous and hilly areas to the west of the basin.

However, after all, they have not crossed the low mountain range guarded by the blue mountain general.

That mountain range is the first mountain range that can be seen from the satellite city on the plain to the West. Every day, the sun sets from that mountain.

That is sunset mountain.

As long as NATO troops can't cross this low mountain, they can never claim that they have occupied the sunset mountain basin and sunset mountain satellite city!

What the sunset mountain defense line needs to do is to hold the main force of NATO in a shaky form. Until the rear is assembled, until the fierce army completes a shocking siege from the town of frenzo!

Entering the headquarters, Chen Fengxi went straight to Huang Xiaolei and other fierce army generals standing at the Skynet console.

"Commander, chief of staff." Feeling that Chen Fengxi and Zhu Dabing came to her side, Huang Xiaolei nodded.

"What's going on over there in frenzo?" Chen Fengxi looked at the time.

Huang Xiaolei stared at the Skynet screen, shook her head slightly and said, "the 33rd army has just arrived in frenzo town. The general attack has been launched for less than half an hour. There is no news yet."

"Just received the news from Beijing that marshal Huang Shengtian and the Chinese military headquarters have agreed to our operational plan." Chen Fengxi stared at the red arrow still in frenzo town on the screen and said slowly, "the only thing to worry about now is the adjudicator's army. I wonder if general Fang can... "

With a bitter smile, Chen Fengxi didn't go on.

At the mention of the adjudicator, the atmosphere became a little depressed. The busy staff around all subconsciously lowered their voices. Slowed down.

As we all know, there are two extremely risky parts in the whole battle plan.

First, the Humvee must wipe out three NATO Armored Divisions and their successors in the town of frenzo. They crossed six war zones from south to north, defeated all the enemies along the way, and cut and encircled the main force of beilif northern cluster in sunset mountain.

Secondly, the main force of Leifeng Island front army must withstand the repeated attacks of NATO main force in sunset mountain until the fierce army completes the strategic encirclement.

In these two parts, the most worrying is the variable of adjudicator!

If the adjudicators of frenzo town are not completely annihilated, the fierce army will not be able to go out of frenzo town and carry out strategic encirclement. Even if it is forcibly implemented, the whole battle plan will face the risk of being dragged down on the way or being seen through just now because of the existence of the adjudicator.

In the sunset mountain, the threat of the adjudicator is greater.

You know, beliff still has at least two whole companies of adjudicators. Once these troops are put into sunset mountain and break through the defense line, the whole war situation will collapse.

Although Duan Tiandao's battle plan made detailed deployment for the defense of sunset mountain, he not only mobilized a special battalion of the first armored division. The main force arriving is also ready to go up at any time.

However, all this is not insurance.

Unless the fierce army can complete the encirclement in time, the sunset mountain defense line will be broken sooner or later.

Chen Fengxi is not a garrulous general. He can definitely support Fang Chutian. When talking about this problem at this time, we can imagine how worried he is in his heart.

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