The general attack on the town of frenzo has been launched. This is the first battle against the adjudicator. It has an extremely important impact on the whole war situation and the morale of all Chinese soldiers.

Annihilating the adjudicator of frenzo town not only means the opening of the western channel of frenzo Town, but also means that the terrible and invincible myth of the adjudicator is destroyed in front of Chinese soldiers!

Looking at Chen Fengxi with a wry smile, Huang Xiaolei didn't speak, and the fierce army generals on one side also kept silent.

They have confidence in the fierce army, but this confidence cannot be transmitted by language.

The only thing that can pass on confidence to others is a hearty victory!

Since this heavy topic was not discussed, the staff put aside their worries and got busy. The headquarters resumed normal operation.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, a crisp electronic sound came from the console. A battle report, flashing red, appeared on the screen.

"War report!" A staff officer ordered the war report and suddenly shouted, "great victory, frenzo great victory!"

With the staff officer's cry, the whole headquarters seemed to freeze. One after another, the electronic sound of the system and the ringing of the telephone make the whole command hall seem very quiet.

"Wipe out the first armored division of Susi!" The voice of a staff officer on the left rang.

"Wipe out the second armored division of suss!" The voice of a staff officer on the right rang.

"Wipe out the first armored division of Baisu stone!" A staff officer in the distance raised his hand. Cried loudly.

"A total of 5000 enemies were killed, 3000 wounded, 8000 captured, and the captured mecha weapons are being counted!"

The staff members reported excitedly, one after another.

Everyone's heart. It was like being hit from the chest to the throat by a fierce battle drum one after another.

"The enemy adjudicator squadron was wiped out!" A staff member jumped up from his chair: "no one missed the net!"

The officers who clenched their teeth and clenched their fists suddenly looked at the big screen.

On the screen, the red arrow that had been stagnant in frenzo town moved quickly at this moment, like a sharp sword, straight to frenzo town and interspersed to the West.

Fight with victory!

The whole headquarters was full of joy and excitement!

The battle of frenzo ended soon.

The prisoners, holding their hands high, came out of the ruins of the city in a long queue and concentrated in the temporary prisoner of war camp under the escort of Chinese soldiers.

"Stop!" A Chinese soldier with a horizontal rifle stopped the prisoners of war.

Under the dim street lamp, the listless prisoners of war stood in place, and heard a huge roar from the intersection.

As the roadside was dirty, the sewage with black and red blood foam splashed everywhere under the tread of a steel mechanical foot. A blue Humvee appeared in front of the infantry cleaning the battlefield and the escorted prisoners of war.

"Speed up!" The platoon officer's mecha marked with two bars stood on the ruins and urged his team loudly.

Rows of mecha, with heavy steps, rolled past the intersection. The residual bricks and broken tiles piled up on both sides of the street jumped rapidly in the violent vibration of the ground.

The fierce army officers on the ruins jumped off the ruins and followed up with big steps after their team ran past. The long mecha team is like a roaring high-speed train, speeding to the West.

The prisoners' eyes were dull. They couldn't understand why they lost the battle.

Not long ago, they swarmed into this town with a population of 400000, annihilated the 172 Chinese division, and marched forward in depth in high spirits.

Unexpectedly, the original good situation was turned over in an instant!

First, the forward troops hit banyunling, hit a head and blood, collapsed for 20 kilometers and lost nearly 30% of their troops. Then, the successor troops outside frenzo were unlucky and were cut and surrounded by the fierce troops quickly interspersed with the defeated forward.

In just a few hours, the troops lost another 30%.

The sudden reversal of the situation left no time for any response.

Especially when Skynet is almost completely dark, fighting a downwind battle can also maintain command and contact. Once defeated, it will fall into chaos.

The rear doesn't know what happened in front, and the front troops don't know where their companions are. Some troops are attacking, some are defending, and the gap between them is like a no man's land.

In order to get rid of this situation, suppress the counterattack momentum of the Chinese people, open up peripheral channels and gather scattered troops. The commander of the USSR bessus coalition launched a counterattack along the central intercity highway.

This is not a wrong decision.

In fact, everyone at that time believed that with the help of 100 adjudicators, the army could make the Chinese retreat in a very short time.

Even if they can't be defeated, they can at least clean up the situation, let the scattered troops return to calm and bring the war situation back to the same situation.

But no one expected that while the counterattack was launched, the rear received news that the west of frenzo was blocked by an armored division that did not know where to detour. The 50 adjudicators who fought back along the intercity highway were slaughtered like melons and vegetables by 300 devil mecha.

When the last arbiter fell, the officers could no longer control their troops.

There were strong enemies before and no reinforcements after. Despair enveloped the whole town of frenzo. Every soldier lost his courage to resist. There are only less than one-third of the three elite armored divisions. In addition to raising their hands and surrendering, they don't know how to face the enemy swarming into the city.

The battle of frenzo came to an end in just a few hours.

What's more terrible is that what happened in this area covered by endless electronic interference and haunting Chinese special teams is not known to the main force of beliff's northern group army.

Ordinary soldiers do not have enough military literacy. They still don't understand the impact of frenzo's defeat in the containment direction on the sunset mountain battle. They just know that when an armored force that can easily defeat the adjudicator enters the battle, when beliff's plan is half cracked, the final direction of the battle, I'm afraid it won't be as wonderful as you expected.

"I have to stay up late again." Duan Tiandao took a cigarette in his mouth and shone on his face at the bright metal plate of the console: "who was his father's idea to cross six war zones in one day? Do not know that lack of sleep will affect skin maintenance and sexual health? "

Seeing that the bitch had photographed his face, he anxiously opened his trouser belt and was ready to look. Tang Xin couldn't help holding his ear and turned his backhand 360 degrees.

Caught off guard, Duan Tiandao's head deviated, and a small group of red and bright soot fell from the cigarette end and fell into the crotch.

With a hissing sound, Duan Tiandao took a sharp breath and twisted his nose and eyes.


Duan Tiandao's painful appearance startled Tang's heart. He subconsciously wanted to reach out and rub it. He took back his hand like an electric shock. He only bit his lips and was at a loss. After a long time, he asked timidly, "is it hot?"

Duan Tiandao wrinkled up a sad face like a sand dog, pulled his trousers belt forward, and said with tears: "look, the second uncle's hair is hot!"

"Dead bastard!" Knowing that Tang Xin was deceived, he was ashamed and anxious. He grabbed the key of Duan Tiandao and looked sideways at Duan Tiandao: "believe it or not, I will abolish this curly scourge now!"

Duan Tiandao couldn't help but be happy. He turned and moaned, "don't believe it!"

Tang Xin spat and released his hand.

I know in my heart that even if she plays with this shameless Fang Chutian, she is not an opponent.

He threw a document on Duan Tiandao. Tang Xinjiao said angrily, "look at the information just sent by Lin Han."

Looking at Tang Xinxian's white jade hand, Duan Tiandao smacked his mouth regretfully, opened the file, looked down and looked at the time.

It's ten o'clock in the evening. It's less than eight hours from dawn.

As expected, beliff's main force quickly launched a lightning attack on the sunset mountain after the attack in frenzo Town, and gradually gained control of most areas west of the sunset mountain after repeated tug of war, pushing the front directly to the foot of the sunset mountain.

On the front of sunset mountain, there are about six NATO armored divisions. In a small area of less than 300 square kilometers, the density of six armored divisions is a bit extravagant.

Obviously, beliff is determined to win the sunset mountain. Having the adjudicator and launching the frenzo town offensive in advance, he did not think that the Chinese army had enough courage and strength to invest in the sunset mountain to resist his attack.

"We only have one day to complete the strategic encirclement." Tang Xin opened the deduction program of the mecha computer, transferred the data in the folder to the program, picked up the electronic pen and drew a red line across the battle plan.

This stroke, from frenzo to the west, then to the north, cuts across Qixing Town and Xiushuihe town in the west of sunset mountain basin.

With the addition of folder data, the intelligence of the area through which the red line passes becomes more detailed. The enemy's strength, theater situation, troop number, terrain, electronic defense and attack strength, sky net integrity, etc. are all clear.

In terms of military strength, the six war zones that the Humvee needs to cross are stationed in the 92nd infantry division, the 19th, 77th, 56th and 141st armored divisions of suss, as well as the 11th infantry division, 155th armored division and the 9th and 210th armored divisions of the army.

These dazzling and troublesome numbers are distributed in an area of nearly 10000 square kilometers along the winding Western defense line of Phoenix.

For more than a month, the war on the western front of Phoenix has not stopped. These NATO forces have been replenished with considerable troops and materials recently. The momentum of attack was very active and the defense was well done.

Several counter raids by the front-line troops failed to cause them any losses. It is not easy to annihilate or defeat them.

If the time is evenly distributed, it means that the fierce army must defeat a division and cross the guarded theater every two hours. This does not count the four NATO armored divisions that have appeared in front of the second armored division.

It was beliff's follow-up force to strengthen the frenzo offensive. They were advancing along the West Bank of the dole River, and their forward force had contacted the second armored division.

"Fourteen hours is enough!" Duan Tiandao opened the cockpit of the mecha and looked at the troops flying by in front of him with a sharp eyebrow. On a simple and honest face, a trace of ferocity appeared.

Don't think beliff is the lightning war.

The fierce army standing at the top of the army in this era will let everyone understand what is the lightning attack sweeping everything! I don't have time to spend with you here!


"Order the troops to speed up, hurry up!" Lieutenant general Forbes walked anxiously back and forth in the spacious cabin of the command aircraft.

Lieutenant general bethus was the commander of the four armored divisions in the second echelon of the battle of frenzo. Responsible for leading the troops to strengthen the attack intensity in this direction after the first phase of the battle of frenzo.

Forbes doesn't like this task. He always hoped that there would be more generals on his shoulders. He was more willing to go to sunset mountain to command his troops to break through the Chinese defense line and obtain greater merit. Instead of carrying out a containment mission on the flank and drinking some residual soup and water.

However, the leading official of the northern cluster was the pudgy marshal beliff of sous.

In the direction of sunset mountain, the most elite and legitimate Su Si troops in beliff's hands were also concentrated. Forbes couldn't get in after thinking of many ways, so he had to retreat and take the task of attacking frenzo.

Because a large number of troops are assembled, it is easy to scare the snake. Therefore, in order to maintain the concealment before the attack, the four Armored Divisions led by Forbes stayed in the mountains 200 kilometers behind the first echelon and did not participate in the first echelon's sudden attack on Fernando.

Although far behind, Forbes was not worried about the battle of Fernando. This battle, long before it started, had been calculated countless times in the deduction computer. Every possible change in the battlefield and every step of the battle plan are in Forbes's mind.

Many previous exercises have shown that with the powerful attack power of three armored divisions and 100 adjudicators in the first echelon, it is simply a matter of pinching hands to defeat frenzo guarded by Huaxia 172 division.

In fact, until he received the news that Fernando was captured and led the troops to set out, the war situation was indeed not beyond his expectation.

But now, Forbes feels a little bad.

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